My world double door

Chapter 108 The Last Night (please subscribe)


Beside the deserted pool, a roaring fireball shot up in the air and suddenly landed on a stone the size of a washbasin. With a bang, the entire stone was instantly burned to the ground.


An invisible wind blade made a whistling sound in the air, easily cutting off a small tree.


More than a dozen water arrows roared, piercing into the lake and causing waves.


A wrist-thick vine with barbs emerged from the ground and grew to five meters long in the wind. It made a whip mark on the ground with a snap.


A five-meter-high and one-meter-thick earth wall was born. The next moment, wind blades flew, fireballs bombarded, water arrows shot, vines slapped, and the earth wall suddenly exploded under successive attacks.

"Huh, no wonder the second transformation of spiritual power is so difficult in [Necromancer Enlightenment]."

The sun had already set more than half way down, and the sky became much darker. Li Yang stood by the lake, wiping away the non-existent sweat, feeling a little tired.

At the same time, I was also satisfied with the magical power exerted by my spiritual power, which Master Wen said had reached the level of a junior mage.

No wonder the power of extraordinary beings in this world is so high. A basic extraordinary person would have a hard time dealing with an ordinary person who is brave and good at fighting. But once it reaches Li Yang's current level, it is no problem to defeat twenty or thirty people by sight. This is just the use of The result of spiritual power.

Of course, ordinary mages may not necessarily have this level of spiritual power when they reach the elementary level, but even if it is a single magic, it is more powerful with the blessing of magic power, and it cannot be matched by twenty or thirty ordinary people.

And this is the most widely spread basic Five Elements Magic.

Once you reach a certain height, the status of being revered by extraordinary people is inevitable.

Thinking quietly in his heart, Li Yang once again tried to cast [Invisibility Magic]. His body fluctuated under the consumption of soul power, and then he tried to look in the mirror he carried with him.

The head disappeared from sight, but the body was still fine.

"It seems that more advanced magic is not so easy to master."

Li Yang removed the invisibility magic speechlessly. Feeling the exhaustion of violent consumption of mental power, he shook his head and did not continue training. Instead, he put on the mecha and flew back to his mansion as a monk.

It only took one afternoon to learn the five basic magics, and the harvest was already very good.

Invisibility magic and soul stabbing magic can only be practiced in the future.

We have to go to the magic market at night, so we need to get some rest early.

However, considering that the Chinese New Year is approaching in the real world, the contacts may have been frequent recently. After taking a shower, Li Yang took advantage of the time to go to the toilet to return to the real world and reply to various messages on his phone.

"I'll go back in two days. Isn't it today the 26th of the lunar calendar? Don't worry, I will definitely go back on the 28th. If I can't, I will go back on the 29th. There are really important things in these two days."

"That's it for now, I'm going to get busy."

"KTV? How is the quality of the actors? I've been very busy these two days. Let's talk about it when I get back."


In the real world, it’s morning in reverse.

After replying to the message, Li Yang didn't bother to go upstairs. He replied directly in the basement. Then he clicked on the friend application and took a look. He found a nickname with a flower emoticon, and the avatar should be himself. It looked quite charming. The woman raised her eyebrows and agreed to the request.

After agreeing, seeing that nothing happened, Li Yang returned to the second world.

【:I’m glad to contact you. Would you like me to meet you? 】

In the bright residence, after sending the message, Yu Xiaohua put down her phone nervously when she saw that she had not received a reply for a long time.




late at night.

The wooden black sign blooms with light, and the magic market opens again.

Li Yang woke up from his sleep and immediately felt clear-headed. After a sleep, the mental power he had consumed last night had almost been restored.

He rubbed his brows, exhaled, looked at the three little slave girls beside him, waved his hand, and the surge of spiritual power once again made them fall into a deep sleep.

Immediately after feeling the warm power in his body, a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth. He got up from the bed and put on the mecha again. He packed up the silver coin box and item box that he packed before going to bed, and once again headed towards the free trade market. Go.

Walking through the dim city lanes and passing a few beggars who had nowhere to hide, Li Yang quickly arrived at the free trade market, took out his token, and walked in with a familiarity.

"There will be an auction tomorrow, and all the good stuff will appear then."

Guarding the entrance were still two fierce warriors in full armor on the left and right. Each of them was filled with extraordinary power. When the two magicians saw Li Yang coming in, they said something casually.

Auction fair?

Li Yang raised his eyebrows, glanced at them, nodded, and then strode towards the market.

This time Li Yang walked around the market as usual, but didn't see anything useful, so he repeated what he did last night, found a dark place, set up a crystal lighting stall, and continued to wait for what he wanted. The desired deal arrives.

Just when the market was about to close, no one came to trade. Just when Li Yang was frowning and preparing to retreat, a man finally came over. He frowned and looked at Li Yang's things carefully, and then hesitated for a moment. , took out a classic and showed it.

"[Soul Training Method] As the name suggests, this is a book for training soul power. It can help people train their soul power until they can undergo three transformations and become an intermediate mage."

