My world double door

Chapter 148: Die for me (please subscribe!)

The style of western Tibet is different from that of the inland. It is a sense of wilderness and desolation.

You can’t spend more than an hour visiting the Brada Palace, but Li Ling, Li Na, and Peng Feifei, who have been growing up in Heyang, are still willing to be in this empty wilderness even if they walk out of the Brada Palace and go outside. Enjoy this sense of desolation.

It wasn't until the sky darkened that the three people, who were feeling a little uncomfortable, said tiredly that they wanted to go back. Then Li Yang drove them back to the city.

After having dinner in the city, the three girls were very tired and did not play any more. They went directly back to the hotel to rest.


Li Yang returned to the hotel and took a shower, feeling refreshed all over. When he walked out of the bathroom, Yunyun Yanyan, wearing a hip-hugging skirt, had already taken off her shoes and was waiting for him on the bed with a smile on her face.

Under the light of the room, the delicate skin of the two girls seemed to be glowing. The bodies under the clean butt-covering skirts exuded charming charm, and the clean cheeks made people intoxicated.

He licked the corners of his mouth, stepped forward and held them down, and soon he lifted them up.


They watched the Brada Palace, but Li Yang was not in a hurry to take them away from here, but continued to take them to visit other scenery in LS, such as river valleys, plains, valleys, glaciers, snow-capped mountains and blue and calm lakes.

These natural scenery, which is completely different from the inland, also have unique charm, and each one is worth lingering on.

When he came to the snow-capped mountains, he wore thick cotton-padded clothes and jackets even in summer. Li Yang personally stepped into the vast snow-capped mountains, leaving a line of footprints in a world of ice and snow, walking around three snow-covered peaks, and finally Li Ling, Li Na, and Peng Feifei left the snow mountain and returned to the car amid constant urging from satellite phones.

The next day, he went to the snow-capped mountains again and went deep into the glacier alone. It took him a long time to slowly come back alone.

That night, Li Yang felt blessed in his soul, and a strong sense of peace and solidity suddenly emerged in his heart.

This feeling makes people's eyes brighten, like a pedestrian who has braved the wind and snow all day in the cold winter and stepped into a warm floor heating room.


After practicing the Soul Stiffness Magic for a long time, his heart moved, and he slowly used it, then dissipated. A sincere smile appeared on Li Yang's lips.

His soul power finally returned to normal!

"This trip is really worth it."

Li Yang thought of the famous saying: It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books, and the smile on his lips couldn't help but become brighter.

He originally wanted to try and continue to practice soul skills, but when his heart moved, he gave up the idea. He lay down leisurely on the bed, hugged Yunyun Yanyan and his two little sisters and slowly fell into a normal sleep. among.


The night passed slowly. In the next two days, Li Yang took them to experience the different scenery of LS. They stayed in LS for a whole week before transferring to the next location: Mount Tai.

Mount Tai, the first of the five mountains, is the place where ancient emperors enshrined themselves in Zen. This mountain and the other five mountains have always had a special status in the hearts of the Chinese people.

There are mountains higher than the Five Sacred Mountains, but only these Five Sacred Mountains are widely known. Therefore, during this summer vacation, Li Yang wanted to take them to visit the Five Sacred Mountains.

The first stop of the Five Mountains: climbing Mount Tai at night.

Before Li Yang left, Yunyun Yanyan left first to rest in the best hotel at the foot of Mount Tai. The next day, Li Yang took the three girls by plane and arrived at the foot of Mount Tai. After lunch, they went directly to the hotel We slept in the hotel until dusk, and then started to climb Mount Taishan at night.

The three girls are weak in physical strength, but fortunately they are young and have strong stamina and strong recovery ability. Especially Li Ling and Li Na have very good physical fitness after several months of practicing the knight training method.

They climbed until around 4 o'clock in the morning and they arrived at the Nantianmen. They sat on the steps together and took a panting rest. Then they ate the portable self-heating noodles that Li Yang carried and drank the ten kilograms of warm water that Li Yang carried. Eating the chicken drumsticks from the thermal box, filling their stomachs happily, they didn't realize that Li Yang was not blushing or out of breath, and he even brought them so many supplies.

