My world double door

Chapter 160 Aurora Third World!

Iceland is an independent country, not the name of a country island. Its full name is the Republic of Iceland.

Every year from mid-to-late August to April of the following year, it is the season to see the aurora in Iceland. Especially from November to the end of February, it is the concentrated outbreak period of the aurora in Iceland. During this period, after 11 o'clock at night, in many places in Iceland You can all see the Aurora.

When Li Yang, Li Ling, and Peng Feifei arrived in Iceland on August 10th, it was not the season when aurora appeared frequently, but if you are lucky, you only need to spend a few days here to see the aurora.

As a world-famous tourist country, Iceland’s scenery is naturally not limited to the aurora. As a place close to the Arctic Circle, there are many different scenery from the continent and the motherland.

Of course, our Himalayas are equally magnificent and vast, but the scenery is relatively different.

When the plane landed from the airport, Li Ling and Peng Feifei couldn't wait.

After checking in at the hotel and putting away the luggage, we followed Li Yang to visit various exotic places.

Blue Lagoon Hot Spring, Glacier Lake, Gullfoss Waterfall, Black Beach, Seljalandsfoss Falls.

Li Yang took Peng Feifei and Li Ling to the Blue Lake Hot Spring every day, and they went to the Glacier Lake for three full days.

The beautiful lake surface makes people immersed in it, and the irritability caused by the French black leather is also washed away, making people feel much happier.

The meaning of beautiful scenery is that even if nothing happens, you are still willing to stay here.

Li Yang took a lot of photos for Li Ling and Peng Feifei with the glacier lake as the background, and each one was very beautiful. Li Ling and Peng Feifei also took many handsome photos of him for their appreciation.

After the glacier lake, there is Gullfoss waterfall.

The magnificent and fantastic waterfall made people linger. I lingered quietly at the waterfall for three days before I satisfied my inner needs and moved on to the next location, the black sand beach.

The black sand beach has a unique style.




August 20th arrived unknowingly as soon as I played among the exotic and beautiful scenery.

The unpleasantness from France is completely forgotten.

On this afternoon, Li Yang took Peng Feifei and Li Ling to take a bath in the hot spring, and walked out of the entrance feeling comfortable.

Peng Feifei, who was walking long legs, blow-dried her hair and put on a pure white down jacket, fiddled with her bangs on her forehead. Her innocent appearance was set off by her black hair.

When I got in the car and drove all the way back to the hotel, I looked at Li Yang frequently with a smile.

Not long after, they arrived at the hotel, and the three of them ate at the hotel together. The shark meat, which they couldn't usually eat, had a unique flavor. During the meal, while Li Ling was going to the toilet, Peng Feifei quietly ran to Li Yang and took it. She picked up her cell phone and signaled to him: "Brother Li Yang, there will be an aurora tonight."


As soon as Peng Feifei finished speaking, while she was still looking at Li Yang secretly, she was held in his arms by Li Yang and sat down. Then he kissed her lips fiercely. She snorted quietly in her throat, and then Li Yang hugged her and kissed her hard.

Peng Feifei hugged Li Yang's neck passionately, squinting her eyes and letting him kiss her. The hot breath from her nose continued to hit Li Yang's skin.

After a while, Li Yang moved to his ear while kissing him and breathed hot air and asked: "Are you full, baby?"

"I'm full, I'm full."

Peng Feifei gasped and spoke, tilting her head back and breathing heavily. Apparently she realized something. As soon as she finished speaking, Li Yang hugged her butt and stood up.


Peng Feifei's lips were blocked again, and when she got to the elevator, Li Yang kissed her passionately against the wall of the elevator. Not long after, she came to the door of the room, opened the door, and closed it again. The heater that was always on made the whole room A warmth.


Peng Feifei was pushed onto the bed by Li Yang, and her clothes were removed one by one as he kissed her fiercely.

Li Yang kissed her too fiercely, one after another. When he finished taking off his clothes, Peng Feifei also softened.

But seeing that it would take more than an hour for the aurora to rise, Peng Feifei had no choice but to keep being kissed. During the process, she hurriedly picked up her phone and sent a message to Li Ling: "Lingling, your brother and I are going back to the room first. You finish eating." Go back to your room and rest quickly."

[Li Ling: Damn it, I said why can’t I see you guys anymore, so why are we going to bed now? 】

"Not yet, he wants to see the aurora when he can, that~~"

Peng Feifei reached down with her left hand and touched brother Li Yang's head. She bit her lip feebly and slowly tapped the screen with her jade finger.

[Li Ling:…………]

Peng Feifei made a pitiful expression, then turned off the phone and put it down, begging Brother Li Yang to slow down in a low voice.

But such pleading obviously has no effect.

