My world double door

Chapter 169 Absolutely impossible!

Where is the spiritual power concentration higher and where is the spiritual power lower?

Is it a famous mountain and river that is inaccessible to people and has a natural environment?

Or a popular metropolis?

Li Yang was not sure either, so he had to go and see for himself.

In terms of natural environment, no place can compare to the world's highest peak. In addition to the fluctuation of spiritual power, he wanted to see if there was anything special here.

For example, in the magic world, there are monsters and magic potions, and in the world of cultivating immortals, there are also many spiritual materials.

Since the earth has spiritual power, there may be special things appearing in some places. Although it may not be possible, you should always go and see it.

Of course, to go to these places, it would be faster for him to drive the mecha alone.

However, since we have returned to Earth, we naturally have to relax and unwind. Wouldn’t it be better to take my sister on a trip?

After all, he had nothing to worry about.


In the bathroom, Li Yang raised his head and drank a bottle of third-level genetic medicine. Then he felt the surging energy surging in his body. The power of his body in the genetic dimension was continuously enhanced, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.


He took a long breath. His physical fitness and sensory abilities were all increasing rapidly. Li Yang stretched and walked out of the bathroom with a smile on his face. Outside, Peng Feifei had just put away his things. She smiled when she saw him coming out and hugged him. Holding his arm, he pulled the suitcase with one hand and walked out of the hotel room.

When they arrived at the lobby, Li Ling was already waiting with his suitcase. Seeing that the two of them were not even pretending, he couldn't help but pursed his lips. He chose to ignore it and instead focused on what he was looking forward to: "Brother, we really want to climb Everest?"

For a little girl who had been living at the bottom of society, the fact of climbing Mount Everest was too elusive, and she couldn't help but confirm it again.

Although, the travel these days is already a dreamy thing. It is something she only dared to fantasize about occasionally in her life before. When she posted these days' itinerary and photos to her friends circle, I don't know how many people went crazy. Like Comment.

But comparing it to climbing Mount Everest, she still felt that it was too unreal.

"Of course, don't worry, we won't let you two climb up. You can just watch the mountain underground."

Li Ming smiled. Climbing Mount Everest is not easy, especially for ordinary people. This requires long-term training, at least three months of training. Although with his current ability, there is no problem in taking care of them. question.

However, this will cause other troubles.

He didn't want to expose too much of his abilities until he was fully prepared to withstand a nuclear bomb.

As for reproductive ability...that's another story.

In ancient times, Lao Ai could turn a wheel, so why was he stronger?

Do you understand talent?

"Yes, I was shocked when I heard the news. Fortunately, not all of us are going, but I forgot to tell you."

Peng Feifei also nodded and spoke a little sheepishly.

"So that's it, that's okay."

After hearing what Li Ming said, Li Ling couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, but she still couldn't help but worry about whether her brother would be able to crawl.

But after thinking about Li Yang's previous experience of knocking down several young black men with three strikes, five plus two, Li Ling felt that her brother seemed to be able to do it.

"Let's go, don't miss the boarding time."

Li Yang spoke with a smile, and then went to the counter to check out. Under Peng Feifei's smiling eyes, he took Li Ling, who ignored them and hugged each other, into a special car and drove all the way to the airport.

This time Li Yang chose to transit through another European country, and there were no setbacks. He arrived in China three days later on August 27.

The city closest to Mount Everest is called [Shigatse]. They arrived at LS by plane and then transferred to the high-speed train, which took a little more than 3 hours to reach this city.

They immediately drove into the car that Li Yang had bought in advance on the road, and drove all the way to the nearest place to the Everest Base Camp: Tashi Zong Village, and stayed in the reserved oxygen-enriched room.

All the way to the plateau at an altitude of 5,000 meters, Peng Feifei and Li Ling were very tired. Li Yang did not bother Peng Feifei anymore and asked them to have a good rest in the room and drink more butter tea and glucose water.

