My world double door

Chapter 171 The Walking Silver Coin (Want to subscribe please)

In Linhai City, the sun shines on the modernly designed buildings. There are armed escort vehicles parked beside the road. A total of ten escort vehicles are parked neatly on the side of the road.

A group of successful people in suits and ties stood in the sun and warmly welcomed the owner of the Bentley car who drove up to them.

"Mr. Li, welcome, welcome and warmly welcome. All your orders have been made. When do you have time, I will give you a chance to have tea with you."

Wang Qiang, who has been promoted to regional supervisor, shook hands with Li Yang who got off the car with a smile on his face, and the smile on his face was as bright as a blooming chrysanthemum.

"I've been a little busy lately, Manager Wang. I'll definitely go there when I'm free in a while."

Li Yang's face was full of smiles: "You know, I like tea the most."

"Hahaha, just drink it if Mr. Li likes it. It is a great honor for us to be able to provide tea that Mr. Li likes."

Wang Qiang laughed, but he also knew that today was the day for acceptance by both parties, and it was not appropriate to chat too much. After saying a few hints, he guided Li Yang to the security vehicle to check the items one by one.

Under the surveillance of Li Yang's super artificial intelligence, he already knew the authenticity of this batch of goods, so he signed the goods readily, and then agreed with Wang Qiang to make an appointment next time, then turned around and got into the car with Xu Yuan who was smiling beside him. He took these ten armed escort vehicles to his warehouse in Linhai City.

"Li Yang, are you going to go out for fun again this time? You took your girl on a trip and had so much fun before. As a result, I was busy buying houses and cars all over the country, but I was exhausted. ”

After the items were inspected and put into the warehouse, the warehouse safety door was closed, and the guards were in place, Xu Yuan got back into the car and spoke coquettishly to Li Yang who was driving.

As soon as Li Yang's plane landed, she drove over to pick him up. As soon as he received it, she went to inspect the goods. Apart from chatting a few words on the way, they didn't have time to do anything.

When Li Yang went out to play before, as a secretary, she was really busy.

"Hahaha, honey, you have worked so hard. Let's go, my husband will make it up to you."

Li Yang licked the corner of his mouth and looked at Xu Yuan, who was wearing a plain short skirt with long legs exposed and a blue shirt on her upper body, and said with a smile.

"I want to eat private food..."

Li Yang couldn't help but cross her legs when Li Yang saw Xu Yuan's pretty face, and started to tell the name of the dishes on the passenger seat.

Li Yang was naturally satisfied and drove all the way to his villa with a smile.

"Didn't you say you were going to eat private food? Why did you come home?"

The sun shone on Xu Yuan through the passenger window, and she asked with astonishment on her face.

"I place an order on my mobile phone and have it delivered."

Li Yang unbuckled his seat belt and pressed a button in the center of the car. Xu Yuan immediately felt something was wrong.

"Why did this seat fall down? Hey, the seat behind it also fell flat. How come the car turned into a bed?"

Xu Yuan asked in shock, and the next moment her slim body was pulled over by Li Yang and turned over on top of her.

"Because this is my husband's new function. How about it? Is it useful?"



Some cars have an obstacle escape mode, which allows the vehicle to escape wheel obstacles under severe shaking.

Li Yang tried this function of Bentley, but it didn't work. He had to use his waist to activate this mode.

After testing for half an hour, and seeing that the takeaway was almost here, he opened the car door with Xu Yuan in his arms, slowly held her in his arms and walked out.


The car door closed, Xu Yuan tied a top around her waist to cover her buttocks, clamped her legs around Li Yang's waist, hugged his neck tightly with her arms, and buried her face in his chest without daring to raise her head.

It's not that convenient to walk with someone in your arms. Xu Yuan groaned when Li Yang was walking, and she didn't feel better until she got to the villa and closed the door. She got to the bedroom.

