My world double door

Chapter 168 What’s wrong with her? (Please subscribe)

"One level three perfect gene potion is 10,000 crystal coins, and twenty copies is 200,000 crystal coins. Are you sure?"

Bi Yueyue, who was sitting aside, pursed her lips and couldn't help but ask.

"Buy two more copies for later use."

Li Yang nodded, looked at Chang Yanyan and Yu Dong, and said casually.


Bi Yueyue breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to enter the inner city network through the basic permissions Li Yang shared with her, and began to conduct transaction and contact operations.

[Director Zhou, how did you feel about the food I gave you last time...]

Li Yang sat aside and watched Bi Yueyue's operations with interest. In the end, Bi Yueyue dug out half of the bag of rice he took out, and packed it in a particularly high-end box and sent it out via unmanned express delivery.

The logistics in this world are extremely fast. The reason why his mecha was slow before was because it was custom-made and had to queue up, so it was slow.

Buying ready-made things now, with ready-made logistics, he had a full 230,000 crystal coins in his account in just half an hour.

"really not bad."

Li Yang curled his lips with satisfaction and asked Bi Yueyue to purchase twenty-two third-level genetic medicines in a more secure way. After another hour of waiting, these genetic medicines were all delivered to her hands.

Li Yang went to get these things back. When he took them out one by one, he looked at the twenty-two bottles of level 3 perfect genetic medicine in a safe, with a smile on his lips.

"There are still 10,000 crystal coins in the account. My suggestion is to purchase an adaptive artificial intelligence defense alert."

Bi Yueyue walked up to Li Yang and saw him closing the safe and lifting it up. She couldn't help but said: "Only with the assistance of sufficiently high-level artificial intelligence, our transactions can be safer."

"Well, buy it."

Li Yang nodded casually and said with a smile.


Bi Yueyue took a deep breath and hurriedly bought another adaptive artificial intelligence.

"Can you please not leave yet? I'm afraid something might happen."

After purchasing, Bi Yueyue said to Li Yang hesitantly: "It's just strong artificial intelligence. There are many things. Once someone does something, I won't be able to detect it. You are safe here."

"Okay, then I'll wait and leave."

A bright smile appeared at the corner of Li Yang's mouth, and then he slowly touched Bi Yueyue's nervous cheek and put her cheek against his chest: "I know that the slave controller is no longer effective for you, but as long as you are good Follow me and your future life will be better than before, do you understand?"

Bi Yueyue was stunned for a moment, then nodded hurriedly and vigorously: "I will forget that man. I can follow you. Survival in the last days is not easy. I hope to get your protection..."

After saying that, Bi Yueyue put her cheek against Li Yang's skin and slid down to squat down.

Li Yang smiled, patted her head gently, and looked at the night sky in front of her comfortably.

He had long been aware of Bi Yueyue's situation. After all, his soul power could be checked at every turn. Bi Yueyue's inner activities could be said to be vividly displayed in his mind.

The reason why I didn't do anything was to try to see if I could really conquer her.

Now it seems that the effect is very good.

"It seems that in the future, when dealing with advanced genetic evolvers, we can no longer trust slave controllers."

Li Yang murmured to himself, but even the soul power is a bit difficult to deal with, because the soul power of advanced genetic evolvers is already very powerful, and they have very strong self-recovery capabilities.

Unless he is under constant mental control, it is impossible for him to control an ordinary person directly and follow his thoughts.

Moreover, even ordinary people will wake up after suffering severe pain, let alone advanced genetic evolvers.

Li Yang thought quietly in his heart, lowered his head and looked at Bi Yueyue who was working hard, with a smile on his lips.

I hope her dead husband won’t blame her. After all, she just wanted to pursue a happier life. What’s wrong with that?

However, with such a slave girl around, his efficiency in practicing the immortal skills will be stable in the future.

"It's really good."

Li Yang spoke softly and straightened his waist comfortably. Bi Yueyue, who received the praise, worked harder.


An hour later, the unmanned transport aircraft transported the goods and then returned automatically. Li Yang went out to get back the [Adaptive Artificial Intelligence] he had purchased, and suddenly he froze.

"Someone actually followed me."

Li Yang looked at the high sky in the dark night with piercing eyes. The three genetic evolvers could be seen clearly under his perception of spiritual power.

Fortunately, he habitually used his mental power to detect when taking things out.

Soul dizziness

Soul stiffness

Soul dizziness

"Chi chi chi~"

There seemed to be three hits in the air. The moment Li Yang found out, the three control magics had been quickly released by him. The three fourth-level genetic evolvers who were flying in the air and still hiding their bodies to explore the situation instantly went into a state of out-of-control souls.

Soul Stab X2

Soul Stab X2

Soul Stab X2

As the soul reaches the peak of its sixth transformation, coupled with the soul washing experienced at the spiritual banquet in the world of cultivating immortals, the soul becomes purer.

Today's Li Yang's soul power is no longer what it used to be, and because of the spiritual feast's washing, the quality is better than the soul power he cultivated. He can easily cast soul magic again.

The three soul control magics were released instantly, and six soul spikes stabbed into the souls of three different visitors in succession, followed by stabbing their souls until they almost collapsed.

