My world double door

Chapter 128 The effect is excellent (please subscribe for more updates!)

"In other words, there are still today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, a total of three days of training."

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, Li Yang, wearing a [Zongheng Mecha], looked at the huge barbarian wolf cavalry below and squinted his eyes. He didn't quite understand why their number was said to be very small.

The number of cavalry seems to be quite large...

But what made him relieved was that these cavalry did not directly form a large group to advance like locusts, but were divided into groups of cavalry regiments like the last time he checked.

He paid attention to the forward troops and turned back silently.

The apocalyptic world is now inaccessible, and the ammunition stock on the mecha is limited. There are only 5 [concussion bombs] in the [Qiankun Mecha], and now there are only 3 left, and only 12 missiles are left.

[Zongheng Mecha]'s firepower configuration is sufficient except for the three main weapons 'Gaia Energy Cannon', 'Ultra-modern Metal Shock Knife' and 'Giant Peak Shield', but these weapons are a bit wasteful to deal with these barbarian soldiers. .

[Zongheng Mecha], as his trump card, should be kept to deal with powerful enemies in the unlikely event.

Therefore, it is more cost-effective to use modern weapons and train some soldiers yourself to deal with these miscellaneous soldiers.

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Li Yang, who felt confident, returned to the Nanshan Valley again. He broke away from the [Zongheng Mecha] at an altitude of 10,000 meters and returned to the inner basin of the valley wearing the [Qiankun Mecha].

"Huha, drink..."

In the valley, a new batch of male slaves were doing running exercises. In front of them, one hundred and fifty teenagers who had undergone several months of rigorous training led them to follow the rules.

When Li Yang saw this, he first called over the young officers and one hundred young men.

"My boys, your loyalty and hard work have been appreciated by the master. On this special day when the barbarians are about to invade, the master has decided to teach you something new. I hope you can practice well."

Li Yang spoke to more than eighty teenagers with a smile on his face, and then, in the expectant eyes of the teenagers, he learned the exercises that must be practiced to become a knight apprentice from the only "Secret Book of Wind Speed ​​Knight". Shen Dharma' was passed on to them.

As Li Yang spoke, he quickly transmitted information to them through his soul power. The teenagers quickly learned it and then replaced the other half of the teenagers. Li Yang also passed it on to them as usual, and then asked them to start practicing in rotation.

Half of them trained the newly recruited male slave warriors, and the other half practiced knight training. He was beside them to give guidance.

In just one morning, the teenagers basically all got started successfully, and Li Yang was satisfied and stopped teaching and went to eat.

During lunch, the tall and beautiful slave girl was waiting for him in the main hall. When Li Yang arrived, she immediately came over to serve him obediently.

"What's your name?"

Li Yang reached behind the slave girl's buttocks and kissed her lower lip with a smile, giving her room to speak.

"My name is Peppa, Master."

Pepa spoke softly, and then her lips were sealed. Not long after, her dear master made her body go limp and placed her on the back of the chair.


Pepa held her master's clothes tightly with both hands, her brows furrowed, her eyes closed, and she hummed softly.


When lunch was served, Pepa sat up, blushing and continued to serve her master, and hurried to wash up after the meal.

Li Yang looked at her back with a smile on his lips, and then left the hall and went to a stone room outside. Li Da had already brought 376 selected officers from high to low to the room.

Li Yang knew the importance of grassroots officers, so this time the number of officers increased. When setting up officers, they directly set up five-person officers at the basic level, all the way to the most senior officers who command 500 people.

For the sake of convenience, the basic ones are called Wu Zhang or Shi Zhang. Then to the captain in charge of fifty people, the squadron leader in charge of one hundred people, and the captain in charge of five hundred people.

At present, the new batch of male slave soldiers totals 1,880, so there are 376 corps commanders, 188 sergeants, 38 captains, 19 squadron captains, and four battalion captains.

Of course, the lower level officer automatically defaults to the upper level soldier.

