My world double door

Chapter 177 Husband (please subscribe)

Chapter 177 Husband~ (please subscribe)

"Each base city has no more than five Level 6 genetic evolvers. In other words, there are only about a hundred Level 6 genetic evolvers in the world, and among these hundred Level 6 genetic evolvers, only One-fifth of the sixth-level genetic evolvers can obtain this auxiliary armor."

"The only thing most level six genetic evolvers have that can help them is a small dagger. Only such an absolutely rare and high-energy material can help their incredibly powerful bodies in combat. .”

Bi Yueyue said with emotion: "However, the sense of security that such a dagger can bring is a hundred times better than such a huge invisible defense fortress."

"Is that so?"

Li Yang nodded slowly, feeling that this was reasonable. Given that level six genetic evolvers can withstand the terrifying bodies of nuclear bombs, it is normal that 99% of the materials in the world cannot withstand their destruction. .

Ordinary materials are used by them to attack, and their own materials may be destroyed first if they use force.

I just don’t know how the fifth-level genetic warrior’s crystal coin mecha is...

Thinking about the level 5 gene potion he was about to get, Li Yang couldn't help but excitedly rubbed Bi Yueyue's perky buttocks, and Bi Yueyue immediately raised her head and kissed her passionately.

The two struggled for a while until they reached the inner city's crystal coin wall before taking a deep breath and regaining their standing posture. Under the personal supervision of the person who was in charge of the inner city portal: the fifth-level genetic evolver, they passed through the portal and came to the powerful crystal coin wall. The protected base is the inner city.

As soon as you enter the inner city, what you see is no longer neatly arranged houses, but an astonishing natural environment composed of forests, grasslands, and lakes, in which there are also many animals with not too serious mutations.

There are even low mountains inside.

In such an environment, aerial mobile houses similar to invisible defense fortresses are either floating in the air, buried underground, submerged in water, or embedded in mountain walls and parked in forests. The location is very random.

But in the center of the entire natural environment is a huge building made entirely of opaque crystal coins.

Staying inside is the core management of the entire base city.

"Husband, our home is over there."

Arriving at the inner city area, Bi Yueyue felt much more relaxed. She hung tightly in Li Yang's arms, pointed in a direction, and spoke softly to Li Yang.

Li Yang nodded with a smile and watched as the invisible defense fortress stopped at a residence that was half embedded in the cliff and half exposed outside.

After arriving nearby, a portal opened on the cliff next to the residence, revealing a spacious parking area inside, and the invisible defense fortress parked in it.

"Husband, let's go home."

Bi Yueyue held Li Yang's arm and opened the door of the invisible defense fortress to reveal the warm passage from her residence to the docking area. She said with a smile. Li Yang licked the corners of his mouth and faced Chang Yanyan, who was always more excited and novel than him. He Yudong waved and let Bi Yueyue hold her arms and walk to the front residence.

Chang Yanyan and Yu Dong followed them step by step. After a while, they passed through the door and a living room of about one hundred square meters appeared in sight. The decoration of the living room was not much different from that of a home in the real world. Tall walls were hung with A photo of Bi Yueyue and her husband.

Just when Bi Yueyue wanted Zhizhi to replace the photo, Li Yang pinched her chest to stop her, and with a strong waist, she hurriedly held onto the sofa.

"You didn't have the control to change the photo of you and your husband for such a long time, but you wanted to change it when we walked in together. You must have deliberately aroused my interest, you slut."

Li Yang asked forcefully with a smile on his lips.

"Ah, um, I, I'm not, I don't, I'm not coquettish, I, I will follow you from now on, follow you completely, ah..."

Bi Yueyue hurriedly defended herself, tilting her head back hard and letting out a high-pitched cry.

Behind him, Yu Dong hurriedly turned around and returned to the invisible defense fortress, while Chang Yanyan stood aside obediently, waiting for relief.

"Okay, I'll let you follow me, let you follow me completely."


Li Yang was in a very good mood after entering the inner city for the first time. As wonderful as his condition was, Bi Yueyue was equally excited, and was so excited that she could not speak at the end.

Chang Yanyan on the side was also infected and could not say a word. Afterwards, they could only fall down together on the advanced sleep bed to sleep and rest.

That night, Chang Yanyan and Yu Dong cooked food and put it on the table. Li Yang invited them to eat together, while looking at a white high-altitude treatment cabin next to him with interest.

"Are you saying that the medical technology contained in this can easily defeat a series of viruses such as cancer, Alzheimer's disease, ALS, leukemia, rabies, etc.?"

