My world double door

Chapter 187 Why is there so much nonsense?

Duel has always been a solemn and sacred matter among the many races and kingdoms in the Life Continent.

In particular, one official of the [Lion Contest] and the other a contestant of the [Lion Contest] caused even more excitement among people.

The next morning, when the city lord took the city's nobles and law enforcement officials to the Lesa family to determine the inheritance of the property after defeat, the news was no longer limited to the extraordinary people. Ordinary people also began to know about it. The entire city By morning there was already a commotion.

"A duel between a contestant and a registered official. What kind of contestant dares to duel naked with a high-level and perfect Ruijin mage?"

In the city, a young man with a majestic figure moved his eyes slightly, determined to rush to the central arena and pay an admission fee to watch the game.

With the same purpose as him, there are many players who came from all over the country, as well as a large number of people living in the city.

Such a topical duel has not happened in the entire city for many years.

"The inheritance behind the scenes has been determined. I request that the duel begin immediately after lunch!"

At noon, the city lords and nobles who had sorted out the inheritance of the property after the defeat walked out of Lesser's mansion. Lesser, who was full of momentum, came to the gate and saw a large number of people gathered at the door. He immediately had a cold look in his eyes. Shouting: "I will definitely chop off this despicable villain's head!"

"Kill him, kill him, oh oh oh!"

"Behead, behead!"

The crowd around him was immediately aroused by these bloody words, and everyone raised their voices and shouted excitedly.

"After the duel is confirmed, there are three days left for the competition. I will convey your wishes to Li Yang. You both need to agree on when to start the duel."

The city lord looked back at him, smiled and spoke, then turned around and waved, leading the people around him to the location of the residence that Redel had informed him about in advance.

When the onlookers heard that they were going to another person in charge's home, they immediately cheered and followed the city lord and nobles as they moved.

A gloomy look suddenly appeared on Lisa's face behind him.


The group of people in the City Lord's Mansion were not moving very fast. Before they arrived, Redel's soldiers had received the news in advance and quickly ran to the hospital to inform them of the news.

Redel found Li Yang, who was always closing his eyes to rest, and told him the news in advance so that he could have more time to think about it: "After the duel is confirmed, you have three days to prepare. You can choose to fight again after three days." Challenge him to a duel, or now."

"Of course that's okay now."

Li Yang had a smile on his face: "You don't even need to have lunch, just wait for me to come back when you're ready."

With his current [Level 5 Gene Potion] power, he would not feel hungry even if he went without eating for a year.

"Hahaha, okay, when the city lord and others arrive, we will immediately convey the request to them. They are already on the way. In addition, I will make the most sumptuous lunch and enjoy it together when you come back after winning!"

Red immediately rubbed his hands and laughed.

Although this second-generation ancestor is usually very reserved and sensible, when encountering special situations, his fearless and fun-loving temperament comes out.

For example, now, Li Yang doubted whether he was worried about whether he would die in the ring.

But it doesn't matter, it won't be him who dies anyway.

Li Yang chuckled and followed Leidel, who was rubbing his hands expectantly, to the door. After waiting for a while, he saw the common people, the city lord and the nobles in the city swarming in.

"Lisa is going to duel after lunch. I wonder if you would like to duel with him at this time?"

The city lord looked at Li Yang with a smile. In front of everyone, Li Yang did not smile anymore, but his expression turned indifferent: "There is no need to enjoy lunch, let's start the duel now, and then I will let everyone know who is the real one." Despicable people.”

"Oh, duel, duel, duel!"

The crowd of onlookers suddenly burst into even louder screams and cheers.

The city lord and the nobles looked at each other, and then immediately turned around and went to Lisa's house to convey Li Yang's request. Li Yang and Redel quietly waited for the news at the door.

A life-and-death duel is a matter of great importance, and it is so troublesome to execute. Moreover, the back-and-forth notifications are also a period that makes the atmosphere more and more heated, so Li Yang does not reject it.

The more people know about it, the less likely things will go wrong. When he wins, the fruits of victory will be more stable.

"Advanced Perfection Ruijin Master."

Li Yang rubbed his fingers, and for just a moment, the crowd roared, and the exact news came that Lisa agreed to duel with him now.

Without hesitation, Li Yang immediately set off for the center's arena with Redel, accompanied by Mrs. Karin.

In addition to fixed assets, during the duel, the precious properties of both sides will be transported directly to the competition site for display. Karin is one of Li Yang's properties, so she will follow Li Yang to the competition site to display in front of everyone. In sight.

Not long after, Li Yang, who was surrounded by very few people, arrived at the arena first - a spacious open space surrounded by a circle of stands.

On both sides of the playing field, under the stands, there are steps used to display various properties. After arriving, Karin, who was wearing white clothes, was placed on the steps on the right as a display of Li Yang's property.

After a moment, Lisa's figure with a cold look on his face also walked out from the opposite side, followed closely by his continuous property, boxes of silver coins, and magic supplies, which were constantly moved to the steps, precious to the people. Copper coins are only worthy of staying on the bottom step.

Five beautiful women in white gauze walked to the highest step in full view of everyone, and like Karin, stood barefoot at the top of the step as a display of property.

