My world double door

Chapter 106 Magic Market (Please subscribe for more updates!)

In the city lord's palace, the atmosphere was intense and hot. There were six precious luminous pearls placed in the main hall, blooming with brilliance like silk and satin.

The lights were bright, there was singing and dancing, and the nobles played until late at night before they were helped into the carriage and left with their drunken heads.

"Lord Leidel, everything will go well tomorrow."

In front of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, Vin St's body emitted a flame-like light. He whispered a blessing to Redel, and then he soared into the sky amid the flames and left the City Lord's Mansion.

"Lord Redel, I wish everything goes well."

A green light emitted from Megawati's body, and she rose into the sky as soon as she finished speaking, flying towards her family's place.

"City Lord, everything goes well."

Li Yang looked at the two senior mages who were leaving with special effects. He blinked and said something to Lord Raedel. The armor behind him was armed and he flew up towards his mansion. go.

Leidel watched the three mages leave with a smile, then waved his hand and turned back to the brightly lit city lord's mansion.


Nanshan, bandit's village.

Li Yang, wearing a mecha, returned here in a low-key manner and searched the entire village before giving up and letting Udi continue to dig tunnels with his men, then turned and left.

"Damn it, such a powerful mage only left behind a magic secret book and a magic wand. I'm so stingy with you."

Li Yang disappeared from the air while cursing. After returning to the mansion, he washed up and felt that the world was cold. Only by holding three slave girls in his arms could he feel a trace of warmth.

So chilling!




Night, Li Yang's mansion.

The dark wooden sign suddenly trembled, and was immediately detected by the mecha, waking up Li Yang who was sleeping on the small warm bed slave girl.

When I looked up, I saw that the black wooden sign had floated up on its own, pointing straight in one direction.

"Is this, the magic market is open?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Li Yang's eyes, and he quickly got up from the bed and put on his clothes. Seeing that the little slave girls were awakened by his actions, he first used his spiritual power to comfort them and continue to sleep.

"Phew, magic market."

Li Yang directly armed himself and put on the [Qiankun Mecha] and then controlled the [Zongheng Mecha] to activate, simulating the environment to hide his body and fly to the high altitude next to him in one second. Then he took a deep breath. He breathed and looked in the direction pointed by the black token in his hand.

Instead of rushing to set off immediately, he went to his own money storage room first, took out a box of silver coins and hung them around his waist. He also took out a wooden box and put some decorations such as crystal lamps in it, hanging them one on the left and one on the right. On both sides of the mecha, he then moved and quickly left the mansion.

The Magic Market is located in the free trade market in Black Rock City, but when the market is not open, there are just ordinary streets with nothing there.

Li Yang did not fly, but fell to the ground at an extremely fast speed and ran silently under the power of the mecha.


On the dark street, a gust of breeze blew by, waking up the beggar who was sleeping on the street. He looked around subconsciously, but there was nothing. He shrunk his clothes and fell asleep silently.

"Breeding No. 9, have there been beggars in Blackstone City before?"

Li Yang, who was passing by, frowned and couldn't help but ask [Breeding No. 9].

[Due to the existence of slaves, there are almost no beggars in Black Rock City. The beggar who just passed by is not the entire existing population in the black market city, and should be an outsider. According to No. 9, it is speculated that the reason why he is a beggar is that it is difficult to sell him as a slave]

Foreign beggars...

Recalling Udi's previous guess, Li Yang's heart skipped a beat, and then he took a deep breath, and soon arrived at the former free trade market.

It's just that a black fog appeared outside the free trade market that was once freely accessible. It seemed to blend perfectly with the night. If it weren't for Li Yang's mental power, he might not have noticed it at all.


The wooden sign in his hand bloomed with light and shrouded the entrance. The black mist that had the effect of confusing and blocking instantly opened a hole.

Li Yang stepped forward and walked in through the opening of the black mist. His eyes suddenly brightened with each step.

A ball that looks like a large light bulb automatically flies over the entire market, lighting up the market. If you look closely, it is actually a mirror, and the light it emits is collected from all the nearby moonlight.

In addition, there are also flying lanterns, which illuminate the market in the dark night with colors.

Li Yang originally thought that there would be very few people in such a market, but he did not expect that there were many people walking around on the street where he entered. At a rough count, there were hundreds of people, with various stalls randomly placed on both sides.

“The market lasted until daybreak and closed at the crack of dawn for three days.”

"No hands are allowed in the market, no manipulation is allowed, and fake goods are not allowed to be sold, otherwise we will be held accountable to the end."

At the entrance to the mist, there were six burly and strong warriors in silver armor and swords on each side, as well as two magicians in cloaks. They glanced at the serious warning from Li Yang who walked in.

Li Yang thought to himself that it was so attractive and looked quite serious, so he walked in quickly.

Weird magic materials, various magic weapons, and even extraordinary creatures are for sale at some stalls.

To his surprise, there was also slave trading here.

"A young lady from a magical noble family, she is still a beginner, she only needs fifty silver coins!"

