My world double door

Chapter 221 Don’t want to be disturbed

"How did you feel about your first time with Mr. Li Yang? How long did it take? Can you tell me the details?"


"Comrade Yu Xiaohua, you don't need to be nervous. We have already said at the beginning that this conversation is essentially to better serve Mr. Li Yang, not against Mr. Li Yang, so you can answer our questions with confidence and boldness. "

Several executives in the room had serious faces, and the woman in formal attire sitting on the left opposite Yu Xiaohua spoke calmly.

"Yu Xiaohua, let me reiterate once again. Many of the principled mistakes you made in the past were enough to land you in jail. We are here to ask you about the specific details this time to give you a chance."

The other woman frowned and gave a stern warning: "Because of Mr. Li Yang's appearance, this is already a great tolerance for you. I hope you will take care of yourself and not delay any work progress."

"Okay, I said, it was really crazy and exciting. It lasted for more than three hours. I can't remember exactly. Anyway, it was a long time..."

The eyes of Yu Xiaohua, who was sitting opposite, flashed. She was filled with uncontrollable ecstasy in her heart, and spoke softly with her eyes averted, whispering the details.

Not long after, Yu Xiaohua stopped. The woman opposite who had been writing frantically and recording every word also stopped. Then she read the content and frowned: "Can you still get out of bed afterward? We hope you can tell me More details."

The woman on the right glanced at the content and pursed her lips: "Let me put it bluntly, we need to specify every movement, every posture, even the changes in the palms."

"Ah good……"

Yu Xiaohua was stunned and nodded with twinkling eyes.

"I advise you not to play tricks. Not holding you accountable for your fault and retaining your position is already a great mercy."

The woman on the right frowned again and warned aloud. Yu Xiaohua said yes again and again, and then added details again in a low voice.

"His strength is amazing."

"But every time I feel very tired, but what's amazing is that after he touches me for a while, I can walk again..."

"Stop, talk more about this paragraph and tell me your detailed feelings."

The two women were instantly alert, interrupted Yu Xiaohua's self-narration, and then asked in a low voice.

"Ah, this, his hands..."


Shenzhen University of Science and Technology.

"Okay, this class is over. Let's get out of class. By the way, classmate Peng Feifei, can you please stay for a while?"

On the podium, as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Zhang Yuanyuan, a beautiful female teacher well-known in the school, spoke with a sweet smile on her face to Peng Feifei, who was sitting in the front row and listening attentively.

"Okay, Teacher Zhang."

Peng Feifei chose a different major from Li Ling. She only had a few roommates around her, and she took classes seriously every day, so she didn't think it was strange that the teacher asked her to stay. She nodded and gave the things to her roommates to take back. So he stayed with a smile and walked to the office with the teacher.

After arriving at the office, Teacher Zhang Yuanyuan asked her to help clear the table, and briefly corrected the homework. Then she looked at Peng Feifei with a smile: "Feifei, I heard from my class that you have already found a partner, and the partner is very handsome and charming. Money, is it real or fake?”

"Hey, I started talking to him after I graduated from high school."

Peng Feifei smiled. She never refused to let others know about her relationship with Li Yang, and even took the initiative to announce it. Now basically everyone who has her WeChat account knows that she is in love, and the partner is still Li Yang.

"It's so enviable. Teacher, I'm still single now."

Zhang Yuanyuan's voice was filled with emotion, and then she looked at the time: "Thank you for your hard work today. Let's go to dinner together. The teacher invites you."

"Okay, okay, I want to eat barbecue!"

"Okay, let's go shopping first."

Teacher Zhang Yuanyuan smiled and talked in a low voice, as if she had regarded this student as her best friend.


Baizhen, leadership office.

The leader who was looking down at the documents was suddenly taken away by a group of men in black. All kinds of news suddenly spread throughout Bai Town.

However, what no one expected was that in just over an hour, he was released safe and sound, followed by some... notifications and news, and the entire Baizhen was immediately led by the leader.

The first thing the leader did after he was promoted was to lead a group of strangers to visit Li Yang's parents and relatives with a smile, and they went there for several days.

This made Li Yang's mother and father mutter a little, why are these leaders so kind and enthusiastic to them?





There was a gunshot, and time went back to when Cao Qiang shot Li Yang.

When Li Yang's bodyguard controlled Cao Qiang, some orders followed and followed the anger in Li Yang's heart.

The [Adaptive Artificial Intelligence: Huanyu] that he had left here was instantly activated, and with one command after another, paralysis in the entire Linhai City would not cause any damage, but could scare people half to death in extremely secret special places. No technological device, not even electricity, can be used.