"Plop, puff, puff..."

The three figures wearing mechas in the air immediately fell to the ground from the air with heavy soul power injuries, and their fragile souls were immediately penetrated by Li Yang's powerful soul power.

"Transfer the highest authority on all things related to you to me, and tell me why you are here."

Li Yang looked at the three distinguished guests with a smile, and after a while, he took back three sets of high-end technological equipment on the spot.

Especially the mecha of one of them made his eyes light up.

"It's actually a level seven mecha."

Li Yang looked at the middle one of the three detached mechas in front of him with sharp eyes, one big and one small. Two golden mechas came into view dazzlingly.

Level 7 mechas are fully adapted for level 5 genetic evolvers. Their performance is superior to level 6 mechas, but they still cannot serve level 6 genetic evolvers.

The only ones that can barely serve the sixth-level genetic evolvers are the eighth-level mechas with up to 5 billion crystal coins.

Just looking at the price, you can tell that this is not intended to be purchased in the form of crystal coins, but to be traded in other ways.

Under normal circumstances, level seven mechas are already the top mechas that survivors can come into contact with.

"I gave it away with such a good performance. Thank you very much."

Li Yang immediately flew out of the dark night and tried the feeling of controlling a level seven mecha. Instantly, a stronger power poured into his heart.

[It is detected that your physical strength is not enough to fully use this mecha. The mecha has been renamed [Golden Armor] and [Tianxuan Armor]. The intelligent assistance mode has been turned on. I wish you a happy use]

A light voice sounded from inside the mecha, and Li Yang smiled. Then he focused his gaze on the blond and blue-eyed genetic evolver. With a thought, the mecha made contact and was received into the [Cosmos Bag] by him.

At level seven mechas, even the main combat mechas have begun to shrink in size. They are only twenty meters tall, and the portable mechas are only over two meters tall, but they are more refined and powerful.

Li Yang flew to the three genetic evolvers and had already received the information transmitted by their brain waves in his mind.

"It turns out that they noticed something unusual when they first traded, but under the operation of Weng Tianlai and Bi Yueyue, and with the help of adaptive artificial intelligence, they were unable to track it."

Li Yang emotionally patted the man who brought him the level 7 mecha and rewarded him for being the first to die.


With a soul stab, the original owner of the seventh-level mecha died immediately.

"I didn't expect that it was my search that attracted you."

Li Yang looked at the remaining two genetic evolvers, shook his head, and killed them, followed by a quiet sniff.

[God of Cookery Strengthening Technique] was activated, and the pure soul power remaining after the death of the three fourth-level genetic evolvers was immediately inhaled by the tip of his nose.

The soul power that has undergone washing is extremely efficient. This huge soul power is quickly absorbed into the body, and then transformed into pure physical power and replenished into the body.

The physical strength of the Seventh Transformation Realm instantly began to grow. His physique was fed back, his Qi and blood were instantly enhanced, and his physical strength was rising steadily.

"It's a pity that we have reached the limit of our cultivation method."

Li Yang sighed secretly in his heart. He could feel that with the addition of these three fourth-level genetic evolvers, he could even continue to undergo transformation.

Unfortunately, without the follow-up practice method, he would not be able to undergo the eighth transformation and enter the realm of super transcendent.

Moreover, for him, this kind of improvement, supplemented by the souls of three fourth-level genetic evolvers, has begun to feel the limit.

But what made him feel relieved was that his soul was not in a negative state.

The changes brought about by the previous spiritual cleansing!

Li Yang thought of this instantly, and couldn't help but smile.

"With the spiritual power practice method, I no longer have to worry about such side effects."

Li Yang secretly whispered in his heart, and then carefully felt the state of his soul, and found that it was not without impact, but this negative impact was like water poured into a barrel. He had emptied the water before, and now it can be filled. More.

After thinking for a while, he brought the inspiration from heaven and earth into his body, hovering in his soul for a while, and instantly felt refreshed, but there was still some distance between being completely exorcised.

"In the future cultivation process, please take your time."

An idea came to Li Yang's mind, and he immediately smiled. After confirming that the spiritual energy had a cleansing effect on the negative state of the soul, he was no longer anxious.

After all, a certain degree of negative effects on the soul is beneficial to spiritual practice. It is not too late to focus on cleaning up when it feels serious.

He stood up from the spot and stretched slowly, and then his heart moved. The various technologies he had collected around him allowed him to grant secondary rights to three slaves: Bi Yueyue, Yu Dong, and Chang Yanyan.


The newly captured level seven mecha released ultra-high temperature flames with a wave of its hand, burning the corpses on the ground to ashes. Then it strode back to the invisible defense fortress and transferred the account funds obtained from the three of them to Bi Yueyue. on the account.


The invisible defense fortress was activated and he quickly left here under the cover of night.


"The amount of funds is not small. I have bought two [Level 4 Genetic Potions]. The remaining funds will be left for you to purchase items and purchase more equipment to ensure safety and concealment according to our needs."

Within the invisible defense fortress, Li Yang transferred the 1.8 million crystal coins obtained from the accounts of three people to Bi Yueyue with a smile and said softly.


