My world double door

Chapter 194 Guaranteed to reach the finals

"Stop, what are you bringing? Open it and check it!"

"Hurry up, hurry up."

At the entrance of Cabro City, the soldiers guarding the city were cursing and sternly inspecting every belonging of the residents entering and exiting the city gate, and they were very dedicated to their duties.

Not long after, the carriage bearing the emblem of the Crow family and Li Yang's carriage walked side by side to the city gate. The soldiers who were dedicated to their duties hurriedly opened the way for them, not even checking some people in front and behind the convoy, and let them pass together.

After they were far away, they continued to strictly check the pedestrians behind them.

"Good stuff? What good stuff?"

In the carriage, Li Yang raised his eyebrows after listening to Redel's words and looked at him with interest. If he could be said to be a good thing by this second-generation devil who is worthy of the name, it must be good.

"It's being kept secret for the time being. I'm not sure what it will be at the moment, but it will definitely be a good thing."

A smile appeared on Redel's face: "This thing can increase your winning rate in the finals, even when you encounter those sons of perfect elements!"

"Of course, the probability of a perfect son of an element appearing is extremely low. Such a guy who will definitely become a magic master is very rare. The Lion Kingdom has not seen one for ten consecutive competitions."

"Must you become a magic master?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows: "Isn't the only way to become a magic master is to absorb gold?"

"That's for ordinary monks. For these children of perfect elements, there is no need for this."

Redel shrugged: "The magic elements are all their own. To become a magic master, you don't need the immortal power in gold. In fact, according to epic records, it is these people who push the practitioner's strength to the level of magic master." Only later did people continue to think of ways to reach this level, and after a long period of experiments, they finally figured out how to absorb immortal things to reach this level."

Is that makes sense.

Li Yang nodded clearly, then looked around: "So, where are we going now?"

"I also have a house in [Cabro City]."

A bright smile appeared on Redel's face: "There are many small hot springs in this courtyard. I think you will like them very much."

He is worthy of being a descendant of a noble family.

"We'll see."

Li Yang shrugged his shoulders and lowered the curtain to end the conversation. Redel immediately ordered the driver to drive the carriage and walk in front of Li Yang's team and lead his team towards his house in [Cabro City].

Not long after, the carriages and horses arrived, and Redel left a separate small courtyard for Li Yang. There was even a small hot spring in the courtyard.

Li Yang was very happy. He carried Lisa's wife and daughter naked and went to the hot spring to play happily.

After playing until nightfall, Li Yang practiced the method of [Demon Soul] transformation by himself. After practicing until late at night, he held Lisa's daughter in the arms of Lisa's wife and fell asleep comfortably.


Early the next morning, Redel had breakfast with Li Yang early in the morning and took him with him to visit the officials of the second round of selection.

The first person to visit was also the official, but this time everything went smoothly. At the banquet, Li Yang successfully met this extraordinary person who was a ground warrior.

"I heard that you have a unique inheritance and a powerful fighting power at the earth line level. I wonder if you can show it to me?"

When the guests and hosts were enjoying their meal in the tall official's residence, the other party suddenly spoke to Li Yang. Seeing that both of them were paying attention, he explained aloud:

"The kingdom has regulations. If there is a person who is too strong, he can be sent directly to the royal city to participate in the finals without having to compete with others for a place in the competition. If you really have such strength, then I think you can go directly. Wangcheng is participating in the finals.”

"There is such a thing."

Reidel raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Why didn't I know?"

"Master Leidel has always lived and played in the palace for a long time, so it is normal for him not to know these complicated things."

A simple and honest smile appeared on the broad face of the registration official who was a ground warrior.

Leidel pursed his lips. Although he was sarcastically said to be useless, he did not dare to lose his temper when facing this super transcendent. Instead, he politely said: "Then, how can we ensure that we will not participate in the competition and win the prize?" Can I participate in the finals just by ranking?”

"The Lord of Xiyang City will sign a joint guarantee letter for Mr. Li Yang with various senior officials in the city, including me. When the competition ends, the Lord of Xiyang City will personally take Mr. Li Yang and the other three winners to the royal city to participate. The final game.”

The registration officer shook his head and spoke. Reid immediately raised his eyebrows, and then looked at Li Yang aside: "I think there is no need to reject what Mr. Purcell said, what do you think?"

If he can directly advance to the next game without competing, then there is no need to compete again. Li Yang Zire will not refuse such a thing. After hearing this, he directly agreed: "I don't know how I can show my strength. ?”