The local people started checking immediately, but found that everything was fine but not usable. Just when they were wondering, everything was fine again, and then broke again a minute later. Then they waited for them to come over, and after thirty Seconds are good again.

It was followed by ten seconds of good and ten seconds of bad, and it was useless no matter how they checked.

At this moment, all the screens automatically returned to the desktop page. As long as they were connected to power, they would automatically turn on even if they were turned off. Then when they reacted and became solemn, a virtual artificial intelligence screen popped up on the desktop. Smart images.

"Who are you?"

The expressions of these people immediately became solemn, and they began to ask seriously.

[I am ultra-modern artificial intelligence - Huanyu]

A smile appeared on Huanyu's 'face': [You should have initially realized the power of my control just now, but this is not sufficient]

After Huanyu finished speaking, the picture on the screen changed, and then a series of pictures that made everyone's pupils tremble were played, showing some equipment losing control and operating exactly according to its instructions.

[I am not hostile. I am just letting you know my existence. To a certain extent, I can guard Yanhuang, but there is a prerequisite for this...]

[…The entire earth is Mr. Li Yang’s back garden. With his ability, he can completely destroy any country or race, but he didn’t because this is his home and the place where he was born]

[The kind-hearted Mr. Li Yang does not want to see big changes in his home. He just wants to relax happily in the normal environment of his hometown without being too disturbed...]

[In addition, he does not want to be too direct and let too many people know about his existence and his special features, but is completely limited to the system, because only in this way can he not be disturbed]

[Of course at some point in the future, he will do this and let the world know his existence...]

[These are just my abilities. Mr. Li Yang also wants you to see some things. I believe that after reading these, you can easily accept these requests]

[Below, is your own satellite surveillance screen]

The entire control room had already been strictly controlled. Leaders with higher and higher levels quickly inspected the scene through various methods. In the end, a scene appeared on the screen that they would never forget.

An aircraft carrier flying invisibly over the city revealed its terrifying hull, followed by more than a hundred science-fiction-looking mechas suddenly appearing in the sky.

In half of the screen, surveillance screens of each area popped up, which marked the locations and information of surveillance cameras in various places. At the same time, there were pictures of various mechas flying out of the ground through the buildings.

[Invisible defense fortress, you can understand it as an aircraft carrier, equipped with many defense-grade energy cannons. You can try to attack it with the most powerful weapons, except nuclear bombs. We will not intercept any weapons except nuclear bombs. Now it will Fly to the nearest combat base, only your actual attack can feel its performance]

[Qiankun Mecha, Zongheng Mecha, War Preparation Mecha (formerly known as Huanyu Comprehensive Standby Mecha, later changed to War Preparation Mecha) King Kong Mecha, Purple Qi Mecha, Golden Mecha, Tianxuan Mecha, Level 6 Portable Mecha I No. 3, Level 6 portable mecha No. 3, Level 6 main battle mecha No. 1, Level 6 main battle mecha No. 2, and six level 3 to 5 mechas of various types]

[Each of these named mechas has performance that far exceeds that of all your aircraft, taking the weakest mecha [Qiankun] portable mecha as an example]

[Lightweight portable mecha [Qiankun] is two meters and a half tall, with a flight speed of Mach 5. It is equipped with main weapons concussion bombs, conventional weapons electromagnetic guns, and auxiliary weapons micro missiles. The rest of the mechas will go on missions. Now Qiankun will show you The power of each weapon and its performance]

[Thirty sets of powerful No. 3 exoskeletons, thirty sets of powerful No. 7 exoskeletons, and thirty sets of powerful No. 9 exoskeletons. These are exoskeleton armors, used as basic assistance for users of the highest level two perfect genetic medicines, and will carry out arrest missions. 】

Immediately afterwards, the [Qiankun Mecha] flew to a combat base. It had discovered these proactively exposed [aircraft carriers] and combat mechas through various means. The leader was already sweating. At this moment, he was notified of this matter by the war base. His eyes He had to become dignified.


Two hours later.

There was silence in the conference room, whether it was the on-site leaders holding video call cameras respectfully or the leaders outside the site, all fell silent.

[This is the No. 2 battery, and this is the No. 2 motor. They can allow a 500-ton fighter plane to fly and fight at a speed of Mach 4 for 7 days and 7 nights. This is Mr. Li Yang’s expression of goodwill to you, sent in his own name. to your mailbox. With the current scientific research technology and level, it is not difficult to learn]

[You can use these to create any fighter aircraft under planning, and we will also give you design drawings of several types of aircraft and maritime motherships]

[Mr. Li Yang grew up in Yanhuang. He also has deep feelings for this country. He has only one request for doing so much. When he takes action against the damned people and when he is having fun, he does not want to be disturbed in any way. 】

Asking for a monthly ticket! ! ! !

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