My world double door

Chapter 107 Thunder Mage

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, light, darkness, wind and thunder...all kinds of different elements fill the world, making up everything in people's daily lives.

The power emitted by the elements forms everything in the mortal world. In other words, the root of everything in the mortal world is the power of the elements.

As for magic, the magician communicates with the elements between heaven and earth through magical and powerful spiritual power, and converts the elemental baptism into power that can be used by himself in a specific way, and absorbs it into his body to strengthen himself.

Use the power of elements to change yourself, so that your body will naturally produce your own power. This power will not disappear because it is consumed and no elemental power is absorbed. Instead, it is like a part of the body. As long as it is obtained, even if it is consumed, it can be passed through daily activities. Eat, drink and rest to recover automatically.

If you are exposed to elemental power, the consumed power will be recovered much faster than when the absorption is enhanced.

This power is called magic power.

Li Yang was sitting in the study, flipping through the contents of the [Book of Chaos Magic], and couldn't help but sink in when he saw the explanation and understanding of magic.

"Spiritual power is the power of human nature, and magic is a new power generated by the fusion of the elemental power of heaven and earth and spiritual power. That's it."

Li Yang read it several times, and with the help of World Gate, he had a thorough understanding of the material in this book. After reading it again, he closed the book and thought to himself.

At the same time, there is a new understanding of flame mages and death mages.

"Elemental power must be pure. If you absorb a certain element, you will gradually turn into a life form similar to the element. A person's body cannot be compatible with the second kind of magic power, just like fire does not appear in water, even if it is temporary. Forcibly appearing will also forcibly change the original form of water, and it will no longer be its original appearance, and both water and fire will eventually continue to decay."

"Even if there are fire and wood elements, although theoretically wood creates fire, when the two meet, the wood will decline because the fire is suppressing it. The fire will be strong for a while because the wood is burned, but eventually the fire will go out after the wood burns. Even if Forcibly returning to stability will also cause the fire to be incomplete due to the losses caused by burning the wood."

After the elemental power is combined with the magician to become magic power, there will be consumption and wear and tear with other elements and magicians.

When the elements have been combined with the magician, this kind of consumption and wear and tear is terrifying, because as the elements crazy consume and annihilate each other, the magician himself will continue to be damaged. If he is not careful, the elements will collide with each other. Under this condition, the magician will eventually die completely due to the collision and annihilation between elements.

The only thing in this world that can accommodate different elements at the same time is the world.

Therefore, the magician must choose the magic attribute well, because once chosen, it is almost impossible to change it in the future. The chosen magic attribute will become the power that will accompany the magician throughout his life.

But similarly, the power of a magician who has chosen the corresponding attribute will be greatly increased when casting magic with the same magic attribute as his own, which is more than twice as powerful as the power that can be caused by directly using the same level of soul power to cast magic.

Of course, because of the existence of spiritual power, even the flame mage can directly outline the elements of heaven and earth through spiritual power to cast water magic, but the power is not the same as the water magic cast by the water magician.

After digesting these basic magic knowledge, Li Yang naturally thought that since magic cannot coexist in the body, when casting magic outside the body, can he use the principle of mutual generation and restraint of attributes to combine the magical power of a single attribute? Expansion.

Not to mention these, chaos magic is the most special among all attribute magics, because it absorbs the power of non-attribute elements other than various attributes. In other words, this is no longer attribute power, but the power of heaven and earth.

But this kind of power can be converted into magic power of any attribute in the later stage. Although it takes a certain amount of time, it also gives you an opportunity to choose.

Moreover, Chaos Magic can also cast magic of any attribute. The only pity is that with these convenient conditions, the power of any magic cast by the corresponding Chaos Magic is only about 1.4 times that of the direct outline of soul power. It is stronger than any other magic. All magic of this attribute cast by attribute mage is weak.

If you use magic that is too weak to deal with stronger magic, even if the attributes are incompatible, you will still be crushed.

Just like water can extinguish fire, but it must be equal to water and fire. Even if a Chaos Mage of the same level casts restraint magic, he can only be on par with a mage of this attribute. Once he masters the magic or powerful magic that cannot restrain the opponent, ...That is basically a sure defeat.

"The only special element between heaven and earth is the element of thunder and lightning, because the element of thunder and lightning will only briefly appear in the world during a few occasions such as rain and thunder. At other times, the element of thunder and lightning does not exist between heaven and earth. Therefore, although the Thunder Mage is recognized as the most Being powerful is also the most difficult to achieve, and has almost become a legendary existence."

If you want to absorb the power of elements and become your own magic power, you must communicate with the elements of heaven and earth for the first time with your own spiritual power, in order to guide them into your body to form magic power.

Otherwise, once it is contaminated with someone else's soul or magic breath, the corresponding imprint will be directly formed, and the other person will not be able to use it at all, and will only be repelled by him, unable to produce magic power.

In other words, if you want the magic power of any element, you must communicate with the elements of heaven and earth yourself, and cannot borrow them in any form. Only in this way can the purity of the elements be maintained, otherwise even the breath of the magic weapon, the elements It will also be contaminated with the relevant magical atmosphere, making it impossible for others to use it.

