My world double door

Chapter 110 Go home and live in wealth (please subscribe for more updates!)

The method of practicing thunder magic recorded in [Thunder Magic and the Art of Fingering Thunder] brought positive feedback to Li Yang immediately after using it.

Relaxed and joyful, as if all the cells in the body are cheering and dancing as the thunder element is absorbed.

The warm magic power in the body seems to have entered the most comfortable environment, and the efficiency of growth is greatly improved.

This time, Li Yang absorbed twice the amount of thunder elements in one breath as he had absorbed the first time. Only then did he feel that his body was getting hot, and he hurriedly withdrew from the practice.


As Li Yang opened his eyes and his consciousness returned to normal, the [Qiankun Mecha] that detected his overheating automatically released biological cooling air, calming down the high temperature on Li Yang's body.


Li Yang took a long breath, feeling the magic power growing in his body and becoming more stable and firm, with a smile on his lips.

Since his magic power cultivation is still shallow, he can almost feel considerable progress every time he practices now. He believes that this state will last for a long time.

The feeling of progress, I have to say, is pleasant.

"This time, I really made a lot of money."

After opening his eyes, Li Yang looked at his stack of magic books, as well as the magic potions and magic wands on his side, and a bright smile appeared on his lips.

The crisis in Black Rock City has not yet come, but on the contrary, he has reaped the benefits of the crisis in advance.

The black-robed mage's sudden attack to grab food must have had a premonition of this happening and made preparations in advance. After all, according to Udi, the only way to avoid this crisis is to enter the so-called defensive cliff, but that requires qualifications.

And a necromancer who hangs out with bandits obviously has no such background.

So, since you want to live outside, you have to consider the food problem of being isolated from the world for a long time to avoid disasters, and robbing food is inevitable.

The gifts given by Vin St, Megawati Riley and the city lord Redel were nothing, but these gifts were only received at the city lord's farewell banquet because of the approaching crisis.

This magic fair that gained the most gave Li Yang a feeling that everyone was in a hurry, and there were signs of impending disaster everywhere.

Unfortunately, he has to return to the real world to celebrate the New Year.

Li Yang shrugged his shoulders, but in his heart he still felt that when he returned home and the New Year passed, he would still visit there often and try to protect his servants and things in this chaos.

In addition, there are always opportunities along with crises... If nothing else, he had obtained so many things before the turmoil came, but what about when the turmoil came?

His [Zongheng] is very horny and unbearable!

Moreover, before the turmoil, everyone hid many things and were reluctant to take them out, but they would only take them out during the turmoil. This is an opportunity for people who do not have such resources.

Just like the Warcraft cub at the end of the auction, Li Yang wondered how the other party would be willing to exchange such a thing for something else if there was no imminent turmoil.

At that time, all the things given by Master Wen could instantly improve combat effectiveness. This showed that in the eyes of those people, they urgently needed something that could improve their combat ability to deal with certain situations.

So... when the turmoil comes, won't there be more such things?

"Huh, don't worry about this for now. Let's go home and celebrate the Chinese New Year tomorrow."

Li Yang exhaled and shook his head. Instead of thinking about this, he moved in his heart and began to practice the [Eating Body Strengthening Magic].

A ray of spiritual power separated from the soul and entered the body, slowly absorbing the remaining energy of the genetic potion.

It was not until three hours later that the soul that had been absorbed to the limit could no longer continue to function. Li Yang then opened his eyes, rubbed his swollen eyebrows, and a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth.

Looking back now, he was really lucky to have obtained this kind of 'evil skill' that could enhance his spiritual power without any qualifications.

Otherwise, according to what the Ruijin senior mage said at the auction, normal cultivation requires some special qualifications... which he may not have.

"No wonder supernatural powers are so rare."

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Yang's mouth, then he shook his head and looked at the time. With the continuous practice, it was already one o'clock in the morning. He tightened the stone on his collar and gave up looking at the messages on his phone. Thoughts, running the contents of [Soul Strengthening Method], slowly fell into a deep sleep.