Seeing Li Yang staying here, the knight with a noble lady covered in armor and a horse beside him suddenly opened his mouth to introduce.

Magical noble...who the hell takes over such a hot potato?

Li Yang felt happy that he could indeed trade with ordinary currency here, while silently leaving his stall and continuing to look for what he liked.

Not long after, a stall with magic secrets attracted him.

"Psychic fireballs, elemental water arrows, elemental vines, elemental earth walls, elemental wind blades, fifty silver coins each."

The stall owner glanced at Li Yang and spoke calmly.

"It's too expensive. Can it be cheaper?"

Li Yang was a little moved. Looking at the stall owner's expression, he couldn't help but ask.

"You make an offer."

The stall owner looked at him in surprise and spoke in a low voice.

"Twenty-five silver coins each?"

Since he was asked to bid, don't blame him for being rude, Li Yang just cut him in half.

"Okay, how much do you want?"

The stall owner nodded, pushed the magic book to his side, and asked inquiringly.

"I want them all."

With a smile on his face, Li Yang took out one hundred and twenty-five silver coins and put all five magic secret books on the stall owner's shelf into his box.

The box took the money and handed the secret book to Li Yang. Then he opened the box next to him, took out five more identical secret books, and put them on top.

"..." Li Yang paused, suddenly feeling that his price was too high, but after staring at the stall owner's fearless expression, he silently left the stall.

He has money anyway.

I even think that for something that can be obtained so easily with silver coins, I can still earn twenty-five percent of a magic book.

"It shouldn't be that easy to get."

Li Yang thought about it again, maybe because he had the advantage in the world and it was easy to earn silver coins, so he took this matter for granted. He could make money easily by relying on the world's differences.

However, how can a local low-level magician, especially a single one like him, make money?

As a killer?

Li Yang shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Anyway, he bought five magic spells with more than a hundred silver coins. He was in a good mood and continued to wander around the market.

What made him a little embarrassed was that he didn't recognize many of the materials and plants displayed at the magician's stall.

I asked [Breeding No. 9] to scan and check, but I couldn't find out why, so I had to give up these unrecognizable things and focus on magic secrets, magic weapons and extraordinary creatures.

After this selection, there were not many stalls left. Li Yang came across another magic stall and looked up. Five secret books that were exactly the same as the magic secret book in his hand appeared in front of him.

Li Yang pursed his lips and realized something, but he didn't ask and continued to move forward.

When he arrived at a magic weapon shop, he stopped.

"How to sell these things?"

Li Yang looked at the wooden staffs in this shop, as well as long swords, shields, broadswords, and spears, and all kinds of cold weapons, but they were all shining with cold light, and he couldn't help but ask the stall owner.

"A handful of one hundred silver coins."

The stall owner looked at Li Yang with an expression of whether he wanted to buy or not. Li Yang picked up a staff and tried it.

The spiritual power penetrated into it, and it became slightly active...

He thought about what he got from the black-robed haired man...

Li Yang put the things down silently, then picked up other staffs and tried them, and found that they were all exactly the same.

He then tried other weapons and small shields, putting his mental energy into it, and his strength increased...

Is this called a magic weapon?

Li Yang glanced at the arrogant-looking stall owner, put the things on his shop, turned around and left.

"Hey, if you think it's expensive, you can negotiate."

When the stall owner saw him leaving, the expression on his face instantly dropped, and he hurriedly shouted, and Li Yang left without looking back.

He then looked back at the shops behind him again, and suddenly felt that he was not incapable of handling modern handicrafts.


Li Yang muttered silently, and looked at the bustling street again. The tall filter was directly removed, and he straightened his waist instantly and walked forward steadily.

A low-level magic weapon, basic five-element elemental magic, ordinary. It is said to be an extraordinary creature, but in fact it is not a powerful beast.

Li Yang looked all the way and walked through most of the street without meeting anyone he was satisfied with. He was a little speechless.

He continued walking in, until he reached the depths, and finally there was a magic secret book stall with a different one on it.

【Invisibility Magic】

"What effect does invisibility magic have? Is it just visual disappearance to deceive mortals?"

Li Yang walked to the stall, looked at the magic book, and asked casually.

But with this kind of invisibility... his mecha environment simulation is not bad either.

"Of course not. After the [Invisibility Magic] is invisible, even if you sprinkle flour or water on your body, there will be no abnormality, and there will be no shadow, and it will make no sound when it hits the ground. Although it is less effective for intermediate mages and useless for senior mages, it is still the same. This is a very sophisticated magic, how could it be a trick to deceive mortals."

The stall owner heard Li Yang's inquiry and immediately retorted. Li Yang frowned, but after thinking that this thing might have miraculous effects in the future, he nodded: "How do you sell it?"

"Five hundred silver coins."

The stall owner looked at Li Yang and quoted a fortune equivalent to ten ordinary nobles.

"It's too expensive, one hundred silver coins."

