My world double door

Chapter 136 Awakening! (Please subscribe for more updates!)

"Li Yang, this is..."

Dai Yueming opened the door and saw a pair of beauties brought back by Li Yang. He couldn't help but look at the little girl who looked the youngest and looked more beautiful without makeup than many girls with heavy makeup. He couldn't help but be a little surprised. He looked at Li Yang and said.

She glanced at Chen Qian. She knew this girl. After all, she was with Li Yang behind Chen Qian, but it was inevitable to be a little embarrassed to see her in such a scene.

She looked at Li Yang uncomfortably, and suddenly there was confusion in her eyes.

"Chen Qian, this is Chen Qian's sister, Chen Na. They are staying at home for two days during this period."

Li Yang's current mental strength is no longer the same as before. The panic, fear, and confusion that emerged in Dai Yueming's heart were almost captured by him in an instant. He sighed in his heart, and then said with a smile.

As he spoke, he stepped forward and hugged her: "Chen Na is only sixteen years old this year and is still a little girl. You should take more care of them. Isn't your aunt's contact information with you? Tell her about these two things." The food is cooked for four people every day, and by the way, the smart devices at home record your voice so they can listen to music and so on."

Li Yang's words and words calmed Dai Yueming's heart silently, allowing her to regain the sense of belonging that she belonged here, that this was still her place, and that she was still deeply involved with her.

Then another wave of mental strength calmed her fear, and some soft words of comfort slowly brought Dai Yueming's mood back to a normal state.

He knew the fragile sense of security Dai Yueming had. She had nothing and couldn't drive yet. Her ability to live here depended entirely on Li Yang's liking for her.

When Li Yang likes her, she is the hostess here, a noble lady who lives a carefree life. But once Li Yang doesn't like her, then she might leave here with nothing on her clothes. Nothing.

After receiving a call from Li Yang, she was happily waiting for the love between husband and wife. But when she opened the door, she saw that Li Yang had brought back two girls, one of whom was so beautiful without makeup.

This made Dai Yueming, who had slowly accepted the role of wife during these days, feel suffocated for a moment.

No matter how much mental preparation you have made, no one can resist the temptation to fall in love over time. This is why Li Yang sighed inwardly when he noticed the emotional change in Dai Yueming's heart.

But think about it, if people are like toys, they are always ruthless.

In other words, just like a massage parlor technician, there is no emotion afterward, so what’s the point?

The reason why he likes Dai Yueming, a young woman, so much, isn't it because he likes her clear and strong feelings?

Of course, he also loves this fair body.

Li Yang smiled, opened his mouth and kissed Dai Yueming's beautiful collarbone and neck.

You can kiss me if you want, it feels so good.

"It's already dark. It's time to go to bed. Why are you listening to songs or doing anything else?"

Dai Yueming has just taken a shower. She is actually just as exquisite without makeup, but her exquisiteness is that of a mature woman, like a work of art. It is a completely different experience from Chen Na's energetic aura of a young girl. .

Li Yang's hard work made her feel at ease again, and then she pouted and spoke. Then she was about to say something more, but she felt her butt tighten, her feet light, and then her whole body was pressed against the wall.

"Li Yang, what are you doing? You haven't entered the house yet."

Dai Yueming spoke in panic, not wanting his two sisters to see his ugly appearance, but Chen Na turned around with a smile and locked the door. As soon as she finished speaking, she took a deep breath and involuntarily pushed her head against the wall.

"I'm here to comfort you so that you can feel at ease."

Li Yang smiled, he wanted to change to a more effective and direct method.

"Disgusting, oh~"


Chen Qian looked at the loving Li Yang and the beautiful, delicate and mature Dai Yueming for a while, then turned around and pulled her sister to this familiar villa.

The overall layout of the villa didn't change much from when she left, but the many extra things that looked like they were decorated by women gave her a sense of separation.

