My world double door

Chapter 170 Stop being funny

On the white sheets, a fair and tender girl lay with her palms turned on both sides of the pillow. The screen of the mobile phone beside her lighted up from time to time, obviously receiving messages on social software.

However, the owner of the palm obviously had no time to pay attention to this. After a while, the screen lit up again with the faint light brought by the message prompt, but the owner of the white and tender palm still ignored it.

It wasn't until an hour later that the mattress suddenly collapsed, then returned to its original position after a while. Her white and tender palms were retracted and hugged the man's arms. She rested coquettishly for a while. After washing up, she picked up the mattress when she left the room. cell phone.



[…………I don’t know how you feel about me, but really, you are the only goddess in my heart. I love you, Peng Feifei! 】

Peng Feifei picked up her phone and took a look. The message box was crowded with a lot of texts, all sent by male classmates in her class. She smiled back: "Thank you, I don't like you. Someone already loves you. Let's live it." very happy."

After all, they were classmates in the same class. Peng Feifei was not too ruthless. After stating her situation, she ignored her. Then a smile flashed across her innocent and beautiful face. She put her phone back in her bag and hugged Li Yang's arm and muttered. Then he said: "Brother Li Yang, you are so bad. My legs are a little weak now. If my mom finds out what happened when I go back later, I will be so embarrassed..."

"How about we come back tomorrow?"

The corner of Li Yang's mouth curled up and he asked with a smile: "It just so happens that I don't have to go back and be discovered by my mother and make a fool of myself."

"Ah, no, I've already agreed with my mother to go back this afternoon. It will definitely be more embarrassing if I go back late."

Peng Feifei hurriedly shook her head, especially feeling that her legs were so weak now, she shook her head even more firmly.

From the moment she saw the aurora to now, she felt like she was about to be fucked to death.

She even felt that she had symptoms of kidney deficiency and had to take good care of herself when she returned home.

Li Yang smiled softly when he saw Peng Feifei's appearance, and then joked a few words before driving her back to Dongfang Zun Mansion.

"Mom, I'm back."

When they arrived at Peng Feifei's house, her mother had just finished a physical therapy massage. When she saw her daughter coming back with Li Yang, she immediately greeted her with a smile and invited her to come in and sit down. She also wanted to keep Li Yang here for dinner.

"No, auntie, I have something else to do and I have to go to Linhai City. I will take Feifei to school when she starts school."

Li Yang politely declined and agreed on the next time to come, and then drove out of Mi County as the mother and daughter saw each other off.

Li Yang left, and the physical therapist who had finished the physical therapy for Peng Feifei's mother also said goodbye. Then Peng Feifei's mother turned around and looked at her daughter up and down, making her dodge and smile.

"You damn girl, you're having fun now."

Peng Feifei had been in contact with her mother when she was traveling. He knew exactly where her daughter went to play. Looking at her daughter's expression at this time, she couldn't help but test: "How are you and your brother Li Yang?" Already?"

"Hehe, brother Li Yang took me to so many places to play. I must be happy. I don't know what's better. Mom, I have been flying all day and I am exhausted. Let's go back to sleep."

Peng Feifei rolled her eyes, spoke with a smile, and ran to her room after speaking, but when she ran to the door, she didn't forget to turn around and say: "Mom, buy me something to replenish my kidneys, qi and blood, I want to drink it. "

"What kidney supplements do you want? I'll buy some for you, Brother Li Yang."

Peng Feifei's mother pursed her lips and said speechlessly.

Young girls are the most troublesome, and she is now a little worried about her son-in-law.

"Oh, Mom, Li Yang really doesn't need to replenish it. I have to replenish it. Go buy it for me quickly."

Peng Feifei looked embarrassed and hurriedly urged her mother, then returned to her room and fell asleep.

Peng Feifei's mother at the door looked a little suspicious, but when she saw that her daughter didn't seem to be cheating, she became even more suspicious.

When Peng Feifei and Li Yang were together, she knew that this kind of thing was inevitable, but how could a man like Li Yang make a little girl like Peng Feifei suffer from kidney failure?

