My world double door

Chapter 130 Welcome Mr. Li Yang into the city (please subscribe)

The soul power was compressed and improved, and the quality increased by 34% in the blink of an eye.

Power surged in the body, and the second transformation followed. The strength of the body rose rapidly at the speed of a rising tide, rising by 26% in the blink of an eye before it subsided.

"The soul has reached the third transformation, which is the level of the intermediate soul mage, and the body has reached the second transformation, which is the training sequence of the junior knight."

It was in the morning, and the sun was rising. Sitting cross-legged among the barbarian wolf cavalry, Li Yang opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on his lips. Under the circumstances that were already comparable to junior knights, another wave of junior knights had been cultivated.

Double the power!

"I just don't know how it compares to the mid-level knights, but it doesn't matter, the real mid-level knights are not far away from me."

Such thoughts flashed through Li Yang's mind, and then he felt the negative state of hunger and the sense of decline that had not yet recovered in his soul, and breathed out softly.

Yesterday, he was at the juncture of his third transformation. Today, after absorbing a wave of soul power, he quickly absorbed a wave of genetic siltation energy in the body under the influence of hunger, and obtained it before the negative state was eliminated. It is reasonable to achieve a breakthrough.

Not daring to continue practicing here, he waved his hand and asked the servant army to come over quickly to clean the battlefield. He flew into the air to monitor the movements of the barbarian wolf cavalry.

After a while, a fire was lit, and water vapor condensed along the way to cover the smell. The servant army, which wiped out a group of barbarian wolf cavalry, quickly retreated into the forest under the leadership of Li Yang.




The residents near Blackstone City have long been afraid of the barbarian soldiers and horses because of the refugees and beggars who fled from the Western Front and are worried about their arrival.

However, when the barbarian wolf cavalry actually appeared in front of them, they truly felt the despair.

All those who could run ran away, and the rest were unable to run. When they arrived, death became a kind of relief.

Groups of barbarian wolf cavalry, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds, invaded the land of Black Rock City as quickly as a prairie fire.

In just two days, the world that could barely maintain a surface of peace before was shattered.


In Black Stone City, a huge black bell rang on the city wall, and the rippling bells cast a layer of deathly silence over the entire city.

"The bell rang three times, and another barbarian wolf cavalry troop surrounded Blackstone City."

In the city lord's palace, the wife of Knight Alagon was wearing white gauze gloves and a white dress. She held her hands together and sat on the high chair with strength, her lips turning slightly white from the exertion.

While she was meditating, a dull horn suddenly sounded outside the city. Karin's expression changed, and the next moment a golden figure rushed out of the secret room of the city lord's palace.

"The warriors of Black Rock City, the barbarians are attacking the city, gather with me to defend the city now!"

Aragon was riding on a rainbow-colored white horse, holding a knight's sword high in his hand, and his voice vibrated in the city like a bell.

"Defend the city, defend the city, defend the city!"

Groups of soldiers climbed onto the tower with firm eyes, and many civilians also climbed up the tower to assist in delivering stones, weapons, rolling logs and other items for city defense.

The moment everyone gathered, a continuous line of barbarian wolf cavalry made a sharp roar and attacked the city with their long swords raised high.

"Fire the arrow!"


Accompanied by a loud shout from the commander on the city wall, a large rain of arrows, along with stones the size of a human head thrown by a catapult, tilted down towards the barbarian wolf cavalry below.

The arrow rain and stone throwing instantly caused the barbarian wolf cavalry to fall to the ground and die, but their footsteps did not stop at all. The surging crowd quickly made up for the dead vacancies, roaring and continuing to attack the city wall.



The roar of the giant wolf and the shouts of the soldiers merged into one in an instant.


The continuous siege lasted for ten days.

During these ten days, due to the fact that the city was fully prepared for defense and resistance, no wolf cavalry was able to climb to the top of the city wall and successfully guard the entire city for ten days.

But on the eleventh day, three high-level extraordinary beings among the barbarian wolf cavalry came together. Aragon, Master Vin Ste and Master Megawati Riley went out of the city to fight.

