My world double door

Chapter 174 School starts

"You are saying that if you want to obtain the fifth-level genetic medicine, you can no longer purchase it by placing an order online. After confirming the transaction intention, you must meet with the base city management in person and conduct resource transactions with the other party face-to-face. "

There was a glass of red wine poured on the wooden coffee table. Li Yang shook the red wine and drank it gently. Looking at the moving city scene outside the protective fortress, he softly asked Bi Yueyue beside him.

In his hands, he already had four bottles of level four perfect gene potions, which were exactly what he had exchanged for Bi Yueyue after he came here.

"Yes, level five genetic evolvers already belong to the world's cutting-edge power, and the methods given are much more important than other potions."

Sitting aside, Bi Yueyue's breathing was a little rapid, and she looked at the man next to her carefully. The fifth-level genetic evolver and the fourth-level genetic evolver seemed to be only one level apart, but the difference in power was completely different. language.

The flight speed of the physical magnetic field of a fifth-level genetic evolver can directly reach Mach 90, and the running speed is Mach 150, which is faster than a low-level genetic evolver wearing a mecha.

You can also mount some genetic weapons, and with matching mechas, you can control level four genetic evolvers at will.

If this man could become a level five genetic evolver, then her life would definitely change dramatically.

"However, with the pollution-free mutant resources we have at our disposal, as long as the quantity is large enough, we can definitely conclude this deal. However, this quantity may reach ten tons..."

But despite being excited, Bi Yueyue couldn't help but feel a little nervous. She didn't know how much energy the man in front of her had, but based on her feeling, this was already a very scary number: "Although non-polluting food They are very precious, and their genes can be used to make many things that cannot be made with current materials. However, level five perfect genetic potions are too precious after all..."

Ten tons of grain?

"This is really a huge amount, a full 20,000 kilograms."

The price of a pound of low-priced rice is around 1.5 yuan, which is 30,000 yuan!

Li Yang lamented aloud, and then looked from the scenery outside the invisible mobile fortress to Bi Yueyue: "So, if we contact now, how long will it take to meet these ruling officials to conduct transactions?"

"It takes no more than an hour for a material transaction of this amount to be completed. Someone will come over to escort us to the base city and meet directly with the leadership. The deal will be concluded within about two hours."

Bi Yueyue spoke without thinking, her eyes already shining a little.

"Oh, the efficiency is really good. You should be prepared to deal with all situations first. You can buy the fifth-level genetic medicine after a while."

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Yang's lips, and then he took out a bottle of Level 4 Perfect Gene Potion and handed it to her: "Now, it's time to reward you for your efforts during this period. Well, this bottle should belong to Your genetic potion is for you to use."

"thank you."

Bi Yueyue was excited and couldn't help but thank her. After saying that, she picked up the genetic potion and drank it.

Li Yang looked at this scene with a smile, put the remaining three bottles of genetic medicine in the box and picked it up, then waved, Yu Dong and Chang Yanyan called over, and took out another one from the mecha storage box. Genetic medicine box.

"This is a third-level perfect gene potion, one for each of you two, as a reward for your always being loyal to me."

Li Yang smiled and looked at his two slaves. They had taken the first-level perfect gene potion and the second-level perfect gene potion before. Now as his strength increases, it is time to improve their strength. .

His base in the apocalyptic world can be maintained in an orderly manner, which is inseparable from the joint efforts of the three of them. It is very worthwhile to give each of them a bottle of genetic medicine that he cannot use.

"Thank you, Master!"

Chang Yanyan and Yu Dong's eyes sparkled, and they thanked each other excitedly. Then they picked up the gene potion and drank it together. The surging potion energy immediately entered their bodies.

After Yu Dong finished taking the medicine, he didn't dare to go to the training room to train. He asked Li Yang for instructions and left.

Bi Yueyue and Chang Yanyan, on the other hand, have another way of developing genetic medicines.



With Li Yang's in-depth help, Bi Yueyue and Chang Yanyan's genetic medicine slowly began to take effect.

After finishing, the two women collapsed on the bed, exhausted, and waved goodbye to Li Yang with difficulty.

"Level 5 genetic evolver, the real high-level person in the world."

Bi Yueyue was sleeping on the sofa and spoke with blurred eyes. She was enjoying everything now.





Linhai City, in Li Yang's villa.

Li Yang, whose figure suddenly appeared, exhaled in his mouth, his eyes full of flashes of brilliance. He took out three bottles of level four perfect gene potion and drank all three bottles in one breath.

The next moment, the mecha around him began to condense the voltage to stir up the world's thunder elements, and he immediately devoted himself to the practice of thunder magic.

The practice lasted for a whole day and night. Under the vitality of the genetic potion, the magic power of thunder was already very strong even under the continuous terrifying speed of practice. The magic power transformed three times in just a short period of time.

The power of the genetic medicine in the body has also been thoroughly developed to the extreme.