Looking at the bathroom, she remembered how she secretly hid her clothes in order to prevent Li Yang from touching her serious clothes, and she couldn't help but sigh.

So silly, really, so silly.

Looking at the movement at the entrance, Chen Qian couldn't help but pursed her lips. She knew that this woman stayed with Li Yang for the first time after she left.

Her eyes swept over the spacious and bright place, where many small details were carefully decorated to be comfortable and warm. Chen Qian couldn't help but squint her eyes, then turned her head and whispered a few words to her sister.

Compared with her elder sister Chen Qian, her younger sister Chen Na naturally doesn't have too many emotions. She just feels that this house is so big and luxurious. She can't help but feel embarrassed when she walks in it. But thinking about what brother Li Yang did to her just now Like it, she forced herself to calm down and looked around here, with a smile on her face.

After a while, after listening to what Chen Qian said, she blinked and nodded with a smile. Then the two of them went to the bedroom to open the package, changed into identical clothes, and then put on masks to see the difference even more. He covered his face and looked in the mirror again. The two people, who were about the same height, looked almost identical.

Then they looked at each other and walked hand in hand towards the clattering entrance.

At the entrance, Li Yang was walking passionately into the depths of Dai Yueming's heart. Suddenly he heard footsteps and saw two girls with masks covering their faces and only their eyes showing. They were all wearing the same clothes and shoes. Suddenly his eyes lit up.

With his eyesight, he could tell immediately who was his sister Chen Na and who was his sister Chen Qian.

But... Even so, I'm still interested.

"Come, come to the bedroom, I'll tell you who is who."





The morning sun hits the grass, and a new day has arrived.

"Brother Li Yang, brother Li Yang, don't kiss, don't kiss..."

Dai Yueming woke up in a daze, and the girl's silver bell-like voice rang in her ears. She turned her head and looked at the coquettish Chen Na, and couldn't help but sigh.

There are actually girls in this world who are so beautiful and delicate even without makeup.

She looked to the other side and looked at Chen Qian, who was still sleeping tiredly, and pursed her lips. Thinking of the absurdity of last night, she couldn't help but shake her head.

She finally accepted these things.

However, as long as Li Yang still liked her, she discovered that these were actually nothing.

Looking at the time, it was already half past seven. Considering that it was far away from where Chen Qian worked, Dai Yueming couldn't help but wake her up gently.

"Chen Qian, it's half past seven. If you don't get up, you'll be late."

Dai Yueming spoke softly. She originally felt a little awkward getting along with Chen Qian. After all, she was asked out by Chen Qian's boyfriend when Chen Qian was still taking the exam that day... Of course, he is now her boyfriend. .

Dai Yueming's voice woke up the dazed Chen Qian who was still sleeping. She hurriedly let out a cry, then got up and froze for a moment, and then retracted into the bed: "Why do you get up? It's not a big deal if you don't go. I I asked my boss for a lot of days off."

"Well, let's get up and have some breakfast."

Dai Yueming was stunned for a moment, then spoke with a gentle smile. Chen Qian looked at her sister and Li Yang who were having fun, nodded her head and went to have breakfast with Dai Yueming.

While eating breakfast, they did not forget to bring Li Yang and Chen Na's breakfast to them, and then they went to exercise and practice yoga together.

Li Yang played with Chen Na so much that she didn't come out to eat until noon, and then went to play again after eating.

It wasn't until the next morning that Li Yang got up and had breakfast in a good mood.

"Nana, why don't you play with Li Yang?"

Chen Qian looked at her sister who was sitting in Li Yang's arms, and asked teasingly with a smile.

Chen Na pursed her lips: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I'm on my period and my stomach hurts."

"Well, it's actually because of this..."

Chen Qian shook her head speechlessly, but after thinking about it, with Li Yang's inexorable love for her sister, it seemed that there was only one reason to stop him.

"I'm going to visit the company today. You three should have a good rest at home."

