My world double door

Chapter 135 Relaxation

[Chen Qian: Please, I really know I was wrong. I was wrong before. I was too naive. Please forgive me, woo woo woo]

[Chen Qian: I'm sorry, I'm sorry]

[Chen Qian: I really know I was wrong. I was too stupid before, I was too stupid, woo woo, Li Yang...]


In the villa in East District of Heyang, Li Yang, who was sitting in the car, started the car, looked at the chat history on his phone, and shook his head helplessly.

Thinking of the image of the girl wearing a red shirt and showing two white legs last summer, Li Yang had to admit that his heart was too kind.

"Breeding No. 9, after Chen Qian left me, did she have any ambiguous contact or chat with other men?"

Li Yang asked [Breeding No. 9] in his mind and immediately received a reply from [Breeding No. 9].

[After inquiry, Chen Qian devoted herself to work after she separated from you. The impact she received at work every day was increasing day by day. She finally realized that she had not had ambiguous contact with any man during this period.]

"That's good."

Li Yang smiled, opened the car door and thought for a while. After all, he was the first woman since he became rich, and she was still a delicate girl. It was normal to have some special feelings in his heart. He immediately started the car and drove towards Hewan Shuise Teahouse.

Driving all the way, after a while, Shuise Tea House was in sight. Li Yang parked the car in the parking lot of Shuise Tea House. Before he got out of the car, he saw a girl with light makeup, exquisite clothes, serious look and pretty girl trotting up to him. Beside the car, when Li Yang got off the car, he hugged his arm.

"Dear, I knew you would definitely come. You must still have me in your heart. I'm sorry. I really know I was wrong. I was too stupid before. I feel so happy now when I think about my past actions. I was so stupid by myself, now I really know that I was wrong, and you are the best, please forgive me."

Chen Qian was still wearing the same serious-colored clothes she wore at work, but because of her beauty and the blessing of a young and beautiful girl, this outfit not only did not look boring but also had a pretty feeling, just like a policewoman, which made her look pretty. People have a feeling of desire.

Slim-fitting black trousers were worn all the way to her feet, and her pert little buttocks were lifted up under the black trousers. She pressed very close to Li Yang, and directly put her right hand on Li Yang's serious buttocks. , letting him put his hand in, looking at his pleading mouth pitifully.

"It depends on your sincerity."

Li Yang saw a smile on Chen Qian's face, and touched the softness inside the black hanging trousers with his hands, and he had already forgiven her for most of it.

The other half depends on her subsequent 'sincerity'.

Li Yang has many female slaves in the magical world, but the skin quality and appearance of these female slaves are incomparable with modern pampered women. Only the noble and extraordinary noble lady Karin can let him find the delicacy of a modern woman.

Chen Qian nodded vigorously, not caring that her 'neat' clothes were unharmoniously held up by one hand, she directly pressed herself against Li Yang and led him to the box she had prepared.

But when the box opened, I was surprised to find that there was already a beautiful girl with a hairpin on her head and long hair, wearing a jk skirt, and black leather shoes with bows on her white feet, standing next to the table.

"Um, what is this?"

Li Yang was stunned for a moment, took his hand out of Chen Qian's pants quietly, and asked Chen Qian in surprise.

"This is my sister, Chen Na."

Chen Qian smiled and stepped forward, holding the little hand of Chen Na who was looking at Li Yang with big eyes. She smiled and introduced Li Yang. After speaking, she said to Chen Na again: "This is brother Li Yang."

"Hello, brother Li Yang."

Hearing this, Chen Na's face, which was prettier than Chen Qian's, showed a peaceful smile, and she said sweetly to Li Yang.

"Okay, okay, sit down, sit down."

Li Yang looked at the little girl who was obviously young but very beautiful. His eyes were on her delicate skin and straight, slender and slender legs. A smile appeared on his face and he asked her to sit down. down.