"The level that the fourth-level genetic medicine can achieve has completely reached perfection."

Li Yang opened his eyes, a look of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he flew into the air invisibly and began to test his strength in the air.

The first one is flying with magnetic field power, and his current magnetic field flying speed is...

Li Yang used all his strength to activate the power of the magnetic field, and his figure disappeared from the place in an instant, and his speed instantly increased to an extremely high level.

Li Yang, who reached the extreme magnetic field speed in just three seconds, stopped and looked at the scenery below, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

[Your speed is: Mach 60.3]

"Mach 60.3 is more than expected. What a wonderful increase reaction."

Li Yang felt the power of the magnetic field everywhere around him, and a bright smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The superposition of genes increased the potency of the medicine even more than he expected, creating a chemical reaction that made people feel wonderful.

You know, among the information currently released in the real world, the fastest aircraft is only Mach 9.6 (the X-43A is a supersonic drone tested by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 2004. Speed ​​can reach 7,330 miles per hour)

But this data is from 2004, and it is already 2024. Li Yang doesn't know how many aircraft can be developed in twenty years, but what he can be sure of is that absolutely no fighter is enough to threaten him.

He continued the experiment with satisfaction. This time, the magnetic field acceleration changed to the accompanying mental power acceleration, and his body flew out again under the influence of invisibility magic.

It wasn't until a moment later that Li Yang's figure slowly stopped.

[Your flight speed is: Mach 61.3]

"It seems that the faster the speed, the more power required to improve it is extremely powerful."

Li Yang shook his head, but he was very satisfied with such terrifying speed.

He then fell back to his villa from the air with physical and mental pleasure, and looked at the time to see it was September 19th.

He went back to the bedroom to release the invisibility spell, and then came out of the bedroom again. He went to the yard and stretched himself. The sun just shined through the clouds, which was very pleasant.

"How about going back now?"

Xu Yuan and Lin Shiyu just escaped from him two days ago, and now they are still a little afraid to see him. Peng Feifei and Li Ling are going to school again tomorrow, so it is time to go back.

Such a thought flashed through his mind, and Li Yang thought for a while, it was just right to go back now, and he had enough fun staying in Linhai for a few days.

So he told Lin Shiyu and the others, and Li Yang drove to the airport, took a slow plane and flew leisurely to Heyang. Before landing, he told Dai Yueming and Chen Na in advance, and waited until after landing. Two beauties, gentle and virtuous, delicate, beautiful and girlish, were waiting for him at the landing place holding signs. (Hold the sign for easy viewing)

"Have you finished the matter in Linhai? Are you back so soon?"

The three of them got into the car together. Dai Yueming hugged and kissed Li Yang, and looked at Li Yang who turned to hug Chen Na and kissed her, and asked with a smile.

"It's done. There should be nothing to do for a long time. How about it? Do you want to go on a trip with your husband?"

Li Yang smiled and let go of Chen Na's small mouth, looked at Dai Yueming and asked with raised eyebrows.

"I'm not going. I won't be exhausted if I go."

Dai Yueming shook his head decisively and refused, rolling his eyes with a gentle and delicate face. Then he slowly leaned over and crawled into Li Yang's arms, unzipped the zipper, and slowly lowered his head.

"Yes, sister Yueming and I are going to be stay-at-home girls at home, um~~~"

Chen Na expressed her support with a smile, but then she was made to groan by Li Yang, and she lay on his back, moved her body to the console in the middle, and stopped saying anything.

Li Yang once again challenged to drive a Rolls-Royce with one hand.

Facts have proved that his driving skills are very good. There was no lag along the way and he arrived at the villa parking space smoothly. However, the car door did not open for a long time after arriving.

The faint sound of conversation came from inside the car, making people confused as to what was being said.

It wasn't until more than two hours later that it was time for lunch. Dai Yueming and Chen Na were supported by Li Yang, one on the left and the other on the right, and limped out of the car with red cheeks.

After arriving in the room, he washed and changed clothes for them, and then Li Yang asked the cooking aunt to come over to cook. He was satisfied with the feeling of another wave of strong spiritual power entering his body.

After finishing lunch, which was mainly soft food, Li Yang said goodbye to the two babies, kissed each other, turned around and left the villa.

It took two hours to drive from Heyang to Mi County. Li Yang drove directly to the door of Peng Feifei's house and took Peng Feifei, who was wearing white calf socks, white shoes, a blue and white plaid JK skirt and a corset light blue top. Received in the car.

A moment later, the car stopped at Li Yang's house in the county town. Peng Feifei was carried directly upstairs. As soon as she entered the room, she went straight to the bedroom and threw herself on the bed.

"Brother Li Yang, brother Li Yang..."


As one of the four major super cities along with Linhai City, Shenzhen has always been hailed as a benchmark for development and a platform for many young people to pursue their dreams.

Li Ling and Peng Feifei were admitted to schools here. They started school on the 25th, but they both wanted to go early, so Li Yang drove them to school early on the 20th.

