My world double door

Chapter 161 Am I horny?

The city wall, which is thirty meters high and five meters wide, and is made of extremely hard special masonry materials, surrounds a vast land of ten thousand acres.

There are strong soldiers guarding the city gate. They are wearing strong armor, their weapons are shining with sharp edges, and their expressions are solemn.

There are towers built on the city wall every hundred meters away, and soldiers are stationed inside, patrolling day and night.

There were two huge crossbows on each small tower, and the steel arrows as thick as an adult's arm shone with a cold light.

The tower at the city gate is even taller. The city gate alone is ten meters high. It is actually made of a combination of wood and steel rods and leather. It is one meter thick. There are special machine gears underneath. The exquisite structure allows People push hard to open and close.

The city gate is five meters wide and can accommodate two large carriages running side by side. However, when entering or exiting, they must drive in a single row on the right side to facilitate passage.

On both sides of the gate, there is a smaller three-meter-wide side door that can only accommodate a carriage. It is closed daily and guarded by soldiers. It will not be opened except under special circumstances.

The main road inside the city gate is paved with gravel, wide and strong, and will not slip on rainy days. The main road connects the four city gates in a cross shape, with crisscrossing auxiliary roads and small paths in the center.

Everywhere there are small buildings and residences made of brick and wood.

The terrain of the entire city is higher than the surrounding land, and there are drainage ditches inside. The sewage produced in the city flows along the drainage ditches into the large flat land outside the city.

There are some teahouses, inns, and private houses surrounding the city gate. There are built farmlands around, where farmers live.

"It's actually a world similar to that of Ancient Yanhuang."

Li Yang drove the defensive fortress and flew high in the sky over the entire city. He looked at the town below through the observation of smart devices, feeling a little surprised in his heart.

He looked at the central location of the entire city. The characters on it even felt familiar to him. It was a very similar font to the ancient Yanhuang characters... but he didn't recognize them at all.

Fortunately, [World Gate] allows him to know him directly.

"Mansion office?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows, and then checked the [Breeding 9] strong artificial intelligence that he had carried with him since returning to the real world, and let it explore the [Fuya] related information in the earth's knowledge base that had been stored before, and Mobilize the most relevant content based on the situation at hand.

[In ancient Yanhuang times, some dynasties had an administrative hierarchy of "state, prefecture, county and county". The prefecture is equivalent to a province, the prefecture is equivalent to a prefecture-level city, the prefecture is equivalent to a county seat, and the government office is a government office building similar to a prefecture-level city.]

Breeding No. 9 quickly gave an explanation. Li Yang nodded slowly, then rubbed his chin and decided to go take a look.

A prefecture-level city is enough to find a lot of information related to the world. Through this information, he can quickly make judgments about the world.

Coincidentally, this was the first city he encountered in this world.

Thinking in his mind, Li Yang was about to go down, but suddenly something happened before his eyes, and someone flew out of the city.

Before Li Yang's eyes could gather together, the invisible defense fortress had already captured and projected the figures flying out of the city in front of him.

"I dare to ask, which Taoist friend came to my [Hehuan Sect] Fengdeng Mansion?"

A middle-aged figure wearing a green robe flew to a height of 100 meters above the city. He exuded a powerful aura and looked closely at the invisible fortress in the sky with a faint light in his eyes.


The vast city wall suddenly lit up with rays of golden light, and faint mysterious lines formed some kind of special circuit. Around the city wall, there were twenty-five figures in robes standing at certain special nodes, making The faintly condensed power in the air seemed to come to life, turning from a dead thing into a living thing.

It's just that this force has not been unleashed, and has always been faintly entrenched above the city walls and the city.


"Is this a cultivator?"

The attire and momentum of the immortal cultivators ascending into the sky, as well as the formation patterns that lit up on the city below him, reminded Li Yang of this word in an instant.

Just as he was about to go down, such a group of people suddenly came. Li Yang was a little surprised and opened his eyes in astonishment. However, the strong sense of crisis coming from the other party made him dare not neglect him. He suppressed his dismay that they actually saw his invisible defense. Surprised by the invisibility of the fortress, the [Invisible Defense Fortress] projected his projection in the air.

Over the Fengdeng Mansion, an illusory figure wearing strange purple armor suddenly appeared in the blue sky, startling the assembled monks of the Hehuan Sect. Fortunately, they quickly saw that it was just an phantom, so they suppressed it. He felt the urge to activate the formation immediately.

Feng Deng, the foundation-building monk of the Hehuan Sect, pressed his palms to signal the disciples below to calm down. He mobilized the one-yuan foundation-building magic power in his body, and held back his fighting spells, silently watching the phantom appearing in the sky.

And that strange flying iron box that obviously doesn't have any spiritual power, but can fly in the sky and hide its body.

