My world double door

Chapter 178 Complete Surveillance

"Space technology..."

The middle-aged man in military uniform narrowed his eyes to calm down the shock in his heart.

"Although our conference room is large, its main function is not to store food. I think it is more convenient for us to go to the warehouse."

A smile appeared on Song Tianyuan's face, and he pointed to one side: "The warehouse is only five kilometers away, not far away."

"Well, in that case, please, General."

Li Yang smiled and stretched out his hand with a very respectful attitude. Song Tianyuan showed a friendly smile on his face, nodded and took the initiative to lead the way.

Li Yang got on Bi Yueyue's home mobile car and followed behind. Soon he came to the center of this magnificent main building, a huge warehouse completely wrapped in ultra-modern metal.

Song Tianyuan got out of the car and took Li Yang inside. Then his eyes wandered on Li Yang: "I don't know, Mr. Li Yang, how do you use your space technology?"

"It's very simple."

Li Yang smiled softly and walked aside. Then with a thought in his heart, he waved his hand and waved the [Qiankun Bag]. He used his mental power to sort out fifty tons of grain, and it instantly appeared in the warehouse in front of him. .

Fifty tons, a total of one thousand large bags, all of which were packed in pure white sacks without any text information, suddenly appeared in the open space and piled into a small stack.

Song Tianyuan, who was standing behind, shrank his pupils, then adjusted his mentality very quickly, and handed the silver box in his hand to Li Yang with a smile on his face: "It's really amazing technology, it's just As far as we know today, space cannot be observed."

"What our bodies are exposed to is various oxygen and micro-molecule components. If we continue to zoom out and observe, no matter how we observe the details, the ultimate limit we can see is a black void."

"Perhaps this black void is space. It's just that space is empty and cannot be touched. We are in space all the time, but what we come into contact with is the living things in space. All kinds of micromolecules, but no matter what, they cannot come into contact with space."

“To this day, we always believe that only by breaking through this world and finding the boundaries of the world can we find the opportunity to touch space.”

Song Tianyuan handed the silver box in his hand to Li Yang. After seeing the other party take it, a bright smile appeared on his face, and then he used the kind of "doubts of the ignorant" smile and tone that are most likely to arouse people's desire to teach. It is a confused and puzzled inquiry: "How do you do such a difficult thing to solve?"

"Oh, it's actually so difficult."

Li Yang took the box and was slightly stunned, but his face was full of surprise: "I'm just a user. I know what's going on but don't know why. This kind of professional knowledge may only be known by those who develop it."

"Then I wonder, do we have the opportunity to have some friendly communication with the developers in your area?"

Song Tianyuan's eyes moved slightly, and he continued to ask with a chuckle: "You know, the progress of science and technology comes from mutual communication and common progress. Only in this way can we achieve better development together. We are very willing to promote such exchanges. If If you can be the middleman."

"This is a very good suggestion, but I don't have this idea at the moment. Maybe I will consider it after I become a level six genetic evolver."

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Yang's mouth: "No one wants to take the lead in something that is beyond their control and has no benefit to themselves, right?"

"The materials used in the sixth-level genetic medicine are very precious, but if you want it, then I think we can customize it for you."

Song Tianyuan's eyes flashed with excitement: "We only need one hundred tons of non-polluting materials, plus a piece of valid information related to the contact space, and we are willing to make a level six genetic medicine for you!"

"One hundred tons of supplies is not that difficult to solve, but it requires access to effective information related to space."

Li Yang shrugged his shoulders: "Before I reach a certain level of strength, it will be difficult to access me. Perhaps, you can consider investing in me a level six gene potion first. I can provide two hundred tons of non-polluting materials. As for the Regarding content related to space contact, it may not be difficult to try again after I carry out the sixth level of genetic evolution."

After a magician reaches the level of a super magician, if he can learn the [Space Confinement Spell], he can rely on this spell to create a [Space Bag]

But Megawati also said that there are very few people in the world who know this mantra. Even if there is such a thing in the magic world, it is not so easy to get it.

But then again, if he becomes a level six genetic warrior, this curse may not be difficult.

As for the world of cultivating immortals... before he has cultivated his current [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Jing] to the limit he can reach, he will not easily try to enter again.

Coincidentally, he has now reached the perfection of the fourth level of Qi refining and is preparing for the next breakthrough.