After Li Yang finished his breakfast, he kissed Chen Na and said to the three of them with a smile.

"You've been gone for more than forty days. It's not good for you to just stay here with us when you come back. Go to the company and check it out quickly. Don't delay."

Dai Yueming rolled his eyes, and Li Yang went to comfort her again. It was not until he was embarrassed by the kiss that he hurriedly and shyly urged Li Yang to leave quickly.

Li Yang smiled softly, then turned around and walked out of the villa room, driving towards the company.




Hele Baihua Building, Haohanxingyu Company.

The successive deaths of Qian Jubao and Xiao Yongzheng put this new company on an increasingly prosperous track.

The company's waiting room is filled with red flags, and one can even see Baizhen's among them.

There is a photo hanging on the wall of the office area, all of which are the leaders of Heyang City, the leaders of Bai Town, and the leaders of Haohanxingyu Company. Most of them are the president and secretary-general Xu Yuan, and the administrative general manager Zhou Li.

The employees working in the office area looked at the photos on the wall, their faces were full of smiles, and they were very motivated when working.

In just over forty days, they can say that they can often see their company in the news, especially after the number of customers of their company's video platform [Entertainment Video] slowly increased. There are even more videos related to my company.

Under the influence of this invisible positive force, they undoubtedly have a lot more confidence in their work and feel proud to be employees of such a company.

More than a dozen strong security guards stood at the entrance of the company, reviewing the information of every passing employee.

"Where are the cards?"

The security guard frowned and stopped a chatting and laughing employee who was about to walk in, and asked aloud.

"Oh oh oh, it's in my pocket, I almost forgot, I'm sorry."

The employee hurriedly took out his work badge, and the security guard checked it before nodding to let him pass, and then continued to stand at his post, examining the people behind him.

Ever since someone came to the company to cause trouble, Haohanxingyu Company has attached great importance to security work. These people are the security guards of the first-class security company that Zhao Tao and Gao Yuan contacted.

Their mission is only one: to prevent unknown persons from entering the company.

In addition to them, there is another group of security guards whose task is to ensure the safety of important people in the company. It can be said that the security of the entire company is in place.

But at the same time, this also means a huge cost.

It's a pity that Li Yang's own security company has not yet started.

"I've met Mr. Li Yang!"

When Li Yang appeared at the front desk of the company, a group of security guards were all stunned, and then they all hurriedly saluted and said hello.

Obviously, they had a special understanding of Li Yang.

Li Yang smiled and nodded. He looked around and found that they were all strong men, so he walked into the company very satisfied.


When the two beautiful front desk girls saw Li Yang coming, they all stood up straight and saluted. Li Yang smiled warmly and walked to the office area. All the employees had already stood up to welcome him under the arrangement of Zhou Li and Xu Yuan.

"Welcome Chairman to the branch!"

"Okay, okay, I don't have to make such a big fuss every time I come. I just come to see the company's situation and understand it in my heart."

Li Yang smiled and waved, then waved and led Xu Yuan and Zhou Li into the office.

"The company didn't have any problems these days when I was gone, right?"

After sitting down, Li Yang looked at the two beauties in front of him, one on the left and one on the right, and asked with a smile.

"What could happen? Everything is normal. But you, why do you always have trouble getting through the phone for so long every time you have something to do?"

Xu Yuan was still so beautiful, with a young woman's temperament caught in the girl's perception. Her clothes were beautiful and easy-going. When she heard Li Yang's words, she couldn't help but roll her eyes and ask.

"Well, I'm going to a special place where electronic devices are not allowed."

Li Yang coughed twice, and Zhou Li also shook her head: "It's really nothing. The development of the company is going very smoothly, and now the leaders of Heyang City have a very good attitude towards us. Normal days can be said to be very peaceful." laid back."

"How is the construction of the factory in Bai Town going?"

Li Yang nodded with satisfaction, and then asked after thinking about something.