It takes time to cook the food in the private kitchen, and it needs to be simmered slowly, but the master who loves cooking will always be happy to prepare every bit of the ingredients to perfection.

Coupled with the special delivery service, it was already an hour and a half later when the food was delivered.

Li Yang had a private meal at home.

All he ordered were good remedies for replenishing the kidneys. Xu Yuan, who was simply dressed in simple clothes, came out of the bedroom with trembling legs. She ate the medicinal food in large gulps, as if she felt a warm feeling spread into her kidneys, making her endure it. I couldn't help but drink two more bowls.

After the meal, she hurriedly sent a message to Lin Shiyu asking her to come back quickly, and then she was hugged by Li Yang again.

"Hubby, just kiss me and it will be fine, okay? Well, just kiss me and it will be fine. Shiyu will be here soon, um..."

Xu Yuan begged miserably for mercy, but as the door closed, the begging for mercy gradually became inaudible.

Half an hour later, Lin Shiyu drove back and walked to the bedroom as light as the wind.


Two hours later...


The bedroom door opened. Lin Shiyu, who had sore thighs and disheveled hair, did not dare to stay in the bedroom any longer. She went to the living room holding on to the wall, picked up a glass of hot water, and drank it while gasping for breath.

After she finished drinking, she realized that there was saliva all over her thighs. She looked bitter. Fortunately, the room was equipped with a whole-house customized smart home, and the voice-controlled bathroom tub was filled with hot water. She took another glass of water to drink, and followed. I ran to the bathroom with trembling legs, took a dip in the tub, and immediately lay down in the tub feeling relaxed.

When she woke up from a light sleep, she realized that half an hour had passed. She breathed out hurriedly, rubbed her body, then stood up and put on her nightgown. She felt much more comfortable.

When she came to the bedroom and took a look, Xu Yuan, who had no strength to leave the bedroom, was already asleep, with some things hanging on her body. She hurriedly cleaned Xu Yuan with paper towels, then covered her with a quilt and let her sleep, and called After eating two big dinners to nourish the kidneys and blood, she noticed that Li Yang had left a letter for her.

[Husband Li Yang: I have to leave beforehand. You two should have a good rest after you wake up. You should work hard to exercise when you have nothing to do! 】

Am I not working hard enough?

Lin Shiyu was a little confused.




Lion Kingdom, Black Rock City.

The sun is shining, today is another bright day.

Mr. Li came to this city again, flying in the city sky and looking down. More than four months have passed since he left here in May.

After more than four months of recovery, although the population in the city is still sparse and has not increased, the situation in the city has finally stabilized with the accelerated development.

Stability can lead to more tax revenue, and Li Yang is very satisfied with this.

He returned to his mansion comfortably. The entire mansion became lively because of his arrival, and all the servants took the time to prepare everything that could serve Master Li Yang.

In Li Yang's master bedroom, Karin's body was being kneaded so much that water seemed to be squeezed out. After a while, she hurriedly held the edge of the bed and served Master Li Yang.

"You are truly my loyal servant."

Li Yang patted Karin's butt and praised him sincerely. Listening to the master's praise, Karin's arms holding the edge of the bed trembled with excitement. It was not until a long time later that she took two steps forward and fell on the bed.


Mr. Li Yang let out a long breath, comfortably absorbing the swarming spiritual power running through his body, and eventually converted it into mana.

Karin's physical fitness is already very good, and her results are very good.

When this wave of spiritual power poured in, the total amount of mana cultivated in Li Yang's body finally reached the level of the third level of Qi refining.

"This kind of technique is really unreasonable."

Li Yang smiled, but then he understood that the reason why he was promoted so quickly now was because of his abundant capital and many women.

Otherwise, according to the normal frequency of ordinary monks once every five days and three days, his fourteen times today are at least their 42 days.

Of course, these fourteen times are thanks to the wonderful Mrs. Karin who contributed 6 times.