But after thinking about it, I turned around and went out to buy some girl supplements for my daughter.




The evening sun shines in the courtyard of the villa. The beautiful woman in a white dress stretches leisurely. Her graceful figure is cast in the afterglow. Her white skin is only slightly exposed and she looks very delicate and alluring. people.

"Sister Yueming, stop standing at the door and sunbathe more. Li Yang should be back soon."

Wearing work clothes, her little buttocks are raised, and the only exposed skin is white and tender. Chen Qian, who came from get off work in a hurry, saw Dai Yueming still waiting at the door, and couldn't help but speak.

"Yes, Sister Yueming, come back and rest on the sofa."

Chen Na on the other side nodded in agreement. In contrast to her sternly dressed sister, who only wore a fluffy miniskirt and panties. Her upper body was loose and loose, and she exuded a girlish softness.

Moreover, her skin is more delicate, and that feeling of vitality is radiating from every part of her body.

"It's okay. Hey, my husband is back."

Dai Yueming chuckled and shook his head. Suddenly his eyes moved and he saw a familiar car driving in. When he took a closer look, he was surprised and ran to the parking space. The car followed and stopped at the parking space. Sure enough, the car came down. He was the man she longed for day and night.


Dai Yueming stood up on tiptoes excitedly, and was then hugged into his arms with a smile by Li Yang who came down from the door.

"Have you missed your husband these past few days when he has been away?"

Li Yang looked at the woman who was emotionally attached to him and said with a smile, but he felt a little emotional in his heart.

Emotions are really complicated. He didn't do anything to Dai Yueming, but he had such a strong attachment to him. Even he couldn't understand what was going on.

Could it be that it gave her a sense of security?

Li Yang was thinking in his mind, while wiping his left hand on the long white legs under the skirt, he opened his mouth and kissed the ear of this lovely beautiful woman.

"Of course I do. Then does my husband miss his wife?"

Dai Yueming's face turned red under Li Yang's simple teasing. She followed his footsteps to the lobby of the villa and asked softly.

"Of course I've been thinking about it. Come on, let you feel how much your husband misses you."

Li Yang's words were still echoing in her ears, and the next moment she kissed Dai Yueming's lips. She hurriedly hugged Li Yang's back and responded emotionally. While responding, she spoke with difficulty in her throat: "Chen Na and Chen Qian Still there.”

Because his tongue was captured, Dai Yueming's words were very unclear, but they were clearly understood by Li Yang. His movements didn't stop, he picked up Dai Yueming's butt with one hand, and directly lifted Chen up with the other hand. Na picked her up, waved her fingers to Chen Qian, and walked to the bedroom.

Chen Qian's slender face was bright red. She hurried over to open the door and then closed it.

"Husband, ah, husband..."


The night of September 7th was so bright that it was hard to turn off the light overnight.

The sun on September 8th made me feel lazy and I didn’t want to move.

On the night of September 8th, it was only in the second half of the night that I couldn't help but want to sleep.

The sun was so bright on the morning of September 9th that I didn’t want to get up.

The sunshine in the afternoon of September 9th was finally suitable.


The curtains were opened by Chen Qian, who was wearing a new pair of casual pajamas. She looked at the sunshine outside the window and stretched comfortably. Then she turned around and took advantage of Li Yang and Chen Na to wash up in the bathroom to clean up the tissues all over the floor in the bedroom. I swept it and packed it out.

Li Yang lingered in the bathroom and washed up with Chen Na for half an hour before coming out. Then the four members of the family came to sit on the sofa in the living room and turned on the TV comfortably to watch.

"Husband, you just came back this time, are you leaving again?"

Dai Yueming came over with a fruit plate, grabbed a handful of grapes, sat in Li Yang's arms, and asked softly while feeding him.

"Yes, there are still some things to do over there in Linhai. By the way, the steel processing plant at home has been built, right?"