"As your master, I am very happy that you can stand out from more than 7,000 people, and I am also very happy that you can become so positive and outstanding."

"But we all know that the invasion of barbarian troops is imminent, so we don't have much time for many things. Naturally, we cannot arrange a grand authorization ceremony for you. But I will announce your positions in public when you leave here. "

Li Yang looked at a room full of officers with a smile on his face, made an opening speech, and then began to give ideological classes with a smile. While giving ideological classes, he used his spiritual power to make these officers more loyal to him.

Controlling such officers is equivalent to controlling the entire army, so Li Yang only needs to deepen his control over them while ensuring basic loyalty.

"As officers, you should know more clearly who gave you new life..."

"I will lead you to survive the disaster of this barbarian invasion, and I will also be the master you must follow loyally throughout your life!"


Spiritual power swept through, full guidance, and the power of words. In just more than ten minutes, they all had red eyes. Li Yang knew that this was not enough, but as long as twice a day for the next two days, there would be no problem, so he let They returned to the barracks to sleep and rest.

Li Yang himself also stretched, went back to bed, closed his eyes and started to use the [mental exercise method] to sleep to speed up the recovery of mental strength.

When he wakes up, he goes outside to teach the soldiers how to practice knight exercise.

With the foundation gained in the morning, the teenagers made faster progress in the afternoon. Coupled with the basic training method of body training, it is rare not only to learn it, but to practice it daily.

Li Yang tried it. The knight exercise method can exercise the muscles and bones of the whole body. Later, it can also exercise the internal organs and even replace the blood. Only the body transformed through such exercise can cultivate the strength of the knight.

However, the movements of the Knight Exercise are also a great challenge for ordinary people. Often, ordinary people will lose all their strength after one exercise and find it difficult to stand up.

The Young Guards are all elites selected by Li Yang, and with several months of basic physical training, each of them can practice ten times in one breath, which makes Li Yang very happy.

After such an afternoon passed, the teenagers were all basically mastered and were exhausted. Li Yang asked them to cultivate well, stretch after dinner, then rest, and sleep until they wake up naturally the next day before letting them go.

"I don't know how far these teenagers can go."

Li Yang looked at their backs, shook his head, and began to give ideological lessons to the new batch of soldiers.


After the second ideological class, the soldiers' condition was obviously much better. Li Yang was satisfied and asked them to eat. He went to the tunnel to see for himself and was very satisfied with the progress.

The plan of the tunnel is centered on Black Rock City and can lead directly to the three nearby mountain ranges: Nanshan, Helian Mountain, and Pingqiu Mountain.

Among the three mountain ranges, Nanshan Mountain is the largest and most steep, followed by Helian Mountain. Pingqiu Mountain is a hilly area with not high mountains, but very vast. They are the three major mountain ranges near Black Rock City.

The distance between the three major mountain ranges is very far, but after hundreds of people digging for several months, and with the help of Li Yang's magic, they have now reached the Nanshan Mountains and Black Rock City, plus the connection with the Helian Mountains, and Ping. Qiu Shan only has the last section left.

In the middle, there are many underground earth chambers, which are waterproof, fireproof and moisture-proof. They are all done to the extreme, and there are many hidden entrances and exits in the two mountain ranges.

Just wait for the final section leading to Pingqiu Mountain to be opened, then perfect the details, dig out an additional entrance and exit, and you're done.

"The only one I'm afraid of is Master Tu Xing."

Li Yang murmured in his heart that the tunnel was dug very deep. If it weren't for Master Tu Xing, there would be nothing he could do with such a thick tunnel, but... he was afraid of Master Tu Xing.

But doing everything humanly and obeying fate is too advantageous to use authentically. Even if it has flaws, Li Yang will still do it.

After coming out of the tunnel, Li Yang consumed a lot of mental energy. He went to the bedroom and played with the little slave girl for a while before practicing mental exercises and fell asleep.

the next day.

