My world double door

Chapter 147 Brother Li Yang

[Feifei applies to add you as a friend]

A message popped up on the screen of the mobile phone. Li Yang asked them to get in the car and clicked to agree. Then he started the car and took Peng Feifei back to the community where she lived. After the delivery was completed, he drove the car with his eldest sister Li Ling. Rush to my hometown.

"Li Ling, have you told your parents about your test results?"

While driving on the road, Li Yang asked Li Ling. Li Ling naturally nodded: "I must have said it. After I called you, I called my parents and told them. I was almost overjoyed, ha." Ha ha."

"Okay, okay, how long have you been happy about this? Why are you happy anymore? Now that the college entrance examination results are out, it's time to think about which major to study and which school to sign up for."

Li Yang chuckled and interrupted lightly. After hearing this, Li Ling thought about it and said slowly: "Brother, aren't you in the entertainment industry now? I kind of want to learn this aspect. What do you think? "

"Why do you science students learn this? It's just for fun, it's not appropriate."

Li Yang glanced at her speechlessly, and then thought about it. It was normal for a high school student to not understand the meaning of "learning". After thinking about it, he immediately gave her a suggestion: "Go to the University of Science and Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Robots" , energy technology, medical related, you can see which one is suitable for you and choose one."

"Now your brother and I are planning to open a new energy battery factory. It is expected that the factory will be completed and put into production next spring. In the future, your brother and I will be involved in artificial intelligence, intelligent robots, and even medical care. You choose one to delve into it and graduate. Just jump right into it, no problem, right?"

Li Yang wondered softly. Artificial intelligence, intelligent robots, and energy technology in the apocalyptic world can all be steadily developed. In addition, there is also medical technology. Not to mention other things, but [resistance medicine] is Already invincible.

Coupled with various methods of healing, resurrecting, and eradicating viruses, it can be said that as long as he uses medical technology, he will definitely dominate the world very soon.

"It's just that these are a step-by-step process. If you choose new energy, you can successfully join the company after graduation. If you choose artificial intelligence, you may have to wait another two or three years. If you choose intelligent robots, you will continue to wait. The same goes for medical technology, it’s up to you to choose.”

Li Yang could foresee what kind of sensation it would cause in the world if a company that could treat minor diseases without causing harm to the human body and that could cure many terminal diseases on earth would come on the scene.

Not only medicines, but also various medical machines and medical technologies, the cake will be too big by then.

In addition, artificial intelligence and intelligent robots have emerged one after another. When everyone sees lifelike intelligent robots that act as maids and rbqs at home, ruthless killing robots that ignore shells and bullets on the battlefield and move as fast as motorcycles... ...what kind of sensation this world will have.

Of course, it is impossible for Li Yang to create something that is too powerful. He only needs to create something that is awesome but poses no threat to him, enough for him to dominate the world.

Until then, the real comfortable days will come.

"Is that so? Then I will discuss it with Peng Feifei."

After hearing what his brother said, Li Ling began to calm down, then thought about it carefully, and began to discuss it with Peng Feifei on the phone.

Li Yang looked back, smiled softly, and then drove all the way back to his hometown. When he got out of the car, some women from the same village who lived near Li Yang's house and had not gone to work with him and children who were on vacation were all After hearing that Li Ling got high marks in the exam, they gathered in front of Li Yang's house and chatted with smiles on their faces. After they came down, they were praised again.

"I'm telling you, Li Ling has been studying since she was a child. Look at her, she's almost 700 points in the test, and she's number one in the city."

"Look, there is a big college boss in this family, and there is also a city champion. It's incredible."

"Li Jianshu's family fortune is good."

The aunts and ladies from the same village who gathered around the door praised him so much that Li Ling's face blossomed, and he walked home to congratulate his parents as if he was being held in high esteem by stars.

Li Yang's mother went out and grabbed some candies for each of them to eat, and chatted for a few words with a smile. Li Yang answered a few questions about work, and then watched them leave.

