My world double door

Chapter 109 Immortal Gold

[Highly damaging weapons detected, the strongest defense function has been activated, please pay attention to safety]

Under the stage, Li Yang looked at the long and narrow sword on the exhibition stand with a look of surprise in his eyes. He finally encountered something with an attack power worthy of his mecha.

It is certainly unusual to be able to have a mecha intelligently send out prompts, but at the same time, it is not to the point where it is completely defenseless.

There are indeed good things in this world.

Li Yang was a little disappointed when he heard that the other party only exchanged it for magic items. There was a high probability that the other party would not exchange his crystal lamp.

But when he heard the golden thing, Li Yang was startled again.


Li Yang looked surprised. This was the first time he heard the word "gold" from the indigenous people of this world.

The translation that comes with World Gate is directly converted into words that correspond to his knowledge. At present, even the content of the exercises is correct, which means that the words he hears are basically the original meaning.

So...this thing can be exchanged for gold?

Could it be that gold has something unique in this world?

"I haven't heard of gold for a long time. I wonder if anyone has it."

"Even if there is, who can exchange it for this? You must know that gold is a necessary thing to achieve the highest level of cultivation. For such a precious thing, you can't exchange it for anything you want."

"Oh, I heard that in ancient times gold was everywhere and even mortals could possess it. But now it has been looted and it is hard to even see it..."

The moment the auction item was asked to be auctioned, there was a lot of discussion in the stands. Li Yang's ears twitched slightly and he couldn't help but have a strange look on his face.

"No need to argue, all we need is 10 grams of gold."

The Ruijin mage on the stage heard the discussion of the auctioneers below, and couldn't help but feel a flash of helplessness in his expression. He then said: "Even the immortal material in gold is not much, it is almost as much as the magician's body." Only heavy gold can truly elevate a super magician to the level of a magic master."

"Ten grams of gold contains only a very small amount of immortal matter. The value of this lapis lazuli blade is beyond that."

Master Ruijin said, and the lapis lazuli blade in his hand once again burst out with mighty power, suppressing the discussion in the audience. He followed him before he stopped, and looked down expectantly at everyone except the two of them and him. There are three high-level transcendent beings besides our own who are holding the place together.

"Unfortunately, I can't come up with the gold."

The senior magician Li Yang had never seen before shrugged his shoulders. Master Ruijin nodded regretfully and then looked at the other two.

Vin St smiled and said nothing, but Megawati thought about it and took out an extremely fine gold particle from the expression that shocked everyone.

"I only have 5 grams of gold. If you are willing, you can use these 5 grams of gold and add a bottle of high-level magic power enhancement potion to exchange it with you."

Megawati held up a bottle of potion that exuded powerful energy and a very tiny grain of gold, and looked at the stage with a smile.

"make a deal!"

Master Ruijin looked over at the first sight, reached a deal decisively, and immediately went to exchange items with the famous senior pharmacist on the spot.

Megawati handed over the 5-gram golden treasure, then handed over the high-level magic power enhancement potion, and took the narrow lapis lazuli blade from the opponent's hand with a smile.

"As expected of a senior pharmacist, he is so rich."

"This is the first time in my life that I have seen such a legendary item."

There was a burst of discussion about gold around him. Li Yang rubbed his fingers silently and did not answer. He just looked at the five high-level extraordinary people in front of him with emotion.

At Lord Reddell's banquet, as a magician, he could still be invited to the same position as Vin St and Megawati Riley, but here, he was directly assigned a seat with them. .

But... now I look at the scene where they are cherishing these few grams of gold.

Is this a difference in... circles?

If you tell them that you traded a hundred pounds of gold a few months ago, will they go crazy?

A scene of a group of fierce men beating him suddenly flashed through Li Yang's mind, and he silently gave up the idea of ​​bringing gold over.

No wonder, the highest level of currency in this world is silver coins, and there is no logical gold coin.

