My world double door

Chapter 175 Greed (please subscribe)

Chatting all the way, when they arrived in front of the luxurious hotel, the three girls even exclaimed and took photos, with blushing faces.

The dormitory was assigned a four-person dormitory. As soon as the semester started, on the first day when they went out to eat with their roommates, they took a luxury car and came to such a luxurious restaurant to eat. This fully satisfied their fantasy of college life.

The food in the luxury hotel was different. It was not until 2:30 in the afternoon that Li Yang walked out of the hotel with the chubby Li Ling and her roommate, and then went to the mall for shopping at Li Yang's suggestion.

The three girls looked around but didn't buy anything. Li Ling bought something, and Li Yang smiled and said nothing.

After they finished shopping in the mall, Li Yang took them to watch a movie. When they came out of the cinema, it was dinner time, and after walking around for a while, Li Yang took them to have dinner together. After the meal, he drove the car They were sent back to school.

It wasn't until the school gate that a car loaded with gifts appeared in sight.

Li Ling took her three roommates to say goodbye to Li Yang and walked to the school gate. They were stopped by a store clerk in professional clothes with a smile: "Hello, are you Li Ling? Your brother bought this for your roommates. Gifts, Mr. Li Yang said that he likes you very much when we meet for the first time. These gifts express his sincerity and hope that our relationship will get better and better."

"Brother Li Ling?"

"Oh my God, he bought everything I saw!"

"It's so explosive, my god!"

The three roommates around her screamed in disbelief, and Li Ling felt speechless. Could her brother really want to do what she thought?

Does the relationship get better as time goes by?

Treating them like her brother's people?


At the gate of Shenzhen University of Science and Technology, an hour after Li Ling and her roommate left the school gate in a commotion, a car came to the gate again in a low-key manner.

"Feifei, thank you boyfriend!"

"You are so handsome!"

"Thank you, man!"

The beautiful and exquisite Peng Feifei got out of the car with her three roommates. Peng Feifei's roommates continued to praise and greet Li Yang in the car.

"Everyone go back and have a good rest, and take more care of Feifei when you get along with her in the future. I wish you all smooth sailing in your studies."

Li Yang smiled and got out of the car to see them off, waved to them, kissed Peng Feifei who asked for a kiss, and then turned around and drove away amidst the waves of the four girls.

"Feifei, your boyfriend is so handsome, I envy you both!"

"Yes, and he is so graceful, temperamental, and rich!"

"Feifei, tell us how you met and how you got together."

Birds of a feather flock together, and most beautiful women are surrounded by beautiful women. The same goes for Peng Feifei's roommates. After Li Yang drove away, they held Peng Feifei's arms and chatted with her.

"We'll talk about it later when we get back. There are too many people here. How embarrassing."

Peng Feifei looked at the crowd watching her with a smile on her face, and said with some embarrassment that her roommates were obviously reasonable. They all nodded after hearing this, and then she held Peng Feifei's arm and carried the boutique. As a souvenir, he returned to the dormitory with her with a smile on his face.

After arriving at the dormitory and sleeping, they couldn't wait to let Peng Feifei tell her story with Li Yang.

As soon as he said it, he talked until late at night.

"...The aurora appeared that night, and we were completely together."

Peng Feifei didn't stop talking until here. The three roommates in the dormitory were silent for a while, and then they exploded.

"Holy shit, I can't stand it anymore. This is the most romantic plot in the novel, and it has actually become a reality!"

"Oh my god, is there a happier woman than Feifei in this world!"

"God, I also want a love like this!"

The perfect and somewhat illusory story made the three little girls unable to bear it. They rolled around in bed and screamed.

Fortunately, the soundproofing of the dormitory was good, so there was no noise in other dormitories. With a smile on her lips, Peng Feifei waited until they calmed down before inviting them to sleep: "Sisters, I'm going to bed first. I'm so tired and sleepy today." ~”

"Okay, good night, my princess!"

"Feifei is really a princess!"

"Ah, good night, Princess Feifei!"


[Peng Feifei: Good night]

"Good night."

Li Yang in the villa chuckled and replied, then raised his hand: [Psychedelic Magic]

"Woof woof woof!!!"