Beauties, treasures, bloody killings, and various elements assaulted the surrounding stands, which were quickly filled with people. Before the duel even started, there was already a lot of noisy chatter.

"Well, now that the two sides of the duel are in place, let me announce the situation. Standing on the left side of the arena is Lissa, the competition record official and city defense officer of Life-Destroying City, and the one on the right is Li Yang, a contestant from Black Rock City. "

"Let's look at the five beauties standing on the booth on the left side of the arena. The first graceful and wealthy beauty is our famous official and city defense officer Lisa's wife. The two beautiful ladies standing behind Lisa The graceful, gorgeous and charming beauty is Lisa's most beloved concubine, and the two bright and beautiful girls at the back are the beautiful thirteen-year-old and fifteen-year-old daughters of Lisa's deceased ex-wife!"

"Look, what beautiful beauties they are. They are either charming and plump, or they are graceful and charming, or they have bright eyes and white teeth. They are so beautiful. Once our official Lisa is defeated and buried here, she will become The winner's woman, he can take possession of her, enjoy her, own them as much as he wants!"

The commander in the center of the ring used some kind of magic to speak loudly, stimulating the atmosphere of the surrounding crowd and teasing their spirits.

You have to pay a high ticket fee to watch a duel match. Only if every match is very exciting will more people be willing to come next time. Therefore, no matter who is competing against whom, the commander will explain it very hard. .

The sun was shining brightly, and the five women standing on the stand either tightened their arms unnaturally or held their heads high proudly as he spoke. Some people in the stands even moved their lower bodies to them to express their opinions. The urge to beauty.

Mrs. Lisa's beautiful body was wrapped in white gauze. Feeling the hot eyes around her, she unconsciously tightened the gauze around her body and closed her legs silently.

"Mother, will father be defeated?"

Lisa's two younger daughters, but fairer-skinned than snow, held up their skirts and showed off their modest ambitions with a smile. They walked to Mrs. Lisa's side and looked at Mrs. Lisa, who was full of feminine charm, with colorful eyes. asked.

"He will definitely win."

Mrs. Lisa pursed her lips and looked at the man standing opposite her with a cold look in her eyes. Her hands tightly held the long skirt that hugged her round thighs.

She knew that her only son died because of him!

The eldest daughter of Lesa next to her blinked and turned to look at her father beside her, only to see that his body was filled with sharp golden magic power, his eyes were blood red, and he was looking at the opponent opposite him.


"Now, let us both explain the reasons why they decided to duel, starting with Mr. Li Yang, who is the challenger!"

In the center of the ring, the commander finally finished introducing the properties of both parties. The main reason was that Li Yang's properties were too little to introduce. He just described Karin's beauty and moved on to the next step to maintain the enthusiasm on the field.

As usual, the challenged party takes the lead in elaborating.

"He said that I am a despicable person. I am not good at words, so I will show everyone who is the despicable person!"

Li Yang stood in the sun and smiled kindly, then took out a mini projector and projected a clear picture in the sky.

Li Yang, a technology user from the doomsday world, easily obtained the video of the time from the mecha that followed him. The advancement of optical technology made the projected image as clear as watching a 4K image quality on a 4K screen even under the bright sun.

Facts speak louder than words. As the whole story was played on the screen, there was an uproar on the field, and the news about Lisa's operations these days instantly turned into a dream.

When the picture finished playing, Li Yang shrugged, indicating that what he wanted to say was over, and threw the mini projector to where Karin was standing.

"It's really something that makes people feel angry. So what does Lisa have to say?"

The commander couldn't help but sigh with emotion, then looked at Lisa and asked.

"The duel has begun. Everything in the past is not important. Today, one of him or me will be buried in this arena."

A sharp golden magical aura erupted from Lisa's eyes, and she shouted in a muffled voice.

"What a despicable act. It seems that he has nothing to say. No matter whether you win this competition or not, there will be no official named Lisa in this city in the future."

The city lord at the head of the stand immediately expressed his position loudly. Upon seeing this, the commander immediately flew to the seat reserved for him at the opening of the stage, leaving the venue to Li Yang and the two of them.

Lisa lowered her head and remained silent like a wild beast.

"Now, I solemnly declare that the duel begins!"

The city lord cast a spell in his hand, and the magic circle on the field immediately rose up to protect the auditorium and property display steps from being affected by the battle. Then he immediately loudly announced that the duel had begun, and the surrounding audience immediately let out sharp cheers.

"Arrogant trash, a guy who can only rely on the power of armor to fight dares to accept my naked duel, today is the day you die!"

Razor's body was filled with sharp golden magic power, and he quickly rose into the air. A golden blade condensed in his hand. Looking down at Li Yang, a cruel smile appeared on his lips: "You know, I'm just such a son, little one." Lai Yuan was so cute, but he was killed by your damn armor. Today..."

"Fuck you."



Suddenly, there was a roar, and Lisa's entire body was instantly torn apart, and bright red flesh and blood spread all over the floor.

Li Yang's figure on the ground turned into an afterimage. When he focused his eyes again, he already appeared behind the place where Lisa stood. He twisted his neck in displeasure: "Why are there so many nonsense?"

Asking for a monthly ticket! ! !

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