In the blink of an eye, at five o'clock in the morning, a refreshed Li Yang got up comfortably, stretched hard, looked at the time, nodded with satisfaction, and then felt the state of his body and soul and found that super The effects of running under load have not gone away.

"Judging from the current situation, I'm afraid it may not be able to be absorbed once a day."

Li Yang shook his head. The burden of the thunder element on the body was too great. Even for him now, it would take two days to recover from the elemental pressure caused by the thunder element on the body after a perfect practice.

He felt the thunder magic in his body that had grown to a length of ten centimeters as thick as a mobile phone charging cable. He smiled with satisfaction, and then began to practice [Invisibility Magic] in the room.


There was a surge of soul power, and a pair of body tissues with only lower legs and feet appeared in the mirror along with clothes.

Li Yang nodded with satisfaction and continued training one after another.

During this training, the satiety of his soul power was gradually disappearing.

Finally, at eight o'clock in the morning, Li Yang's spiritual power swept through him, and Li Yang's whole body, including his clothes, disappeared from sight.

He picked up a disposable water cup and poured a glass of water on himself. The disposable water cup in the mirror automatically floated into the air, and the water dispenser automatically dispensed a cup of water. Then the water cup flew into the air and poured water on the ground.


A glass of water was poured onto the ground intact, but Li Yang didn't feel it at all.

"It's magic."

There was an exclamation of surprise in the air, and a figure slowly emerged from the air. Li Yang looked at the water stains under his feet and curled his lips in pleasure.

Making matter seem to disappear is something that even apocalyptic technology cannot do.

Satisfied, he took a glass of warm water and drank it again. He stretched out comfortably and looked at the time. He did not continue to practice magic. The Chinese New Year would be tomorrow and he had to go back.

After sitting on the chair with his eyes closed for half an hour, all the magic power he had consumed was restored. Li Yang opened his eyes again, picked up his cell phone, and went upstairs while browsing the messages.

The message from his newly added friend made him raise his eyebrows in surprise.

【:I’m glad to contact you. Would you like me to meet you? 】

Li Yang saw that there was a name behind the authentication information she sent, so he copied the three characters Yu Xiaohua into the note, then rubbed his fingers and saw that the message was sent two days ago. Somewhat embarrassed.

After looking at the name of the plant when she sent it, Li Yang thought about it and decided to give it a try.

"Sorry, I've been a little busy these two days. If you have anything to talk about, you might as well wait until after the new year."

After the news was sent, Li Yang also arrived upstairs in the villa. He then walked into the bathroom to wash his shower and hair. After walking out of the bathroom, he changed his clothes refreshed. He picked up his phone and saw that the other party was already there. reply.

[Yu Xiaohua: I look forward to meeting you after the new year, Xiaohua is always waiting for your notification]

So polite?

Li Yang raised his eyebrows. He was a little embarrassed by the other party's response. Then he made a toothy smile and said, "You're welcome. Just wait a few days after the new year and let me know when you have time." .”

[Yu Xiaohua: OK OK]

Li Yang glanced at the message and didn't reply. Then he put his phone away. While thinking about the content of the [Soul Stab] magic in his mind, he took something to fill his stomach for breakfast, and then walked out of the villa. Started the car and drove out of the villa.

"Hey, Mom, I just went back today. Yes, I just finished my work..."

While driving, Li Yang asked [Breeding No. 9] to call home. He drove the car with a smile on his face and called his mother to inform him. At the same time, he used his brain waves to chat happily with his brothers from his hometown in the WeChat group. Chatting.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and you can still see a lot of cars driving on rural roads when driving on the road. Plus, it is winter again, so the urban area seems deserted.

Obviously nothing happened, Li Yang looked at the car on the way home, and couldn't help but feel happy during this special period.

After finishing the phone call with my mother, I was chatting enthusiastically with my brothers in the WeChat group while driving towards my hometown.

Li Yang's driving speed was very fast, and the effect of the luxury car made him go home very smoothly and quickly, but his strong mental power allowed Li Yang to easily control the road conditions even if he was half-hearted.

