My world double door

Chapter 164 Drunk

Li Yang said it was very dangerous.

But then he breathed a sigh of relief, it was okay.

Anyway, I didn’t say my real name.

If any enemy can curse the God of War ‘Yan Shuangying’ to death, he will be considered powerful.

"Thank you, senior, for your warning. I will definitely keep it in mind."

Li Yang clenched his fists and spoke humbly. Brother Fengdeng smiled softly: "I am inexperienced and have been in the air for a long time. Please come into the house."

"Sorry for bothering you."

Li Yang hugged his fists humbly, and then the monk Fengdeng, who was smiling like a spring breeze, fell from the sky and entered the huge city below.

As soon as the two landed, they entered the backyard of the government office in the center. What surprised Li Yang was that although the backyard looked small, it actually contained a lot of things.

From the outside, it looks like an ordinary small courtyard, with only three or two wooden buildings and a small courtyard of fifty square meters. However, when you enter it, it feels like you have entered a brand new space.

There are pavilions, lotus ponds, gravel paths, and groups of green bamboos.

There is even a rockery towering in the center of the vast courtyard, with beautiful birds flying in the air, fish surging in the pond, shrimps and turtles swimming, and a superb backyard scenery.

"Unexpectedly, there is a cave in this place!"

Li Yang looked at the surrounding environment with a face full of surprise, and couldn't help but said to the monk Fengdeng who was leading the way.

"This was built by the Jiuli Dynasty for the various palaces of the imperial court. It was only because I was sent to settle here that I was able to enjoy such a cave."

Hearing Li Yang's surprised words, Brother Fengdeng laughed, waved his sleeves, and said softly.

"Senior actually sent me here. I saw that this city has the same name as senior, and I thought this city was built by senior."

Li Yang was stunned for a moment and then spoke in surprise.

"This city is called Fengdeng, of course because I came here."

Feng Deng responded as he should: "All creatures and spirits respect me as a high-level cultivator. How could it be possible that when I go to a place, that place is not named after me?"

Li Yang was stunned for a moment, and then a smile slowly appeared on his face: "That's true."

"Please come inside. Although my courtyard is not as good as the mansions of famous families, princes, generals and prime ministers, it is still spacious. There is a small building that is only used to entertain distinguished guests. It is located at the node of the city's spiritual power, and there is a lot of wisdom in the small world. There are many inferiorities compared to this world, I believe your cultivation will be benefited by practicing here."

Feng Deng didn't care about this, and instead he smiled and guided Li Yang to a pavilion in the center of the courtyard.

Only Li Yang's eyes were bright.

‘All creatures and spirits respect me as a high-level cultivator... I went to a place, and this place is not named after me? ’

‘A city must be home to a large number of human beings, but the name of a place and a city actually changes with the coming and going of a monk, without having its own fixed name. ’

‘It seems that the power of immortal cultivators in this world has far exceeded that of ordinary people, so much so that such a majestic city, as well as the people in the city and the land, are all under one cultivator. ’

Thoughts flashed in Li Yang's mind, and four big words flashed in his mind.

The strong are respected!

Moreover, he is still extremely strong!

I have reached the point where all creatures in the borders of vegetation, mountains and rivers must give in to the strong!

In the name of an individual, it is easy to put pressure on an area, and it is natural and reasonable, just like a city in the real world should have its name.

His thoughts were surging, and in one sentence, Li Yang already had a preliminary understanding of the situation in this world of cultivating immortals.




Spiritual fruit, spiritual tea, spiritual feast.

As soon as he entered the pavilion, Brother Fengdeng immediately served Li Yang a meal.

The spiritual fruit enters the stomach, as if life is continuing.

After taking the spirit tea into your stomach, it feels like every cell in your body has been soaked in the gentle land.

After eating the spiritual meal, it feels like your soul is being massaged.

After eating a full meal of spiritual food and drinking spiritual tea, Li Yang felt dizzy from eating. All the cells in his body, his soul power, his body power, and even the thunder power in his body became active.

Under the powerful and vital energy of the spiritual power contained in the spiritual object, transformation occurs spontaneously.

The originally frivolous physical strength slowly became extremely solid under the nourishment, as if every bit of strength came from hard work.

Originally, he felt that he had returned to normal. His soul power was nourished and became extremely transparent and clear, and a sense of clarity filled his entire soul.

The thunder power cultivated bit by bit seemed to make up for some shortcomings under the nourishment, becoming bright and eye-catching.

The physical strength spontaneously began the seventh transformation. Under the nourishment of spiritual power, the seventh transformation was rapid and natural. Li Yang's physical strength increased by a full 79% without even realizing it!

The magic power of Thunder, which had not been able to break through to the third transformation after practicing for a long time, quickly completed a transformation, and the degree of the third transformation reached a full 39%!

Moreover, it seems that it has been nourished by sufficient high-level energy. After the transformation, the entire thunder magic power seems to be completely reborn, full of vitality and agility, and shining brightly.