Early the next morning, Li Yang left behind the robot that was protecting them invisibly, and headed to the Everest Base Camp alone.

He rested overnight at the Everest base camp. Early the next morning, Li Yang embarked on the journey to climb Mount Everest.

With snow and ice all over the place and howling cold wind, even the weather at the end of August could not offset the cold wind on Mount Everest.

Along the way, he would meet people who had climbed Mount Everest together from time to time. Li Yang walked steadily, and gradually he was the only one around him.

He completely let go of his body and flew freely in a place where many pedestrians could only look at it with their eyes.


The body passed through the cold wind of ice and snow, and flew over a snowfield ridge. Li Yang conveniently added an invisibility magic to himself, and he flew smoothly in the ice and snow world.

Snow leopard, Himalayan Tahr sheep, yellow-billed chough, Himalayan black bear...

It only took a moment to discover one precious snow mountain life after another.

But to them, Li Yang is just a passing wind.

After a while, Li Yang's figure stopped next to an injured snow leopard.

It seemed to have accidentally fallen from the hillside while hunting. It was already dying. Its white-spotted body fell limply on the stone. There were several goats in the distance.

Li Yang silently gave it a dose of magic recovery potion. The dying snow leopard returned to its normal state in a short time. It screamed twice, seeming to be thankful that it survived the disaster. It followed with help. After recovering from the magic potion, his strong and energetic body successfully captured an old goat. After eating and drinking, he returned to his cave with the remaining goat meat in his mouth.


In the cave, three little snow leopards that looked like furballs were howling, obviously they had been hungry for a long time.

"Ah woo~"

The female snow leopard purred in her mouth as if in response to her cub, and then placed the goat's body in the cave to be buried in the ice and snow. Then she went into the cave and lay on the ground, holding the three little guys in her arms and letting them moan. Drink milk.

"Everything has spirit."

Li Yang, who followed out of the cave out of curiosity, felt emotional when he saw this scene, then silently shook his head, turned around and walked out.

But just after taking two steps, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and suddenly sensed a wave of spiritual power from near the snow leopard's lair.

He walked along the spiritual energy wave and found a white flower blooming in a huge ice cave.

On top of the flowers, there is still a very weak spiritual power contained within them.


An idea came to Li Yang's mind, but what made him frown was that he didn't recognize this spirit flower.

Moreover, the spiritual power contained in it is also very weak. Judging from the perception, it is obviously still growing.

Now take it away from here?

Li Yang frowned, thought for a while, and arranged some hidden protective devices around it to prevent the spiritual flower's growth environment from being destroyed. At the same time, he used his brain to write down this location.


The total area of ​​the Himalayas is approximately 594,400 square kilometers, and its main peak, Mount Everest, has a total area of ​​1,457.07 square kilometers and an average thickness of 7,260 meters.

There is no need to see all of the Himalayas. After Li Yang made a rough circle, he mainly flew around the main peak.

Finally, his hard work paid off, and he discovered something unusual in a natural ice cave.

"Such a strong fluctuation of spiritual power. What is this, a piece of ice containing spiritual power?"

Li Yang looked at the huge block of ice in front of him with sharp eyes. It was a hundred meters high and fifty meters wide. His soul power perception contained quite a lot of spiritual power.

However, although the ice contained spiritual power, he did not know its function. This thing was not included in the knowledge he obtained from Brother Fengden.

And he was not sure whether taking up half of the space in the [Qiankun Bag] would destroy the idea of ​​this giant ice.

After thinking about it, Li Yang marked the location, and then continued to search around the mountains. After a while, he found several cold trees containing spiritual power fluctuations in a forest covered by ice and snow. He picked them off. A few pine cones containing spiritual power, after thinking about it for a while, did not eat them, but kept them in the [Qiankun Bag].

The cold trees were really inconvenient to hide. He could only make some auxiliary content to help these cold trees grow better. After writing down the location, he left here.