Coupled with the fact that his soul and body are powerful and can absorb and digest more spiritual power, as well as his outstanding talent, it is normal for this growth to occur.

I just don’t know if when he reaches the fourth level of cultivation and reaches perfection, his breakthrough will be as smooth as it is now.

Looking at Karin who was slumped on the bed, Li Yang smiled. He waved his hand and summoned a piece of spiritual power to blend into her body just like he had done with other women before, helping her recover from her injuries and nourishing her body and soul.

Then he stretched out and started to check the status of his property.

When they arrived outside the door, Laimier and the beautiful young woman Peppa were waiting outside with smiles on their faces. They were two beauties with very beautiful looks and skin that was no weaker than that of ordinary women in the real world. Li Yang casually took the They held each other in their arms.

"Lemie, has anything special happened recently?"

Li Yang looked at Laimier and asked with a chuckle.

"There is no master. Now everything is developing normally according to your plan. Everything is on track. There is nothing worth mentioning."

Laimi's lips parted slightly and she answered to her master.

"Well, that's really good. Go back and wash yourself well, apply the skin care products the master gave you, and wait for the master to come back."

Li Yang nodded with satisfaction, squeezed Laimi's plump butt and Pepa's slender legs, and flew into the air to the Nanshan Forest Base outside the city.

As soon as you enter here, you can see the increasingly complete military equipment on the base and the servant army whose training has already been completed.

After the war, it was naturally impossible for his servant army to be disbanded like this. Except for the servants lost during the war, those who later joined as the number of people returned and could no longer survive, plus those who were streamlined and eliminated by him, the current number of servants in the servant army He controlled the number to about a thousand people.

But they are all young and strong men with good potential.

As for the Youth Guard, due to the catastrophe, many ordinary families had to send their children over, causing the number of his Youth Guard group to increase instead of decreasing, reaching two hundred people.

Without the slope of war, the ordinary servant army also began to practice the basic knight training method in order to select all talented people. They have experienced ideological education and are trustworthy and loyal warriors.

This is especially true for the soldiers. They have been practicing for several months, and their physical fitness has thrived under the adequate supply of nutrients.

But there is still a long way to go before becoming a knight apprentice.

Everything in the military camp was going on in an orderly manner. Li Yang came to check his ideological work and daily work. He praised what should be praised and left here satisfied after a while.

He checked his property in the city again. Under the leadership of Udi, everything was going in order, which made him feel very satisfied.

After ensuring that there were no problems in his territory, he came to the mansion of Megawati, who was smiling.

Megawati smiled the first time she saw Li Yang.

The money giver is here.

"Master Li Yang, please go inside and prepare the best banquet immediately to entertain my distinguished guests."

Megawati enthusiastically took Li Yang deep into the mansion, and slowly led him to the reception hall. When they arrived, the neat tribesmen had quickly arranged a sumptuous meal.

"Mage Megawati, the main reason I came here this time is to buy some more magic potions, and I also want to buy the [psychedelic magic] as well."

Li Yang looked at Megawati who was enthusiastic towards him with a smile, and stated his purpose directly: "In addition, I want to buy more thunder magic and Thunder Master's training secrets. I don't know. How much inventory is there?”

“How much inventory do I have?”

Megawati straightened her back, waved her right hand, and piles of wooden boxes immediately appeared in the hall, with a smile on her face: "Buy ten and get one free for high-end and below items, let's see how much money you have, brother. "

"...It seems that the war has stopped, and you have a lot of things in your hands."

Li Yang licked his fingers silently: "Besides [Psychedelic Magic], are there any other soul magic secrets?"

"No more. This is indeed the only advanced soul magic I have."

Megawati shook her head and took out the [Psychedelic Magic] that Li Yang had seen before. Li Yang took it down decisively and gave him one hundred thousand silver coins on the spot.

"Oh, my friend, you are so refreshing, so now let's take a look at these thunder magic secrets and see which ones you want?"