It wasn't until more than an hour later, seeing that there were only more than ten minutes left before the aurora arrived, that Li Yang finally kissed her lips after washing his face.


Peng Feifei panted heavily, feeling a strong hand slowly touch her legs and lift her legs to her shoulders one by one.

Peng Feifei's eyes were flushed. After a while, her mouth was a little sore from being kissed. Li Yang then let go and moved down more than twenty centimeters. Peng Feifei looked out the window with misty eyes, biting her lips gently. .

After five minutes, the sky suddenly became covered with a layer of brilliant colors.

The aurora appears!

"Brother Li Yang, Aurora has appeared."

Peng Feifei rested her head on the white pillow, her black hair bunched up behind her head. She looked sideways at the aurora appearing across the sky outside the window, with brilliant brilliance reflected in her eyes. After a moment, she hurriedly looked at Li Yang said.

As soon as the words fell, Li Yang's lips kissed one side of her face fiercely. The pillow under her head sank hard, her eyes slowly opened wide, and her whole waist involuntarily pushed back.

Her open lips were immediately captured and kissed, and Peng Feifei's mind went blank. Under the gorgeous aurora, her whole body felt as happy as floating in the clouds.

Peng Feifei took a deep breath. After a moment, the man let go of her lips, held her head and looked at her with a smile.

"Aren't the aurora beautiful?"

"Beautiful, so beautiful, ah~ beautiful..."

"Brother and you are beautiful, aren't we?"

"Beautiful, eh~"

Peng Feifei pressed tightly against Li Yang, shrouded in aurora, and hugged the man's waist tightly.


Deep breathing becomes the most beautiful music under the aurora.

The moving voice is endlessly melodious.

This rare auroral appearance lasted for a full two hours.

Two hours later, the aurora dissipated, the dreamlike scenery disappeared from sight, and the city that was excited and noisy because of the aurora slowly returned to tranquility.

Li Yang's soul also received a severe cleansing.

"Feifei, are you happy?"

Li Yang's thumb slowly stroked Peng Feifei's cheek, looking at her confused expression, he asked with a smile.

During this aurora event, Peng Feifei also experienced a gorgeous transformation.

"Be happy, brother Li Yang, Feifei will always be yours from now on."

Peng Feifei looked at the man who was closely connected to her, her slender and white neck rising and falling with her breathing, and she spoke in an infinitely soft voice.

"Yes, from now on, Feifei is completely and forever mine."

A smile appeared on Li Yang's face and he licked Peng Feifei's neck. The scent of collagen on his face was almost the same as that of Chen Na.

Young sister, that’s great!

Li Yang admired in his heart, and then he held the absent-minded Peng Feifei in his arms and hugged her tightly, tidying up with toilet paper, and then got her back into bed, letting her remain tightly held by him. Slowly fell into sleep.

Unconsciously, it’s twelve o’clock at night.

Li Yang suddenly opened his eyes in his sleep, and there was a hint of surprise in his expression.

He looked at the beautiful sister in his arms and carefully put her on the bed. Then a mental wave caused her to sleep even more deeply, and secretly poured into her mouth something that can prolong life and protect mortals from all kinds of diseases and strengthen their physical constitution. After waiting for the magic potion with various benefits to help her body recover, she cast an invisibility magic with a movement in her heart, and her figure flew through the window and into the sky.

"Ziqi, start dressing, King Kong will be on alert, and all equipment will enter alert mode."

Li Yang thought in his heart, and the Purple Qi mecha, which had always been floating in the sky, immediately started dressing up. It was finished in the blink of an eye, and followed Li Yang's body into the invisible defense fortress in the sky, sitting on the defense Within the protective cabin of the fortress.

With his order, all the equipment started to alert at high power. By the time Li Yang sat in the protection cabin, the best comprehensive defense mechanism had been launched.

"Huanyu, be prepared to deal with any situation. Protecting my safety is the core of everything."

Li Yang gave an order in his heart to the adaptive life steward who was renamed "Huanyu", and then felt the bright door of the world blooming in his mind with burning eyes.

At the top of the World Gate, behind the two lit up orbs, a third bead glowed with hazy light.

The third world is opened!


Li Yang's heart was pounding, and then he let out a long breath, and communicated with the third orb with his spiritual thoughts. The next moment, the whole person and the surrounding technological equipment disappeared in an instant.




There are towering ancient trees and strange rocky hillsides everywhere.

The green grass was swaying, and the branches were covered with fresh fruits. In the vast forest, a steel structure suddenly appeared, crushing a large number of trees in an instant.

The next moment, the steel creation flew into the air, strange energy surged, and the wind rose from the ground, turning all the downed trees vertically, blowing the soil back to its original position, and a heavy downpour fell on the roots of the trees, helping them regain their vitality.

The steel creature looked around and suddenly flew towards a magnificent city.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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