Chen Na smiled sweetly and sat opposite Li Yang. Strong tea was already brewed on the table. Li Yang was a little confused about the meaning of Chen Qian bringing his sister here, so he just smiled and drank tea and chatted. The usual.

The table in the private room is a bed table, and the place where you sit is a lazy sofa on the table. When Li Yang sat down, he could just see the slender, pretty and young-looking lovely Chen Na in front of him. Right in front of him, he had a smile on his face. Just as he was about to say something, his eyes blurred, his legs sank, and Chen Qian sat down in his arms.

"Your sister is still here watching, it's inconvenient."

Li Yang subconsciously hugged the soft body in his arms, and then looked at the little girl opposite who was blinking and looking here. He realized that he was also in Chen Na's sight, and couldn't help but look at Chen Na who brought her lips up to kiss her. Qian said.

"It's okay. This is for work. If you find it inconvenient, just tear it off and take it off."

Chen Qian's little butt was sitting tightly between Li Yang's legs. Her handsome little suit wrapped her figure into a smooth figure. She clung to Li Yang's body tightly, holding his head with both hands. Her face was close at hand, and her lips were touching when she spoke. He rubbed his lips softly and spoke softly.

Sister Chen Qian was watching right in front of him. Chen Qian's intimate movements, the soft wrapping on her butt, and the hot breath from her lips made Li Yang suddenly feel a special stimulation. He raised his eyes and looked at the crooked eyes on the opposite side. Looking at Chen Na, she opened her mouth and took Chen Qian's lips into her mouth.


Chen Qian's nose was sprayed with hot air. She used to take off and hide the clothes she had to wear before doing those things at Li Yang's house. Now she no longer paid attention to them. Li Yang took them off wantonly, even if the buttons fell apart. Don't care either.

After kissing for a moment, she narrowed her eyes hard and trembled her eyelashes twice. She hugged Li Yang's waist tightly and said nothing.

"Drink tea, drink tea."

Li Yang took a deep breath and saw sister Chen Qian opposite him still blinking her beautiful eyes and looking towards him. He couldn't help but smile on his face. He leaned over and poured a cup of tea and asked the little girl to drink it.

"Thank you, brother."

Chen Na smiled sweetly on her face, took the tea and took a sip. She watched her sister, who had a fairly neat upper body, drawing circles on Brother Li Yang's body. She couldn't help but blink her eyes and took the initiative to find a topic with Li Yang. .

But the little girl was not very good at chatting actively. After chatting for only half an hour, she was picked up by Li Yang.

"Why don't you go to school and come out?"

After hearing Chen Na's words, Li Yang couldn't help but raise his buttocks and sit down again, and asked in surprise.

Chen Na pouted: "Going to school is boring. I just don't want to go to school. I think it's great for my sister to be like this. It's my dream life."

"But your sister also graduated. She goes to school hard and works harder. Then she will be relaxed and see better scenery in the future."

Li Yang saw Chen Na's beauty and couldn't help but persuade her. Chen Qian suddenly froze and stood still for a moment, as if her soul was touched.

"As long as I can be like my sister, there's no point in going to college."

Chen Na stretched out her hand and tied her hair into a ponytail, completely exposing her delicate and beautiful face. She smiled and showed her white front teeth and spoke softly.


Chen Qian sat in her arms and calmly pulled up her pants, then stood up and said, "I'm going to the toilet."

"University is still very good and allows people to grow."

Li Yang shook his head and said, after saying that, he couldn't help but say goodbye and go to the toilet.

Chen Na blinked her eyes and lay down in the box a little sleepily for a nap. More than forty minutes had passed since she woke up. She found that her sister and brother Li Yang hadn't come out yet, so she stretched again and picked up her phone to play. After more than twenty minutes, she finally saw her handsome brother coming back holding her beautiful sister.

Li Yang held Chen Qian in her seat to rest, and then served tea. He did not continue the topic just now, but casually chatted about interesting things.