This means that if a magician wants to become a thunder mage, he must be able to survive a thunderstorm on a rainy day, and he must be able to enter a state of absolute silence under the damage of this thunder, communicate and transform the thunder elements into his own thunder and lightning magic power.

The conditions are so harsh that they simply don’t treat people as human beings.

Thunder and lightning are violent, domineering, unparalleled in power, and extremely fast. They are extremely destructive to everything in the world.

Thunder also represents supremacy and the power of judgment. Even the giant dragon is afraid of the power of thunder. The Thunder Mage is the only one who can kill the Holy Beast Mage.

Holy Beast Mages are a general term for those mages who have been in contact with powerful extraordinary creatures since childhood, use their soul power to communicate with them, and grow together with powerful extraordinary creatures. The most famous among such Holy Beast Mages is undoubtedly the Dragon Control Mage. They are a group of terrifying mages who control giant dragons.

It's just that even such a mage will be defeated or even die when facing the supreme thunder of heaven and earth.

This is the only Thunder Mage in the world.

It's just a pity that once the ancient thunder and lightning disappeared, the naturally generated thunder and lightning in the world was too rare. Even if you were awesome enough to practice magic power with lightning strikes, your progress would be slow because it was difficult to continue to absorb more thunder and lightning. In the end, thunder and lightning The number of mages is also getting smaller and smaller.

Even if there are, there are not many of them, and the thunder mages who are famous in the mainland no longer exist like in ancient times.

The [Book of Chaos Magic Power] not only records the origin and cause of magic power, the cultivation methods of magic power, and the special refining methods of chaos magic power, but also records many stories about magic power, especially the thunder and lightning magic power.

Not only is this true for the [Book of Chaos Magic Power], but when Li Yang opened the [Book of Fire Magic Power] given by the Flame Mage Pattern, he found that it was also the same. In addition to the special refining methods and techniques of magic power, which were changed from chaos magic power to fire magic power, it was recorded later. Author: Although the flame magic bursts, there is still a power in the world that is a hundred times more powerful than the flame magic burst, and it is the thunder and lightning magic...

But Li Yang had a different view.

"The reason why people in this world cannot absorb thunder and lightning through other methods is because the methods they can access thunder and lightning are all related to magic. It is either the spiritual power of a powerful magician, magic power, or a magic weapon. In addition, There is nothing mundane outside that can bring electricity."

"But... modern society is different."

Li Yang's eyes lit up. The most important thing was that he discovered that whether it was the chaos magic refining method or the fire magic refining method mentioned in the [Fire Magic Book] or the [Chaos Magic Book], they were just more efficient methods. Just a skill.

The most important thing is the knowledge of how to refine magic power, which is the same for both.

So the question is, if he uses electricity in modern society, can he cultivate the magic power of thunder and lightning?

Thinking of this, Li Yang's expression changed again, because he remembered that the solar crystal lamps he traded... were all charged.

Thinking of this, Li Yang almost couldn't wait to turn on the modern solar light installed in the study, then looked at the bright light of the light and closed his eyes, silently sensing his surroundings.

Half an hour later, Li Yang opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, although the lights were always on, he didn't feel any thunder and lightning elements.

"So does this also prove that ordinary electricity does not contain thunder and lightning elements?"

A flash of speculation flashed through Li Yang's mind, and he was both thankful and a little regretful.

Doesn't this mean that his practice of magical power is no longer that simple?

"The electricity contained in solar lights is still too low. Maybe there are household wires and high-voltage electricity?"

The key to the magic of thunder and lightning is the element of thunder and lightning, not thunder and lightning. The reason why you have to practice with thunder and lightning is because the thunder and lightning between heaven and earth dissipate too fast. If you don't practice in this direct way, you will have no chance to absorb the thunder and lightning element.

But if high-voltage electricity and household electricity contain lightning elements... then the current in high-voltage electricity and household wires is always there.

He doesn't need to receive electricity and absorb it at the same time. He can just sit next to the wire insulator to absorb and practice.

In addition, his mecha can also convert electrical energy.

Li Yang was thinking in his heart and couldn't help but feel itchy.

So the question is... Should he try to absorb the lightning element now?

"But what should I do if I don't have lightning magic?"

A question mark flashed in Li Yang's heart, but then he relaxed.

Just like a fire mage can summon elemental fire attacks without specific fire magic, a thunder mage can still summon thunder and lightning attacks through his own thunder magic and heaven and earth induction, even if he does not have a specific thunder and lightning magic inheritance.

Just the lightning attack is already very powerful.

At least it's stronger than many of the magics he has.

The most important thing is that the Thunder Mage has the natural ability to control thunder and lightning, just like the Fire Mage can easily control fire... This ability is very useful in the world of technology.

And... an opportunity to become the strongest is right in front of you. Is it possible that you don't have to use it because you don't have any means of output and choose something else?

No magic is temporary, choosing magic is a lifelong matter.

"Huh, Qiankun, condense electricity to the greatest extent without affecting anything around you."

Li Yang was the first to set his sights on the multifunctional portable mecha [Qiankun] beside him. As a super technological crystal that can fly at Mach 5, Qiankun's energy absorption and energy release system is very comprehensive.