Behind all unreasonable things, there is a necessary reason.

"The following is the second auction item. It is a consigned auction item. It is an intermediate spell [Levitation Technique]. This spell allows intermediate magicians to float into the air without relying on magic weapons. It is rare and precious. magic."

"The starting price is 70 silver coins. You can also use other magic items..."

After the Ruijin Mage on the stage checked the authenticity of the gold and the high-level magic power-enhancing potion, he handed it over to the hands of the person behind the scenes, and then took out the second exhibit and showed it to everyone. The magicians above instantly had several people participating in the bidding.

‘Levitation technique? ’

Li Yang hesitated for a moment. He had a [Qiankun Mecha] and didn't seem to need this thing, but flying by himself and flying with the help of a mecha were not the same thing after all. He couldn't help but excitedly offered the price of 100 silver coins.

But as soon as the price was given, it was raised to 110 silver coins. He curled his lips and gave up the bidding.

I only have one thousand silver coins, so there is no need to spend so much money just for the second exhibit. There will definitely be good things later.

Moreover, the levitating technique is not that important.

With such thoughts flashing through his mind, Li Yang watched silently as the Levitation Technique was bought by a mage for 150 silver coins, and then the third item was taken out.

"This is a piece of metal ore. After our professional predictions, five kilograms of unknown extraordinary metal can be extracted, which is enough to create extraordinary weapons..."


The Ruijin mage on the stage took out the auction items one by one. Except for the good items at the beginning, there were mostly more ordinary items in the back, but fortunately they were all considered to be high-quality items.

In addition to buying three boxes with a total of 50 bottles of magic potion that can extend the life of ordinary people for ten years, get rid of hidden diseases and ensure good health, Li Yang also bought a magic potion that is useful for intermediate mages and can warm and nourish the soul. Stone of power.

It cost more than one hundred and fifty silver coins, mainly because the stone was valuable. This one alone was worth one hundred and thirty silver coins, and the fifty bottles of medicine that were only useful to ordinary people only cost twenty silver coins.

This wave of silver coins consumed a lot, but he saw the right opportunity and brought the brightest and largest crystal solar decorative lamp to the stage for auction.

This crystal solar lamp was naturally a lamp that he tested to have no lightning elements, and it was something that could not be copied without any knowledge of industrial technology, so it was put up for auction with confidence.

As a result, as soon as this thing came on stage, the shining bright crystal lights immediately aroused the great interest of Megawati Riley, who directly spent 670 silver coins and bought this thing on the spot.

This time, Li Yang's silver coins increased instead of decreasing, and there were five hundred more. He couldn't help but sit back and look at the exhibits with a smile on his face.

Soon the auction came to an end.

"Thank you all for coming to this auction. Now that the auction has come to an end, before the final items come up, I have to display a special exhibit."

The auction went smoothly, and Master Ruijin was obviously in a good mood, but when it came to this special item, he couldn't help but mention it, and then took out a silver book under everyone's curious eyes.

Li Yang's eyes lit up.

"As you can see, [Thunder Magic and Thunder Finger Technique] is a secret book that contains the method of thunder magic practice and a lightning spell. As we all know, the Thunder Mage once traveled across the continent and was the most powerful mage in the world. They have no one Able to match.”

"It's just that with the passage of time, the Thunder Mage has almost disappeared on the mainland. Although this secret book indicates that the thunder technique requires thunder magic to be used, it can be regarded as a treasured item and has become a family heritage."

Master Ruijin held the [Thunder Magic and Finger Thunder Technique] secret book and talked about it, trying his best to arouse everyone's interest, but except for Megawati Riley, who took a look, everyone else was interested. Liao Liao pursed her lips and emphasized the collection value, and then said the starting price: "The starting price for this secret book is 300 silver coins."

Three hundred silver coins?

Megawati Riley lost interest, and Ruijin Mage twitched the corner of his mouth. Knowing that this thing was likely to fail again, he took another look at the audience without giving up.