Li Yang took two bites of the grape, then put a small portion into Chen Na's mouth, hugged the smiling Chen Na, then stretched his hand into Dai Yueming's skirt and asked softly.

"Yes, not only steel processing plants, but also clothing factories and food factories have been built. Now workers have gone to work in the industrial zone of Bai Town."

Dai Yueming nodded, fed Li Yang another grape, and then Li Yang held his head and kissed him. They kissed him for a long time before the grape skin was spit out.

"Well, that's fine. I'll tell my father-in-law that I'm too busy to go there recently. I'll go and see him when I'm done for a while. Let him help and hold on during this period."

Li Yang nodded slowly, and then said with a smile: "Do you want to go to Linhai with me?"

"No, no, sister Yueming and I are going to be stay-at-home girls and don't want to go anywhere."

Chen Na pursed her lips and spoke hurriedly. As she spoke, she glanced at Li Yang with a pitiful expression.

"Husband, I, I also want to rest at home."

Dai Yueming bit his lip. Seeing her husband's energetic appearance and the warmth of her legs, she really didn't dare to go with him.

"I, I still have to go to work."

Chen Qian, who was leaning on Li Yang's right shoulder, pursed her lips and crossed her legs tightly and spoke carefully.

"Oh, what a pity. Then I have to go alone."

Li Yang saw the appearance of the three girls and spoke with a soft smile.

With the practice of [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra], women who were not very capable in the first place became more and more fragile.

However, what satisfied him was that the three women's cultivation effects were very good, even for the young woman Dai Yueming. The effects brought to Li Yang's cultivation were at the top level among ordinary women recorded in the scriptures.

The only thing that can achieve better results than hers is Chu He Jipin's special physique.

Unfortunately, there is not one in a million people with this special physique, so it is too difficult to meet him, so he likes all three women who have strong emotions when they are happy with him.

Among them, Dai Yueming was the most emotional.

The effect of these two days of cultivation has greatly increased his magic power. Coupled with the accumulation of top-level effects in the previous apocalyptic world, his magic power has reached the level of perfection at the second level of Qi refining.

However, there is still a long way to go before the fourth level of Qi Refining Mana can be fully charged.

"Husband, please go to the factory first before you go, so that everyone can feel at ease."

Dai Yueming was a little reluctant to hear this, but she was relieved in her heart. She really felt that she couldn't bear it. Then she thought of something and spoke hurriedly.

"Okay, I'll go there tomorrow."

Li Yang smiled and nodded, and sat with the three women for a while. Seeing that they couldn't bear it, he turned around and went out.

Fortunately, [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Jing] is a righteous practice that grows and benefits each other. Although they are tired, in fact, having such a powerful life practice as Li Yang is of greater benefit to them.

It's just that it's difficult to show up for a while, and it takes a certain amount of time for them to suddenly notice their changes.

It can be said that because of Li Yang's contribution, their life span and physical condition will be greatly improved.

"By the way, don't forget to practice the physical exercise method I taught you before!"

Li Yang thought of something before leaving and couldn't help but say to them.

Of course he was talking about the knight's body-building method. As his strength becomes stronger and stronger, his woman must be able to reluctantly follow his footsteps. The knight's body-building method is the initial transitional thing.

Of course, although it is a transition, it can still lay the foundation. When his strength improves in the future, he will definitely let women take genetic medicine.

"Well, we have been practicing and haven't missed anything. Haven't you noticed that our bodies are much better?"

Dai Yueming chuckled and nodded, then went to get Li Yang's shoes and put them on for him, and then he and Chen Na and Chen Qian beside him watched Li Yang leave with approving expressions.

"Sister Yueming, we have to train harder in the future."

Chen Na pouted and looked at Li Yang leaving and said miserably: "Otherwise, I won't be able to spend time with my husband if I want to in the future. This is simply too terrible."

"It's really scary."

Chen Qian felt her emptiness and gritted her teeth: "I'm going to cook some kidney-tonifying Chinese medicine."

They originally thought of waiting for their husband to come back this time to spend time with him, but they didn't expect that after just over a day, they all stopped eating.

