My world double door

Chapter 163 Yes, I, Yan Shuangying,

Li Yang didn't know what the so-called small world was, and he didn't know if the world and the magical world he was in were the kind of small world mentioned by the monk of the "Hehuan Sect" named "Fengdeng".

But it doesn't matter, he doesn't know how to explain his origin anyway. Since Fengden has given the answer, just follow his words.

I just felt a little hesitant about Feng Deng's suggestion of being introduced to the sect.

Firstly, it was because he didn't know whether what the other party said was true. Secondly, it was such an opportunity to get in touch with the extraordinary power of this world. The seemingly powerful opportunity was right in front of him. While he was worried, he was reluctant to give up.

But if I agree, I still have some concerns and hesitation.

Li Yang's hesitation was naturally noticed by the experienced monk Fengdeng, and he nodded secretly in his heart.

When two strangers meet, the issue of trust is key.

If such a person who already possesses considerable power easily chooses to believe him and follow him, then he will become suspicious in his heart, wondering whether he is a hostile faction, or even a spy of the demon clan or demon clan.

So how to solve the trust problem?

Fortunately, the spiritual practice community has already given the answer.

That is to make an oath, to make an oath to heaven!

The oath of heaven is different from ordinary oaths. Whenever it is sworn, it will trigger the secret of heaven, and people can clearly feel the pull of the secret of heaven. Once the oath is violated, there will be corresponding retribution.

This feeling is as if the swearing of the Heavenly Dao Oath has caused the trajectory of one's own destiny to be stirred. No matter how much one resists and struggles, it will be stirred by the invisible giant hand, which will eventually lead to the retribution in the oath.

And those who promote the retribution in this process will have a sense of enlightenment. This is to follow the destiny. Those who promote will naturally think that this is retribution from heaven, and their fate should be terminated.

Therefore, since the discovery of the Oath of Heaven, its effect has been widely spread throughout the world, and the method of making the oath has also spread rapidly.

Since the Heavenly Dao Oath involves heaven's destiny, it cannot be made casually. It requires a specific method. Only the oath made by following this method can take effect. Once the Heavenly Dao Oath takes effect, both parties will immediately know that their oath has taken effect. If it does not take effect, there will be no response, so it cannot be faked.

The lowest threshold for making a heavenly oath is a foundation-building monk, and this applies to god-transformation monks.

The cultivators of the Transformation God are so high up there that they are no longer affected by heaven's secrets. The so-called oath of heaven is just like nothing in their eyes.

It just so happened that Fengdeng was a foundation-building monk.

There are many famous sects in the world of cultivation. In order to attract geniuses to their sects, senior officials of the imperial court made an oath of heaven as soon as they met in exchange for mutual trust, thus prompting the geniuses they found to be willing to let down their guard and choose to join the sect, thus causing the sects to A beautiful story about the strength of the system.

With this experience before him, Fengdeng naturally doesn't mind imitating his predecessors in the spiritual world.

"I know you and I have just met, and you don't know what the world is like today. You don't dare to believe everything I say, and you are wary."

Brother Fengdeng looked at the young man in front of him with a smile on his face: "I have a way to relieve your worries."

"This is a serious statement."

Li Yang didn't take it seriously when his thoughts were revealed, but he couldn't help but take a step back when he heard something he said, and his vigilance rose to the highest level.

"Hahaha, the name of this method is: swear an oath to heaven."

Brother Fengdeng looked at Li Yang's movements and laughed loudly. Then he looked solemn. The foundation-building magic power in his body circulated together with the soul power, and a mysterious magic formula rose from his body.

In an instant, the white clouds around him were changing constantly, and Li Yang felt an inexplicable feeling of horror.

"Feng Deng, a monk from the Hehuan Sect, swears to heaven that what he said to the person in front of him today has no intention of harming or deceiving him. He is wholeheartedly introducing him to our Hehuan Sect and becoming a true disciple of my [Hehuan Sect]. But if it matters, then God Strike five thunderbolts!”

Brother Fengdeng's expression was solemn, and his mouth was shaking. As the voice fell, Li Yang felt a sense of peace of mind for no reason. Looking at the opposite monk, Brother Fengdeng's expression was extremely heavy, as if he was being scrutinized by some great being, and cold sweat was flowing on his face. more than.

After more than ten minutes, the inexplicable feeling slowly faded away. When Li Yang looked at the sweaty monk Fengdeng in front of him, he suddenly felt much calmer.

"My little friend, did you feel the sense of heaven's arrival just now? Do you feel at peace in your heart?"

Brother Fengdeng timidly wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked Li Yang in front of him.

"Please wait for me for a moment."

Li Yang looked at the monk in front of him, and his doubts dissipated a lot, but he still felt that he couldn't believe it. He immediately raised his hand, and after giving a signal, turned around and returned to the [Invisible Defense Fortress], and disappeared from the sight of Brother Fengdeng. among.

Brother Fengdeng raised his brows slightly, looked at the iron shell in front of him, and subconsciously wanted to use his [Eye of Two Eyes] to investigate, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea and waited silently.