"Three hundred silver coins."

Li Yang raised his hand with a smile on his face. Master Ruijin smiled and immediately shouted: "Three hundred silver coins once, precious thunder magic and fingering thunder skills. If you miss this time, it will be difficult to get the chance in the future." thing."

"Three hundred silver coins twice. Thunder mages once traveled across the continent. Don't you want to know their secrets?"

Finally, Master Ruijin saw that although there were interested people in the audience, they were all scared off by the price, so he silently stopped introducing him, reached a deal with the young mage, and personally placed the secret book in his hands. .

"I hope this book can help you become a Thunder Mage!"

Master Ruijin handed the items in his hands to the young man with a smile. After the waiter beside him took three hundred silver coins from Li Yang, he returned to the booth as Li Yang thanked him with a smile.

Li Yang looked at the secret book in his hand and put it into the storage box of the Qiankun mecha with a faint smile under the curious gazes of the people around him.

"Do you want to use that armor to resist thunder?"

Wen Yumei in front looked back at the smiling Li Yang, shook his head, and said to Megawati, who was also curious next to him: "Although his armor is magical, it has no effect in front of Tianlei, even if his The same is true for magical powers. It’s such a stupid idea. I really don’t know how his master taught him.”

"This kind of inheritance method cannot be taught to everyone like us. I feel that until the moment of victory, he will not be exposed to the real inheritance at all."

Megawati looked at Li Yang with a smile, nodded, then turned her head and played with the crystal lamp in her hand with great interest: "I hope he won't be so anxious, otherwise he will just be under the thunder." I’m afraid there won’t even be any scraps left, so I want to buy a few more such exquisite objects.”

Vin St shook his head and did not speak again, but looked at the auction table quietly.

If Thunder Mage was so accomplished, how could there be so few Thunder Mage in the world.

As for the Thunder Mage inheritance... their family has already had it.

Many powerful inheritances in this world are hidden, but the inheritance of Thunder Mage disdains it and even spreads around the world. Basic inheritances like today's auctions often appear.

Because Thunder Mage cannot be cultivated just because you have inheritance.

The treasure and power of Thunder Mages never lie in inheritance, but in themselves!

Is it easy to inherit the inheritance? Is it easy to resist the thunder of heaven with a mortal body?

"The last exhibit is probably the goal of many people coming here, and it is also the highlight of this trade fair."

Ruijin Mage Zhenzhi on the booth took out a black box again, and then opened the black box, revealing a strange beast cub that had not opened its eyes inside.

"A fire dog pup that will become a primary level monster when it matures, and its subsequent upper limit is unknown..."

Master Ruijin carefully took out the cub and spoke slowly: "We all know that in addition to practicing evil magic, the ability of future generations in the family to become mage is very important. Even a hundred sons may not be able to produce a person who can sense and operate the spirit. A descendant of strength, such a magical beast cub will become an extraordinary combat power in the future and become the most loyal partner of a family..."

As the full picture of the alien beast was unfolded, the body of the puppy, which was mainly red with stripes of white hair, appeared in everyone's sight, and the atmosphere on the field instantly became heated.

However, Vin St, who had never bought anything, took action directly and forcefully. In the end, the cub of the flame monster was snatched away by him, and everyone left the show with regret.

When the auction ended, the psychedelic magic circle in the free trade market dispersed, and at the same time, all the high-level transcendental beings took to the air and left.

Vin St carefully held the cub of the fire dog, and gently transferred his warm flame magic power into the body of the little beast to warm its body, becoming the last high-level magician to leave the scene.

Li Yang drove the mecha, and after all the high-level magicians left, he also flew into the sky. After reaching the air, he activated the environment simulation function and disappeared into the night.

All the magicians dispersed in twos and threes. In the early morning of the next day, the trade market opened normally, and the mortals in the city set up stalls here with laughter and had no idea what happened here last night.