Li Yang stood in the morning breeze, looking quietly to the east. He was surrounded by bustling crowds, and the entire top of the mountain was very lively.

In front of us is a dense sea of ​​clouds. As time goes by, it has gradually brightened. It can be seen that the mountains and forests are covered by white clouds. Only the green mountain tops are looming in the sea of ​​clouds.

Finally, when the time reached five o'clock in the morning, a golden glow jumped out of the sea, and in an instant, the whole world was illuminated by golden light.


Surrounded by exclamations, photos, videos and tourists, Li Yang just took a deep breath, quietly looked at the rising sun in his sight, and said nothing for a long time.

It wasn't until the sun completely jumped out of the sea and the sea of ​​clouds faded that Li Yang stopped looking directly at the sun and took the three girls to play in the mountains.

When they were completely tired and had no energy, they took the cable car down one by one, arrived at the hotel at the foot of the mountain, had a meal, and went back to their rooms to sleep.

Li Yang returned to the room and took a shower. When he came out, he saw Yunyun Yanyan lying on the bed with her butt exposed and reading a book. A smile suddenly appeared on her face and she strode up.

"Mr. Li Yang, Mount Tai is so big, ah..."

During Li Yang's narration, Taishan clocked in and put the final touch.

Watch the sunrise on Mount Tai.


LS → Mount Tai → Mount Huashan → Mount Heng → Mount Heng.

After coming down from Mount Tai, Li Yang took his three little sisters...oh no, five, and climbed Mount Huashan, Mount Heng, and Mount Heng one after another.

Finally, we arrived at Songshan Mountain, where the main province of Nanhe is located.

When climbing Mount Song, you have to visit the famous Shaolin Temple.

Li Yang watched the performance in Shaolin Temple quietly, left the incense money, and then turned around and took his two younger sisters and the school beauty Peng Feifei down the mountain.

After returning from Shaolin Temple, Li Na had only five days left in her vacation. Li Yang bought air tickets to take them to the last stop: the beach in Sanya, deciding to come back one day before the vacation ended.

It took nearly seven hours for them to arrive in Sanya by plane, but fortunately they departed at night. Seven hours later, it was exactly five o'clock in the morning. Li Ling, Li Na, and Peng Feifei put on their swimsuits and were in swimming trunks. Li Yang went to the beach to play together.

During the process, Li Yang's eyes were frequently on Peng Feifei, and he only had one feeling in his heart... so white, so tender, so pure.

As if noticing Li Yang's gaze, Peng Feifei's face turned red, but she did not avoid it at all. Instead, she faced the sun and flaunted her body. It was not until Li Ling and Li Na called her to play in the water that she turned around and threw herself into the sea.

A smile flashed across Li Yang's lips. After thinking about it, in order to protect their safety, he walked over and swam in the sea near the three of them.


The sea water rolled to the beach in waves. Peng Feifei lost her balance and fell backwards and bumped into Li Yang.

"It's okay Feifei."

Li Yang hurriedly helped him and moved his butt back awkwardly.

"It's okay, thank you brother."

Peng Feifei didn't know what hit her butt, and her face was so red that she was about to bleed. After being lifted up from the sea by Li Yang, she even forgot to leave his arms and stayed where she was.

"The sea water here is deep, let's play in a shallower place."

Li Yang spoke considerately, Peng Feifei nodded hurriedly, and then she was helped by Li Yang from the deeper area to the beach with her body inexplicably limp. She didn't return to normal until she was released by Li Yang and reached the shore. She sat down with her hands and knees in embarrassment. He walked onto the beach, his eyes wandering from side to side.

Soon it was noon, the sun was too strong, and Li Ling and Li Na were also hungry, so they went back to the hotel to eat together. After the meal, they took a shower and started to sleep.

"Brother Li Yang, the sea."

Yanyan supported the hotel glass and looked at the sea outside the one-way transparent window, and asked Li Yang to complete another check-in.