Even if there is only a trace of residual energy, this trace of energy can be used to decompose water to obtain energy that exceeds the amount of energy consumed, and then it can be recycled and transformed. As long as there is a trace of energy, the energy can be replenished by adding water.

And if you bask in the sun, it is easier and more convenient.

It is precisely this kind of powerful energy utilization that can lead to the birth of mechas.

Similarly, Qiankun converts any energy into electricity very conveniently and easily, and has extremely high control.

After listening to Li Yang's words, the Qiankun mecha's built-in strong artificial intelligence immediately detected the surrounding environment, automatically made a fist, and began to convert and condense electricity in the palm of its hand, and restrained the electricity from being transmitted outside through various methods.

Three seconds later, a ball of purple lightning loomed in the fist of the Qiankun mecha, but Li Yang beside him didn't notice it at all.

【Has reached peak】

Hearing the prompt from the intelligent system, Li Yang immediately took a deep breath and crossed his legs to enter the deep meditation state necessary to communicate with the energy of heaven and earth.

Not long after, Li Yang's mental power spread from his mind in the calmest manner and entered the surrounding space. Various colors vaguely appeared around him. He meditated for a moment, allowing his mental fluctuations to appear the most stable and quiet. fluctuation.

As the spiritual frequency changes, various colors gradually emerge in the world in front of you.

Gold element, wood element, water element, earth element, fire element, five colors of light shine in the mind, which are the basic five elements that make up the heaven and earth.

In addition, there are clusters of bright rays of light floating among the five elements. This is the light element shining from the sun.

And among the light of these elements... a group of white-purple elements that are far thicker and more conspicuous than other elements appears in the exploration of the spiritual world.

The entire perception space is filled with various elements, but only here, the position held by the Qiankun Mecha has this special element.

————Different from all the elements of heaven and earth, the element of thunder and lightning!


Feeling the thunder and lightning elements in the spiritual world, Li Yang felt a burst of joy. He was so happy that he almost quit his calm state. He quickly adjusted his breathing and mobilized his mental power to touch this ball of thunder and lightning elements. He instantly felt refreshed. The numbing feeling is transmitted from the spiritual power to one's own perception.

He hurriedly increased the output of his spiritual power, letting his spiritual power control these thunder elements to drain out the harmful power in a special form, leaving only the most essential thunder element essence, and then his spiritual power penetrated into the thunder element essence. , and then take it back into the body.

In an instant, a warm feeling came from the body, and the pure thunder element essence was integrated into the body from the void. After contact with flesh and blood, it entrenched itself inside Li Yang's body, and was eventually absorbed by the body. .

This step was repeated one grain after another of thunder element essence, until suddenly, Li Yang felt a warmth suddenly arise in his internal organs, and in an instant, an extremely subtle wave was produced on the remaining thunder element in the mecha's hand. of perception.

He continued to absorb the thunder element until the warmth generated in his body became strong and clearly appeared in his perception. At the same time, his body felt hot and uncomfortable, and he hurriedly stopped absorbing and quit. state of practice.

"Hoo, hoo~"

Li Yang opened his eyes, breathing heavily, feeling hot all over his body, but he ignored it and hurriedly felt the strong warm power inside his body. He tried to mobilize this power, and the next moment , a flash of electricity flashed in Li Yang's eyes, and suddenly a hair-like lightning flashed in the study room in front of him.


With a crisp sound, a wooden chair in front of Li Yang was shattered directly, and a basin-sized hole appeared on the bluestone.

Looking at the warm power in the body, it was only one tenth less.

"It really works."

Li Yang's eyes were gleaming, and he looked at the potholes on the ground excitedly. The next moment he felt the heat on his body, and he hurriedly asked the mecha to activate the cooling mode to drive away the heat.


The Qiankun mecha sprayed out a ball of biological cooling mist, and Li Yang's abnormal condition was quickly smoothed away. He instantly felt much more relaxed. He exhaled softly, sat back on the chair, and felt the pain in his body again. A burning force, the corner of his mouth grinned.

"I lack experience in practicing for the first time, and the absorption of elemental power is not something that can be accomplished overnight. Excessive practice will undoubtedly cause harm to the body."

Li Yang recalled the state just now and couldn't help but sit up again to sum up his experience. Fortunately, his body had become very powerful after taking genetic medicine. Otherwise, if he had absorbed a ray of thunder element for the first time, he would have lost half his life.

Not to mention that he could cultivate the magic power of thunder and lightning in one go.

No... I should say, it's the magic of thunder!

"Thunder Mage."

Li Yang rubbed his fingers, a flash of lightning flashed, and the corner of his mouth curled up involuntarily.

Considering that there was still a magic fair held at night, he calmed down and was about to continue learning other magics. Suddenly, he heard a servant reminding him that it was lunch time. He immediately shrugged his shoulders, temporarily suspended the study plan, and turned around to enjoy lunch. .

When he arrived at the door of the study, he looked at the sky and stretched happily.

Master Li is in a good mood after becoming the legendary Thunder Mage in the local area.

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