It's too awful.

"There are Liuwei Dihuang Pills in my cabinet..."

Dai Yueming also got up and hurriedly went to get something, while Chen Na on the other side hurriedly poured hot water.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, it was working time, but the leader Yu Xiaohua hurriedly left the workplace, saying that she was going out for research.

She drove the car and walked all the way to a secluded residence of her own. As soon as she opened the door, she heard a high-pitched cry inside. When she went in, she saw that Yunyun Yanyan was already lying on the bed having a rest.

She hurriedly stepped forward, her dignified clothes were ripped off three times, and her hands fiercely held the wall.

"Why are you off work at this time?"

"To, to serve ***..."


Yu Xiaohua was indeed serving ** very attentively and conscientiously. The service was in place until five o'clock in the afternoon, and it was not until after get off work hours that she reluctantly ended the service.

Li Yang was very satisfied with the service and couldn't help but praise her repeatedly.

Then leave the service room with satisfaction and go to the next place.

"Phew, it's like being hit by a cow."

After Li Yang left, Yu Xiaohua pursed her lips, her graceful body a little unsteady, and moved to the bed holding on to the wall. When she saw Yunyun Yanyan who had fallen asleep directly, she couldn't help but sigh, and she lay down too. Go to bed and have a miserable rest.

"I'm so tired from serving **, I have to take two days off to rest..."

Thinking about it, Yu Xiaohua hurriedly said something, lay on the bed and fell asleep in the blink of an eye.


At half past five, it's time to get off work.

After a busy day, Zhou Li returned home and put on her pajamas and slippers. She had just finished washing and was about to order takeout when she heard a knock on the door.


Zhou Li, who was wearing floral pajamas and a brown hip-hugging skirt, went to open the door in confusion. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Li Yang standing outside the door with a smile. She suddenly said in surprise: "Li Yang, why are you here? "

"Didn't I come to see you?"

Li Yang smiled brightly. He walked in and hugged Zhou Li's hip-covering skirt. Zhou Li took a deep breath and hurriedly closed the door.

"You didn't tell me that you and Xu Yuan were getting along, so why did you hide it from me?"

"Did she tell you?"

"What I said a few days ago doesn't mean anything. It's just, um~, it was expected, but you hid it~ ah~ um~ you hid it, it was too strict, oh~"


Old classmates met and fell in love with each other.

Zhou Li felt this deeply. When she finished eating that night, her hands holding the chopsticks were shaking because of the deep emotion.

"The factories in Bai Town are already on track. When will you go and take a look?"

Zhou Li sat next to her old classmate, stretched her legs into his arms, and couldn't help asking while eating.

"Tomorrow, thank you for working so hard here."

Li Yang chuckled and spoke, touching her smooth thighs as he spoke.

"It's not hard work. I just manage people now. It's much easier than working before, and the income is also high."

Zhou Li now has shares in the company, so naturally she doesn't care about this. Moreover, Li Yang transfers money from time to time, which makes her life even more comfortable. She has bought her own house, but it is still under renovation. live here.

She lives on a flat floor, drives a BMW, relaxes every day, and has a handsome man to take care of her. I don’t know how many women will be envious of her life.

"Then do you want me to accompany you tonight, or do you want to sleep alone?"

Li Yang asked with a smile. Zhou Li subconsciously crossed her legs and said weakly: "Can I stay with you?"

"I seem to be such a lustful person, are you kidding me?"

Li Yang spoke dissatisfiedly, and Zhou Li suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.


The next morning, Zhou Li told the company bitterly that she would have a day off and not go to work.

Boss Li Yang felt refreshed and patted his old classmate on the butt before going out to inspect the industry.

I went to the company first, and then to the factory in the countryside to meet my father-in-law. After walking around for a day, I arrived at Heyang Airport with a smile, and boarded the plane with Dai Yueming and Chen Na seeing me off.

"Director Wang, congratulations on your promotion. Are the gold and silver products I ordered ready?"

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