My world double door

Chapter 193 Cabro City (please subscribe)

"He was stabbed ten times in the back. This is obviously a suicide."

The former captain of the Ten has since been confirmed to have died by suicide, following confirmation from the autopsy.

And since the former captain committed suicide by being stabbed ten times in the back, the newly appointed captain thought that he was a member of Li Yang. Now he saw his "colleagues" and was naturally very friendly. Even though he left his post in broad daylight, he paid for them tea with his own money. I am also willing to send cakes.

Seeing his demeanor, Li Shifu first ate the pancakes and water with big gulps, and then smiled and bent down to greet him: "My name is Li Shifu. Fortunately, I have been cultivated by Master Li Yang and have been able to survive and grow up to this day. Thank you brother for the food."

The soldiers guarding the city gate are useless in normal times, but they are particularly useful when they are useful. Li Fifty, who is well-educated, subconsciously wants to build a good relationship.

"Okay, okay, some rough things are nothing. Today, brother is on guard. According to Master Li Yang's military order, you must not leave for too long. When brother, you have tidied up in the city in the past two days, I will treat you to a meal in the restaurant in the city. The city’s delicious food, you and I will have a drink and talk about it when the time comes!”

When the new captain of the ten-man team heard Li Fifty's name, his eyes lit up with excitement. He hurriedly spoke and returned the greeting: "My name is Lao Shi, and my surname is Wheel. As the name suggests, I am definitely an honest person. Everyone knows this. But although I am an honest person, I will never be bad at doing things. Although my name is not as strange as my brother's, I am absolutely reliable."

"You haven't really joined Master Li Yang, have you?"

Hearing this person say that his name was strange, Li Fifty straightened his back and chuckled: "It is a great honor for Li Yi to come to Li Baiyi. There is no fixed candidate for these names, only the strongest forward in the team." Only a hundred people can be used. The people in the back are only worthy of having the surname of the master, and there is no name given by the master. Under our master, the surname must be pronounced in the front, which means that people must not forget their roots and respect their origins and their own identity. The name comes last because it’s a mark!”

"So there is such a thing, but I am ignorant."

Hearing what Li Fifty said, the new captain of the ten-man team opposite, Honest Wheel, was greatly surprised. He hurriedly apologized, and then thought about it again: "Then if you say this, should I call you: Honest Wheel in the future?" Not Honest Wheel?"


Li Fifty had a bright smile on his face. The new captain of the ten-man team was about to say something when he suddenly heard the commotion behind him. He turned around and looked at him, and immediately led his team to line up respectfully and asked: "The wheel will lead you honestly." The honest team has met Mr. Li Yang!"

Is there anyone named Lao Shi and Lun Chun?

Li Yang looked at the soldier who greeted him with some surprise, then nodded with a smile and waved his hand. Li Fifty immediately led his forty-nine brothers, five hundred elite servants and five carriages on board. A management team of fifty people came together to greet Li Yang.

"Which one of you is the captain?"

Li Yang looked at the five hundred servants who followed him and nodded with satisfaction. After these hours of training, these servants finally became elite. Then he looked at the fifty young men in front of him and saw at a glance. They were all people who had gained from practicing the knight training method and couldn't help but ask.

"Mr. Li Yang, I am Captain Li Fifty."

Li Fifty hurriedly stepped forward and saluted respectfully. Li Yang obviously remembered that Li Fifty was not him last time.

‘It seems that the ranking within the team has changed again. ’

Li Yang secretly felt a headache. He had known that he would not save time by naming them with numbers. Fortunately, he stopped sorting numbers in time, otherwise the name with all numbers behind it would be really hard to hear and remember.

"Well, the special naming from one to one hundred means glory, and is to select the best warriors. But in the future, we will establish a new rule. After one month, the rankings will be changed at most once every six months. Each time the list is changed, the list will be reported to me. .”

Li Yang spoke silently, and Li Fifty immediately responded respectfully.

Li Yang nodded and waved, and left the city gate under the enthusiastic watch of the honest team.


After his own people arrived, the next thing was easy to say. Those who should act as guards acted as guards, and those who should manage and operate management and operations. With the arrival of his own people, new rules were quickly established in Lisa's original industry.

People in Li Yang don't care about things. They only care about the people in charge, money, reporting, and investigation.

In this way, in just ten days, the industries and various interest chains under Lisa's command were drastically changed to a healthy growth.

At the same time, some young guys with potential and people in various important positions were 'escorted' back to Black Rock City for training. Only after they passed the training and their abilities were confirmed, they would return to their posts and continue to take up their posts.

Li Yang practiced seriously in the mansion for a few more days, until the soul of Mrs. Lisa, who had been cultivating, flew into the sky, and then it was announced that Li Fifty would take his place.