【Invisible Defense Fortress】

The moment Li Yang came in, he immediately communicated with the [World Gate] and disappeared from the third world in an instant, returning to the real world.

It was still past midnight in the real world at this time. He flew over Iceland and looked around for a while, then returned to his hotel room and looked at the bed to see that Peng Feifei was sleeping soundly on the bed. He went up. He went to the bed and took off Peng Feifei's pajamas, grabbed her soft butt and turned it to the front. She lay on it and tasted it for a while before looking up with satisfaction.

‘It’s probably not an illusion. ’

Li Yang thought for a while, and circulated the power of the soul and the power of thunder in his body again. He breathed a complete sigh of relief, returned to the air, communicated with the door of the world, and entered the third world again.

In a blink of an eye, he returned to the invisible defense fortress. He looked around and confirmed that there was nothing wrong before nodding with satisfaction.

Li Yang drove the mecha and walked out of the hatch, then returned to the opposite side of Brother Fengdeng, and held his hands with a smile on his face: "I have already felt the sincerity of Master Fengdeng, but I don't know what to do. How can I become a disciple of the 'Hehuan Sect' as the Taoist Master said?"

"Hahaha, this is easy."

Hearing this, Brother Fengdeng already knew that Li Yang was attracted. He laughed immediately, and with a wave of his hand, he took out a piece of jade that exuded green light: "This is the 'Illuminating Stone', just hold it with your bare hands." One breath of this stone can reflect whether the person holding this stone is an evil cultivator or a spy from another sect."

"After receiving preliminary confirmation through the reflection of this stone, I will report it to the sect. With your qualifications, the elders of the sect will come to confirm in person. Once confirmed, they will recognize your identity on the spot and accept you as my I am a disciple of [Hehuan Sect].”

"Are you willing to give it a try?"

With a smile on his face, Feng Deng sent the jade stone emitting green light to Li Yang. As his eyes turned, he looked at him with a sharp look.

Obviously, even now, he is still wary.

Li Yang rubbed his fingers and hesitated.

But things have reached this point, and there is no point in continuing to test. On the contrary, it is easy to cause more troubles.

The most important thing is to put yourself in your shoes. A big company has sincerely wanted to recruit you. It has come to this point. It is just a test. Why should you hesitate?

This is simply the best treatment from heaven!

"Senior, since you have already achieved this step, if you don't know what is right, it will seem like you don't know what is good and what is good."

A smile appeared on Li Yang's face. He opened the mecha's arm armor while tightly communicating with the [Gate to the World] in his mind, and reached out to hold the jade stone blooming with blue light in front of him.


The next moment, the jade stone trembled, and an inexplicable aura swept across Li Yang's body. An ordinary figure emerged from the blue stone, showing no surprise at all.

"Okay, there is no aura from other sects, and there is no trace of the aura of demons and monsters. It is true that he first entered this world from a small world."

Feng Deng's eyes brightened, and most of the vigilance in his eyes disappeared. He put away the [Illumination Stone] with a smile, and immediately pinched the magic formula with his hands, and a talisman appeared on his fingertips.

"Fengdeng, the foundation-building monk, has discovered an extremely talented person, who may have escaped from the cage for the creatures of the small world. He was born to suit the way of our [Hehuan Sect]. His yang energy is terrifying and majestic, and he has the power of both body and soul. It's as vast as the sea, and it's about to be compared to a monk who has perfected his Qi refining skills. Elder, please take a closer look."

Feng Deng muttered words, and then looked at Li Yang with a dim light in his eyes, as if the scene he saw was imprinted on the talisman at his fingertips. The next moment the spell ended, the talisman in his hand bloomed with brilliance, and turned into nothingness in an instant.

Li Yang felt a little uncomfortable being looked at, and felt as if he was running wildly on the street without any clothes. Fortunately, Fengdeng immediately stopped his movements at the next moment. The talisman and magic formula in his hand seemed to be completed, and the powerful energy aura also dissipated. .

"I have used the talisman to inform the elders of our sect. The golden elixir monk's flying ability is very fast. The elder will be able to fly here tomorrow at the latest. Before then, my dear friend, why don't you come to stay in my city for a while?"

Brother Fengdeng looked at Li Yang in front of him with a smile, and invited him warmly.

"Thank you, senior. It's just that I haven't had time to tell the elder my name since we met. There's something wrong with that. I... Yan Shuangying, I've met senior!"

Li Yang hurriedly clasped his fists in thanks and said his name without any pause, with a sincere expression.

I don’t mean anything else, I just feel that the various methods in this world of cultivating immortals are a bit awesome, so I should be cautious.

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter what your name is. What's important is that you are here. The reason why this city is named after me is because I have built a foundation and am protected by the sect's spells. I am not afraid of the means of killing with curses." , Although your soul and body are strong, they are still lacking. In the future, you should reveal less of your name when walking outside."

Hearing what Li Yang said, a smile flashed across Brother Fengdeng's lips, followed by a chuckle and warning.

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