Sanya, check it out.


After playing in Sanya for two days, Li Yang took Li Ling, Li Na and Peng Feifei back to Heyang first.

Li Na went to school at the beginning of the school year, and Yunyun Yanyan was also very tired and rested at home.

Li Yang, as well as Li Ling and Peng Feifei who felt very tired, both thought it would be better to rest at home for a week before going to a foreign destination.

Li Yang naturally agreed. On the night after sending Li Na away, he came to the sky alone, and his body merged with the [Qiankun Mecha] and [Zongheng Mecha].

"Huh, I hope nothing happens."

Li Yang took a deep breath, his eyes flickered, and then he stared at the [Gate of the World] in his mind.

After feeling the power of my soul, I have become extremely transparent and natural through constant meditation and closeness to nature.

Although the physical strength is slightly lacking, it doesn't matter how strong the physical strength is to deal with the genetic evolvers in the apocalyptic world.

Soul power is the key.

Now that his soul power has been upgraded to an advanced level, even if all the remaining first-level genetic medicines are swallowed up, it will be difficult to achieve much growth, and the most important thing is that--the barbarian soldiers and horses have faded, and he is not particularly fast now. Ways to absorb the power of gene accumulation in the body.

There is still enough accumulated power of the first-level genetic medicine in his body, as well as the remaining two sets of first-level genetic medicine. However, judging from the previous absorption effect, even if he absorbs them all, it will not be able to have a strong increase in soul power.

Moreover, it cannot be absorbed for the time being.

If you want to continue to improve your strength, you can only participate in the [Lion Tournament] of the Lion Kingdom, win the ranking, get a [Super Magic], and slowly practice breakthroughs.

This takes too long.

Now is a very good time to go to the post-apocalyptic world.

The most important thing is... if he can get better mechas in the apocalyptic world, it will also give him more trump cards to rely on.

At that time, you can also rely on the brand new mecha to achieve a higher ranking in the competition.

By that time... the resources and advantages that will be available will inevitably increase.

Thinking of these in his mind, Li Yang's eyes flickered, and his heart gradually became firmer.

"I want to see if you can stop it."

Li Yang looked at his [Breeding No. 9], narrowed his eyes, and silently took it off his body.

[Breeding No. 9] has dealt with too many things with him and has too many traces, so I still don’t bring him to the apocalyptic world for insurance.

Otherwise, it would be bad if someone collects the data and finds something wrong.

On the contrary, the strong artificial intelligence in the mecha only performs operations related to combat and energy conversion, which can avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles.

In the face of a high-tech world, it is better to be cautious about technology-related things.

After doing this, Li Yang thought in his heart, [Soul Stiffness] was ready to go, [Soul Stab] had been able to stably form the five most powerful long thorns flashing with light, and the magical power of [Soul Stun] was in the dark. turbulent.

After a moment, Li Yang's eyes flashed with light and he disappeared from the place in an instant.




Apocalyptic world.

Base City No. 3 is a newly-radiated ruined city, on the rooftop.

The steel cage still stood in place, with two huge mechas holding terrifying weapons against the cage.

On all sides of the cage, there is a particle cannon approaching at close range, and it is fully charged with energy.

The surroundings are covered with extremely tough silk threads scattered in all directions of the steel cage like a net, waiting for prey to enter the net.

The two basic gene evolvers fell weakly on the rooftop. Chang Yanyan's beautiful and clean body after taking the body purification product was covered with dirt, and Yu Dong's body was even worse and dirtier.


Two bags of the lowest-priced white nutritional serum were thrown to the two of them. Chang Yanyan and Yu Dong hurriedly picked up the things and ate them to replenish their body energy. On the side, two genetic evolutionists wearing purple armor ate luxuriously without pollution. Mi Mian's eyes were slightly impatient.

Pollution-free rice and noodles do not mean that they are free of radiation pollution, but they are food that has not produced mutations that cannot be solved so far. When eaten, they are the difference between delicacies and sludge when eaten with various synthetic nutrient slurries.