The battle lasted from dawn to dusk outside Blackstone City. Alegon, who had been severely injured before, struggled to kill a barbarian wolf cavalry senior transcendent, but was seriously injured and on the verge of death by a sneak attack by a fourth senior transcendent who suddenly rushed to the battlefield.

Vin St and Megawati Riley fought hard to kill their enemies, forcing the fourth transcendent back in time, and then returned to the city with Alegon.

On the twelfth day, Aligon was seriously injured and died. The spell from the royal bloodline was cast on the fourth high-level transcendent of the barbarians. Master Vin Ste and Master Megawati Riley worked together. Take the risk and kill it.

But when he left the city, two more high-level barbarian extraordinarys appeared. During the fight, the two struggled to kill the three extraordinarys, and they themselves fell into a state of healing due to excessive consumption.

That night, a single rider carried a letter deep into the dense forest of Nanshan Mountain.

Early the next morning, the barbarian wolf cavalry spontaneously gathered to attack the city, but suddenly thunder and fire broke out behind them.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

"Boom boom boom..."

One hundred and twenty artillery pieces, each of which fired a full 300 shells.

The barbarian cavalry gathered outside the city gate suffered heavy casualties under the bombardment of artillery. An intermediate extraordinary person rode a giant wolf into the air and wanted to kill them at the source, but the burly figure who had been riding the armor soared into the sky, using extremely powerful force. With one against ten, he killed them all.

The junior transcendent on the ground encountered dozens of corpse slaves wearing iron armor, and most of them were killed or wounded in the gunfire. The rest finally rushed forward, only to find that these corpse slaves were tougher than them, and were chopped up with double swords. kill.

After the death of the transcendent, the remaining barbarian wolf cavalry in the siege tried to flee, but servant armies armed with firearms appeared all around, killing the remaining barbarian wolf cavalry one by one.

In just a quarter of an hour, corpses were everywhere outside Blackstone City where the ferocious wolf cavalry had just been everywhere, with only a few mounts surviving.

The defenders who were alarmed by the sound of thunder, fire and thunder saw the famous Lord Li Yang on the battlefield, and his army of servants also went outside the city to clean the battlefield. They excitedly opened the city gates and rushed out of the city to help the army of servants clean the battlefield.

With everyone working together, the battlefield was swept away quickly. In the center of the battlefield, Mr. Li Yang, who was leading one hundred and three corpse servants to swallow the "grey mist", waited for more than three hours and saw them piling up the corpses and the loot. After collecting them all, they immediately flew into the air and released 'fire magic' on the pile of corpses, burning all the barbarian corpses to ashes.

Then the gate of Black Rock City opened, and everyone in the city warmly welcomed Master Li Yang into the city!




"In the Nanshan Mountains, there are many incomplete trophies that have not been processed. These are weapons in the hands of the barbarians. They are of good quality. Transport them all to Blackstone City and let the blacksmiths in the city speed up the process of recasting them so that they can be used to protect the city. among.”

Amidst the excited welcome of many people and soldiers, Mr. Li Yang led his two thousand servants to the city wall. He looked at the land in front of him that was scorched by cannonballs, smiled on his face, and then faced The people around him ordered.

"Remember to be vigilant and send people to pay attention to the movement of barbarian soldiers and horses at all times. If anything goes wrong, retreat in time."

Li Yang gave Li Yi careful instructions, and Li Yi nodded solemnly, then trotted into the city and took part of the servant army back to the Nanshan base on their mounts.

Li Yang didn't go anywhere. He waited until noon, when the sun rose high above his head, and saw two hundred carriages carrying broken swords and broken armor. He nodded with satisfaction, then stood at the city gate and personally handed over these things. The craftsmen in the city asked them to take it back and recast it.

In order to speed up efficiency, three hundred servants were even arranged to participate in this matter to help them complete the process better.

"The most important location in a city is the city gate. For the safety of Blackstone City, from today onwards, the [Li Jiajun] will be responsible for the city wall defense. The original city defense army will fully assist the [Li Jiajun] in defending the city."

Mr. Li Yang stood on the tallest west wall of Black Rock City. He turned around with a smile and looked at the people below who were excited about his arrival and said, "Do you have the confidence to work with Mr. Li Yang to protect the city?" Our Black Rock City!”