Then it was time to set off. I took a few women with me and headed to [Cabro City] within the defensive cliffs with Redel.

There is no city gate on the defensive cliff. If you want to pass through, you can only climb up the narrow and remote path until you pass the guard's inspection. With Redel as a sign, the journey will be smooth.

After crossing the tall defensive cliffs, a vast plain and hilly area appeared in front of us.

Walking on the extremely solid and wide official road inside, we headed all the way towards [Cabro City].


The rolling hills, continuous forests, and the large interior area next to the defensive cliffs are all such beautiful scenery.

There are falcons flying through the sky from time to time, holding mice or rabbits in their talons, and there are also brightly colored birds flying and landing on the dense branches, putting down the grass plants in their mouths to build nests.

The broad and hard official road is even harder than Qinzhidao. It stretches continuously to the end of the sight and is obscured by some undulating hills.

The breeze blew, and the curtains on the carriage windows were blown by the wind, and the hair on the forehead of the beautiful woman was also blown.

Karin put her head slightly on the car window, opened her red lips slightly, took a deep breath and looked at the scenery on the roadside, looking a little lost. She thought back to the time when she left the defensive cliff and followed her husband Alegon to Blackstone City. How high-spirited she was when she was the wife of the city lord.

As a result, now that I have returned to my hometown, it has become like this.

"Master, I can't do it anymore."

Karin's open mouth suddenly closed, and she spoke in a low voice. After speaking, she tightened her hands, and then she left the carriage window weakly and fell back into the carriage.


The next moment, Mrs. Lesa, now Li Lai, put her head here, her face warmed and breathed softly, and then she looked at the scene in front of her in confusion. In the past, she used this road to go to her family in the royal capital every year. During the visit, he visited the elders in the Lisa family.

Now, when I step into this place again, I didn't expect that things are so different.

As the carriage moved forward, Li Laishi raised her head, took a deep breath, and opened some curtains to let the wind brought by the carriage move away the heat on her cheeks.

"Slow down...slow down...please..."




It took five days of walking to get out of the vast hilly plains, and beyond that there were plains.

Next to the hills are fortress-like villages. Different from the villages outside the defensive cliffs, the villages here are all free people. Their land is their own, and they only need to pay 30% of the food to the kingdom every month. Just taxes.

Now all the land outside the defensive cliffs belongs to the nobles. The ordinary people there are all tenants. They work every day and can only guarantee food, clothes and simple residences. There is almost no other surplus wealth. .

Fortunately, now that the catastrophe has just passed, the policies have become more lenient, allowing those who survived to have more security in their lives. They can have enough food, clothing, and shelter. Conscientious landlords like Li Yang can also make many tenants' families happy. There is a surplus of food and wealth.

The village was surrounded by cultivated food. As we continued walking in, we saw a large city standing in just half a day. As the first city bordering the defensive cliff, this city was built very tall and was heavily guarded. There were even some Enveloped by a magic circle.

Above the city gate, four large characters come into view: Cabro City

"If the contestants cannot pass the second round of elimination, they will not be eligible to enter the more inner areas. Only the top three in the competition can continue to go to the royal city."

"Each city will determine the top three, and there are four hundred such cities, so eventually there will be 1,200 people to determine the top hundred, and then the top thirty, the top five, the top three, and the final First place.”

Arriving outside the city, Redel drove the carriage and kept pace with Li Yang. Seeing him sizing up the city in front of him, he said in a low voice: "The selection scope of the [Lion Contest] is extremely broad, and the competition for each ranking is very fierce until the end. It’s intense, so the division between the top five and the top three is also very clear.”

"The gap between the 30th place and the 6th place is usually not too big, so there is no need to decide the top ten. The further you get to the back, the weaker the competition becomes."

"However, your strength has actually made the city lord of Tuoming City, who is a super bright mage, feel a fatal threat. I am afraid that even those sons of elements are no match for you. This time, we may be able to take first place."

Redel's eyes were burning as he spoke and imagined the final situation. He couldn't help but excitedly grabbed the butt of the beautiful woman in front of him, leaving a slap mark.

"Didn't you say that you should also pay attention to those perfect sons of elements who can directly transform into elements?"

Li Yang chuckled and looked at Redel who was even more excited than him, guessing what good things he could get if he got a good ranking, and responded with a chuckle.

"That's just in case. It doesn't mean we have no hope of winning first place."

Redel spoke seriously, and as he spoke, he and Li Yang's carriage drove into the magnificent city side by side: "When the time comes, I will give you something good."

It’s over one thousand. Last month’s monthly ticket of one thousand was exchanged for one hundred yuan. It’s not much, but it’s quite comfortable. Thank you brothers.

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