My world double door

Chapter 172 Method

"The Power of Holy Thunder" has a divine power that cannot be looked directly at. Under the holy power, the enemy can be defeated before fighting, and the opponent cannot exert even eight points out of ten.

"The Power of Illusion Thunder" integrates soul illusion into the power of thunder. It can make one's own thunder magic have a psychedelic effect without using any soul power. Under the panic of thunder, it can confuse the mind and will of the enemy, and wait until the enemy recovers. Already the power of thunder has been added.

"The three thunder power characteristics are all quite good, so which one should I choose?"

In Black Rock City, in the Li Mansion, Li Yang looked at the three Super Thunder Mage inheritances purchased from Master Megawati and whispered in his heart.

It's really hard to decide.

Forget it, let’s just practice together.

Li Yang smiled softly. Extraordinary people in the magical world can only choose one path to practice, but they can't only choose one subdivision of the same path.

The inheritance of these three super thunder mages is a super magic that increases the amount of thunder magic, a magic that makes the power of thunder more powerful, and a magic that gives the power of thunder the illusion attribute.

Each door is very powerful and can guide the magic power of high-level transcendental beings to undergo another transformation.

But similarly, after transformation, you can also practice other magic to make your thunder magic more special. Although you cannot transform multiple times, you can get a super magic in your body.

Combining the three super magics into one, his thunder magic can gain endless magic power at the same time, possessing divine power, and can also confuse the enemy.

As for the destructive power... when thunder magic reaches the level of a super magician through these three super magics, its power will naturally be able to crush advanced thunder magic.

However, he still has a long way to go before becoming a high-level Thunder Mage.

But those thunder magics can be learned first.

"Thunder Net" The power of thunder forms a giant net, which can attack enemies in a large area or have a blocking effect.

"Thunder Fist" condenses powerful thunder power into one punch, which is extremely powerful. One punch can produce three times the damage of thunder power.

The eyes of "Thunder Eyes" are filled with the power of thunder, allowing people to see farther and clearer. The eyes can release the extremely condensed power of thunder, which is twice as powerful as ordinary thunder magic.

"Thunder Speed" and "Thunder Sound" move magic, "Thunder Speed" focuses more on the rapid speed of the body, and "Thunder Intention" focuses more on the transformation of the body's ethereal and agile body, which can be used until the super magician stage.

The "Thunder Body" body-building magic can train a person's body to the level of a super transcendent, allowing the physical body to contain the power of thunder.

These magics are all magics that Li Yang can practice at this stage, but considering the time problem, it is impossible for him to practice every one.

"[Psychedelic Magic] still needs to be practiced, and it will take up part of the time. "Heavy Slash" uses spiritual power to cleanse the physical body. Although it has achieved a breakthrough, it has only reached the point where it can condense double the physical strength, and it still needs to continue to practice. .”

"Psychedelic Magic" is about his ability to control the genetic evolution of the apocalyptic world, and he cannot be careless.

"Heavy Slash" is about the Lions Competition with six months left. But Li Yang still wants to get more super magic, especially related to souls, so he has to make choices.

As for the extremely destructive power of [Thunder Mage], mechas are not in urgent need right now.

"So, preserving life is the most important thing."

Li Yang reluctantly put down the pretentious magic "Thunder Eyes" and looked at "Thunder Sound" and "Thunder Body", hesitated for a moment, and then focused on "Thunder Sound".

""Thunder Speed" can greatly enhance the movement speed of my physical body, but my mecha is already very fast. Compared with "Thunder Sound", the ethereal movement ability that is difficult to be locked by the enemy is more suitable. "

Li Yang thought that as long as he could avoid the enemy's attack, he would have time to react and come up with many other means.

Or move directly to other worlds, or equip yourself with an armed mecha, you can have more chances to make a comeback, so compared to "Thunder Speed", he must first choose "Thunder Sound" to practice.

As for the "Thunder Body", his physical body is now powerful enough to be comparable to that of a high-level peak transcendent, and it is not necessary at the moment.

After he successfully practiced "Heavy Slash", he freed up time to practice "Thunder Body"

Wait until you have successfully practiced "Psychedelic Magic" and have free time, then practice "Thunder Speed"

After you finish practicing "Thunder Sound", you can first practice "Thunder Eyes"

Li Yang tapped his fingers, having secretly made up his mind. He looked around, and first picked up the super magic inheritance "The Power of Endless Thunder" to read.

Although the three super magics can be mastered together after he becomes a super magician, there is no doubt that it is also important to choose which super magic to break through to a super magician.

Compared with the divine power and the power of illusion, Endless Thunder is more reliable and important, and its adaptability is wider.

"Thunder is the power of heaven, and the secret of thunder is the opportunity of heaven and earth..."

The powerful soul power gives Li Yang a memory and understanding ability that far exceeds that of ordinary people. He does not need artificial intelligence to spread knowledge into his mind in the form of brain waves like before. He only needs to watch it once to remember it. content.

