My world double door

Chapter 127 The master’s bed is big

The sun sets in the west and the sun sets.

When the carriages carrying people one after another left the city gate one after another, the people who had received money reluctantly watched their relatives disappear from sight, and gradually walked to the shelter of the woods.

They quickly went home and packed their bags, not caring about sleeping, and immediately left their residence outside the city.

Walking on the night road, heading east under the moonlight, was the only direction they could survive.

How long the escape time can last depends on how long Black Rock City can resist the barbarian troops in the future war.

Compared with the exiled people outside the city, the residents in the city were not so lucky. Under the city closure order, they could only choose to hand over the seller's money and go to the properties owned by the Riley family and the Sturt family. The two extraordinary convoys left the city together, followed closely by those who took their property and headed east.

Thousands of miles to the east, there is an acropolis built on the defensive cliff, called Tuoming City.

Tuoming City is the only option available to those of them who have no ability to resist in the face of the torrent of the times.

Tuoming City, as the name suggests, is a place where ordinary people's lives depend on. As long as they get here, there is a high probability that they can survive, because the barbarians have never attacked here in the entire history.

Even if the attack reaches here, as long as they help defend the city, they can stay. With the help of the defenders on the defensive cliff, and the defensive strength of Tuoming City itself, they will basically not be broken by the barbarians.

But, it's just basically.

Only time and fate can tell what will happen.

There was a bustling crowd of people leaving, and Blackstone City became much emptier in just one night.

The remaining people are less than one-fifth of the usual number, and they are all people who have no way to leave the city. They can only accept their fate, pray that the Alagon Knights can hold on to the city, and actively respond when necessary, hoping to survive and survive. The opportunity will not be taken away by the barbarians.


In the mountains and forests of Nanshan, night fell.

Seeing that the master was going to reward Laimier, Udi hurriedly exited the hall and came to a barracks. When he arrived, the female slave who was resting in the barracks just woke up.

The work of digging tunnels has never stopped. Three shifts of rest can not only prevent the female slaves from being overworked, but also allow them to dig the tunnels to the maximum extent within the same time. Therefore, these people basically sleep during the day and wake up at night to work. .

Seeing them waking up, Udi immediately called them underground to start digging tonight. Tunnel digging is not an easy job. It is dirty, tiring, and sweating a lot. After the shift, everyone's body and face were muddy. There was black mud soaked with sweat, and I was very tired.

Even with the magic fan gifted by Master Li Yang, this is not suitable for women to do such a thing, but all the healthy and strong male slaves have to fight, so they have to be assigned to the remaining female slaves.

In order to ensure that everything went smoothly, Udi watched until midnight before going to bed. Tomorrow, he would divide the work among the newly arrived slaves, so he had to leave enough time to rest.

Except for the miner's lamps that lit up in the tunnel, the entire valley fell into silence.


In the secret room, the sound of long breathing fluctuated, and the separated spiritual power was wandering around and sucking in the remaining energy of the gene potion. This energy was quickly transformed into soul power under the action of the magic formula, and was connected along the separated souls. Transmitted into the soul body.

With the continuous input of energy, the soul was quickly exhausted, and the separated soul energy naturally returned to the soul body.


Li Yang, who had been practicing for three hours, slowly opened his eyes, exhaled a long breath, and felt his head swelled. Then he quickly covered the open lid of the concentration liquid next to him, and the concentration liquid immediately stopped spreading.


Taking a deep breath, he sucked the remaining [Concentration Liquid] power in the air into his mind. His mind became clearer again. He was aware of his state, and Li Yang was very satisfied.

[Spirit Condensing Liquid] is really helpful. Not only does it allow him to enter the cultivation state directly without having to find the state to prepare himself, but it also greatly improves the efficiency of his soul cultivation.

This thousand silver coins was well spent.

But thinking about it, as Megawati's senior pharmacist, there is no need to fool such a small magic apprentice like him.

Thinking quietly in his heart, Li Yang took advantage of the fact that his mental strength was still very clear with the help of the remaining [Concentration Liquid], and quickly threw away the bathrobe he was wearing, and entered the wooden barrel next to him naked. .

The delay potion in the barrel rippled quietly. Li Yang took out a bottle of basic magic power enhancement potion and swallowed it. He instantly felt an active force entering his body. He hurriedly closed his eyes and entered a state of cultivation.

A ball of bright lightning appeared in the hands of the Qiankun mecha on one side, and the magic power of the thunder element was drawn out under the action of high-voltage electricity, providing it to Li Yang who closed his eyes for practice.

The soul power quickly returned to silence under the influence of [Concentration Liquid]. Li Yang stretched the soul power out of the body and absorbed the thunder and lightning elements caused by the condensed electric light in the mecha's hand one by one.

The hazards of thunder and lightning elements are partially eliminated, and the pure elemental power is absorbed into the body by the soul power. New thunder and lightning magic power is transformed from the body bit by bit.

Arcs of electricity flashed across his body from time to time, and as time passed, the magic power of thunder in Li Yang's body gradually became stronger.