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The sound of thunder and fire outside the city and the barbarian wolf cavalry who died like cutting wheat undoubtedly gave the people in the city great confidence. They all shouted excitedly, and then Master Li Yang pressed his hands with a smile on his face, Let everything in the city enter a state of militarized management.

Immediately afterwards, he personally commanded the servant army to arrange one hundred and twenty-six artillery pieces of different sizes evenly on the four city walls, and placed two professionally trained servant troops beside each artillery piece, and three City defense force auxiliary.

Then he personally took care of the shift guarding of the city wall, installed many solar searchlights, and moved many boxes of grenades on the city wall.

Another 800 heavy machine guns were placed on the west wall, and 350 were placed on the walls, and 150 were placed on the walls in the other three directions.

After placing the ammunition, he placed a hundred armored corpse servants whose strength had greatly increased on the four city walls, and then walked down the city wall with satisfaction.

He looked at the rebuilt City Lord's Mansion, and a smile appeared on his lips, but he did not rush into the symbol of the City Lord, but flew from the air to the Ste family.




"As long as I can defend the city until the kingdom's counterattack arrives, 20% of the income from this city and all the surrounding land will belong to me?"

In the tea room, the fragrance of tea was lingering. Li Yang was sitting opposite Vin St. Sitting next to him was Megawati Riley, a senior pharmacist. At this time, everyone was listening to Li Yang. Words from a rising star.

"Yes, 20% profit. As you know, in fifteen days at most, the legendary trio will lead their army out of the defensive cliff."

Vin St. nodded, looking at Li Yang in front of him with a soft mouth, his eyes burning: "We originally only had 10% of the income, but as long as we can stay here to ensure that the city is not attacked by the barbarians, we can increase it to 20%. That’s why Megawati and I stayed.”

"The output of Black Rock City alone can bring us an income of 50,000 silver coins a year. Twenty percent, that is 100,000. Otherwise, Vin St. and I would not be able to stay here forever."

Megawati also nodded, and then looked at Li Yang in front of her with a smile: "Now that Aligon is dead, the two of us are powerless. As long as you can stay with us until the end, Blackstone City's gains will be Guaranteed to have 20% of you."

"If each of the three of us gets 20%, wouldn't it mean that only 40% of the tax revenue belongs to the kingdom? Can the people of the kingdom agree?"

Li Yang took a sip of tea and asked softly with his eyes turning.

"No, no, no, you understand the opposite. We both disagree."

Hearing Li Yang's words, Wen shook his head fiercely, with solemn eyes: "The people of the Crow royal family have done nothing. The Magic City of Blackstone City was chosen to be held here because of the management of Megawati and I." , the people of Blackstone City are guarded here all year round, and even the city was built by local people."

"The Crow royal family is sitting back and enjoying the benefits. It is already good to get benefits. And it is not 40%, but 20%. The remaining 20% ​​is used for city construction and maintenance of the daily operation of the city."

Megawati then spoke to emphasize, obviously very sensitive to this issue.

The Crow Royal Family... So this kingdom is the Crow Kingdom?

"Oh, it's actually like this..."

Li Yang raised his eyebrows in surprise, and the idea of ​​enfeoffment and rule quickly flashed through his mind, and then he extinguished it: "If this is really the case, then I am willing to sit in the city, but I don't know how to get the kingdom by then. Officially recognized?”

"Fifteen days later, the legendary trio will lead an army to sweep the world. Official personnel from the Lion Kingdom will arrive on the eighteenth day at the latest. After checking the situation in the city, they will naturally give you the seal of the Lion Kingdom."

Vin St spoke with a smile, and Megawati on the side also nodded.

It turns out to be called the Lion Kingdom...

This is the first time that Li Yang has heard this statement from the indigenous people in so long that he has been in this world. Normally, everyone uses the word "kingdom" instead of the word "kingdom".

But think about it, just like in the real world, everyone will talk about the Yan Kingdom, but rarely the Yanhuang National Republic.

Thinking in his heart, Li Yang also nodded with a smile: "I feel relieved after getting confirmation from you two. I don't know how injured you are. If you encounter a strong enemy, can you fight again?"