Even the body becomes elastic, energetic and renewed.

The soul power was as clear as crystal, but extremely tough. After eating a spiritual feast, Li Yang felt as if he had been reborn.

"Is this a drunken spirit?"

At the main seat, Brother Fengdeng, who had just finished eating and drank, was ready to clap his hands and show off the wonders of their [Hehuan Sect] to this new talented disciple. He was surprised to see that he fainted and fell on the table while eating. Li Yang, who was sleeping, suddenly slapped his forehead.

"Although he is powerful, he comes from a small world and has never experienced spiritual practice. He cannot be treated as a normal late-stage Qi Refining monk. How could I forget this?"

Brother Fengdeng shook his head, with a look of helplessness on his face. Then he thought about it and let him have a good rest. He immediately had someone personally take him to the rest area of ​​the attic and help him onto the [Qing Shen Pure Body Couch]. superior.

After being helped up, Fengdeng nodded with satisfaction. After thinking for a while, he asked a few beautiful girls in gauze to go back first, and then let Li Yang experience the authentic [Hehuan Sect] wonderful banquet after he woke up.

"Yan Shuangying."

After sending Li Yang off to rest, Feng Deng muttered in his mouth, and returned to his quiet room with a step using the mysterious escape method.

Then he waved his palm, and a tortoise shell appeared in his hand. He turned his right hand again, and a chopstick used by Li Yang appeared in his hand.

He placed the chopsticks in the middle of the gap in the tortoise shell, holding the tortoise shell with his eyes closed, and made strange movements in the quiet room.

"Yan double eagle, Yan double eagle, Yan double eagle..."

He muttered words and recited Yan Shuangying's name at a fast speed. At the same time, his hands, feet and limbs continued to rotate along mysterious trajectories, but the tortoise shell held in his hands remained stable in the palm of his hand without any fluctuation.

As he danced, the tortoise shell rotated slowly, but until the end of his dance, there was no movement.

"It doesn't count. It seems like it really comes from a small world."

Feng Deng opened his eyes and looked at the motionless tortoise shell with a smile flashing at the corner of his mouth. Then he put the tortoise shell away with satisfaction. Then he felt the pain in his body due to the fortune-telling and shook his head helplessly.

"It's so tiring for anyone to do any calculation. I still need to learn and understand the art of divination."

Feng Deng thought lightly, and then a real [messaging talisman] appeared in his hand. With a slight movement in his heart, he imprinted what he saw and heard today, everything in detail, and transmitted it.

The [Messaging Talisman] disappeared, and a smile flashed across Fengdeng's lips. He straightened his clothes and felt a little tired, so he turned around and returned to his bedroom to rest.

"Master, you are back."

On the bed, the sound of a graceful beauty sounded like a bell, which made people happy. Fengdeng waved his hand to indicate that he needed to rest. The beauty quickly went over and opened her arms for Fengden to lie down in her arms and sleep.

Not long after, Feng Deng woke up, already feeling refreshed and energetic.

He stretched and felt that it was time to practice, so he was about to practice diligently in his own Meiji Temple. As soon as he walked out of the bedroom, his eyes blurred, and a figure in a robe suddenly appeared in front of him.

Fengdeng's expression changed instantly, and he hurriedly paid homage on the spot: "I've met Elder Chen!"

"Well, get up."

The monk who was wearing robes and looked younger than Fengden nodded and waved for him to get up. Then a smile flashed in his eyes: "I happened to be passing by here. I heard about you and came over to see that genius. Where's the bitch, let me see?"

"In the junior back cabinet, Elder Chen is here to invite you."

Feng Deng didn't expect to encounter such a thing. There had been people trying to grab credit among the sect, but he didn't have the slightest doubt. He knew that with the opponent's cultivation level, he might be able to reach Li Yang directly before he could reach him. If Elder Chen is willing, he will not even notice the arrival of the other party, nor the arrival of Li Yang.

As a golden elixir monk, he has this ability. Even if he has the sect's magic spell to protect him, it can affect some of his memories and thoughts, making the genius discovered by him become discovered by this elder. There is no way.

The sect's laws have become more stringent recently, and this elder's coming here is also a reflection of his recognition of his merits. Naturally, Fengdeng will not ask more questions to trouble himself.

He hurriedly turned around and took Elder Chen to the place where Li Yang was placed. After a while, Elder Chen, who was nodding, was brought to the attic where Li Yang was resting. He removed the protective formation and took him straight into the attic where Li Yang fell asleep. The place.

When we got inside, we found that he was still asleep.

"Well...this junior saw that his soul and body strength were comparable to those of a late-stage Qi Refining monk, so he set up a spiritual banquet for him. Unexpectedly, he was drunk after eating it."

Feng Deng spoke awkwardly, but Elder Chen didn't pay attention. Instead, he looked at Li Yang who was lying in high spirits: "It's strange, it's really strange."

"Something's wrong, the more I look at it, the more wrong it becomes..."

It's so cold. There's no air conditioning or heating. Damn it.

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