Bi Yueyue showed a happy look in her eyes and nodded immediately. Then she thought about it and sat in Li Yang's arms. Seeing that he had no objection, she relaxed and lay down in his arms.

Then, with a smile on his face, he began to manipulate the capital account, and with the assistance of the [Adaptive Artificial Intelligence] he had just obtained, he quickly purchased supplies worth 1.79 million crystal coins.

Li Yang looked at the large amount of crystal coins spent and couldn't help but smile, praising the contributions of these three good people in his heart.

The only pity is that they didn't bring their own women, otherwise... he would have three more outstanding minors.

The powerful opposite sex is such a precious spiritual resource.

However, it is not impossible for him to cultivate a strong woman by himself.

Li Yang looked at Bi Yueyue, who had become happy in his arms, with a smile on his lips, and then looked at Chang Yanyan, thoughtfully in his heart.

But don't worry, we have to wait until he takes the fourth-level and fifth-level genetic medicine to the limit, and finds a way to break through to the super extraordinary level with his mental strength, and successfully breaks through to the super extraordinary level.

By then, he could have trained both of them into level five genetic evolvers.

I looked at the time, it was already five o'clock in the morning.

Li Yang relaxed and waited for another hour, and all the purchased supplies arrived.

Even the valuable level four genetic medicine was escorted by a special person. After receiving the goods, they quickly returned under Li Yang's watchful eye.

After the escorts left, Li Yang took them back to the brand new [Invisible Defense Fortress] and looked at the brand new invisible surveillance. The invisible sentries were spread out all around.

There were invisible attack cannons wandering outside the defensive fortress, as well as built-in emergency escape devices and other items. Seeing Bi Yueyue install all kinds of equipment, the sense of security of the base in the apocalyptic world instantly improved a lot.

Of course, the highest authority over these things is still himself.

"Continue the previous order, hide if you can, don't let anyone find anything strange, and wait for my arrival."

Li Yang was very satisfied with this change. After giving a few instructions to Bi Yueyue, Yu Dong, and Chang Yanyan, his body suddenly disappeared in the eyes of the three of them.

"The space changes. The master is indeed of extraordinary origin, and he is also so mysterious."

Chang Yanyan, who had not recovered from the test, looked at the place where Li Yang disappeared and couldn't help but sigh.

"To be able to live the life we ​​have now, we need to be satisfied. All of this is given by the Master."

Yu Dong shook his head, spoke softly, and then looked at Bi Yueyue in front of him with vague eyes.

He has always been worried about this woman.

"Don't worry, we are on the same team now. Only by following Li Yang can I live a better life. These things now have confirmed this."

Bi Yueyue paid attention to their eyes and smiled: "Master obviously believes in me, otherwise, why would he leave this set of level six mecha to me?"

There were three sets of mechas captured by Li Yang. In addition to the seventh-level mechas, one set was given to Bi Yueyue, and the other set was given to Yu Dong, who was better at fighting. Chang Yanyan was given a separate robot guard. .

"I think there is no point in the stalemate between the three of us. In the past, things were just for our own benefit. Now that we are living with a strong man, we should cooperate well."

Bi Yueyue looked at the man and woman in front of her and shook her head slightly. Before Li Yang came back, the three of them obviously didn't get along particularly well: "Your training has many shortcomings. Maybe I can help you make up for it." Some shortcomings.”

"Thank you very much."

Yu Dong frowned, but considering the master's attitude towards her, he put down his grudge and spoke silently.

"No need to thank you, it's all for a better life, isn't it?"




Real world, August 24, 2024.

The sun shone on the bed from the window. Peng Feifei woke up from the bed in confusion and found that the sound of washing had come from the bathroom. She tiredly put on her clothes and walked in to see that brother Li Yang was brushing his teeth and washing up inside.

"Ha~ Brother Li Yang, I'm so tired. I'm going to take a nap later."

Peng Feifei couldn't help but yawned and saw Li Yang paying close attention to him, so she hurriedly spoke. After speaking, she hurried to the bathroom to use the toilet, and then hurried to the bed to continue sleeping.

Seeing this, Li Yang chuckled and shook his head, washed his face, turned around and walked out of the bathroom. Seeing that Peng Feifei had almost fallen asleep, he felt a sense of emotion in his heart.

"It seems that I played a bit hard yesterday."

Li Yang chuckled secretly in his heart, and then thought for a moment that in order to avoid any sequelae, he stretched out his hand to attract a ray of spiritual power that traveled through her body from beginning to end.

While wandering, her spiritual energy was consumed rapidly, and Peng Feifei fell asleep without even realizing it.

But in just ten minutes, she opened her eyes again and felt refreshed.

"Hmm~ It's so comfortable~"

Peng Feifei couldn't help but stretched hard, and murmured with comfort on her pure and pure face.

"Let's go and have fun at the next place."

Li Yang couldn't help but smile when he saw her expression. He couldn't help but touch the tip of her nose and said softly.

"Where to go?"

"School starts in one month and I will take you to the summit of Mount Everest."


Asking for monthly ticket

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