While making a silky overtake, he was chatting enthusiastically with his brothers in the group.

"Don't worry, I will forget about you when I get rich. Don't talk about this now. I will quit your jobs in the past two days. I will take you to take off after the new year."

"I'll take you to some fun places during the Chinese New Year. Hey, let's watch some exciting shows."


As a son of a farmer born in a rural area, Li Yang's friends in his hometown naturally have the same identity and are all junior high school classmates.

Of the few people we are still in contact with, half dropped out of junior high school, and the best among the remaining half just got lost in the recruitment process and got hired by a state-owned enterprise to expand its factory and need to recruit new people. Recruited him from the same major.

Most of my life since graduation has been about living frugally and saving some money.

But things are different now.

As the saying goes, no matter how rich or noble you are, you should never forget each other. Li Yang has taken off. How can he forget his best friend?

That's obviously not possible.

Not only these buddies, but also his relatives, he has no intention of leaving behind. As for the issue of academic qualifications... In his own company, he wants whoever he wants.

As for the ability of those friends who dropped out of junior high school... Li Yang thought about the newly opened security company. Can they still do this job?

Let's go to the training training headquarters.

"Where can I get more energy? Is there any place where I can get more energy than Linhai?"

"Don't worry about money, all consumers will pay the bill!"


Amidst the cheerful chat, the car drove onto the road leading to the small county town and sped along the main road.

We set off at 8:40, and when we arrived at the county town, it was only 10:20. Li Yang was about to rush back along the main road of the county town when he remembered that he didn't buy anything.

Everyone knows that he has made money this year. If he doesn’t bring something to his relatives during the Chinese New Year, he would be stingy. He immediately turned the steering wheel and drove to the largest supermarket to have a look. Fortunately, it was open, and he opened it immediately. Go in.

"Do you have any Chinese cigarettes? How many more are there? I want them all."

“What’s the best wine?”

"Bring me the best of these supplements and see if there is any space in the car. Except for the passenger, put them all in for me."

When he arrived at the supermarket and scanned the goods, Li Yang didn't even look at the cheap ones. He paid in full on the spot and stuffed the car full of stuff. He thought about it and drove around to look for it again. His eyes lit up and he found it. The offline sales department is far ahead in business.

"Boss, how far ahead is the latest model?"

"Oh, then bring me thirty, including the best Bluetooth headphones."

Thirty mobile phones and headphones almost emptied the store. The store manager who insisted on guarding the store smiled from ear to ear and quickly and considerately helped Li Yang carry everything to the passenger seat of the car and put it away.

It wasn't until the calm and majestic car disappeared from her sight that she reluctantly looked away, feeling in her heart that it would be great if she could have such a man.


The name of the town and the county seat were posted under the front windshield of the minibus, which swayed and hummed as it drove back and forth between the county seat and the town.

"how much?"

"Ten yuan for Spring Festival travel."

The migrant worker carrying the marijuana bag raised his voice and asked the driver in the car. The driver leaned his head and replied. He opened the door and pulled the migrant worker who was muttering about paying more for the New Year in.

Li Yang's car happened to be waiting for the red light in the lane next to it. He couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene. Then he shook his head. When the light turned green, he got out of the car. The bus gave way and drove out of the intersection.

The wheat seedlings on both sides of the farmland are already lush and green, the cold wind is howling, and the branches of the bare trees are swaying from time to time. When cars drive by the roadside, some condensed ice blocks crack open, revealing puddles mixed with mud.

Following the county road, we drove all the way back to the village road. There were many more cars and people on the roadside than the last time we came back.

But no matter what, the Rolls-Royce is so eye-catching. When Li Yangkai returned to the door, it was even more sensational than the last time he came back. People nearby gathered around him almost subconsciously.

When Li Yang got out of the car, he saw that almost all the young people in the village whom he had not met last time were back. The older ones were with their wives, while the younger ones had their hands in their pockets. They all watched with dissatisfied smiles as they got off the car. Li Yang.