After waking up in the morning, Li Yang practiced the [Eating Body Strengthening Magic] as usual. The tall and beautiful woman began to help him get up. Li Yang couldn't help but praise her diligence and rewarded this former person in the early morning sunshine. Beautiful slave girl of a virtuous mistress.

After the reward was over, and after breakfast, he continued to teach the teenagers how to practice knight exercise seriously. At noon, he also gave ideological lessons to the officers to strengthen their correct thinking.

When they woke up from their lunch break at noon, Li Yang no longer allowed them to continue their daily training, but began to take them through the mountains to become familiar with mountain forest warfare as quickly as possible.

In order to achieve better results, Li Yang did not bring the team back until dark that night to do ideological lessons.

The next morning, I took the team directly to the mountains to familiarize themselves with the terrain. I ran in the mountains for a whole day and came back after dark.

On the next morning, Li Yang asked everyone to stop all exercise, have a good rest in Datongpu after eating and drinking, and asked the female slaves to start moving everything on the road underground.

At noon that day, the male soldiers who had slept all morning had breakfast and took a nap for half an hour. Then their masters solemnly handed out their weapons and led all the horses and donkeys up the mountain.

Each horse and donkey was muzzled to avoid making too much noise during the process, and they also wore reins to facilitate tying them in the mountains.

After the guerrilla war is over, they need to use the power of these mounts to save energy and move quickly.

The three most powerful mutated armored corpses were taken by Li Yang, while the remaining armored corpses and female guards stayed in the base to guard the female slaves who were hurriedly transferring the last items.

In addition to the double swords on the waist, each armored corpse also carries firearms. They guard the outermost periphery, providing a sense of security to the busy female slaves.

By two o'clock in the afternoon, all the things that could be moved were moved, and the armored zombies also entered the various entrances of the tunnel to guard, preparing to sneak attack on the intruders at any time.

With the guidance of Laimier, the lighting of the tunnel with solar lights, and some decorations in the tunnel, the panic and tension of the female slaves were greatly relieved.

They looked at the wooden tunnel walls beside them and prayed randomly in their hearts.






In the dilapidated village, groups of barbarian wolf cavalry wielded their long knives and slashed ferociously at every man who dared to stand. Until the last remaining people were all lying on their knees and crying. Then he raised his long sword and waved it, and the giant wolf with scarlet eyes below also howled together.

A scattered ranger came back from outside the village, excitedly pointed in one direction to the leader, and spoke a barbarian language that was completely different from this place.


The iron pot on one side was constantly steaming and the billowing steam was rising. The body of a child was picked up by the barbarian soldiers in the boiling water and handed to the leader like a treasure.

After an unspeakable scene, the leader pulled out the long knife in his hand and pointed it in the direction mentioned by the ranger with a ferocious roar. He drove the giant wolf and roared towards the outside of the village, leaving only a place where people were kneeling on the ground in a daze. of villagers.


"Kill everyone you meet on the road. Kill everyone who dares to resist. This will relieve the pressure on the infantry behind and plunder everything here!"

The leader of the giant wolf cavalry shouted ferociously. They happened to encounter a group of panicked beggars in front of them. The barbarian cavalry heard the leader's order and laughed loudly. In the cheers, several cavalry rushed out, waving their long swords to kill the beggars. The beggars who did not dare to resist were all killed.


The giant wolves roared, and several of them began to eat the fresh corpses of the dead. When they were full, they left the broken bones on the ground and continued to move forward with the giant wolf troops.

"We only have three thousand people, and we cannot conquer such a city. Follow me and guerrilla outside the city, destroying villages when we encounter them. Anyone who dares to stand or appear on the road in front of us will be killed!"

"Only slaves can live in front of us!"

The direction the giant wolf cavalry were heading was obviously Black Rock City. Anyone they encountered on the road would be killed by them with their swords. When they arrived at a place, they looked at the city faintly appearing in front of them and took the lead. The wolf rider turned the wolf's head, controlled the giant wolf to change direction, and headed south with a ferocious smile.

Wherever the wolf cavalry passed, there was a cloud of smoke and dead bodies.