If he hadn't practiced the sect's [Two Yields Eyes] and felt something was wrong and looked up, he might not have noticed it until now.

‘What a mysterious concealment method. ’

Foundation-building monk Feng Deng thought to himself, waiting for the phantom in front of him to speak.

"I don't mean any harm. I just passed by this place accidentally. I don't know where it is. I have doubts in my heart. I am preparing to visit. I never wanted to disturb everyone."

Li Yang didn't know how to address them. Would using words like 'senior' make them feel strange? So he simply didn't mention it, but said with a smile.

"Don't know where you are?"

The monk Feng Deng flying in the sky frowned, looked at the phantom in the sky and said coldly: "This place is the [Dongping Road] [Feng Deng Mansion] belonging to the [Hehuan Sect], and below is Feng Deng."

"Fellow Taoist, I just happened to pass by this place accidentally, why don't you come out and meet me in real form? I, [Hehuan Sect], is also an authentic sect registered in [Jiuli Dynasty], and I am not a wild sect. Why do you have this phantom with me through an iron shell?" dialogue?"

Feng Deng's voice was like a coaxing bell, obviously filled with shock, but he was also obviously very dissatisfied with Li Ming's behavior.

As a local guard, he has the duty of supervision. The dissatisfaction shown in his words is false, and he wants to find out whether the monk inside the iron shell is real or not.

Once there is an unknown evil cultivator, a monster clan that infiltrates in disguise, or some wild sect breaks away from him and causes trouble elsewhere, then he will also be implicated.

Fengdeng had to be careful. When he spoke, even the formation power in the town below had been mobilized. It was obvious that he had already made up his mind. If something went wrong, he would immediately take action to leave the person behind.


"It's so careless."

Li Yang was slightly speechless as he looked at the monks rising into the air below and the formations filling the sky above the entire city below.

I felt a little regretful.

He knew that he could certainly withstand strong damage through the powerful defensive capabilities of the invisible defense fortress - not necessarily, who knew what attack method the opponent used, what if it was something that could ignore the defense of the defensive fortress?

Although the invisible defense fortress can only be hit, it also has super cannons and powerful bombs. Although it is difficult to attack advanced genetic evolvers who can run away, it is best at attacking immobile cities like this.

But who knows what effect such an attack would have?

He faced a group of completely unknown extraordinary beings.

He couldn't help but wonder, if he hadn't come so arrogantly in a mecha and a stealth defense fortress at the beginning, but had come directly without wearing anything, would he have caused the current situation.

However, thinking of this, he shook his head again.

Don't be ridiculous, let alone going to a strange world, even if you go to a strange place, you have to bring enough equipment and try your best to ensure your own safety to make people feel at ease. With such a defensive fortress, it is impossible for him not to bring it.

It was a fool's errand to choose to come here naked, even if he was wearing a mecha.

It won’t work if you don’t bring anything less.

Thinking of this, Li Yang sighed in his heart, thought for a while, and looked at the extraordinary person on the screen whose eyes were getting more and more evil. He knew that if he didn't come out, he would definitely cause a bigger trouble.

He silently put on the [Purple Qi] mecha, then stared at the transcendent flying out below, and solemnly chose to exit the hatch.

"[King Kong] is always ready to dress."

Thinking silently in his heart, Li Yang's figure wearing a tight-fitting purple mecha also flew into the air outside. He looked at the practitioner flying below, a smile appeared on his face, and he opened his visor: "Fengdeng ...Fellow Taoist, I'm sorry to have caused you such a big disturbance, I was really just...passing by."

"Hey, it's not [Breathe Concentration Technique], but you don't have magic power on your body?"

The originally solemn-looking monk Fengdeng looked at Li Yang flying in the sky with astonishment. The light in his eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but look at Li Yang more carefully.

After looking at it, he couldn't help but exclaim.

"What a natural monk, he can have such power without opening up his Dantian!"

"Hey, this incredibly active and majestic yang energy is actually a slut!"

"Hey, is there such a naturally prostituted person in this world?"

"Could it be that he is the destined person of my [Hehuan Sect]?"

Brother Fengdeng exclaimed again and again, and Li Yang's figure in the sky paused.

It is understandable that a natural-born monk has such power without developing any Dantian. After all, he did not develop any Dantian. His strength relies entirely on technology and magic.

But what does obscenity mean?

What's going on?

Li Yang's expression became more exciting, and he immediately thought of the effect of genetic medicine to compensate for genetic defects, enhance genes, and greatly enhance breeding ability.

So, am I really a pervert?

"This can't be true."

Am I horny?


"My little friend, if you don't mind, why don't you come into the house and have a talk?"

Seeing that this young man with a weird aura all over his body was indeed attracted by his words, Feng Deng breathed a sigh of relief, with a wonderful look on his face, and couldn't help but clasping his fists at him and saying.

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