My world double door

Chapter 131 Advanced Soul Mage

"Is that wrong?"

"Ahhh~ I was wrong!"

"I make you noble, I make you noble, I make you noble."


"Isn't it noble anymore?"

"It's not noble anymore!"

"Do you still want to punish me?"

"No, it's gone!"

"Say, what is 伱?"

"I am expensive..."


"Ah, I, I am a servant, I will be your servant from now on, ah..."


The sun was three poles high, and three poles passed.

In the city lord's mansion, a rich luncheon started. The once aloof and arrogant wife of the city lord was pitifully busy serving lunch to her master.

From today on, she is no longer the noble wife of the city lord, but the maid of Master Li Yang.

"Well, it tastes pretty good. You served this meal with as much enthusiasm as your delicate body. It seems you have a talent for being a maid."

Not long after, after lunch, Li Yang raised his head. The superior wife of the city lord hurriedly wiped Master Li Yang's mouth with a white handkerchief in her white gauze-gloved hands, which received praise from Master Li Yang.

Such praise made the noble city lord's wife blush, and then Master Li Yang waved his hand: "Go, warm up the quilt on the bed in the bedroom. Later, Master is going to take a nap, and he will have to work hard again." .”

Let you be more energetic...

Karin pursed her lips, silently holding up the skirt that symbolized her noble status, and turned back to the room. When she reached her fragrant boudoir, Karin pursed her lips and took off her boots, and asked the servants to bring hot water to wash up. , and then lay down on his own bed, quietly warming the bed.

She closed her eyes silently to rest, knowing that she would still be tired when Mr. Li Yang wanted to impress her later.

On the other side, in the main hall, Li Yang, who sent the city lord's wife away, stretched and felt the power surging in his body, and a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth.

"After using three sets of five basic potions, I am finally at the level of an intermediate mage."

Li Yang murmured to himself, feeling the power of his body. The soul power had suddenly undergone the fourth transformation, reaching the level of perfection of an intermediate mage, while the physical body also experienced the third transformation, entering the level of an intermediate mortal. threshold.

However, due to the consumption of genetic medicine, although the physical body has just entered the threshold of an intermediate mage, it is no worse than the perfection level of an intermediate mage.

The only slight flaw is that the thunder magic is only perfect at the apprentice level.

But it's coming soon. Li Yang is confident that he can break through the soul, body, and thunder magic in the next few days.

Thinking of this, Li Yang turned around and went to the secret room built by the city lord's palace. He left the three armored corpses outside the door to guard them and entered the secret room alone.

The three armored zombies, the power zombies and the ice zombies, have all reached the level of intermediate extraordinary beings. Coupled with their original genetic power, it may be difficult to fight against high-level extraordinary beings, but they are definitely among the intermediate extraordinary ones. Peak.

There are only speed zombies, which have not been cultivated very much. They are still in the late stage of junior supernatural beings. But combined with their own genetic power and their speed, even ordinary intermediate supernatural beings are definitely no match for them.

The three combined into one, even if a high-level transcendent comes, they can resist one or two.

This is enough.

In the secret room, Li Yang took out the genetic medicine box, and then opened the fourth floor. Instead of taking them one by one, he directly took a complete set of genetic medicines, from the nerve response medicine to the sixth sense medicine.

Surging power enters the body, subtle defects of the body, nerve reaction speed, thinking reaction speed, musculoskeletal strength, musculoskeletal speed, musculoskeletal endurance, musculoskeletal explosive power, musculoskeletal defense, body immune resistance, vision, hearing, smell , the sixth sense...

Every body function has been directly improved under the action of a complete set of medicines. This feeling makes people indulge in it, and there is a kind of relaxation and joy that is completely reborn.

In order to achieve a better effect when taking the genetic medicine at first, it was best to exercise while using the medicine, but now that Li Yang has taken three sets of basic genetic medicine, it naturally does not need to be as cumbersome as before.

Genes have already formed positive imprints during these three sets of processes. When the power of the medicine enters the body, the most perfect transformation immediately begins.

During this process, Li Yang was not idle. He raised his head and drank five bottles of basic magic power enhancement potion. Then he poured five portions of the delayed slurry into the wooden barrel of water that he had ordered his slave to prepare in advance. Then the body sank in.

He stretched his hands out of the water, opened the concentration liquid, took a sip, quickly closed it and put it back into the space bag, and then with the help of the [Concentration Liquid], he was able to enter the cultivation state while the genetic medicine was taking effect.

"Zi la la..."

The mecha's hands condensed violent lightning, and in the spiritual world, Li Yang's powerful spiritual power began to quickly absorb the power of the thunder element attracted by the two groups of lightning.


Under the influence of powerful spiritual power, the thunder and lightning elements in one hand of the mecha were absorbed by Li Yang at once. His body flashed with arcs under the action of a huge amount of thunder and lightning elements, and his body trembled slightly due to the inhalation of a large amount of thunder element power. Trembling, this is a sign of approaching the limit.

Fortunately, the sufficient delay potion in the barrel worked, allowing Li Yang's body to regain stability and absorb this large ball of thunder magic.