The first time to memorize, the second time to understand and remember...

After repeating it several times, he had memorized the entire secret book in his mind.

It's just that it's easy to memorize it, but it's difficult to practice it.

"Do you want to sort out the thunder magic power step by step from scratch and reshape it into the thunder magic power in this method?"

Li Yang frowned. Although it was all thunder magic, it was obvious that the thunder magic that was cultivated from the beginning to the final chapter of the super magic [Endless Thunder Power] had many subtle differences from the thunder magic that was cultivated in ordinary ways. Different places.

If you want to practice this super magic, you must first change your own thunder magic power bit by bit. Fortunately, this is not difficult. For most practitioners, it only takes It only takes a few months to change your magic bit by bit.

But for Li Yang, it was a bit unbearable.

After all, he has only been practicing for a year in total.

"Then how about just practicing in the normal training mode without changing the magic properties?"

Li Yang rubbed his chin. The senior magician broke through to the super magician. In addition to practicing the super magic he already had and using the power of this super magic to break through, he could also comprehend the super magic on his own, allowing his own power to complete the transformation and reach Super extraordinary level.

He couldn't help but wonder whether he could comprehend a super magic by himself and then make a breakthrough.

'The three super magic inheritances also record how to cultivate your own magic power to an advanced level through ordinary practice methods. You don't need to spend so much time deliberately changing your magic power...'

A message popped up in Li Yang's mind, followed by a pause, and he silently began to change his thunder power according to the content of [Endless Thunder Power].

He thought of a very crucial question: How should he understand?

Although it is said that a super magician who has realized the breakthrough of super magic must be stronger than others who have practiced the path, but there must be a clue.

For someone like him who has no idea how to understand magic, this is a bit too...

"No, I'd better go and ask."

Li Yang paused, but couldn't help but left the mansion again and came to Megawati's mansion again.

Some things may not work out if you do them, but you will regret it if you don't do them.

Before getting the super magic inheritance, he wanted to get the super magic inheritance, but after getting it, if he didn't try to see if he could break through to the super magician level on his own, he would definitely regret it in the future.

Seeing Li Yang coming back again, Megawati subconsciously thought with joy whether he had come to give money again.

"Master Megawati, I want to ask you something."

Li Yang looked at the pharmacist in front of him and thought for a while. Considering that he had given him hundreds of thousands of silver coins, there should be no problem in asking this matter, so he asked directly: "A high-level transcendental person should How can I comprehend super magic on my own without having to follow the path of predecessors to achieve a breakthrough and become a super transcendent?"

"Oh, you asked that."

Megawati raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Every high-level transcendent has thought about similar things, including me and Vin St., but it is a pity that we have not succeeded, and the breakthrough to The resources for super magicians have also been delayed, so they have stayed in the field of high-level magicians for many years."

"Of course, even if you gather the resources, it doesn't mean that you can break through. Sometimes you can't break through. For example, I already have the corresponding resources, but it is always difficult to break through."

Megawati sighed, and then spoke with a smile: "There is only one way for a super extraordinary person to understand super extraordinary skills: to let his soul, extraordinary power, and body reach a perfect balance, and then find a way to match his extraordinary power. Area."

"For example, the fire mage is looking for the lava field, the water mage is looking for the turbulent sea, the light mage is chasing the sun all day long, the dark mage is in the dark place, etc."

"Only when the soul, body, and magic power all reach high-level perfection, and if you find a matching area like this that keeps your body and mind always happy, can you have a chance to find that inspiration and realize a super magic."

Megawati turned around and said with a smile: "In fact, in this world, apart from every Thunder Mage who can realize his own super magic, only a very, very small number of the most favored practitioners among other practitioners can. Realize your own super magic.”

"Some of these people are born close to flames and can control flames without training; some people are born close to water and can control the water flow instinctively; some people are born close to the earth and can sense the emotions of the earth and mobilize part of it without training. The power of the earth; some people can naturally control external objects with their soul power as soon as they grow up..."

"Historically, only these people and the Thunder Mage can realize their own super magic. This is a special talent. Of course, others can't try it."

Megawati shrugged her shoulders: "You only need to prepare for a whole year, keep yourself happy throughout the year, and also meet the requirements for the soul, body, and supernatural power to be perfect for each other, you can know to the result.”

"If you can't understand it within a year, it proves that you can't understand it. No matter how long you delay, it's meaningless, because those geniuses all realized their unique super powers in three to five days after breaking through to advanced magicians. magical."

"Just like the Thunder Mage who is happy when he sees thunder, these people feel joy from the bottom of their hearts when they see the natural environment that suits them. It is easiest to stay happy."

Megawati spoke softly, but Li Yang paused.

Why does this sound so much like a legendary special physique?

Thinking of this, a door seemed to open in Li Yang's mind instantly.