A teddy bear in the yard was enchanted, and suddenly launched a fierce attack on a piece of grass. Then it happily barked at another piece of grass, thrust forward with its two front hooves, and bowed its waist. Straight to the top.

Li Yang withdrew his magic speechlessly, and Teddy was frightened and ran back to his home next door.

"The high-level and perfect soul power washed by spiritual power is indeed different. In just a few days, I am already able to use [psychedelic magic] skillfully."

Li Yang is quite satisfied with the effect of [Psychedelic Magic]. From the initial mastery to the current proficiency, it only took a few days in total. His background is getting stronger and stronger.

After finishing practicing [Psychedelic Magic], Li Yang took a deep breath, flew high into the sky in the night, and then slashed forward with his right hand.


A phantom flashed in the air, Li Yang's hand exploded the air, and a white trace flowed out. It was the unqualified warrior skill: Heavy Slash!

After striking out with one blow, Li Yang shook his arm, then stood on the spot and continued to mobilize all the energy and blood in his body to gather in his right hand. After one attack, he felt weak all over his body, but his right hand was full of power.

However, the powerful genetic power allowed the qi and blood power he mobilized to recover quickly. In just one hour in the air, Li Yang had added the first wave of qi and blood.

At this time, the power in his hand has already doubled the strength of Li Yang's whole body. The powerful power gives people the illusion that his right hand has infinite power, but Li Yang still does not stop.

He continued to rest until his body strength recovered, and then applied the power of qi and blood to his right hand for the third time.


The powerful energy and blood were stacked in his right hand like a three-layer cake. The terrifying power made Li Yang almost unable to control himself and wanted to vent it all out immediately.

Fortunately, he forcibly resisted this impulse and tried his best to control this state. It was not until a moment later that the state of his right hand finally returned to stability.

"Severe cuts, finally all three levels are completed!"

Li Yang exhaled, then clenched the fist in his hand, his eyes shining. After several months of continuous practice, he finally perfected the warrior skill of heavy slashing!

Although superimposing three layers of power is a bit unskilled for the first time, once you master this skill, you will master it. Even if you continue to practice, the difference is only the speed of superimposing power.

"But it's better to hurry up."

Li Yang's heart moved, and he began to release three times the physical power in his hand into the air. Then he took a deep breath and waited silently for three hours, regaining his strength three times in succession, and once again fully charged the power of the heavy slash.

The speed of returning to stability after condensation this time was obviously 20% faster than the last time.

"Huh, let's not practice today. It's almost dawn."

It took six hours for Li Yang to reach this point. He took a breath and stopped practicing heavy slashing. Instead, he moved his body, mobilized the thunder magic power in his body, and began to flicker in the air.

As the electric light flashed, Li Yang's figure almost appeared as a phantom, but it only caused some whistling sounds like ordinary people pulling out willow sticks with all their strength. It was not until an hour later that Li Yang's constantly flashing figure stopped.

Feeling that 80% of the thunder magic power was consumed in his body, Li Yang shook his head helplessly.

[Leiyin] After successfully practicing this magic, it should be silent when used, and only one figure will always exist, but this figure will make it impossible to lock it no matter what.

As he looks now, although he looks fast and his voice is not loud, in fact, it is still far from the effect of [Thunder Sound] after it is truly learned.

"This thunder magic is just difficult to practice."

With a sigh, Li Yang did not feel discouraged, and instead collected the remaining thunder magic power into his body. He sat cross-legged in the air and began to absorb the thunder elements driven by the mecha's condensed voltage to restore the magic power in his body.

Recovering magic power is much faster than cultivating magic power. After recovering for a while, Li Yang ended today's practice and returned to the villa to start practicing [Eating Body Strengthening Magic]. He used the fourth-level perfect gene potion in the gene to create The accumulated energy is absorbed into the spiritual space and transformed into soul spikes.

He practiced until his soul was exhausted, and then he stopped. Then he felt more and more soul spikes in the mental space and the soul that had reached its peak and could no longer be improved, and shook his head with some regret.