Then he searched everywhere but never found anything. In the end, he could only regretfully fly to the top of the mountain and try to practice sitting cross-legged here.

It takes more than four days to climb Mount Everest. It would take at least five days for him to come here alone before climbing down, otherwise it would be unreasonable.

First, use [Food Body Strengthening Technique] to absorb the residual energy accumulated in the third-level perfect gene potion in the body, and then take a bottle of [third-level perfect gene potion], and once again feel the slow effectiveness of the third-level perfect gene potion. nod.

"The third-level perfect gene potion, it seems that only fifteen bottles are needed to reach the peak of this potion."

High-level potions use more ingredients. After experiencing the effect of the third-level perfect gene potion, Li Yang already made a judgment in his mind, and then let the [Tianxuan] mecha that was always following him condense the electric energy to absorb the magic power of thunder to strengthen himself.

Finally, enter the perspective of mana cultivation and run the [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and transport it into the body.

Cleanse the soul first, then the body.

There is no need for biological cooling agents. Under the influence of spiritual power, the body's overloaded state has been eliminated, and the feeling of being overfed in the soul has also disappeared. Li Yang even feels that as long as he is willing, even the gene potion in the gene can accumulate power. eliminate.

However, he did not choose to do this. Instead, after recovering his soul and body, he began to practice silently.

But after practicing for five hours, he reluctantly opened his eyes.

"What the hell, practicing alone is too slow."

Li Yang couldn't help but frowned. He could feel that the concentration of spiritual power on Mount Everest was about 1.5 times that of ordinary cities. However, under such a concentration of spiritual power, the effect he had practiced for five hours had not yet reached the same level. Peng Feifei does it one-fifth as well in an ordinary place.

Could it be the reason for the cultivation method? Without dual cultivation, the cultivation speed is the same as that of a normal monk?

In other words, without dual cultivation, the cultivation speed is not as good as that of a normal monk, otherwise the cultivation speed of a normal monk would be too slow.

It can't be because he is extremely talented in dual cultivation, but he is a waste in ordinary cultivation, right?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

"It's okay if you don't practice this technique."

Li Yang shook his head silently, looked at the ice and snow around him, and felt much calmer.

"It seems that as recorded in ancient books, places with beautiful mountains and rivers are indeed better at spiritual intelligence than ordinary places."

Li Yang thought to himself.

Unfortunately, there are no women in these places.

It is also even more impossible for a woman to allow him to practice dual cultivation in a place like this.

Unless he drives over his invisible defense fortress and brings people over to practice, but such an operation is obviously impossible to do often.

"It's not impossible to wait until you break through the realm in the future."

Li Yang thought to himself, and then simply devoted his energy to taking soul power, thunder magic and genetic medicine.

He drank thirteen bottles of Level 3 Perfect Gene Potion in one breath, and the surging power of the medicine pushed his body's genes to the pinnacle of Level 3 Perfect Gene Potion.

Taking advantage of this process, Li Yang began to continue to practice the magic power of thunder. Under the stimulation of the magic power of thunder, the speed and effect of the medicine became more perfect.

After one day and one night, all the potions took effect, and Li Yang's physical fitness and perception increased almost twice.

Moreover, the non-stop potion taking effect throughout the day and night also fully and stably replenished his thunder magic power, making people energetic.

However, Li Yang, whose body had not reached the loaded state, did not stop practicing. Instead, he continued to practice until the limit of what his body could achieve before stopping the absorption of thunder magic.


With a sigh of relief, Li Yang turned to absorb spiritual energy to calm the load on his body, and at the same time eliminate the discomfort caused by the rapid increase in physical fitness.

After a while, he stopped the operation of his spiritual power and began to practice [Eating Body Strengthening Technique]. When his soul was full, he stopped practicing and continued to absorb spiritual energy to restore his soul state.

"It will take at least twenty days to remove the genetic siltation residue."