Li Yang was not in a hurry to agree. Even if he had money, he didn't want to be taken advantage of, so he tried to negotiate the price.

"It's too low, at least four hundred and eighty silver coins. If you can't get it out, just forget it."

The stall owner frowned, shook his head, and said calmly.

Li Yang got up and left to try, but the stall owner had no response. He walked around, then came back, took out 480 silver coins and bought the [Invisibility Technique] back.

Putting the [Invisibility Technique] into the mecha's storage box, Li Yang ignored the stall owner's glance and continued walking inside.

It's a bit regretful that until the end, he didn't find anything else that particularly attracted him.

"Why is there no magic or magic book related to soul power?"

Li Yang frowned. Walking down such a street, his biggest gain was actually a book on invisibility?

Reluctantly, he walked back carefully and found nothing except those things that really had no apparent effect.

He frowned and suddenly looked at the people coming and going in the middle of the stall and raised his eyebrows. Is there someone with good stuff here?

He thought for a while, came to a relatively dark place, sat down on the spot, opened the box, took out the crystal lamp inside and turned on it. The colored lights immediately lit up, illuminating the surrounding darkness and attracting the attention of passers-by. s concern.

Li Yang smiled, sat behind the wooden box, and used the energy of the mecha to project a piece of writing about this world in the sky: a magic weapon that can absorb solar energy and emit bright light, and can be used without magic; exchange high-quality magic, and spirit Magic-like, and other fine items.

The lights turned on and automatically formed handwriting in the air, instantly attracting the attention of many people.

The words of this world are not that difficult to learn, especially after Li Yang's spiritual power has reached the second transformation, and with the influence of his ears and eyes and the strengthening of his spiritual power, especially with the World Gate's own translation, he has now It has reached the point where daily communication can be carried out without the need for a world gate.

But compared to the built-in translation function of World Gate, it is still used in World Gate. After all, it is difficult for many people in this world to understand the meaning of the secret text. World Gate can be directly translated in the simplest way...

However, this is enough, at least write down some communication things.

The free trade market is not big, and the Magic Market is only one street long. The special situation here quickly attracted the attention of many people.

But after seeing Li Yang's handwriting clearly floating in mid-air, most people could only stare blankly and had no conditions to buy.

Li Yang didn't care, he just let them watch, sitting leisurely on the box containing coins, using the magnetic levitation function of the mecha to reduce the bearing capacity of the iron box, and waited for people to come to the door.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, someone finally came to the front.

"It can be used without magic power. It can automatically absorb solar energy. Are you sure?"

A man in purple robe walked to the stall. He looked at Li Yang's handwriting floating in the air, frowned, and then asked Li Yang.

"Obviously, there is no trace of magic power in it."

Li Yang shrugged his shoulders: "Besides, the market has market rules, isn't it? You will know when you go back and use it. As long as you bask in the sun during the day, it will be bright all night. There is no need to use a trace of your magic power. The only thing The disadvantage is that it is fragile and can only be used for a few years."

The man frowned. He took a crystal ball and looked at it carefully. His expression was a little confused, but in the end the confusion turned into acceptance.

"This, do you want to change it?"

The man took out a secret book from his arms, brought it to Li Yang, and spoke softly.

【Soul Stab】

Li Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "Tell me about the efficiency of soul power."

"Three times, it can be used without affecting the soul body."

The man spoke softly, and his expression relaxed a lot after hearing Li Yang's question.

[Soul-Breaking Technique] is now only 1.5 times.


Li Yang remained calm and handed him the crystal lamp he bought for seventy yuan. After taking it, the man turned off the lamp, carefully put it back into his package, held it in his arms, and turned to leave.

Li Yang put the secret book into the mecha's storage box, took out a crystal lamp, and continued to wait for the next person to take the bait.

Unfortunately, no one continued to patronize his stall until it got light and the market closed.

However, Li Yang was not discouraged. The market was open for three days in a row. There will be two more days after today. Maybe there will be a harvest in the next two days.

And...the harvest in these two days is already rich enough compared to before!

Li Yang smiled. He couldn't see anything while wearing the mecha. He looked at the [Zongheng Mecha] hidden in the clouds and let it continue to follow him for safety reasons. He packed up his things and went to Blackstone City. After walking around twice, he returned to his mansion in a low-key manner.

It was a bit strange why he didn't meet Vin St and Megawati Riley, but Li Yang didn't care. After all, the quality of this magic market today was too low. Mages like them might not care about it at all. thing.


Returning to his room, Li Yang opened the mecha storage box and looked at the nine secret books and a magic potion the size of a mineral water bottle. A bright smile couldn't help but appear at the corner of his mouth.

He was not in a hurry to continue his research, but took off his mecha and asked the mecha to activate the alert and guard mode to stay by his side. He lay on the bed and fell asleep slowly to regain his energy.

It wasn't until around ten o'clock in the morning that Li Yang, who was refreshed and refreshed, went to have breakfast, then sat down alone in the study and opened the most important secret book [Book of Chaos Magic].

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