Wisps of thunder magic power are constantly emerging in the body, and its speed is several times faster than before.

The power from the five bottles of magic power enhancement potions came into play, allowing the magic power born in the body to fully grow and integrate into the original thunder magic power.


Li Yang's mental power immediately absorbed all the thunder elements pulled by the mecha's other hand. His body was so painful that he almost quit the practice, but Li Yang held it back because he knew that with the strength of his body, , the rapid increase in spiritual power and these thunder elements are already within his tolerance.

The genetic potion drank into the body is activated to the extreme under the action of this thunder element, transforming the body more deeply, and more of the power of the genetic potion can be used, reducing the remaining power of the accumulated useless genetic potion.

In this way, running back and forth, under the severe pain of the body, the magic power in the body expanded like a balloon. When the practice was over, Li Yangfu reached his soul and immediately started to operate the second thunder element recorded in [Thunder Element and Finger Thunder Technique]. The method of secondary transformation.

The thunder magic in the body was mobilized by the magic formula and circulated in the body. Under the influence of the mysterious magic formula, the volume gradually condensed by 24%.

"Huh, Junior Thunder Mage."

In the secret room, Li Yang, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes, and a flash of lightning was reflected in his pupils. He couldn't help but murmured to himself, with a smile on his lips.


The body jumped out of the already scalding barrel of water. The mecha condensed the biological cooling agent in time to cool down the high temperature body. Li Yang breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling the thunder magic in his body like a trickle, and the corners of his mouth The smile grows bigger.

As early as half a month ago, he discovered that when he practiced [God of Cookery Strengthening Technique] to absorb soul power and strengthen his own physique, the physical pressure caused by the absorption of thunder elements would be relieved and disappeared.

Then one day, he suddenly thought of practicing thunder magic together while the genetic medicine in his body was taking effect, and found that the combination was extremely effective.

The stimulation of [Thunder Element] can make [Gene Potion] better strengthen one's body, and the power of [Gene Potion] can better protect the body from absorbing [Thunder Element]. It is simply killing two birds with one stone.

Later, his soul power and physical fitness improved rapidly due to the simultaneous advancement of [God of Cookery Strengthening Technique] and [Gene Potion]. He also found that the speed at which he could absorb thunder elements could also absorb more easily, and his body It can also bear more.

Until he could absorb all the thunder elements condensed by the mecha in one fell swoop, when the Wolf Cavalry attacked the city this morning, he used his huge soul power to absorb all the gene siltation power he participated in. Just now, he simply absorbed the fourth set of genes. The medicine is absorbed completely.

While this set of genetic potions were taking effect, he increased the use of magic potions according to his physical condition, and as expected, he broke through the thunder element to the second transformation level in one go.

This process only lasted for half an hour, and his cultivation efficiency had been greatly improved.

After the transformation of [Thunder Magic] was completed, Li Yang had no intention of stopping. Instead, he sat down cross-legged and began to practice [Eating Body Strengthening Magic] while the swelling feeling in his soul that had been tempered by absorbing the thunder element was gone.

It's just a pity that the soul power that has reached four transformations is not so easy to undergo the fifth transformation. This is a watershed. Many mages even need to polish for several years before they can get the chance to improve from an intermediate mage to a senior mage. .

However, Li Yang had no intention of reaching the level of a senior mage in just one practice. He opened his eyes calmly and practiced the knight exercise method to move his body for a while. He felt that his whole body was overflowing with energy and energy.

Except that the surge of energy is an illusion...

Li Yang felt the huge genetic accumulation caused by a complete set of basic potions, which already accounted for almost 50% of the gene capacity, while the gene capacity of a tube of first-level potions accounted for 30% .

Even the perfect potion accounts for 15%, and can be taken up to the third level.

In other words, according to the normal situation in the end of the world, after taking a complete set of basic medicines, he would take at most one first-level genetic medicine and become a first-level genetic warrior with weak attributes.

Fortunately, for him, the power contained in these genes is not unusable waste, but excellent nourishment for the [Eating Body Strengthening Magic].

A smile appeared on Li Yang's lips, and he walked out of the city energetically and walked around the city wall. He looked at the time and saw that it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

"The ammunition is almost used up, I have to replenish it."

After walking around, Li Yang was thinking in his mind. Even though he had brought a lot of ammunition reserves in the past half month of constant fighting, he could not withstand such a huge consumption. Now the entire servant army has the largest amount of ammunition. Support three more mini-battles.

Need to add more.

Thinking lightly in his heart, Li Yang followed him back to his secret room, and returned to the real world again with a movement of his body.

In the real world, it was three o'clock in the morning, the darkest time. Li Yang followed the same pattern and immediately picked a lucky foreign military camp, and loaded all kinds of ammunition and some larger artillery into the camp that became empty as the ammunition and weapons were consumed. Space Bag].

What surprised him was that when he left, he actually found a cluster rocket launcher vehicle and twenty base ammunition. He raised his eyebrows and put it away without politeness, and then saw the [Space Bag] being loaded. Full, I left here with satisfaction.

Before leaving, he did not forget to leave a good review.