"With my magic potion here, it won't be a problem, but it will take another five days to fully recover."

Megawati shook her head and said softly, with a look of exhaustion on her face.

"In this case, I will definitely defend the city during these five days."

Hearing this, Li Yang immediately smiled and nodded, then bowed his hands to the two of them, and then left the tea room to leave.

Megawati and Wen got up to see each other off, and sent Li Yang outside the Ste family. They watched the other party leave under the welcome of fully armed soldiers, and then returned to the tea room.

"In just half a month, his soul power has grown to the level of an intermediate mage. Moreover, I think his body and aura are not weaker than his soul. It's incredible."

Returning to the tea room and refilling the tea, Wen thought about the aura Li Yang had made him feel in front of him just now, and couldn't help but speak in amazement.

"I think he smells like a necromancer. He must have practiced necromancer to get to this point."

Megawati shook her head: "He has many special magic weapons with very powerful attacks that ordinary people can use. With so many magic weapons together, the average barbarian wolf cavalry team will die when they encounter it. These days, he has killed Lots of barbarian wolf cavalry.”

"Even outside the city, the number of people he devoured after killing him was 50,000, let alone other places in the past half month."

Wen also nodded, and then rubbed his eyebrows: "What puzzles me is that although he has practiced the magic of the Necromancer, his soul power is so pure, no different from mine. Why on earth is this? ?”

"Maybe it's due to his unique heritage."

Megawati thought about it and couldn't figure out why she came. She could only attribute the reason to Li Yang's unknown inheritance.

"Fortunately, there is no shortcut to the cultivation of magic power. Otherwise, I'm afraid it won't be long before his cultivation will surpass you and me."

Wen chuckled and shook his head, then became much more relaxed: "Fortunately he is here, otherwise we might have to give up here."

"It's fair. Although he helped us, you and I have been running Black Rock City for many years. He got 20% of the tax right when he came, which is already quite a lot."

Megawati also chuckled: "But, overall, you and I are lucky."

After speaking, Megawati also showed emotion in her eyes, as if he had witnessed the unstoppable rise of a powerful man from the mainland.

‘You have to sell more magic potions to him. If you have a stable customer relationship, you can make a lot of money from him in the future. ’

Megawati's eyes rolled and the corners of her mouth curled up.




City Lord's Mansion.

The previous city lord's palace was reduced to dust under the concussion bomb, but with the help of the magician, it was quickly built again and became even more magnificent.

It's just that now there is no original soldier in the city lord's mansion. Li Yang's army of servants are firmly guarding every part of the city lord's mansion.

And their master, Li Yang, came out with a smile on his face after coming out of the Ste family.

What neither Vin St nor Megawati paid attention to was that before Li Yang left, he accidentally dropped a small object.

This little thing is called a "listener" in the real world.

After hearing the sound coming back from his monitor, Li Yang's smile became even brighter. He looked around the hall happily, and then walked step by step to the central hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

Sitting on the broad stone chair that symbolized the power of the city lord's mansion, the previously noble and proud city lord's wife Karin was still wearing a long white dress and white gauze gloves on her hands. She pursed her lips and looked at Li Yang who was walking towards her.

"My noble wife of the city lord, now I am the only person in this city who has soldiers and horses."

Li Yang walked step by step to the steps where the stone chair was, with one foot on the front step, his right elbow supporting his knees, and looking at the beautiful woman in front of him with a smile: "So, now, what should you do? Woolen cloth?"

Karin took a deep breath, her beautiful eyelashes trembling slightly, and slowly knelt in front of Li Yang.

She lowered her arrogant head to the man in front of her. She knew that the situation was over and she had to surrender when she needed to.

Her husband was dead, and she, who was just a knight's apprentice for the first time, had no ability to resist.

In the face of death, she made the right choice smoothly.

Then Master Li Yang's chuckle sounded.

"That's not right. Come on, hold on to this noble chair and push your noble butt up."

Karin was startled, and then she was picked up by Mr. Li Yang. Her delicate body was manipulated casually twice, and her jade hands wearing white gauze gloves tightly grasped the edge of the seat, with fierce eyes. Keep your eyes open.


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