Now that the training of security company personnel has been completed, and official recruitment has begun, the first batch of two thousand security personnel are undergoing training and running-in for front-line personnel, and it is expected that they will be qualified in another three months.

By the time Li Yang returns from his trip, the Haohan Security Company will be officially put into operation and will be divided into Linhai Haohan Xingyu Head Office, Heyang Haohan Xingyu Branch, Baizhen Haohan Xingyu Steel Processing Plant, and Baizhen Haohan Xingyu Steel Processing Plant. Xingyu Food Factory, Baizhen Haohan Xingyu Garment Factory, and the Xingyu Technology Factory construction site.

Two thousand people are enough for the current stage.

After final consideration, the company gave up looking for people from the mountains, and instead directly recruited veterans and conducted rigorous training before continuing to invest in the company's operations.

By then, the safety of employees can be fully guaranteed, and they will be able to perform some basic tasks and reduce the company's load.

Those who stay in the village now have to take care of children. Those who can't leave, those who can leave, and those who are willing to work have all been assigned corresponding jobs.

"Li Yang, you really plan to take Li Ling and Li Na to play, and you still play for such a long time. If you have time to waste, just ask them to find trouble for you."

When they arrived at home, Li Yang's mother, Chen Cui, couldn't help but ask Li Yang, obviously already aware of their travel plan.

"Tell them to have fun and relax during the holiday. Besides, I don't have to work now. I don't have time when I'm busy. I don't have to do anything when I'm not busy. It will be fine for two months."

A smile appeared on Li Yang's face. The older generation was very practical and were unwilling to spend more money or do unnecessary things. Li Yang understood this very well.

"Li Na is only going to have fifteen days off, so don't delay her schooling."

Li Yang frowned and then spoke again.

"It's okay. I'll send Li Na back before she starts school, and then I'll take her to have fun when her college entrance examination is over."

Li Yang knew that his younger sister Li Na was going to be a sophomore in high school at the beginning of the school year, and even the summer break was very short, so he naturally arranged and paid attention to her time.

Chen Cui still felt something was wrong, but after hearing what her son said, she didn't say anything more. With the help of Li Ling and Li Na, she cooked dinner and raised the topic again when Li Yang's father came back.

"I'll leave late tomorrow morning and stew the three-pound fish I caught."

When Li Yang's father, Li Jianshu, heard this, he immediately thought of the three-pound fish he had caught. He took a sip of rice wine and couldn't help but say.

"Okay, dad, drink less. If you stay healthy, you can enjoy two more years of life."

Li Yang looked at the rice wine in his father's cup and couldn't help but give another warning.

"That's good for your dad. In the past, it was either two bottles of beer or a glass of liquor, but now it's much less."

Hearing Li Yang's words, Chen Cui explained with a smile, and Li Jianshu also smiled: "There is no pressure at home now. I usually drink a lot of health tea with a thermos cup, and occasionally use rice wine to moisten my mouth, and I have quit smoking. .”

"That's good."

Li Yang had a smile on his face, and then he chatted and ate. After dinner not long after, the family washed up and went to bed early.

Li Yang practiced [Soul Stiffness] alone in his room with a wand until late at night, but unfortunately he never got the key.

Depressedly, I cast a few water column spells and finger-thunder spells, waved a few vines and fireballs to feel the feeling of successful magic, and practiced the thunder magic again. After my body reached its limit, I used biological cooling agent to dissolve it. The pressure on the body lies on the bed and rests slowly.

Before going to sleep, an idea came into his mind.

"Could it be that advanced magic has to wait until my soul enters a normal state before it can be successfully cast?"

Li Yang's heart moved slightly. It may not be high-level magic, but there is a high probability that it is high-level soul magic.

It seems that I still underestimated the difficulty of advanced soul magic before.

With random guesses in his mind, Li Yang also slowly fell into sleep.


