My world double door

Chapter 188 So wonderful

I just took your house by force, and you actually killed my son. You deserve to die!

You've already robbed me, why don't I kill you?

Why, come back from the robbery again, and wait for you to continue to rob me?

In the eyes of people in this world, the special armor inherited by Li Yang is as important to him as a house slave's house in the real world!

It is unbearable!


The terrifying sound of sonic booms still echoed in the arena. Driven by the powerful magnetic field, Li Yang's body exceeded two hundred times the speed of sound in an instant. Driven by the powerful magnetic field, Li Yang's powerful body was just a flying kick. Then he blew up the body of Master Perfection Ruijin, and the pieces of his body fell in all directions like a shower.


A skull fell from the air next to the exhibition stand. Lisa's plump and beautiful wife's breathing was stagnant. Her brain was blank as she looked at the skull that fell in the shadow of the sunlight shining on the stand. Then she turned her head to look at the sky. There, where her husband had been standing just a moment ago, there was a strong young man standing in the sky.


The two daughters' disbelieving exclamations came from beside them, but then they stopped abruptly. They all looked up blankly and stared blankly at the young man flying in the air.

"I have said several times that my armor is a very important thing related to my inheritance. Although my inheritance is almost complete now, the armor is still an indispensable thing in my practice, but this person But he used his power to force me to hand over the armor to him. Afterwards, his son couldn't bear my armor and died on the spot. However, he blamed his son's death on me and wanted to have a life-or-death duel with me."

Li Yang's strong body flew fiercely in the air on the field, and his eyes swept across the surrounding auditorium like lightning: "It is not a pity for such a person to die if he takes advantage of others and confuses right and wrong!"

"If there is one, I will kill one, and I will kill as many as there are!"

"Anyone encountered will be killed to death!"

Li Yang's voice was like thunder, rolling through the air throughout the stands.

The city lord and a series of nobles in the city who were the referee's guests in the stands were all stunned, and for a moment they forgot to declare Li Yang the winner.

They were ready to watch a long battle, but before they could even settle down, Lessa died now?

They looked at the body fragments scattered on the field and wondered if they were dazzled.

This was the high-level and perfect Ruijin Mage, the Five Elements Mage with the most powerful combat power. Why did he die into pieces in the blink of an eye?

Is the senior Ruijin mage so inexperienced?

"It should be killed, it should be killed, it should be killed!"


"Victory, victory, victory!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!!"

After a brief stunned silence, the audience was instantly detonated by Li Yang's words, and everyone let out a roaring sound, instantly waking up the city lord and the nobles in the judging seats.

They hurriedly stood up and raised their hands to signal for a short silence amid the enthusiastic screams and cheers of the surrounding audience.

The influence of the nobles and city lords was huge. Under their instructions, the crowd instantly suppressed their inner excitement and looked at them quietly.

"I declare that the official and city defense officer Lisa and the Black Rock City noble Li Yang are in a bright and righteous naked duel."

The city lord spoke in person, looking solemnly at Li Yang who was standing proudly in the air, feeling the dangerous aura coming from him, and said loudly: "Li Yang will win a just, bright, and absolute victory!"


"Oh oh oh, kill, kill, kill these rubbish, kill the rubbish!"

"Victory, victory, victory!"

Fierce shouts suddenly sounded all around again, and everyone's aroused emotions found an outlet, shouting loudly to vent their strength.

This time, the people on the judgment stage did not stop them. Instead, they waited quietly for the audience to vent their emotions, mainly because they almost ran out of energy to shout. Then they raised their hands and said, "Now, light and justice will win." The winner, the noble Mr. Li Yang, will get everything owned by the defeated Lisa!"

"His wife, his beautiful concubine, his daughter, his house, his shop, his property, except for the five percent share that must be handed over to the city lord as a witness and host fee, everything will be managed by the bright and just people. The winner, Li Yang, gets it!"

"Now, please Mr. Li Yang, please carry his trophies and step out of the arena amidst the cheers of the crowd!"

The city lord smiled and shouted loudly, which instantly caused the audience to cheer again and again.

It is an ancient tradition that the winner carries the harvest of his duel and leaves the field with the cheers of everyone watching. It symbolizes the rich rewards and harvest of the winner, and the painful lessons of the loser.

Mrs. Karin, who was at Li Yang's booth, walked down the booth in a low-key manner, and was escorted by Redel, who was flushed with excitement and extremely happy, and returned home in a carriage.

Li Yang naturally had no intention of rejecting such a small thing. He smiled and landed on the property platform of Lisa. Looking at the treasures on it, he first waved his hand to put away the magic scrolls, magic potions, magic secrets, and magic weapons, and then He chuckled and looked at the five beauties standing on the platform a little nervously.

The plump, plump and charming lady, and two charming concubines, but they looked to be only fifteen or sixteen years old.

And, two young ladies with innocent eyes but confusion.