If he was a little unwilling to try to break through the magic power of thunder, then he completely lost his temper when it came to his soul.

You ask him to find a suitable place for this thing, but he can't find it. Where can he find an environment full of soul power that can last for a whole year?

On the contrary, for the magic power of thunder, he had already found the right place.

Thunder and lightning mostly occur in low-latitude areas, such as Indonesia, central Africa, southern Mexico, Panama, and central Brazil.

The place with the most thunderstorms in the world is Bogor, Indonesia. There are 322 days of lightning flashes in a year, and it is known as the "Thunder City of the World".

Yes, he has set his sights on the Indonesian city of Bogor.

The only remaining problem that needs to be solved is: how to stay happy 365 days a year.

Of course, this is not without a solution...

Li Yang felt the magic power in his body, and a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth.

After this period of practice, his magic power has made great progress, especially practicing with Bi Yueyue, who took the fourth-level genetic potion, and gained a lot.

On the one hand, his skills and training skills are great, and on the other hand, his own strength far exceeds the fourth level of Qi Refining. With his strong background and the fact that he can practice every day except sleeping, his improvement is naturally fast.

Now, the amount of mana required to complete the third level of Qi refining has been reached!

"Tonight, it's time to break through."

Li Yang thought in his heart, and then he disappeared into the villa and came to the invisible mobile fortress in the apocalyptic world.




The first thing when school starts is the 21-day military training.

During the military training, Li Yang did not mess with Peng Feifei anymore. He frequently went to the apocalyptic world to practice hard every night to prevent Peng Feifei from being too tired and unable to keep up with the military training.

During this period, in order to ensure their livelihood, Li Yang would give them all kinds of food every day, take them to eat delicious food after the military training, and let female professionals massage their muscles to relax their muscles, soak their feet, etc.

Although their physical fitness has long since become much healthier than ordinary classmates under the influence of the knight exercise method, military training does not depend on how good your physical fitness is. It is just torture.

Of course, while taking them, I did not forget their roommates. Over the past 21 days, when October 27th came, the girls in the two dormitories had become very familiar with Li Yang.

"Fortunately, there is a seven-day holiday on October 1, otherwise we would be exhausted."

The weekend after the military training ended, Li Yang took them out to play at the beach for a day. When everyone went to the hotel to have dinner together in the evening, the girls complained a lot. They couldn't understand why it took so long to train, and then they started chattering. Chatted.

When the chat was almost over, Li Yang and Peng Feifei left first and returned to the room to rest.

Half an hour after Li Yang and Peng Feifei left, the girls all returned to the room Li Yang opened for them to rest.


Late at night, Li Ling was still awake and couldn't help but send a message to Li Yang: "Brother, you are not eyeing these classmates, are you?"

[Brother: What are you thinking? Do I look like this kind of person? And why do you care so much about these people? Didn’t you realize that they come to you on their own initiative because of money?]

"Oh, forget it, I looked away and fell asleep."

After sending the message, Li Ling shook her head, turned off the screen on her phone, and turned to sleep.


"Brother Li Yang, slow down, slow down..."

A girl's low cry came from another room. On the white bed, a girl wearing a red skirt and white socks was lying on the bed with her upper body and lower body raised, her head pressed tightly against the bed.

Li Yang kept his head indifferent and didn't raise his head until after a while. A girl came up to him and looked at the girl with a smile. He kissed her red lips and sank forward.


Ruan Qin hummed in her throat and grasped the sheets tightly with both hands.




After the military training, both Li Ling and Peng Feifei quickly devoted themselves to studying the courses, and the classes were full almost every day.

In order to avoid disturbing their studies, Li Yang took a plane from Shenzhen to Linhai City, ending his beautiful life in Shenzhen.

When he arrived in Linhai City, Li Yang still missed school, so he contacted Zhao Meimei.

Zhao Meimei and her three roommates hurriedly tidied up the dormitory. When Li Yang arrived, they closed the doors and windows and tried their best to entertain him.

Afterwards, Li Yang finally recovered and decided to calm down and practice hard.




On November 30, the weather got colder quickly.