As for pure nuclear pollution, it is very simple to solve with today's technology in the apocalypse.

Only these biological mutations that have fundamentally changed are huge difficulties that even today's genetic technology cannot overcome.

"This food, which has not been mutated, tastes really delicious. I really didn't expect that the two of us could actually enjoy such food."

The woman wearing a purple portable mecha, with a curvy figure set off by the mecha, chewed the rice in the bowl, eating a little bit of vegetables, with a look of intoxication in her eyes.

"The food is certainly good, but now is not the time to enjoy it. Just have one meal every seven days to satisfy your cravings."

The man sitting opposite in the purple mecha shook his head, cherished the last grain of rice, and spoke quietly.

"God, tell me, will that man really continue to appear from where he disappeared?"

There was a trace of reluctance in the woman's eyes, and then she looked at the iron cage made of level 4 metal behind her, the level 5 metal mesh, the two level 6 main mechas, and the four floating cannons. She couldn't help but turn around. She turned to her husband and asked.

"Based on our previous surveillance, he will be in the same position every time he disappears and appears. There is no difference at all. We can only judge that the other party is like this."

Weng Tianlai shook his head and looked at the automatic capture slave controller in the iron cage. A flash of expectation flashed in his eyes: "This is the latest slave controller. When we catch him, take this thing to He wore it."

"At that time, he will have to do whatever we ask him to do. If we ask him to go east, he will not be able to go west. Even level 3 genetic evolvers will not be able to escape. We can have as many rice noodles as we want without any strange contamination. !”

Weng Tianlai's eyes flashed brightly, and then a flash of expectation flashed in his eyes: "The most important thing is how the other party solved the invisible shackles of mutation and created this kind of food without mutation."

"We have tried many methods, based on these foods. No matter how we copy them, or synthesize them with contaminated things, we cannot escape the fate of mutation no matter how we change them. So how did they break through this invisible shackles?"

"I guess that there is another unknown world in this world. The survivors in it are like that man. They have very powerful technology and special genetic technology discovery directions, but they know nothing about how to strengthen the human body itself."

Weng Tianlai's eyes grew hotter as he spoke, and then he couldn't help but look at the center of the steel cage, the direction where Li Yang disappeared: "As long as... we can catch him, he will be your humble slave. We want to It doesn’t matter how you know!”

"But God knows, all this is just speculation on our part."

The purple-armored woman frowned. After her words fell, Weng Tianlai's face dimmed a little. But just when they were sad, they suddenly felt a brain wave signal coming from the cage detector. At the same time, after taking They had used their senses to raise their heads in ecstasy with the fourth-level genetic evolution potion.

But the next moment, Weng Tianlai's figure suddenly stiffened, and his thoughts and brainwaves came to a standstill.

The purple-armored woman on his side suddenly felt like her brain was spinning and her brain waves were unable to be formed and sent out.

"The soul is stiff, the soul is dizzy."

A fifteen-meter-high mecha appeared in the steel cage. The moment it appeared, the mecha's scarlet eyes immediately looked at the two purple-armored men sitting at the table next to them eating. Almost instantly, Li Yang's mind The two magic spells that were brewing were launched with full power.

The next moment, one of the two of them froze in place, and the other fainted on the ground.

No ability to resist!

"It really works!"

A flash of joy flashed in Li Yang's mind, and then without hesitation, he launched the [Soul Stab] attack that had been successfully condensed in his mind and stabbed the purple-armored man's soul fiercely.

"You're still here to guard me, I'll die!"

In order to ensure effectiveness, Li Yang first focused on attacking this man.


As if there was a muffled sound in the soul, a soul spike fiercely pierced into the man's soul body, which was much stronger than ordinary people but had no defense. It instantly dimmed half of his soul.

The second thorn stabbed out immediately, and his soul was on the verge of being shattered.


The third soul spike pierced out, and the man's remaining soul was completely annihilated. The mecha that fell to the ground dimmed instantly, and the man instantly lost his life breath.


Li Yang's eyes flashed, and the remaining two spikes pierced into the soul of the remaining woman.

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