After the delay potion was consumed and the physical strength reached its limit, Li Yang stopped practicing the technique and opened his eyes, with electric sparks flickering in his eyes.

"The effect of this training is better than the thirty-five times of normal training!"

Feeling the growing magic power in his body, Li Yang's eyes brightened slightly, and the potion given by Megawati was really powerful.

But what made him frown a little was that the energy of the magic power-enhancing potion he took before practicing in his body had become empty.

He was confused for a moment, then relieved. Megawati said that this bottle of potion could continue to be effective within a week, but he estimated that the target was ordinary magic power.

But what he cultivates is thunder magic, which is different from ordinary magic. For ordinary magic, it takes a week to absorb the power of the medicine, but for thunder magic, it is absorbed in one go.

"No wonder the effect is so good. It turns out that the effect of seven days is superimposed."

Li Yang thought to himself and was secretly happy. In this way, he might be able to cultivate the magic power of thunder to the level of his second transformation in a few months!

————If this magic power enhancement potion is sufficient.

The potion needs to be purchased with silver coins, but to him, silver coins, what's the problem?

The only problem is to see if Megawati has enough potions.

Li Yang smiled and decided to wait until these potions were used up before returning to the real world to get back the 10,000 silver coins he ordered.

After feeling the state of his body, this time the absorption of the thunder element took his body at least two days to recover. According to this progress, the one hundred bottles of basic magic power enhancement potion he had purchased would be enough for him to use for a long time.

However, when the [Basic Sixth Sense Potion] is used up, the second round of body potion is used, and the [God of Cookery Strengthening Technique] is started, this time should be greatly shortened.

As for how shortened it can be, it is still unclear.

"It's time to have sweet dreams."

The training of thunder elements made Li Yang feel exhausted. He stretched and gave an order to [Breeding No. 9]. In an instant, brain waves began to affect the new slaves.


There is no shortage of mountains near Black Rock City. In fact, there are mountains everywhere.

This can be seen from the fact that Li Yang can easily find uninhabited valleys. In addition, his Nanshan base is also located in the rolling mountains.

But it is different from many mountainous areas in the real world. Although there are mountains here, there are also a lot of flat lands outside the foot of the mountains. There are hundreds of thousands of acres of land and vast grasslands everywhere.

It was the existence of these mountains that gave Li Yang the idea and practical space to fight guerrillas.

The night passed quickly. When I woke up the next morning, gunshots were heard in the valley. However, the sound was obscured by the dense mountain forest and could only echo in the valley and could not be transmitted out.

The slaves who had had a good dream had a lot more sense of belonging here when they woke up. They felt that staying here was very practical. They naturally accepted the rules here and began to follow the boss assigned to them. Do things.

There are a lot of female slaves, but due to physical and psychological acceptance reasons, they are all assigned to chores in various valleys.

In order to save training efficiency, Mr. Li Yang, who had eaten breakfast, personally went out to train some important aspects of knowledge. Under Mr. Li Yang's personal training, he chose emergency rescue, and the medical people quickly memorized the corresponding knowledge.

In other aspects, they are led by old people who have gradually become familiar with and mastered the corresponding skills.

All women over the age of twenty-seven with poor appearance and figure were all taken by Udi to speed up the excavation work of the tunnel. In addition, the kitchen, clothing making, and various chores were also increased due to the large number of people. Lots of manpower.

The addition of this group of female slaves instantly provided a lot more manpower for various life matters, making things easier to do.

The young men who were picked out by Wu Di from the countryside and the beggars underwent basic obedience training and physical training under the leadership of veterans. In the afternoon, they began to familiarize themselves with the use of firearms and target training under the leadership of Master Li Yang.

At dinner time, a grievance meeting was held, and the whole camp was filled with bitterness. After the grievance meeting, the soldiers all consciously did a round of physical training. That night, they returned to Datongpu exhausted and began to do very good stretching exercises. We soaked in the hot bath again, massaged each other's muscles, and fell into a solid sleep.

"Phew, it seems everything is going well."

Outside the soldier barracks, Li Yang, who felt exhausted, took a breath and couldn't help but smile.

It is really difficult for a junior soul mage to have a spiritual influence on so many people. Fortunately, he has a deep foundation, and the mental influence is concentrated when their emotions are fluctuating, so he can still hold on.

It’s just that after holding on until now, I feel somewhat mentally exhausted.

"Master, under your training, they integrated into us very quickly."

Li Yi, standing in front of Li Yang, responded seriously, and Li Yang smiled with satisfaction.

"After the training tomorrow, based on performance and observation, we will begin to appoint their commanders. After the appointment of the commanders, they will be brought to me at noon for a private conversation."

Li Yang nodded, then waved his hand, letting his loyal warriors go back to rest.

"It's also time for these young men to learn basic knight training methods."

Looking at the backs of the calf-like private officers, Li Yang felt something in his heart, but they were already very tired today. He planned to wait until tomorrow morning to teach them the basic training of knights.