They continued to move south until they approached Nanshan.


"Master, they are here, and they are killing villagers in Ping'en Village. They are only five miles away from us. There is only that one army, and there are no other troops around for a hundred miles!"

In a valley near Nanshan, a cavalryman who was out to detect the news quickly ran to the mountain and shouted to Li Yang who was sitting on the rock while breathing heavily.

Hearing the movement of the barbarian cavalry, all the soldiers' eyes were covered with blood, and they looked at their masters expectantly.

Under the influence of the telescope given by Li Yang, they had a very clear understanding of what these beasts in human skin were doing. At this moment, they could hardly control the overwhelming hatred that surged in their hearts when they heard the news about the barbarian cavalry.

"Let's go down the mountain."

Li Yang also noticed the vanguard of the wolf cavalry. With a decisive wave of his hand, everyone immediately led the horses and donkeys out of the forest in excitement. After reaching the official road, they got on their horses and moved forward quickly.

"Tap tap tap..."

In order to keep the speed of the team consistent, the horses were not fast and stayed close to the knights on donkeys. However, the five-mile road was too close, and the barbarian wolf cavalry in front discovered them not long after.

The soldiers were so excited when they saw the barbarian wolf cavalry that they all loaded their firearms under the command of their master.

The barbarian wolf cavalry scout with only a dozen riders saw the cavalry force of two thousand people turning back quickly. Li Yang waved his hand and asked everyone to tie up their horses and donkeys nearby, then dismounted and moved forward a hundred meters. , create a battlefield on the spot.


Just after hiding on the edge of the rocks and woods, with a huge wolf howl, the three thousand wolf cavalry in front roared into view.


The soldiers loaded their bullets immediately. They suppressed their breathing and looked at the barbarian wolf cavalry who kept running toward them with crazy faces. They raised their guns and aimed at their targets.

Two armored corpses stood in the middle of the road holding heavy machine guns, their muzzles pointing coldly at the oncoming cavalry.

"It is indeed an ordinary army with only one junior soul mage, kill!"

The wolf cavalry roared in. As the distance quickly approached, the leading cavalry leader sensed the breath in front, and a flash of bloodlust flashed in his eyes. He waved his long knife. In an instant, the restless barbarian cavalry roared wildly and charged forward quickly. .

In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two sides was as close as a hundred meters.


Suddenly there was a loud shout in the woods, and the next moment explosions like fried beans sounded wildly, and bullets quickly covered the barbarian cavalry with roars.

“Tu tu tu tu tu…”

The two armored zombies standing in the center pointed their guns at the middle part of the cavalry and pulled the trigger. The guns in their hands instantly made a crazy sound of bullets coming out. The powerful recoil was directly suppressed by the powerful force of the mutant zombies. The original earthquake raised a cloud of dust.


The bullets mercilessly penetrated the cavalry who were charging madly, and the terrifying barrage instantly tore their strong bodies into pieces.

In an instant, the barbarian wolf cavalry fell crazily like wheat.


The leading wolf cavalry roared and wanted to attack. Li Yang raised his hand and fired an electromagnetic cannon to interrupt his attack. Then he deliberately ran outside the battlefield. When the leading wolf cavalry rushed out and wanted to kill him, he activated the kinetic energy of the mecha. Kicked his head off.


Controlling the mecha to hold down the giant wolf with scarlet eyes, Li Yang in the mecha used the [God of Cookery Strengthening Technique] to suck on the corpse of the leader of the wolf cavalry.

A cloud of gray substance floated out from the corpse of the leader of the wolf cavalry, and was inhaled by Li Yang along his nose. It felt as if he was inhaling cold air and felt cold at the same time.

However, as the magic formula was running, this cold energy immediately turned into warm power and replenished his body. Li Yang instantly felt that his body had become much stronger.

"The effect is so obvious..."

Li Yang looked sharply at the barbarian wolf cavalry who kept falling to the ground in front of him. After a moment, he used his strength to kill the giant wolf that could not be tamed with spiritual power.

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