My world double door

Chapter 222 Action

[According to our news report, Haohan Xingyu Group has broad goals, strong strength, cheerful and positive atmosphere, and has a very positive and important role in society. We hereby issue an award to Haohan Xingyu Group...]


[Important notice: Everyone, drop everything immediately, come to the meeting, and receive guidance on new important strategic goals! 】


"What's going on? I'm in class."

"The class can wait until later. This meeting must start now."

"What's the content?"

"Quiet, everyone cheer up. This gentleman's name is Li Yang. From today to the infinite future, he will be the focus of all our work. If you have the opportunity to serve Mr. Li Yang well, you must serve Li Yang well." He is at the heart of everything we do."

"From now on, Mr. Li Yang, it's all about the overall situation!"

"Everyone must give in to Mr. Li Yang in everything!"

"In any situation and under any conditions, Mr. Li Yang must be given top priority!"

"You must unconditionally obey any arrangements and orders made by Mr. Li Yang."

"No matter what the cost, everything must be centered on Mr. Li Yang."

"The contents of the meeting are strictly confidential. No one is allowed to reveal anything except those within the system. Otherwise, you will be severely punished!"


"Xiao Liu, I heard that you are good at cooking light dishes?"

"It's not bad. My father has some family skills, but he has been busy with work in the past few years and hasn't done much cooking. What's wrong, leader?"

"In this case, you can put down everything you are doing now and go and cook the vegetables. I will mention my position to you."


"This is an order."


At Heyang City Airport, sisters Chen Qian and Chen Na came out of the airport holding their mother's arms and talking and laughing with their father. The sisters first sent their parents home and waited until the next day before returning to Heyang City.

Chen Qian sent Chen Na back to Li Yang's East District villa, had lunch with sister Dai Yueming, and took a nap in the villa before lazily going to work.

What made her a little curious was that when she arrived in her office, she found several people standing next to her seat.

"Sister Yu, who are they?"

Chen Qian looked at Yu Xiaohua next to her seat. She didn't know why, but she found that Yu Xiaohua seemed to be in particularly good spirits today, radiant and in a good mood. She also stared at her with a smile as soon as she came in. Look, I couldn't help but walk over and ask curiously.

"Xiao Qian, let me introduce you to you. This is Leader Zhang, my leader. This is Leader Wang, who is Leader Zhang's leader. This is Leader Zhao, who is Leader Wang's leader."

Seeing Chen Qian coming over, Yu Xiaohua stood up from her chair with a smile on her face, pointed at the three people around her and introduced them from left to right.

Sister Yu is already the top leader of the city unit. Who should she be as the leader of the leader?

Why didn't such an important leader make any move or inform himself in advance to be ready to meet the leader?

Chen Qian was stunned, and then hurriedly bowed down to say hello to these three leaders who looked very friendly: "Ah, it's the leader. Hello, Leader Zhang, Hello, Leader Wang, Hello, Leader Zhao!"

"You are Chen Qian, right? I have heard of you a long time ago. People say that you have strong work ability and great sense of responsibility. You can take your daily work to a new level and hold yourself to high standards. There are outstanding talents like you in the unit. It makes me feel so comforted!”

As soon as Chen Qian finished speaking, she saw the highest-ranking leader, Zhao, speaking to her enthusiastically.


Chen Qian blinked in confusion.

A question slowly pops up in my mind?

But before Chen Qian could recover from these big words, Leader Wang next to her spoke again: "Leader Zhao is right, if the department has outstanding talents like you, it should be cultivated well. We haven’t noticed your contribution for a long time, it’s really because we don’t care enough about our subordinates!”


My contribution?

"Chen Qian, we are all our own people. Yu Xiaohua has been my subordinate for many years. Today, I won't beat you in circles."

After the two big leaders finished speaking, Leader Zhang next to him spoke again, and then looked Chen Qian up and down: "After research, it was determined that Comrade Chen Qian has a good work style, and she pays great attention to personal image even in daily work. This invisible influence It has improved the public's image of our unit. Based on Chen Qian's attention to her own image, we have decided to promote you to the next level!"


Chen Qian opened her mouth in astonishment. Yu Xiaohua on the side touched her arm and gave her a look: "Why don't you thank the leader soon."

"Ah, this, then, thank you, leader, thank you, leader, uh, this, thank you, leader Zhang."

Chen Qian was at a loss and hurriedly thanked her.

"No need to thank me, you deserve this. Come on, congratulate Comrade Chen Qian on your promotion. Let's applaud together. Congratulations!"

Leader Zhang opened his mouth with a smile after hearing Chen Qian's words, and actively raised his hands to applaud as he spoke.

"Congratulations, congratulations, bang bang bang~"

"Pa bang bang~"

The three people around her were smiling and applauding together. Chen Qian, who had been on vacation for more than a month, had just walked into the office. Before her head could even react, she had no choice but to awkwardly applaud in response.