"You know, my inheritance is a little special, and I can't show off my aura like a normal practitioner."

Li Yang guessed in his mind that the power of the fifth-level genetic potion should be comparable to the power of the earth line warriors as he said. However, the power of the genetic potion was not as powerful as these extraordinary practitioners who could reveal their strength by releasing their breath, but it was real power.

Even if it is a mysterious magnetic field power, if you want others to perceive it, you have to use it manually, but then you are fighting with others, so Li Yang is really a little stumped.

"It's very simple. We move with our own magic power, body or soul power without relying on any equipment or using any skills."

A smile appeared on the face of Earthline Warrior Seer: "As long as your speed can catch up with me in this situation, it will fully prove your strength."

There will be energy fluctuations after any skill is performed. As long as such energy fluctuations do not appear during movement, you can confirm whether the person has performed any skills.

And as long as the realm is sufficient, even if he does not use skills, his essential speed will be improved, and it is a level that low-level practitioners can never reach.

"This is a good idea."

Li Yang thought for a while and felt that this method was not bad. Then seeing that the banquet was almost over, he simply stood up: "Then I don't know, where should we hold the competition?"

"You don't have to go too far, just any wide space outside the city."

Hearing Li Yang's agreement, Seer was also very satisfied. He stood up and invited Li Yang and Redel to get on his carriage. He drove all the way out of the city and came to an open space outside the city. Then he stood with Li Yang A starting line.


Seer shouted low, and then his body rushed out instantly, causing a roar in the air, like the roar of a giant beast.

Feeling his speed, Saier's mouth curled up slightly with satisfaction, and then he looked up, only to see Li Yang running backwards in front of him, waving to him.


Seer ran hard for a while, but when he saw Li Yang maintaining such a posture, surpassing him easily, he suddenly stopped silently.


As soon as there was a stop, Li Yang's figure instantly changed from extreme movement to extreme stillness. He moved a step to the left and stood on the same spot. However, Seer couldn't help but rushed forward for a distance before stopping. Then he came to Li Yang with emotion. Next to Yang: "It seems that your power is stronger than I thought. It's really a powerful inheritance."

"In this case, I think you are qualified to participate in the finals without competition. Come on, come back to the city with me and explain this matter to the Lord of Xiyang City."

The smile on Seer's face was bright. Every important city has such a quota. As long as Li Yang can successfully reach the finals and achieve good results under his recommendation, it will undoubtedly be a good opportunity for him. Political achievements, so he is also very happy to see such players appear.

Besides... Li Yang's current strength is already stronger than him. Naturally, he can't do anything that makes people unhappy and makes himself happy.

"If that's the case, then it's all thanks to you."

Li Yang also nodded with a smile on his face, and then the two of them walked back to the place of departure, explained the situation to Redel who was waiting here, and then headed to the City Lord's Mansion with the equally happy Redel.

[Cabro City] The city lord's palace was built very grandly, and there was even a magic circle covering the entire building.

In the main hall of the city lord's palace, Seer took Li Yang to meet the city lord here, a wood magician Xiyang whose soul and magic power have reached the level of a super magician!

Unlike Purcell, the wood mage checked Li Yang's power more directly.

"I can feel the powerful vitality contained in your body. There is no need to do any more tests. Let others come over and witness together. When the second round of competition is over and the departure time arrives, I will take you there with the three winners. Empire."

The Lord of Xiyang City exuded the vitality of vegetation. After seeing Li Yang, his eyes flashed with green light and he looked at him for a few times, and then he said with a smile.

Li Yang felt a little miraculous that this ability, which was like the Dharma Eye of the Immortal World, did not make him feel any discomfort.

"Yes, City Lord."

Upon hearing the city lord's arrangement, the guards on the side responded hurriedly, then activated the magic circle in the city lord's palace, and quickly reported the matter to other senior officials in the city.

After a while, three more super extraordinary people arrived. One was wearing a knight's armor and carrying a spear, one was wearing a slim and agile ranger armor and holding a rapier in his hand, and the other was a mage wearing a magic robe. .

When they arrived and heard about this, they immediately looked at Li Yang in surprise. Then they all came outside the city, and the three of them gathered around Li Yang to compete in speed.

The final test result was that none of the three could notice any trace of their skills, but Li Yang could easily keep up with their speed, which made the three of them agree on this matter.

Finally, a page of joint commitment letter signed by five people including the city lord appeared in Li Yang's hands.

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