Also coming with them were Li Yang’s parents and Peng Feifei’s mother.

After all, it was the first time for his daughter to go to college, so it was normal for everyone to be concerned. Li Yang drove the best MPV car, took everyone with him, and rushed to Shenhai Zhen talking and laughing all the way.

There was still some time before the school started, so Li Yang took them all to live in a villa he had bought in Shenhai Zhen in advance. The next day, he took them to visit the school together. They had almost visited the school. We went to Shenhai Zhen to play at the beach and went shopping in a shopping mall.

They played until school started, and after sending Peng Feifei and Li Ling to school the next day, they sat on the plane arranged by Li Yang and went back with satisfaction.

Before Peng Feifei's mother left, Li Yang quietly stuffed her with two real estate certificates.

"One is next to the school, and the other is the property certificate of the villa in the community where you live. This is what we agreed. With this house, it will be convenient for you and my uncle to visit Feifei in the future, and it will be convenient for you to stay in Mi County. "

Peng Feifei's mother has long accepted the relationship between her daughter and Li Yang after living in this period. Now she still doesn't want these things after seeing these things. Li Yang tried to persuade her, and Peng Feifei's mother thought about it and thought it was reasonable, so she accepted it. Come down.

As for their daily consumption, Li Yang asked Peng Feifei to transfer it to them.

After Li Yang sent them away, he took Peng Feifei to his villa room.


More than an hour later, the phone on the bedside vibrated. Li Yang went to the bedside and picked up the phone.

"Hey, Li Ling."

When she heard the call from Li Ling, Peng Feifei, who was held in Li Yang's arms, raised her head and listened along.

"Brother, there are four of us in our dormitory. Today is the first day of school. We want to have a dinner together, but we don't know where to go. Do you know where to eat?"

Li Ling's questioning voice came from the other end of the phone. Peng Feifei straightened her hair and couldn't help but said: "Li Ling, you are all going to have a dinner together. I haven't told my roommates yet."

She is now used to being with Li Yang and Li Ling knows about it, and she no longer avoids it.

"It's the first day of school. It's normal to have a dinner together. Didn't you join the group?"

Li Ling on the other end of the phone asked, and Peng Feifei said softly: "Come on, I'll ask in the group too, why don't you let your brother take you there?"

"That's right, brother, are you free? By the way, my brother doesn't need to accompany you, right?"

"Yes, I've been with Feifei all morning. I just picked you up to have a meal. You and your roommate don't have to worry about this. Just tell me when you've finished packing."

Li Yang smiled and spoke, and Li Ling on the other end of the phone agreed and told him to come pick them up at eleven o'clock before hanging up.

"Well, brother Li Yang, why don't you go pick up Li Ling?"

After hanging up the phone, Peng Feifei reminded her hurriedly.

"It's only nine o'clock now, why are you in a hurry?"


This is a must-have track for college roommates’ first day party.

But Li Yang felt a little emotional that his college life seemed like yesterday, and the dinner party with his college roommates seemed like it had just happened.

But in the blink of an eye, my sister has entered college.

With emotion in his heart, Li Yang let Peng Feifei sleep at home, and he drove a luxury car he bought in Shenzhen to wait at the entrance of the University of Science and Technology where the two of them were.

Not long after, Li Ling and her three roommates came over after packing. They were a little surprised to see the car parked on the roadside. They were obviously a little surprised by the luxury of their roommates' homes.

"Brother, open the door."

Li Ling said hello to his brother, and then he took the passenger seat first. The three roommates beside him hurriedly sat in the back row. Many students nearby gathered their eyes here. Part of the reason was Li Yang's luxury car. Li Ling The roommates are friendly, for another reason.

"Li Ling, your roommates are all so beautiful!"

Li Yang looked back at the three girls behind him, each one more beautiful than the last, and couldn't help but smile and said to Li Ling.

"Of course, my beautiful roommate can't be beautiful."

Li Ling said proudly, but after speaking, she suddenly realized something and her expression changed. Do her three roommates want to...

"Brother, you are so handsome."

Li Ling's roommate Ruan Qin looked at Li Yang sitting in the driver's seat and said with moving eyes.

"Yes, yes, brother, you are really handsome."

Yan Yeye also nodded in agreement and looked at Li Yang with bright eyes.

"He's handsome and rich, he's like a male god!"

Liu Xin's eyes sparkled even more, and she said hurriedly not to be outdone.

Li Ling: "......"

"Really? Li Ling never praised me for being handsome."

Li Yang smiled and asked with a chuckle as he started the car and set off.

"Li Ling has been used to seeing it since he was a child. He can't tell it. We can spot it the first time we see it."

Ruan Qin pursed her lips and spoke with a smile, looking at Li Yang with bright eyes.

Li Yang turned his head and looked around, and found that the girl's eyes were big and shining, and she had a kind smile on her face.


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