With bright eyes, Megawati took the silver coins on the ground into her [Space Bag], enthusiastically took out a bunch of thunder magic secrets, and spoke to Li Yang.

The feeling of the silver coins falling into the [Space Bag] was too wonderful. He felt as if he had changed from a noble magic pharmacist to a treacherous businessman.

But, it’s so cool…

"These three, these nine."

Li Yang took a look at three inheritances of thunder magicians who could cultivate to the level of super magicians, as well as three high-level thunder magic secret books, three intermediate thunder magic secret books, two thunder magic movement secret books, and a thunder magic physical training secret book.

"The three super thunder magician inheritance books, "The Power of Endless Thunder", "The Power of Holy Thunder" and "The Power of Illusion Thunder", cost 50,000 silver coins each."

"'Silver Thunder', 'Golden Thunder' and 'Thunder from the Sky' are three advanced books of thunder magic worth 8,000 silver coins each."

"Three intermediate thunder magic books, "Thunder Net", "Thunder Fist" and "Thunder Eye", cost four hundred silver coins each."

"Thunder Speed ​​and Thunder Sound, these two thunder magic movement cheats are similar to "Heavy Slash". Normally, you should be charged 50,000 silver coins for each copy, but considering the friendship between you and me, we will charge you 30,000 silver coins for each copy. Ben."

"The book "Thunder Body" uses the magic power of thunder to train your body. It is enough to train you to a super level. However, I will give it to you at the rate of 30,000 silver coins."

Megawati handed the nine secret books to Li Yang with saliva, and stretched out her hand: "There are a total of 265,200 silver coins. I'll give you a zero and I'll take you 260,000 silver coins."

How much can you make selling cheats?

Megawati's answer is, he earns as much as he sells.

Not to mention zeroing out two hundred, even zeroing out twenty thousand would make him laugh.

"How about it be cheaper?"

Li Yang almost took out all the money, but after thinking about it, he felt that he was not treating the money as money, so he said tangledly.

"You know, Thunder Mages were once powerful men who dominated the entire continent. They were invincible, so that's why."

Megawati said sternly: "I'll give you 15,000 less, 250,000 silver coins, no more."

Li Yang: "...Deal."

One silently pays, the other happily receives the money.

The inheritance of these thunder magicians became Li Yang's possession.

"So, what about the magic potion, how much do you want?"

Megawati rubbed her palms together excitedly, feeling that the new magic aristocrat of Black Rock City was becoming more and more amiable.

It is no secret in Black Rock City that Li Yang disappears without a trace at every turn, so Megawati didn't think there was anything wrong with the fact that he had so many silver coins when he disappeared and came back. She only thought it was from some mysterious reason. brought money to the place.

There are too many secrets in the Life Continent.

After all, Li Yang's current physical and soul condition is obviously much better than before. This is obviously based on the foundation behind it. Moreover, the last time he bought so many things and consumed them so quickly, it is obviously impossible for him to practice on his own.

If all impossibilities are eliminated, there is only one answer: he is working for an extraordinary force.

Or, he has a supernatural power.

Megawati seemed to see a walking silver coin making machine...

"Change me to an intermediate magic potion, and get more magic potions that are effective on ordinary people."

Li Yang looked at Megawati's eager eyes, chuckled and reported his needs. The next moment, Megawati immediately gave him a lot of things that he could use now, and that could be used by his own people. Something to hold on to.

Li Yang once again sealed 100,000 silver coins, and then silently said goodbye and left.

"Well, what do you think, I can also be a part-time trader?"

After Li Yang left, Megawati looked at most of the items she had almost emptied, patted her bulging wallet, and asked the butler beside her with shining eyes.


"The "Power of Endless Thunder" contains the super magic of endless thunder. After it is completed, its own thunder magic power will be endless and its attacks will be continuous."

"The "Power of Holy Thunder" has a divine power that cannot be looked directly at..."

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