Fortunately, with Li Yang's support, Zuo Yanting moved to a new home with three bedrooms and one living room, equipped with air conditioning and heating. Even inside the house was very warm.

Although it was rented, it made their lives a lot easier.

"Eat some fruit."

Zuo Yanting brought a plate of grapes to the living room and placed it in front of Li Yang. Then Li Yang touched her long legs, wearing only red pajamas and shorts, and sat next to him. She peeled the grapes and fed them to Li Yang.

"You mean, you know how to manage and want to see if I have a good opportunity here?"

Li Yang opened his mouth and ate the peeled grapes handed over by Zuo Yanting's green fingers. He took a sip of Zuo Yanting's lips, who were leaning on his shoulder with a smile on her face. He stretched his left hand from behind Zuo Yanting's waist, extending to Zuo Yanting, who was wearing red patterned pajamas and shorts on the left side, squinted her eyes and asked softly to the man sitting in front.

"Yes, you are a big boss, so you must have connections. It must only be a matter of one sentence."

Sun Zhuo, who was sitting next to the two of them, had a flattering smile on his face. He looked at Zuo Yanting and touched and rubbed the left thigh area that was not covered by Zuo Yanting's shorts. He slowly rubbed the shorts until half of her butt was covered. The hands that couldn't cover him hurriedly withdrew his eyes and said with some dodge.

"Why bother."

Li Yang looked at the man, shook his head, stretched out his free right hand to the side, bent down to touch the right calf of Zuo Yanting who was sitting on the left, pulled her right leg into his arms, and then stretched it out again Come out and pull up her left leg.


After eating the grapes, Zuo Yanting took a bite of her lips while her face was red. He breathed softly with his right hand and walked up and down her legs in his arms. He looked at the two legs on his legs with a smile. With her long legs together, she said to him calmly: "Don't say that I won't give you a chance. Go work for a year at the steel factory affiliated to Haohanxingyu. As long as you get an A in the evaluation at the end of next year, I will give you an annual salary of 300,000."

"Hey, okay, thank you, Mr. Li!"

Sun Zhuo looked happy and spoke hurriedly.

"Don't be in a hurry to say thank you. It's not the right time to go now at the end of the year. There's still some time before work starts next year. You should study first, otherwise you won't be able to do anything by then."

Li Yang smiled: "A grade A rating is not that good."

"Hey, don't worry, I will do a good job!"

Sun Zhuo smiled and nodded, and then stood up from the chair: "Hey, I won't disturb you anymore. I'll go out and do some errands first."

After Sun Zhuo finished speaking, he hurried out of the gate. Li Yang looked at his back, smiled, and patted Zuo Yanting's butt: "With you two like this, is there any point in getting married?"

"Mr. Li, he is a bit greedy. I'm sorry. I don't know why he thinks about these things when he has some free time recently. I don't even know when he used my mobile phone to contact you."

Zuo Yanting blushed and spoke in a low voice. Li Yang shook his head, turned around and pressed Zuo Yanting onto the sofa.

"For your sake, I will give him a chance, but there is only one chance. If you miss it and he makes trouble again, don't blame me."

"Ah, thank you, thank you, you are so kind, so kind..."


"Huanyu, change all of Sun Zhuo's stored videos and audios about my voice into his voice, all my appearance into his appearance, Zuo Yanting's voice and appearance into that of a silver-selling woman, restore His normal operating privileges and the fake media contacts he saw continued to be maintained."

More than an hour later, Li Yang sat back on the sofa, held Zuo Yanting in his arms, looked at the scenery outside the window, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and whispered instructions in his mind.

The artificial intelligence quickly completed the replacement, and he did not expect that this man would dare to do such a thing.

However, seeing that the beauty next to him was completely unaware, let him be spared this time.

"Next time, cause an accident and kill him."

Originally, he took the initiative to come to me because he couldn't live any longer. Now that his life is getting better, he actually wants to take advantage of me.

I hope he doesn't become a short-lived ghost.

With another command in his mind, Li Yang took a deep breath, but his mind drifted to the Lions Conference three months later.

As time goes by, this competition is finally about to begin.

The time coincides with the Chinese New Year.

Please give me a monthly pass, a monthly pass!

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