Try to learn as much as you can before officially starting.

Thinking in his mind, Li Yang also turned around and returned to the main hall. He gave up the idea of ​​practicing [Eating Body Strengthening Magic] and came to his bedroom.

In order to quickly form cohesion and combat effectiveness, he chose the method of mental influence. The current consumption of soul power was too great and was not suitable for continuing to practice. Fortunately, due to the practice of thunder magic, his soul was swollen in the afternoon. It will recover when the time comes, and the first wave of practice has been carried out, and the overall practice progress will not be affected.


Li Yang's bedroom was lit with lights. When he walked in, the two new female slaves stood up and saluted Li Yang.

After buying so many female slaves, it is naturally impossible for all of them to do odd jobs. The most beautiful, the best-looking, and the most sensible among them are naturally reserved for Mr. Li Yang's personal service.

The two new slave girls now are the two most beautiful.

Li Yang couldn't help but stepped forward and lifted the chins of the two slave girls. One had a rather round face, and the other had a thinner face, but both had delicate skin and graceful figures. One had a gentle temperament, and the other had a cool feeling. They were both very good. beauty.

The American slaves were only wearing red modified silk pajamas. Li Yang knew that these two female slaves had spent three thousand iron coins to buy them, and they were the highest quality female slaves.

He couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth. He hugged the chubby-faced beauty and kissed her lips for a while. He held the cold beauty with one hand and pressed it to her thin lips. While kissing, he hugged the two of them to the bed.



The night was spent in turbulence, and in the blink of an eye, it was early morning the next day.

As soon as the sky changed, Li Yang woke up from the bed and looked at the little slave girl on the bed. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Then he cheered up, closed his eyes and began to practice the soul that had returned to normal state. strength.

A ray of soul power separated from the soul and was extradited to the body, constantly wandering up and down to absorb the remaining genetic energy in his body.

It wasn't until the sky got brighter and a feeling of fullness came to his soul that Li Yang opened his eyes with satisfaction.

The little slave girl next to her had already woken up. When she saw the tall and handsome master, she felt embarrassed and wanted to kiss him. She was hugged by Li Yang and loved each other, and then she got up under the service of ten personal slave girls. dressing.

Yes, ten. The number of personal service female slaves has naturally expanded. The five new ones are more beautiful than the original ones, and they were women who knew how to take care of people before they came.

Li Yang was very satisfied with their service and moved to the living room to enjoy breakfast. When Laimier came to stand by his side, there were two more deputies around him.

"How's the tunnel excavation going?"

Li Yang hugged a new personal servant slave with fair skin and tall skin. She was a married woman before coming here and had never done anything like this before. Her face turned red to her ears. She was even prettier than Li Yang's bed-warming slave. , plump figure, skin as white as milk, waist and hips, everything is just right, she is a rare beauty.

However, because of her status as a former woman, she could only serve as a personal slave, but she could no longer be a bed-warming slave.

"With the addition of new people, Udy is already halfway to completing the last five percent of the expected drawings."

Laimier immediately responded, and Li Yang couldn't help but smile after hearing this. He moved his mouth and enjoyed it for a while. Seeing the beautiful slave girl in his arms blushing and stiffening, he was not willing to continue to embarrass himself in such a public place. She thoughtfully let her sit in her arms and fed her.

The beautiful slave girl immediately breathed a sigh of relief, slowly sat on Li Yang, lifted up the gauze clothes to open a gap so that the master's hand could more easily enter, and fed the rosy-faced vegetables to the master who had no room for his hands.

Before coming here, she was a woman who abided by women's ethics. Her family also had a lot of money. She knew integrity and etiquette. She was a virtuous woman who could manage the family in a sound and orderly manner.

But since she sold herself as a slave, she naturally had to let go of her previous identity. She allowed herself to adapt here as quickly as possible. She picked up vegetables for the master very gently and carefully. When she saw that the master didn’t like chopsticks, she used her own ruddy ones without being used by any other man. Catch the small mouth that touched it and feed it to him.

The master was happy with the meal, and the beautiful slave girl also breathed a sigh of relief. From the current point of view, luckily among the misfortunes, the master liked her very much.

"Yes, everything in the valley will continue as usual."

Li Yang took a bite of his food and nodded with satisfaction, Lai Mier responded with a smile.

After waiting for a while, Li Yang was satisfied with the meal, so he let go of the tall slave girl and let her stand beside him. He quickly finished the breakfast by himself. Otherwise, if he kept feeding her at such a speed, he didn't know when he would be able to finish it. Eat enough.

After having breakfast, Li Yang asked the tall slave girl to go back to her room. He put on his armor, rose into the sky, and flew westward in the air. He wanted to see where the satisfied cavalry had arrived.

As the mecha flew high in the sky, the figure of the barbarian cavalry gradually appeared in front of him. Li Yang asked his intelligence to estimate the distance and speed, and quickly figured out the time.

"At three o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow, this group of cavalry will arrive at the Nanshan Mountains."

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