"Everything is proceeding as usual. Over the past few days, the prototype has been built. It should be completed in another month."

Xu Yuan was following this matter. When she heard Li Yang's words, she said: "Because the quality of the project we require is very strict, the progress has been slower."

"It's okay to go slow, the important thing is to build it well."

Li Yang nodded, very satisfied, and then rolled his eyes: "There are still some things to deal with at the processing plant. Xu Yuan, you will go out with me later. Zhou Li, I will arrange the work at noon today, and I will accompany you in the afternoon." I'm staying at home."

After Li Yang finished speaking to Xu Yuan, he looked at Zhou Li's serious words. Zhou Li nodded with a smile, then stepped forward to hug Li Yang and kissed her. Li Yang pinched her buttocks, and then she left with a smile. .

Li Yang followed Xu Yuan away and drove all the way to an uninhabited forest outside the city.

"Well, well~~"


The beautiful class flower was still so satisfying. The car shook for a full hour before returning to stability.

Xu Yuan sat paralyzed in Li Yang's arms and let Li Yang touch her body.

"Li Yang, tell me, should Zhou Li know about our relationship?"

While taking a break, Xu Yuan leaned against Li Yang, touched his cheek, and asked worriedly.

"You will know sooner or later. Come with me to Linhai in the next two days and find a chance to tell her."

Li Yang touched Xu Yuan's face tenderly with his hands. Looking at this beautiful face of the class, the bloody fighting in the second world echoed in his mind, and he looked a little dazed.

He couldn't help but have some philosophical questions in his mind.

How should one spend this life?

Time is passing irreversibly, and he can take a long time to grow up, but after a few decades, the beauties and acquaintances around him have all turned into a handful of loess, leaving him alone.

Then what's the point of everything then.

Time is always passing by, and the pretty face of the class beauty in front of me is obviously younger in memory than now.

Perhaps the only way to fight is...

One person attains the Tao and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

Li Yang instantly thought of the mass-produced genetic medicines in the apocalyptic world. He squinted his eyes and couldn't help but hugged Xu Yuan and kissed her.

He stayed quietly with Xu Yuan in the car until noon, then turned back to pick up Zhou Li. Looking at his former deskmate, the emotion in his heart suddenly became more intense.

Before reaching the bedroom, he picked up Zhou Li and pushed her onto the sofa.



In the afternoon, Li Yang didn't go anywhere. He suddenly played cards with Zhou Li and Xu Yuan at home. Until dark, he went in and out of their rooms one after another. When he fell asleep, the inexplicable emotion disappeared from him. The heart is depressed.

The next day.

After sending Zhou Li and Xu Yuan to the company early, Li Yang took out a key from his body and drove all the way to the location that Yu Xiaohua had given him before. When he opened the door and went in, two beautiful girls appeared in front of him.

Yanyan, Yunyun.

A smile appeared on Li Yang's lips and he slowly closed the door.


At noon, Yu Xiaohua came to deliver food to the two girls. As soon as she entered the door, she was pressed against the wall. She was so angry that she had to take leave that afternoon.

In the evening, Li Yang returned home to sleep after playing all day.

Late at night, the night sky was silent, and Li Yang suddenly woke up from his sleep.


The soul power trembled slightly, and emotions poured into his heart like waves. Li Yang's face changed, and the content of the [Advanced Spiritual Cultivation Method] seized from Aligon immediately appeared in his mind, and he immediately took it out [ Concentrating Liquid] took a deep breath.

The remaining amount of the entire bottle of [Spiritual Concentration Liquid] was absorbed completely in one breath. Under the influence of the huge liquid, Li Yang's soul finally returned to calm, and he silently operated the contents of the [Advanced Spiritual Cultivation Method] again. Cultivation content: After practicing until late at night, I opened my eyes with a gloomy face.

His negative emotions were amplified.

Please give me some monthly tickets, I’m scared to death~

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