Li Yang felt it silently in his heart, and then he practiced on the top of the mountain for five full days. Finally, the day before he left, his soul power broke through the shackles of the six evolutions and began the seventh transformation.

The soul power in the mental space condensed and shrank rapidly. The soul power became more and more condensed, and Li Yang became clearer and clearer. The whole process lasted for an hour, and it shrank by 75%. Stop slowly.

"Seven transformations."

Li Yang felt the renewed soul power and shook his head helplessly.

The feeling of soul transformation was very satisfying, but after the seventh transformation, he had to face a problem: he couldn't keep up with the pace of practicing skills.

Among the magic books he obtained, there are no further cultivation techniques. In fact, it is not only the soul, but also the body.

Even the magic power of Thunder was hampered.

In [Thunder Magic and the Art of Fingering Thunder], there is only three transformation methods of thunder magic. How to further carry out the fourth transformation and more transformations are not mentioned at all.

"It seems it's time to go to the magical world."

This idea flashed through Li Yang's mind, and the first solution he thought of was the magic of thunder: as long as he gave money, he could buy it from Megawati.

He did not believe that Megawati, who possessed thunder magic from elementary to super level, did not have the transformation method of thunder magic to super level.

However, you have to spend money.

As for the soul cultivation method and the body cultivation method.

"The Lions' Tournament."


Li Yang stretched, picked up his camera, took a bunch of photos with satisfaction, and then turned around and went down the mountain easily.

It’s time to go to Linhai City.

However, considering his own magic practice, it would not be a bad idea to go back to Heyang City first.

Thinking in his mind, Li Yang used the invisibility magic and wanted to fly down the mountain quickly, but suddenly saw several teams climbing to the 90% height position on the road. After thinking about it, he gave up the idea and instead People hiked down the mountain and chose the route that met them.

"Hi, how are you guys?"

Li Yang walked steadily downstairs, and under their somewhat tired gazes, he reached in front of him and said hello softly.

As he spoke, he waved his hand and summoned a burst of spiritual power to fall on the five people in front of him, which instantly refreshed their tired bodies and spirits and restored them to a lot of condition.

"Fortunately, you are the person I met at the bottom of the mountain before. Have you reached the top yet?"

One person recognized Li Yang and said with some vigour.

"Yes, I have reached the top and am getting ready to go down. You are very close to the top. Come on!"

"Okay, come on, don't take it lightly on the way back, the snowy mountains will drown the corpse of any arrogant person!"

"I will."

Li Yang nodded vigorously, and then saw that they didn't seem to have much oxygen on their bodies, so he took the initiative to give them some oxygen, and then waved down the mountain under their gaze.

After bidding farewell to Li Yang, the five people who climbed Mount Everest put away their chaotic emotions and continued to climb the mountain, moving firmly towards their goals.


Quickly walking along the foot of the mountain to the Everest Base Camp, Li Yang was about to go down, but unexpectedly he met Li Ling and Peng Feifei waiting for him here.

"We stayed in the hotel for a few days, and couldn't help but be a little worried about you, so we came here."

Peng Feifei took a deep breath and explained that Li Yang saw that she and Li Ling were both a little hypoxic, so he quickly gave each of them an oxygen tank, and then took them all the way down the mountain.

It took a total of three days to drive all the way back to LS, then transfer and fly back to Heyang.

By the time the plane landed, it was already September 7th.

Both Peng Feifei and Li Ling wanted to go home and rest, and then wait until the 20th to visit the city where the school is located.

Li Yang happened to have something to do, so he didn't take them to play anymore and took them directly back to Mi County.

When we arrived at the scene, it was already noon. Li Yang drove Li Ling back to his hometown and took Peng Feifei to have lunch at home.

After lunch, Li Yang drove Peng Feifei to the county town, but before going to her house, Li Yang took a turn and arrived at the house he bought in the county town.

"I, I'm going to see my mother later. Brother Li Yang, um..."

There is less work today. Let’s take a rest.

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