Li Yang took a bite of the food and couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, hubby, these viruses are all minor problems after the continuous improvement of genetic technology. In fact, the real purpose of this medical cabin is to repair the self-recovery of level four, including gene evolvers below level four, after their bodies are injured and mutilated. "

Bi Yueyue crossed her legs on Li Yang's thigh, nodded and said very comfortably: "Even if the limbs of a fourth-level genetic evolver are mutilated in the battle, they can be quickly regenerated through this treatment cabin, which is very critical for healing. equipment."

"Don't genetic evolvers have energy intake and regeneration functions themselves?"

Li Yang frowned and couldn't help asking.

"Only military genetic potions contain automatic energy intake and regeneration functions. Ordinary people's genetic potions can only choose to mount such capabilities after level five."

Bi Yueyue shook her head, and then asked: "Does my husband need to install such a function?"

"Mounting, everything must be the most advanced and easy to use."

Li Yang nodded decisively, his frown relaxed, and the questions that had troubled him before were also solved.

He didn't mean to blame Bi Yueyue. After all, it seemed to be something similar to common sense. He didn't think he could blame anyone.

"Okay, I'll contact them now."

Bi Yueyue nodded slightly, and then immediately contacted the rulers of the base, and then explained aloud: "In fact, the energy utilization and absorption of each generation of genetic medicine, and the injury recovery function are already quite powerful. Otherwise, our bodies are so powerful. It’s impossible to be full every day with just this small amount of food and still be able to provide for a day’s life.”

"Furthermore, if we are injured now, as long as the limb is not directly broken, we can basically recover on our own, but it has not reached the level of regeneration of the broken limb, and it is generally difficult for such injuries to occur, so most people will not use these two functions. Deliberately strengthen, because this is not that necessary to strengthen.”

After hearing Bi Yueyue's explanation, Li Yang nodded slightly to show that he understood, but said nothing more.

Although this may indeed be the case, it is obvious that there is a huge gap between the ability to maintain combat effectiveness without eating and the need to eat to maintain combat effectiveness.

This is not the only world he needs to conquer. No one can say whether there will be any extreme environments in the future. Therefore, it is naturally better to have such an ability as early as possible.

Contacting these two small things does not require too much energy. Bi Yueyue made the notification not long after, and then after finishing the meal, her body recovered, and she leaned softly into his arms.

"Ah, husband..."


The night passed quickly.

Early the next morning, when the sun rose in the natural environment of the inner city, a home mobile vehicle had already quietly driven into the central building.

[The test passed, you have an invitation, General Song is waiting for you in the conference hall No. 7, please pass]

With the reminder of the road detection device ringing in her ears, Li Yang and Bi Yueyue beside her drove her family's mobile vehicle into the commander's office building. Following the constant guidance of the road, the vehicle finally stopped at a place made of ultra-modern metal on the pavement created.

Li Yang and Bi Yueyue got off the car together and looked up at the door in front of them. The information about this room was simply marked on it: Conference Room 7

As soon as their eyes focused on the sign of Conference Room No. 7, the door in front opened automatically, revealing the conference room space inside, and a middle-aged man in regular clothes standing behind the door.

In his left hand he held a silver safe.

"Pollution-free resource traders, are you?"

With a bright smile on his face, the middle-aged man took the initiative to walk out of the conference room, strode in front of Li Yang, and stretched out his right hand: "I am Song Tianyuan, a military general. Although this is my first time We have met, but I think we have been in contact a long time ago. All the non-polluting resources circulated in the previous base city flowed to me, so we should not be considered such strangers."

"Hello, General Song. Nice to meet you. I am the leader of this transaction, Li Yang."

Li Yang had a bright smile on his face and reached out to shake the man's hand: "I have prepared the ten tons of supplies agreed upon. I wonder if General Song has prepared the five bottles of fifth-level genetic medicine I ordered, along with the corresponding gifts. What’s the carrying capacity?”


A smile appeared on Song Tianyuan's face, and then he opened the safe held in the palm of his left hand, revealing the five bottles of medicine inside.

"Thermal vision, clairvoyance, super long-distance vision, super macro vision, super hearing positioning, super perception, super energy resistance, super recovery, super energy intake, all functions have been blended into the potion, drink it You can directly get the corresponding functions.”

Song Tianyuan's eyes revealed a look of excitement: "I wonder where the agreed supplies are?"

"I wonder if our conference room is big enough?"

A deep smile appeared at the corner of Li Yang's mouth: "I have a unique space technology in my hands. Maybe you haven't heard of it. If you have space, ten tons of supplies will appear in front of you right away."

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