The night passed in the blink of an eye, and the excited Li Ling and Li Na got up and washed up with ten times more enthusiasm than before.

Dad calmly took out his three-pound fish that was kept in a bucket and was scraping the scales and washing the fish in the courtyard. Li Yang's mother had already cooked the porridge and was choosing and washing vegetables with Li Ling and Li Na. .

After a while, the fish was put away, and Li Yang's father chopped the fish himself and started preparing fish soup.

It was only half past six in the morning. After getting up and washing, Li Yang did not do these things, but slowly exercised in the courtyard.

Li Ling and Li Na, who helped them choose the dishes, always felt a little strange and awkward when they saw her brother's movements, but she didn't ask much. After all, the [exercise method] Li Yang taught them and their parents before was very strange, but it was true. Very effective.

Doing it once a week allows them to take a week off to recover, which is comparable to a very strenuous exercise.

Li Yang kept practicing like boxing in the yard until breakfast, and then slowly stopped.


Exhaling hot breath from his mouth, Li Yang's eyes sparkled, and then he helped his mother bring fish soup, fish meat, steamed buns and porridge to the table for dinner.

"Li Yang, what kind of movements did you just practice? It seems to me that it is more difficult than the [exercise method] we practiced?"

During breakfast, Li Jianshu took a delicious sip of fish soup, then looked at his son and asked curiously.

"It's similar to the one I taught you, but this is only suitable for people with very strong bodies. Otherwise, it's easy to injure the internal organs. You just need to practice according to the movements I taught you before."

Li Yang smiled. What he had just practiced was the skill of a warrior: [Heavy Slash]

As an advanced combat skill, [Heavy Slash] is an absolutely unique skill, because even warrior apprentices can practice it, and even many knights can practice it. Some mortals can even use it from apprentices to sky knights. This combat skill.

Of course, the higher the level, the more difficult it is to practice this combat skill, so most people rarely practice it after they reach advanced levels. Only some talented people can continue to master this skill after their bodies absorb the immortal substance. Skill.

In other words, this is not like a skill, but a special method of exerting force. It is not very appropriate to classify it as an advanced combat skill, because those with extraordinary talents can use it even in the Sky Knight, and the power is not bad.

[Heavy Cutting] is a skill that can fully utilize all the power of oneself, from the internal organs, to the muscles, bones, skin, and even the eyes, finger tips, toes, eyebrows, scalp, back of the neck, etc. The movements are like water flow, and then continuously superimposed, accumulated into the weapon in hand, and then slashed out fiercely.

The superposition of power of [Heavy Slash] is like building bricks. It can accumulate all its power layer by layer until it accumulates to three layers and then release it all, unleashing an attack three times its own power.

However, this combat skill can only rely on pure physical strength. Extraordinary strength cannot participate in this process at all, so it is very difficult to practice. Only those with strong physical talent can master it.

If you want to master this combat skill, the first step is to be able to actively control the power of every part of your body and even the pores. The second step is to be able to mobilize these powers at will according to the method. Only those who are proficient in these two steps can achieve this. The most brilliant and incredible place in the martial arts.

It can actually store the power that is constantly being consumed and volatile, storing the physical strength in the arm like electrical energy, and can also stack it three times, and then wait for an attack and then release it with one knife.

In other words, when a practitioner has mastered this martial art, he needs to experience the feeling of weakness after all the power is released three times. After three times of accumulation, he will be able to have three times more power in his right hand for slashing.

Similarly, this kind of cultivation method is more difficult for the more advanced cultivators. The difficulty lies in the accumulation of strength. The more advanced the physical cultivator, the stronger the physical body. It is not easy to mobilize such a powerful force. Therefore, the more advanced the mortals are, the fewer people use this combat skill.

After Li Yang got it, he would use it for training every day. He is still in the first step: controlling every subtle power in his body.