"Li Yang got rich this year!"

"Rolls-Royce is the best car, this is a big boss!"

The young people in the village had little knowledge and limited abilities. They didn't know what to say in this situation, so they greeted him in a joking tone.

"Everyone came back very early. Come, come, smoke."

Li Yang didn't say anything when he got out of the car. He just took out three strips of soft Chinese and stuffed three packets into each person's hands. Then he chatted with them for a while with a smile on his face. He waited until the family heard the noise and came out, then greeted them. The contents of the car were moved to the home.

"Eat here at noon, don't leave."

"No, no, the food is ready at home. Come back in the afternoon."

By this time, it was lunch time. Seeing that his mother's dishes were ready, Li Yang greeted her with a smile, but everyone was not ignorant. They all smiled and waved their hands to refuse. Li Yang nodded with a smile and watched them leave.

After delivering it, I turned around and saw my cousin's son running out. I smiled and pinched his head. He didn't rush back to eat. Instead, I asked my cousin who was still at his house to bring some wine to his house.

"And my uncle, I'll give you a piece later to help my uncle carry a box of wine and get a few cartons of cigarettes."

Seeing his cousin's refusal, Li Yang immediately took the four or five Chinese companies and a box of wine in his arms. Then, with the greetings of his aunt and uncle, he asked his cousin to take the cigarette and he walked to his uncle's house with the wine and put the cigarette away. All the wine was put down.

"Don't leave, we'll have lunch here."

"I just got home. My mother is still waiting for me to go back and eat."

After putting down his things, his uncle and aunt asked him to stay. Li Yang waved his hand and casually greeted his cousin: "Li Kang will come to my place in the afternoon."


The cousin smiled and nodded quickly, standing at the door and watching his two cousins ​​leave without knowing what to say.

"Tao, bring Li Kang over after dinner, and I'll tell you something."

When he arrived at the door of his house, Li Yang smiled and said something to his cousin. His cousin looked at him and nodded with a smile, and then Li Yang followed him back to his home.

When he got home, the dishes, wine, drinks, and rice were all set out on the table. The two girls were sitting at the table, waiting for him to eat. He smiled and went to wash his hands. When he came back, his mother opened the door. Guan Guan started to pull him to ask some questions about Chen Qian.

"Mom, don't worry about it. In short, if you want a fat boy, you can. Your son, I still need a woman."

Li Yang went to the banquet with a smile. Li Yang's mother Chen Cui pursed her lips. Li Jianshu stopped when he heard this and began to ask his son other things: "Tell me, what are you doing now?"

"Start a company. Have you heard of the new company [Haohan Xingyu Company] in Heyang?"

Li Yang nodded matter-of-factly, and Li Jianshu nodded: "I've seen it, it's on TV."

"Hey, I drove it."


As the news of Li Yang's money came back, everyone's attitude towards him changed drastically. It was an attitude of being easily convinced and respected.

That afternoon, after lunch, Li Yang gave the two girls 10,000 yuan each, but also gave them three rules: don't play what they shouldn't play, and don't do what they shouldn't do.

While making arrangements, cousin Li Tao came with his cousin Li Kang. Li Yang asked them to close the door and started chatting directly.

"Next year I plan to open a new company, mainly engaged in security..."

After a simple chat for less than ten minutes, the uncle, the aunt, and the aunt and uncle all came. Li Yang directly arranged things for the two brothers in front of them. It was too easy to arrange this with his current size.

In the end, it was not only the cousins, but also the uncle. After Li Yang spoke, Li Yang also found an easy job for one person.

The first day back was spent in such a fulfilling process. In the afternoon, many people from the village came to say hello, asking if they could arrange some work.

They all grew up together. Li Yang did not refuse, and everyone made their commitment appropriately. When it was time for dinner, the people in the village happily brought their meals to his door to chat, and many women rolled their eyes. Zhuzi, thinking about which girl from his family to bring over to show Li Yang.


The next day is the Chinese New Year, visiting graves and worshiping ancestors.

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