After finishing speaking, the man shrugged: "Of course, the above training method will increase the soul power very slowly. It will take a lot of time to reach the level of three transformations. What is really precious is the skill of carrying out three transformations. If you think it is suitable, , we can make a deal.”

When the soul power reaches the third transformation, is it an intermediate mage?

Li Yang looked at the man's secret book, and the soul power increase speed of [Eating Body Strengthening Magic] flashed in his mind. A smile flashed at the corner of his mouth, he nodded and agreed to the deal, and exchanged this spell with him for a crystal lamp. .

After the exchange was completed, it was almost dawn. Li Yang closed the stall directly, took today's harvest, and strode out of the free trade market. Then he turned left and right, turned a few corners, returned to his home, and picked up the I looked through the [Soul Training Method] I got from the transaction.

"It's really slow..."

Li Yang was speechless after reading the contents of [Soul Training Method].

Construct a special soul power circulation cycle, allowing the soul power to increase in quality bit by bit during the cycle, and enhance the soul power by strengthening sleep patterns.

To put it simply, this is too simple. If you continue to play this way, how long will it take to increase the soul power to the point where it can undergo three transformations?

Fortunately, the content about the third evolution of soul power is true. As for the improvement of soul power... of course, you always use the [Eating Body Strengthening Technique]

After all, [Eating Body Strengthening Technique] just lacks the content of another transformation. It directly absorbs the residual energy of genes and rapidly increases the soul power in a form that has no upper limit.

Compared with the simple and crude [Soul Training Method], the [Food Body Strengthening Technique] is now more convenient for improving mental strength.

"It can be combined, so that the soul can grow while sleeping."

Li Yang's heart moved secretly, and then he thought about whether he could bring his three mutated zombie servants out of the underground space.

At the same time, his mental power is now very strong, and he can control many more zombie servants, if he wants to control a few more.

But it doesn’t seem to be very necessary.

"Let's wait until the Magic Fair is over to see what else we can find, and then go home and celebrate the New Year."

In just two days, there have been many strange beggars in Black Rock City. Udi's speculation that Black Rock City is going to be in chaos is probably true.

But corpse servants must be used well to be effective, and his current mental strength is not enough to control more than a thousand corpse servants. If he wants to achieve effective control, he must control dozens more at most.

Otherwise, even if a thousand copies are divided, the result will only be to drive a thousand real walking zombies, rather than just controlling dozens of corpse servants who can issue more precise orders.

Moreover, he hasn't had time to prepare high-performance armor made with modern technology for his corpse servants.

Li Yang is planning to build a steel processing factory by himself in the next year to process the things needed by these slaves. If there is any chaos by then, he will have more than a hundred small guard slaves, and more than a hundred ordinary slaves, and dozens of full-body slaves. The steel-armored corpse servant who is not afraid of life and death is enough for the outside.

If that doesn't work...just use the [Zongheng] mecha.

The Zongheng mecha is Li Yang's strongest trump card at present, especially after realizing that the flame mage pattern and the senior pharmacist Megawati seem to have some information about his current [Qiankun] mecha, Li Yang doesn't want to It was exposed easily.

Only unexpected trump cards can produce the most unexpected effects.

However, the Corpse Servant Army's trump card, which does not exceed the standard, can be revealed... After all, Li Yang has shown it before.

With Vin St's mental strength, Li Yang didn't believe that he couldn't tell that the three hooded black men around him were corpse servants.

Thinking in his mind, Li Yang memorized the contents of the [Soul Exercise Method], then stretched his body, tried to use the method to use his spiritual power, and fell into the naked arms of the three little slave girls, enjoying the softness. Fall into a deep sleep.

[Soul Exercise Method] The content of promoting sleep and improving mental strength is really not difficult. Li Yang, who has already obtained the second transformation of mental strength, can easily use it successfully.


In the early morning of the next day, Li Yang got up refreshed after a good sleep with the [Soul Exercise Method] and felt that his soul power had not only returned to its peak, but also seemed to have increased slightly.

But... this is too subtle.

Li Yang grinned, patted the buttocks of the female slaves who were serving him, and asked them to help him wash up, and then help him eat breakfast.

A nutritious breakfast makes the thunder and lightning magic in the body work more comfortably.

After breakfast, I went directly back to the study and started practicing the [Eating Body Strengthening Magic] for three hours.

The residual energy in the genes was quickly absorbed by the more powerful soul power. After the second transformation, the soul power absorbed a much greater degree of genetic residual energy. It absorbed the genetic residue brought by the last [Explosion Potion] in one go. One-tenth of the degree.

Immediately after his soul felt swollen, Li Yang began to stop practicing. When his soul power was exhausted, he let the [Qiankun Mecha] release a sufficient amount of electrical energy again, entered a deep meditation state, calmed the soul frequency, and began to absorb thunder and lightning. element.

Repeatedly, the power of thunder and lightning elements is driven away harmful substances, and the pure energy is partially absorbed by the body.