The spirit body of the five elements can naturally master the corresponding power.

Could those Thunder mages all have extremely special thunder spirit bodies, so they can resist the power of thunder and practice and get close to thunder? Because to them, thunder is like a fish meeting water, but others can't do it anyway. arrive?

In history, the reason why there are so many super magics is actually all because of the realization of these special talents?

"In fact, there was no super magic in the world at first. Human wise men only deduced extraordinary power to the level of advanced extraordinary beings. Later, life became stable, more and more people survived, and more and more such talents continued to emerge. , was summarized and guided into super magic, and gradually took shape. It is precisely because of this that it gave many ordinary high-level extraordinary people confidence."

Seeing Li Yang's expression, Megawati on the side couldn't help but smile: "All the exercises were created and summarized by wise men, so you can also try it boldly."

"Thank you very much."

Li Yang was relieved when he heard this, then smiled and clasped his hands, before flying back to his mansion.

After thinking about it, he still didn't start to change his thunder power, but started to practice ordinary thunder magic power.

"Anyway, even if I practice to an advanced and perfect level, I can still go back and transform, but it will take longer. But even if I transform now, it will take time to practice to an advanced level, and the difference is not much."

Li Yang's heart moved secretly, and he immediately swallowed the potion he bought from Megawati, and then used a brand new delaying potion to start a new round of practice.

After a round of practice, the magic power of thunder in his body began to grow slowly. When the practice was over, Li Yang stopped with great satisfaction.

He followed up by running the [Food Body Strengthening Technique] to absorb the genetic siltation in his body. He had a hunch that it would only take another three or four days to clear out the remaining genetic siltation.

When his soul was full, he absorbed spiritual power to cleanse his soul and relieve the load caused by the practice on his body. Only then did he end the practice with satisfaction.

He looked at the time and saw that it was getting dark. He turned around and looked in the room. Karin was still resting pitifully. Laimier and Peppa were also unable to move after practicing after he came back, so they were depressed. I put down my thoughts and left here.

When I reached the no-man's land, my heart moved and I immediately disappeared from this world.




Linhai City, in Li Yang's villa.

The sky was dimly lit up with fish-belly white, and it was obviously almost dawn.

Li Yang's figure appeared from the sky, then disappeared back to the villa to stretch, then turned to Xu Yuan's bedroom to hold her to catch up on her sleep.

After practicing immortality for a night, take a nap and rest...

However, just three hours after lying down, Li Yang woke up again. Xu Yuan in his arms was already fully dressed. She hurriedly said goodbye to him in a goddess-like manner and went to work. Lin Shiyu in the other room left a message early and then Go to Work.

However, Li Yang clearly knew that they had asked for leave last night.

Is this because he is worried that he will do something to them again if they can't bear it?

"Am I that horny?"

Li Yang was speechless. Then he got up and went to have breakfast. He turned on his mobile phone. The chat frame was fixed in front of the wife who had made a note of red flowers. He paused and tapped the screen with his finger: "I will go find you later."

He does it all for cultivation!

"The journey of cultivation is like sailing against the current. Monks like us should practice hard."

Li Yang always believed that monks had to like practicing, just like students had to like studying, so he picked up his cell phone, car keys, and drove to the home of Zuo Yanting, a wife he met in the Honghua Society.


The sun shone into the home from outside the window, casting a golden light on Zuo Yanting's face.

She had just finished washing and was busy making breakfast. In order to save money, she always cooked her own meals at home, and even rarely bought breakfast outside.

Her husband had a day off today and was doing health exercises. As he had paid off a lot of debts with the money he had taken from Li Yang, Sun Zhuo, who knew the importance of health, did not work as hard as before. Now he would take two days off every month.

"It's done, it's time to eat."

Not long after the meal was finished, Zuo Yanting brought the dishes to the dining table and greeted Sun Zhuo with a smile. Sun Zhuo, who had just finished doing health exercises, turned around and went to have breakfast.

Zuo Yanting brought another meal and took two bites. She picked up her phone to read the message. She was stunned for a moment and replied hurriedly. After replying, she said to her husband: "Sun Zhuo, that eldest brother came to see me. It's time now." When we got up to the elevator in our unit building, I woke up and didn’t look at my phone, and I never saw it.”

"Here, then I'll hide quickly."

Sun Zhuo was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly picked up the bowl, picked up the chopsticks and put some food into the bowl, and was about to go out. Unexpectedly, as soon as he got up, there was a knock on the door.

Sun Zhuo was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly walked to the kitchen carrying the rice.

"I'm coming."

Zuo Yanting pursed her lips and looked at the jeans and gray top she was wearing. Fortunately, she was good-looking and her simple outfit was also very stylish, so she hurriedly got up and opened the door.

The door opened and closed, and a man walked into the room, hugged her butt, and started kissing her on the lips.

Asking for monthly ticket

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