If the genetic power can be raised to the sixth level, coupled with the super thunder mage, super soul mage, and physical strength reaching the same level, then going to the world of immortal cultivation will undoubtedly be much more secure.

"The materials used for level six genetic medicine are very precious. This is not something that can be achieved simply by possessing materials, even if they are pollution-free materials."

Song Tianyuan said silently, and after speaking, a smile appeared on his face: "But, as far as I'm concerned with you, this matter is not impossible to consider. Please allow me to inform my superiors and discuss it with my superiors. I will report the results after We will contact you through the base network.”

"Very much looking forward to an outcome that will be beneficial to both of us."

Li Yang couldn't help but reveal a bright smile on his face. He shook hands with the other party sincerely, and then without further delay, he turned around and left with Song Tianyuan saying goodbye.

Song Tianyuan watched Li Yang and the two driving their private mobile vehicle out of sight, and then slowly withdrew the smile on his face.


In the surrounding space, a group of cold stealth combat robots appeared. The communicator page popped up in front of them, revealing the cold eyes of a soldier: "Does the mission of capturing this person continue?"

"Cease all activity until a way to deal with his space technology is found."

Song Tianyuan's face showed a hint of gloom: "Even as a person who has taken the military's sixth-level genetic medicine and auxiliary mecha, I can't figure out how he took these things out. Such things make people feel uncomfortable. install."

"There is also a sense of crisis about him that makes me feel very uncomfortable, as if my head is about to explode. What on earth is this..."

There was confusion in Song Tianyuan's eyes: "With my sixth sense, such a dangerous feeling will not appear for no reason, but he does not have any cutting-edge weapons on him."

"No more until these issues are addressed."

"Yes, General."

The soldier on the communicator did not respond to the general's soliloquy. He responded respectfully and then immediately remotely controlled the invisible combat robot to leave various hiding places and retreated.

Only Song Tianyuan returned to the warehouse and looked at a large amount of non-mutated materials. A flash of sigh flashed in his eyes: "Send these things to the cutting-edge research laboratory and we must find out why these things have not been mutated!"


In the empty space, there was another reply. Song Tianyuan sighed, and disappeared from the place like a phantom.

"Monitor this person invisibly around the clock and at all times. Report any movement to me. Be sure not to let go of any clues. The chance to escape from the mutation crisis may be right in front of you. The entire base city is our instrument, and he has arrived. In the inner city, with such a huge technological density, I don’t want any accidents to happen here!”

"Yes, General!"


In Bi Yueyue's room, Li Yang, who had returned, told them, and his figure instantly disappeared from the sky, making Song Tianyuan, who was the first to learn the news, stiff.

But Li Yang was not in the mood to pay attention. After he returned to the real world, he checked around and found that there was nothing except daily news from several women and Wang Qiang's party invitation. After he immediately opened the safe and took out a bottle of trading Level 5 genetic medicine.


"What a wonderful genetic potion."

Li Yang raised his head and drank the potion, and immediately felt the surging power of the potion surging through his body. Earth-shaking power surged endlessly in his body. He couldn't help but murmured with bright eyes.

Surging power surged through his body, causing his genetic power to rise crazily, breaking through layer by layer.

Level 4 Genetic Warriors are already stronger than high-level Perfect Extraordinaries in certain aspects. Level 5 Genetic Warriors' breakthrough targets the magical world and is a very unscientific Physics Super Extraordinary!

But in terms of partial subjects, he is absolutely strong.

Li Yang could feel that his life magnetic field was growing crazily as the strength of his body increased. Similarly, the various abilities mounted were also constantly emerging as the genetic potion exerted its power.

The first is heat vision. Li Yang can feel that there is an extra sense in his eyes. Through this sense, he can control the absorption and release of energy according to his thoughts.

The [heat sight] loaded into the fifth-level gene potion can absorb the sun or other energy into the body on weekdays, and release it through the eyes when needed, or directly release it through its own biological energy, but the former does not require consuming one's own physical strength. , the latter is required.

Immediately afterwards, a second subtle sense was born from the eyes, and became stronger and stronger. The information contained in the gene made Li Yang understand that this was a super sight that allowed him to perform perspective functions according to his heart—— [Through-through Eyes].

Similarly, the structure of his eyes has been rapidly strengthened, allowing him to look far away at will, and he can also see things even if they are close to his pupils.

[Beyond visual distance] [Super macro]

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