As a few days passed, the news that the Nanshan bandits were wiped out by Archmage Li Yang spread throughout Black Rock City.

It was also spread that Master Wen and Megawati presented precious items to Master Li Yang at the dinner hosted by City Lord Redel to praise his contribution.

For a time, the prestige of the old timers was higher, and the reputation of the new extraordinary nobles rose.

For the people in Li Yang's mansion, life has become more convenient after this news spread. They can do anything much easier than before. Love the house and the bird. The Nanshan bandits have been doing evil for many years. I don't know how many people hate them. .

Now that Li Yang has dealt with them, everyone's attitude towards the servants working in Li Yang's mansion has become much better, making them work very smoothly.

However, after being reminded by Li Yang, they were paying attention to the happenings on the street and soon discovered the increasing number of beggars in the city. This made them not have a carefree attitude, but to complete the master's orders more attentively.

After all, the more than a hundred teenagers are too young and their bodies have not yet grown up. Although they seem to be as strong as calves with supplements and training, they are not of much use. They have to buy special guard slaves to do external affairs. , they began to help enter Nanshan for training, where they renovated their homes, dug tunnels according to the drawings given by the master, and even grew vegetables and food in the tunnels.

With more people and more strength, more than a hundred teenagers and more than a hundred slaves dug together, and soon the tunnel took shape. They took measures to prevent moisture, fed many cats inside to prevent rats, and then stored food in Deep in the ground, more detailed excavations began.

The servants in Li Yang's mansion also quietly moved to Nanshan little by little, and the first one to move was the livestock farm.

It is not easy to open fields in the mountains. Fortunately, the bandits have laid the foundation, planted some necessary things, and renovated it, which is enough for them to survive.

They also built a stone fort on the outskirts, dug traps, and maintained safety. Even though the owner had left, everything was running smoothly with the help of Butler Laimier and Udi.

While they were busy, the new city lord of Black Rock City, a man wearing a full set of extraordinary armor of a knight, holding a big sword, and a shining white horse also wearing armor under his body, carried him from the defensive cliff to Black Rock City. Walk in the direction of the city.

Next to him was a luxurious carriage pulled by three tall horses. An experienced coachman sat at the front of the carriage and drove the carriage, followed by five hundred slaves wearing leather armor.


The car curtain opened, and a beautiful woman with delicate skin and a smile in her eyes looked out the window. After a while, she lowered the car curtain and sat back in the car.





A villa in the East District of Heyang City, in an underground warehouse.

Night had just fallen and it was dark outside. I looked at the time and saw that it was already February 7th, and the day after tomorrow was New Year's Eve.

"I have to go back tomorrow morning."

Li Yang brought the wooden box he was carrying in front of him and opened it, revealing fifty bottles of medicine that were only as big as eye drops bottles. A smile appeared on Li Yang's lips.


A bottle of fist-sized magic healing potion given by Megawati was placed on the table. He then took out a second sealed wooden box, revealing a stack of books. The top one read [Thunder Magic and The art of pointing thunder]

The mecha on his body automatically separated from his body and turned into an iron box. Li Yang touched the stone he wore in front of his neck, which made him feel clear and comfortable. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he placed the wooden staff flat on the table. , with bright eyes, he took out the book on the top of the wooden box, revealing the second book with [Soul Training Method] written on it.

"Thunder magic..."

A flash of electricity flashed in his pupils. Li Yang, who had already slept soundly in the second world, lit the lamp, opened the silver book cover, and read the contents inside.

[The power of thunder, the supreme power...]

The eloquent text was automatically translated into the best way for Li Yang to understand it after being translated by World Gate. After several times, Li Yang's eyes were bright and he slowly closed the book, but he couldn't help but let the Qiankun Mecha condense the electric energy. According to It describes how to practice cultivation again.


More than ten minutes later, wisps of white light bloomed faintly from Li Yang along with the emergence of a new practice method, and there was also a yellow-white halo.

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