"It's not enough to be promoted to a higher level. Chen Qian can do what others can't do. From the neatness of the desktop, it can be seen that she is actively implementing the important ideas of integrity and cleanliness, expressing her attitude with practical actions, and guiding the entire unit with practical actions. We should use practical actions to show our work style to the public, which is a great thing."

When the applause was over, Leader Wang next to Leader Zhang said with a smile: "So, after research, it has been decided that Chen Qian will be promoted to the same level as Yu Xiaohua!"

"Okay, applause!"

Leader Zhang on the side immediately applauded after hearing this. Leaders Wang, Zhao and Yu Xiaohua also smiled and applauded together.

"Chen Qian, please thank Leader Wang for your support."

Yu Xiaohua patted Chen Qian's arm and spoke softly to her.

"Thank you, Leader Wang, thank you, Leader Wang."

Chen Qian was speechless, but she still hurriedly bent down to thank her. Leader Wang waved his hands hastily: "You're welcome, you're welcome, you deserve this!"

"I also want to say a few words. I am here today with a mission."

Leader Zhao, who was standing aside, continued with a smile on his face: "Everyone says that you have strong work ability and set a good example. Since I, the leader, know this, I have to express my opinion. In this way, Chen Qian will be promoted to another level today. Let me add your contact information. If you need help in work or life in the future, please come to me as soon as possible. I will definitely treat our outstanding cadres well!"


The leader standing on the side applauded and said, just like this, Chen Qian, who had been on vacation for more than a month, was promoted to three levels in a row, with a confused look before she entered the office and had not yet entered the working state.

She hasn't even written off the leave note yet.

Even on the spot when the verbal decision was made, the corresponding system information changed directly. In just half an hour, Chen Qian officially became a leader with a higher position than Yu Xiaohua.

"Chen Qian, you and Yu Xiaohua should discuss your work more. The three of us will not affect your work here. Your work is more important than ours. If you have anything, remember to tell me as soon as possible. I will definitely help you get through it to the end!"

After finishing these things, Leader Zhao smiled and spoke to Chen Qian. After speaking, he waved his hand and left the office with the two people around him.

"Here, Sister Yu, what work do we have to discuss?"

Chen Qian looked at her new job with some confusion, and then couldn't help but ask Yu Xiaohua.

"I asked someone to order a set of black silk stockings. Do you think it looks good on me?"

Yu Xiaohua closed the office door, then lifted up her black pants and asked Chen Qian with a smile.

"Ah? Sister Yu, aren't we going to discuss work? Why are you asking about this?"

"This is our most important job."


At Li Yang Villa in East District, Heyang City, the cooking aunt who had got off work from Li Yang's house suddenly contacted her and said that there was a cooking master who was passed down from generation to generation and wanted to teach his disciples. She asked her if she could go and learn some together. The aunt thought about it. I thought it would be good to learn something, so I went along.

Shenhai Zhen, Li Ling and Peng Feifei's school, two mysterious chefs were dispatched to the school canteen, and the taste, nutrition and health of the entire school's meals were immediately improved.

Mi County, Li Na School, before Li Na was out of school, a team came in with supplies, upgraded the accommodation and food conditions for the school students for free, and drastically improved the quality of life of the students. Nine special teachers came to randomly select The class carries out high-quality education, and Li Na’s class is randomly selected to collectively improve the teaching quality of Li Na’s class.

Among them, Li Na's deficient knowledge in various subjects was just used as exploratory teaching by the special teachers, who focused on explaining it first.

Li Na is happy with her luck.

In Baizhen, Li Yang's father Li Jianshu went fishing and found that there was a fish friend in the place he often went to. He was very friendly and friendly when meeting him. He was able to talk to him very well. The more we talked, the more we felt destined to be together. He was very happy at noon that day. We were so excited that we went to a restaurant to have a meal together, and they treated us as guests. When we came back, we found a big grass carp hanging on our hook, and we were so happy.

"What a big fish. If this fish is cooked with the recipe passed down by my family, the light taste will definitely be delicious. It's a pity that not many people are willing to eat light taste now."

"Brother, your family still has the ancestral fish-making skill?"

"Of course, it's not just fish, it's mainly light dishes. It just depends on the fish you caught."

"Hey, that's a good feeling. Why don't I bother you again tonight and leave this fish to you?"

"Okay, that's for sure."


In this short period of time, all systems have undergone earth-shaking changes due to Li Yang's "emergence".

Li Yang, who was on the balcony of the room opposite Linhai City Hospital, didn't care about these things.

It was getting dark. Li Yang shook his legs and saw that the three women around him were weak. Then he looked at Cao Qiang in the opposite ward with a smile.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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