The private room is not small, with a large stone platform measuring three meters by three meters, with a table in the middle, and a variety of tea and snacks placed on it, which is very comfortable.

Especially the pretty little beauty in the front, and the girl next to her is also very beautiful.

The delicate and beautiful girl's cheeks are right in front of you, and the ambiguous atmosphere makes people almost intoxicated.

"Let's go boating. We've almost finished drinking tea. We're just in time to enjoy the scenery of the lake."

In the blink of an eye, half an hour later, Chen Qian also regained some strength. Then she looked out the window and suddenly turned her head and said a suggestion.

"Okay, it's good to go on a cruise and see the scenery. You won't have to stay bored in the box all the time."

Li Yang couldn't help but smile when he heard this and said.

"Well, okay, okay."

Chen Na, who had been chatting with Li Yang about this and that, nodded and stretched out her delicate, round and slender legs with a smile on her face. The back of her JK skirt that barely covered her thighs was pressed on the lazy sofa. , it looked like she was not wearing any pants, and her white calf socks were stuck up on the edge of the stage to put on her shoes.

When her shoelaces were tied and she stood up from the platform, Li Yang and Chen Qian had already packed up. She hurriedly followed them out of the box with a smile and went to the lake to board the boat.

The most luxurious ship carrying the three people was still there. After the three people boarded the ship, the waiter followed them and quickly made tea and left.

The big boat floated on the lake. The three of them first looked outside the cabin. Then, fearing that Chen Na would be cold, Li Yang took the initiative to lead the two of them into the cabin.

Inside the cabin, there is a large bed in the center, tables, chairs, sofas and TVs. The lake can be clearly seen from the glass windows on both sides. The yellowish warm lamps illuminate the warm cabin clearly, and the light on the people makes it even more attractive. A delicate and hazy beauty.

Chen Na stood by the window, with her beautiful figure clearly visible in her stretched out waist, her delicate white legs, the faintly exposed body curves in her top, and the whiteness of her neck. The youthful vitality and delicate delicacy of the modern girl made Li Yang couldn't help but cast his eyes over her.

"If you like it, touch it."

Chen Qian stood next to Li Yang. When she saw Li Yang's eyes on Chen Na, she put her mouth to his ear and spoke warmly.

"No way."

Li Yang averted his eyes in embarrassment. A smile flashed in Chen Qian's eyes, but she suddenly took his hand and walked behind her sister who was standing by the window looking at the scenery, and put his hand on her sister. Chen Na's legs were also covering his hands, so he squeezed them, then touched them up and touched her buttocks.

The amazing smoothness made Li Yang's heart beat wildly. Chen Na, who was looking at the scenery, turned around and looked back at him, with a sweet smile on her lips.

Li Yang looked at Chen Na's beautiful and delicate face, earlobes, and that youthful and clean feeling. He suddenly stretched his hand back in a panic, then coughed and sat on the chair next to the table to drink water.

Chen Na blinked her eyes, turned around and sat next to him to drink tea. Li Yang just wanted to pour her tea, but Chen Qian took one of his hands and placed it on Chen Na's thigh with Chen Na's smiling eyes. superior.


An amazing touch came from his fingertips again. Li Yang's heart skipped a beat. He looked at Chen Na, but she just showed her sweet teeth but didn't dodge. He looked at Chen Qian again, and then fell back. He couldn't help but touch Chen Na's body, which made Chen Na smile even more.

He couldn't help but put his other hand up and touch the other leg. Chen Na sat up straight and let him touch it.

"Hoo, hiss~"

Li Yang had to take a deep breath. He slid up and down Chen Na's legs tightly and touched her calves. The beautiful calves wearing white calf socks felt soft to the touch. He lifted up the calf socks, reached in and kneaded them, then folded them over. Touching her thigh and reaching into the palm-length JK skirt, she saw Chen Qian leaning against Ren Juncaijie.