Returning to Black Rock City again, at four o'clock in the afternoon, Li Yang once again walked around the city wall, adding a large-caliber artillery to each gun position, and leaving a large amount of ammunition.

He considered the cluster rocket launcher vehicle and did not take it out. Instead, he put it in the [space bag] for later use. Then he flew into the air for inspection, silently staring at the barbarian wolf cavalry that was far beyond the gathering in Black Rock City. The troops watched for a while, then turned and flew back to the city lord's palace.

He walked all the way to the most elegant and luxurious room in the City Lord's Mansion. Karin was still sleeping on the bed. He chuckled lightly, the mecha on his body automatically retracted, and he strode onto the bed.

"Uh, oh~"

Karin felt as if she had been injected in her sleep. When she woke up from the dream, she was actually being injected. She silently covered her eyes with the quilt.

Li Yang's eyes narrowed. He was still not convinced. He licked his lips.

"Take off the quilt and look at me. You don't want to face the brutal barbarian wolf cavalry..."




The successive losses of high-level transcendental power and a large number of ordinary troops in the attack on Black Rock City made the barbarian wolf cavalry no longer act rashly.

Master Li Yang guarded the city for three consecutive days, and everything was calm. Apart from daily practice, the only thing he had to do was to train the wife of the superior city lord.

The cunning wife of the city lord, Karin, always surrendered during the battle, but after the battle, she regained her temper, causing Master Li Yang to train her in a state of excitement day and night.

As for his female slaves, for the sake of safety, Li Yang did not let them come out of the tunnel, and planned to let them return to the surface after the aftermath here.

Finally, on the fourth day, the dark barbarian army appeared in the sight of the telescopes of the tower servants. Master Li Yang immediately got up from the city lord's wife Karin, solemnly put on his armor and came to the west city wall.

It can be seen that the difference from before is that this time the barbarian soldiers and horses did not ride giant wolves, but came as infantry.

Along with the infantry, there were also a large number of siege equipment, while the former barbarian wolf cavalry were wandering far outside the city.

"This is to play hard."

Li Yang squinted his eyes and used his super vision to watch everything in front of him. The servants around him also nervously tightened their grips on their guns.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, when the barbarian infantry approached thirty meters outside the city, loud noises suddenly struck, and Master Li Yang's good servants all had smiles on their faces.

The mine array buried a hundred meters away exploded smoothly, killing a large number of barbarian infantry within a hundred meters. The remaining infantry angrily vented their anger on the ground attack, and then retreated silently amidst a large number of casualties, leaving only Corpses everywhere.

Li Yang smiled. When the barbarian troops retreated, they immediately flew into the dead body area of ​​100 meters. With a breath from the tip of his nose, a large amount of soul power poured into the mental space and was quickly digested by the [God of Cookery Strengthening Technique].

In just about ten minutes, Li Yang, who had absorbed all the soul power, endured the negative state from his soul and returned to the city wall to sit cross-legged and practice. Some servants began to quickly leave the city to clean the battlefield, and came back with the remaining supplies of the barbarian infantry for use. .

Three hours later, at noon.

An aura of soul power at the level of a senior mage surged out of Li Yang.

The quality of the soul increases by fifty percent!

Li Yang opened his eyes, a flash of brilliance flashed in his eyes, and his heart moved. A psychic fireball with a diameter of two meters and exuding a destructive aura appeared in his sight. The dangerous aura made all the soldiers around him look frightened. look.

A smile flashed across his face, and the magic dissipated with a wave of his hand. The next moment, without using the power of the mecha, his body suddenly floated into the air again.

The powerful mental power shook the space, driving his body to fly steadily in the air.

Free flight, the sign of a high-level transcendent!

The soul that had already reached the perfection level of an intermediate mage actually made a breakthrough in the next soul absorption!

Li Yang flew around the city wall happily, experiencing this completely different feeling, and felt full of satisfaction in his heart.

After testing the flight speed, I found that the speed of flying with mental power was about the same as that of a motorcycle. I couldn't help but silently shook my head and returned to my original position amid the awe of the soldiers around me.

"It's a pity that there is a lack of magic, otherwise I would have good combat effectiveness just relying on soul power."

Li Yang sighed secretly in his heart, but then it disappeared.

Being able to cultivate advanced soul power so quickly is already a very good result. What else can he desire?

Nine shimmering spikes appeared in the mental space. After breaking through to the senior magician, the soul magic of [Soul Stab] also showed its majesty.

He felt the soul power in his body that had been absorbed by the gene potions that had been sucked out when he advanced to become a senior magician. He turned around and returned to the secret room, silently drinking up the last set of basic gene potions.


Taking a long breath from his mouth, Li Yang felt the surging genetic power in his body. He looked at the medicine box and found that there were only twenty-five bottles of first-level medicine left in it.

Strength, speed, physical fitness, neurological reactions, vision.

As his cultivation level increased, the frequency of using genetic medicine became faster and faster.

That's a good thing, though.

After thinking about the two genetic warriors blocking the door of the apocalyptic world, Li Yang narrowed his eyes and a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth.

Wait a little longer, wait until the remaining genetic potion is absorbed, wait until things here are over, and wait until the strength reaches a higher level, then it's time to go back.

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