The warm power in the body began to be compensated and strengthened.

This time, Li Yang did not absorb as much as last time, but only reached two-thirds of the level last time. He felt that the thunder and lightning magic power in his body had increased a lot, so he stopped absorbing, opened his eyes, and felt a slight tremor all over his body. Fever, but it feels like running, so it’s not a big problem.

"Fortunately, my soul power is now so strong that I only need a short amount of sleep at night to recover. Otherwise, my whole day would be occupied by cultivation."

After practicing, Li Yang murmured in his heart that in the past two days, he went to attend the magic fair late at night. As a result, his training time of [Eating Body Strengthening Magic] originally scheduled for early morning and night was squeezed into the daytime, taking up a lot of his time during the day.

Fortunately, you don’t have to do this at ordinary times. You can put the time to practice at night. Otherwise, you will just focus on practicing and not enjoy it at all.

After absorbing the thunder and lightning elements, it was time for lunch. The absorption of the thunder and lightning elements made Li Yang feel hungry. He murmured in his heart and went to eat lunch feeling relaxed under the service of the little slave girl.

As he ate a lot of food at lunch, feeling full and comfortable, Li Yang cheered up and decided to use the afternoon to study two magic spells that he had not learned yet.

He did not go outside the city anymore, but started practicing [Invisibility Magic] in his study, trying to master it again and again.

Fortunately, although [Invisibility Magic] is also a sophisticated magic, it is not particularly advanced. By dinner time, Li Yang's mastery of it had been greatly improved.

When it is used again, half of the body can be made invisible.

It's a pity that some legs and feet are still exposed...

"It will be successful in two days."

Li Yang thought in his heart and felt the exhaustion of his soul power. He stopped practicing and chose to sleep through the [Soul Exercise Method]. Only then did he discover that such a method can speed up the recovery of the soul during sleep... …It’s still pretty ok.

There was an auction at the magic market late at night, and he had to keep his soul power sufficient.


As late at night arrives, the free trade market is particularly lively tonight.


A ball of fire shone, and Vin St, whose body was exuding fire magic power, and Megawati Riley, who was exuding life and wood magic power fluctuations, descended from the sky one after another and appeared in the magic trading market.

They did not use tokens to enter from the entrance, but landed directly at the deepest part of the market. The magic circle that enveloped the market was ineffective for them.

The people who were originally wandering around the market have long since disappeared. They all gathered in the deepest place, looking at the high platform deep in the depths with fiery eyes.

There are five chairs closest to the high platform. In addition to the two senior magicians Wen and Megawati, there is also a strange mage chatting happily with Wen and Megawati. Apart from the other two of them, The other two were the two organizers of the trade fair. One was wearing armor and holding a giant gun, and was accompanied by a knight on a green horse.

With a magician wearing a magic star robe and holding a staff.

Behind the five people is a trapezoidal seating platform that was built at some point, and in front of the five people is the auction house that is higher than the ground.

At the front of the trapezoidal platform, Li Yang looked at the five people in front of him with slightly moved eyes, and his fingers couldn't help but rub the armor.

Vin and Megawati didn't attend the Magic Fair two days ago, but they both came today.

In addition to him, there are three transcendent beings who can be equal to them, which means... there must be good things in this auction.

‘The silver coin belt is missing. ’

A thought flashed through his mind. Li Yang only brought a thousand silver coins today, but he hesitated but had no intention of going back to get them.

Although Liulibao Shop makes money, due to the short time and expenses, he does not earn a lot of silver coins. After taking out these one thousand silver coins, in addition to a large number of copper coins, there are only more than 300 silver coins left in the treasury.

Moreover, the mansion must be kept running. There may be changes coming soon, and enough turnover must be reserved for the servants in the mansion. Even if they want to use it again, they will only take out another two hundred silver coins at most.

In comparison, if the thousand silver coins in his hand and the large crystal lamp in the box were not enough, two hundred silver coins might be nothing.

While Li Yang was thinking, the auction in front of him soon started. A mage with the aura of a high-level magician came to the stage, his eyes flashed with fierce aura, and sharp golden magic power surged around him. , attracted everyone's attention as soon as he appeared.

"...Today's first auction item is: the high-level magic weapon [Lazuli Blade]. As a high-level magic weapon, the Lazuli Blade has extremely powerful lethality and can be activated by any magic power. "

After going on stage and making some simple polite words to raise the atmosphere, the senior mage on the booth spoke directly. Then he stretched out his hand to hold the auctioned magic weapon. The magic power in his body poured into it, and in an instant, a terrifying and sharp aura enveloped it. Everyone in the audience was horrified.

He then asked the waiter on the side to test it. The waiter's earth magic poured into it, and a heavy sense of oppression emerged. He handed it to the warriors and knights in the stands one after another, all showing different effects according to the corresponding power attributes. The terrifying power.

"You must have felt this [Lazuli Blade], so the auction will begin. This item can only be exchanged for magic items or gold items..."

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