He took a deep breath, moved his butt off the chair, came to the side of Chen Na's seat, moved her chair to face him, lowered his head and buried it hard on those seductive long legs.


Chen Na was so itchy from being kissed that she couldn't help but lower her head and press the back of Li Yang's head and moan softly, but she watched Li Yang kiss her with no effect.

After about ten minutes, Chen Na felt her body light up. When she opened her eyes, her eyes blurred. She had been pressed onto the bed.


The next moment her lips were tightly blocked, Chen Na's throat moved slightly, and she grabbed the sheets on both sides with her hands.

Chen Qian stood up and closed the curtains on both sides of the cabin one by one.


In the blink of an eye, an afternoon passed.

The dinner at Shuise Tea House was pretty good. Li Yang couldn't help but have dinner here this time, and he didn't leave the cabin until eight o'clock in the afternoon.

Then he drove Chen Qian and Chen Na on the busy roads of the city at night, and drove all the way to Chen Qian's home. Li Yang said "Send off" and sent Chen Na to his home, so he held Chen Na in his arms and looked at Jian Qian. The lips kissed her fiercely.


Chen Na murmured softly, and then she leaned forward and was hugged by her handsome brother Li Yang. They lay on the sofa and kissed him passionately.


Chen Qian looked at Li Yang who couldn't let go of her sister, smiled softly, shook her head, locked the door, went to change the wet and tattered clothes, picked up a new set of clothes and went to the bathroom to wash and change. When I came out, I saw my sister was still being hugged and kissed by Li Yang.

She took an apple and peeled it leisurely. As soon as she took a bite, she heard Li Yang's cell phone ringing. She picked it up and saw that it was Dai Yueming calling.

Chen Qian pursed her lips and put the phone next to Li Yang: "Dai Yueming called you to urge you to go home."

Of course Dai Yueming knew who she was now, a young woman who had replaced her in Li Yang's villa.


Li Yang moved Chen Na's red cheek away, thought for a while and clicked answer.

"Hey, hubby, why aren't you home yet?"

Dai Yueming's gentle voice sounded on the other end of the phone. Li Yang pinched Chen Na's red butt and smiled: "I'll be right back."

"Ah, okay, then I'll wait for you at home, mua~"

Dai Yueming's happy voice came, and Li Yang hung up the phone with a smile, and then looked at the blushing girl in front of him. Her appearance was still so delicate at this time.

How awesome.

Li Yang stood up, put Chen Na down, looked at her soft eyes, and licked his lips: "Chen Qian, wipe the saliva on Nana's body, change into clean clothes, and go back with me."

"Hey, that's good."

Chen Qian's squinted eyes lit up, knowing that she had done the right thing. Then she pulled Chen Na up, who was somewhat reluctant to leave, and went to the bathroom to wash up. When she got to the bathroom, she saw that Chen Na was covered in drool.

The feeling of a delicate girl and goddess was completely changed by the saliva.

"It seems that your brother Li Yang really likes to wet you."

Chen Qian grinned and hurriedly used the rain to wash Chen Na's body, which was still enjoying herself.

Li Yang waited outside the bathroom for more than forty minutes, until he heard the sound of the hair dryer stopping from the sound of water, and then watched Chen Na come out of the bathroom wearing a shirt. She looked like an Internet goddess even if she was only wearing a short-sleeved shirt. Unable to hide the exquisite beauty, he asked the sisters to pack their things while he followed behind and watched, feeling happy both physically and mentally.

The barbarian invasion and killing too many people's body and mind were completely relaxed.

After a while, the cleaning was over and the three of them sat in the car together. Li Yang let Chen Qian drive while he played with Chen Na in the back seat.

She didn't stop until she reached the villa. Chen Qian couldn't help but cling to Li Yang. She was led by Li Yang to the villa. Dai Yueming was stunned when he went out.

Asking for monthly ticket

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