The actions he just performed are exercises to help people master the strength of the whole body.

In fact, this step is the easiest for normal extraordinary people, because the power of physical extraordinary people is cultivated bit by bit by themselves, and it is naturally extremely easy to control it.

But for Li Yang... it's a little difficult.

"Not to mention, the exercise method our son taught us is really effective. I practice it once a week, and now I feel more and more relaxed."

After hearing what Li Yang said, Li Jianshu didn't doubt it and just nodded. Chen Cui on the side couldn't help but speak. Li Ling and Li Na couldn't help but join in: "Yes, we both feel much better now. .”

"That's it. Remember, you must eat and drink well when practicing this, otherwise it will easily drain your body."

Hearing this, Li Yang showed a smile on his face, gave an instruction, and then finished enjoying a large bowl of fish soup with a smile.

After finishing the fish soup, steamed buns and porridge, Li Ling and Li Na couldn't wait to pick up their luggage and get in the car to set off.

Li Yang said goodbye to his parents, and then drove his two younger sisters from home to the county town under their watchful eyes.

Half an hour later, the car stopped at the entrance of Peng Feifei's community. Wearing a pure white sun protection suit and white shorts and short sleeves, she put her luggage in the car with a smile. Then, with her mother's thanks, she got into the back seat of the car and followed her from there. Depart from the county seat.

"Should we take a plane directly to LS as our first stop?"

As the car drove to the highway, Peng Feifei chatted with Li Ling and Li Na beside her. When they entered the city, she couldn't help but ask Li Yang, who was driving, expectantly.

"Yes, after we get there, we will drive to see the snow-capped mountains, grasslands, horseback riding, and then go to the Brada Palace."

Li Yang showed a smile on his face and spoke approvingly. Peng Feifei showed a sweet smile on her face, nodded repeatedly, and then chatted happily with Li Ling and Li Na.

Not long after, the car arrived at the airport. They each carried their suitcases and boarded the first class cabin under Li Yang's arrangement. Peng Feifei, like Li Ling and Li Na, was flying in first class for the first time. They were a little surprised and happy.

When the plane reached the high-altitude clouds, they started taking photos and videos again, walking around to express their excitement.

But the difference is that Li Ling and Li Na always go to Peng Feifei, but Peng Feifei always goes to Li Yang, looking at the clouds, her beautiful little face is flushed with excitement.

The plane flew for four and a half hours and arrived at LS at noon. Li Yang took them straight to the hotel where they had booked rooms in advance to check in. He had a king-bed room for himself, and the three girls, Li Ling, Li Na, and Peng Feifei, had a room. They each put their luggage in a suite and rushed out to eat.

Compared with the decoration in the room, they want to see the scenery of LS.

Li Yang came out a little later than them. After coming out, with a smile on his face, he took the three girls to eat local specialties in LS. After the meal, he rented a car and drove the three girls straight away. Penbrata Palace.

They arrived at their destination in just twenty minutes. The three girls got out of the car excitedly, but after seeing the Prada Palace, their heads suddenly felt empty, and they felt like the long-awaited goal was right in front of them.


Li Yang took a breath, feeling the distant sun, looking at the surrounding wilderness and the palace in front of him, and felt a sense of peace in his heart. He followed the three girls leisurely, and separated a little after walking into the palace. , walking slowly inside the palace alone, it felt as if the whole world had become silent.

"Brother Li Yang, let's take a photo together."

Peng Feifei, whose face was a little flushed, ran to Li Yang. Her pure and beautiful face shone in the sun and suddenly appeared in Li Yang's field of vision. He nodded. Peng Feifei then raised her phone and said with one hand. He took a few photos with Li Yang with his mobile phone in one hand.

After taking the photo, she took Li Yang to take a photo with her, Li Ling and the others. Li Yang adjusted the direction to reflect the palace in the background and gently clicked the shooting button.

A peaceful and beautiful photo appeared on the phone.

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