Li Yang's eyes first fell on the eldest lady standing in the front. The eldest lady was wearing a beige skirt. Her plump and plump figure was streamlined and her white body was close to the skirt, which outlined clear arcs on her chest, hips, back and legs. , the two tightly wrapped long legs clearly highlight the streamlined shape in the skirt, full of charm.

Sensing Li Yang's gaze, the eldest lady couldn't help but move back, but the next moment, Li Yang reached out and grabbed the thigh highlighted by the hem of the skirt, then touched her twice and slid back to grab her plump butt. superior.


Mrs. Lisa let out a soft cry, and then Li Yang casually held her buttocks and carried her on her right shoulder.


"What a plump figure."

Li Yang slapped Mrs. Lesa's butt twice with his left hand, and held it tightly with his right hand to prevent her from falling to the ground. He said with admiration. Mrs. Lesa hurriedly adjusted the part of her body that was being carried so that she would not feel so uncomfortable. Before she had time to adjust, Li Yang's hand reached under her skirt and touched it. She twisted her legs uncomfortably, looked up at the auditorium under the sun, felt the big hand under her skirt, and felt as if her face was burning. .

"Yes, your skin is delicate, and it seems that you have developed extraordinary strength. What route did you take?"

After Li Yang finished touching her, he stretched out his hand from under her skirt and pinched her butt, then turned around and asked.

"I am...Junior Ranger."

Mrs. Lisa pursed her lips and spoke solemnly. Li Yang smiled at the corner of his mouth, patted the woman's plump butt, and then looked back. Two concubines of fifteen or sixteen years old appeared in his sight.

A concubine is not the same as a wife. You don’t need to consider family or anything, you just need to be young and beautiful. What’s more, this wife is also the second wife. The first wife probably died before she got tired of it, and the second wife started to get tired of looking for her. Naturally, I want a concubine who is young, so fifteen or sixteen years old is considered the norm.

Noticing Li Yang's gaze, the two concubines, who were all hot under the sun, straightened their backs, but saw Li Yang's eyes passing over them again, focusing on the two young ladies further behind.

Li Yang stepped forward, lifted the youngest lady on his shoulders, and then strode down the trophy display steps with a big smile. Although Li Yang did not touch the remaining eldest lady and two concubines, they did not move them at all. Not daring to escape, he stood there and looked at the eager audience around him, but still followed Li Yang with difficulty.

There were arena personnel around him to help Li Yang lift up the remaining silver and copper coins and walked out of the arena together.

The onlookers outside the arena screamed loudly when they saw Li Yang appearing with the beauty in his arms. After getting Li Yang's consent, the accompanying team scattered baskets of iron coins to both sides of the road, making the crowd even more enthusiastic.

"Hoo, hoo~"

The plump Mrs. Lisa was carried on her right shoulder with her butt upwards, and her white calves were shining in the sun. Her face was red with the eyes of various people along the way, and she kept taking deep breaths to stay calm.


The second daughter of Lesa on her left shoulder kept humming, the blush on her face reached to her ears, and she grabbed the clothes behind Li Yang's back with both hands. She really wanted to beg the man under her to let her legs and butt go. Stop touching it all the time.

But in this situation, she had no right to speak, so she could only endure it with her face red and her head down.


"Oh, Holy Victor, Holy Victor!"


"Li Yang! Li Yang! Li Yang!"

As the iron coins were swayed, the crowd around them kept shouting and screaming, causing waves of commotion.

The person who scattered the iron coins was very skillful. He scattered them all the way from the stadium to the outside of Lesser's mansion, just in time to scatter all the iron coins. Then the remaining copper coins and silver coins were carried to the mansion, and Li Yang raised his hand to put them away. .

In order to thank them for their efforts, Li Yang allowed each of them to grab two handfuls of copper coins and go back. The people who helped carry Qian Yaocai thanked them with great joy, and then one of them grabbed a handful of copper coins and left, happily going back. .

"Master Li Yang!"

In front of Lesa's mansion, a group of slaves in the LS mansion who were escorted by the city lord's private soldiers saw their first lady and second lady being carried as trophies by this strange man to the door, and in front of them was such a roaring mountain and tsunami. scene, they immediately fell to the ground and shouted - they have also become Li Yang's private property.

"Get up, everyone does their job, I will make other arrangements for you tomorrow."

Li Yang looked at the many slaves in front of him, a smile appeared on his lips, he patted the eldest lady's butt and said.

"Yes, Master!"

The slaves did not dare to disobey at all, and respectfully began to disperse to their respective posts under Li Yang's gaze.

There was a smile on Li Yang's lips. This was the reason why he chose to have a duel. Killing the Archon was against the laws of the kingdom. He could kill Lisa at will, but whether it was the Lion Contest or in the Normal life in this world cannot go on.

He hasn't gotten his super magic and space magic yet.

Not like now...

"So wonderful."

Li Yang tightened the beauties on his left and right shoulders, turned his head to the left and sniffed the fragrance of the thirteen-year-old daughter of Lisa, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Come, take me to the lady's room."

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