My world double door

Chapter 229 Satisfaction (asking for monthly votes)

Of course it is impossible to directly ask someone to buy a house. Paying a down payment is already the perfect answer in my husband's mind.

Now that they are in someone else's home and not at the sales office, it is naturally impossible for them to buy a house now. However, he has been paying attention to this house for a long time and knows the price in his heart. What's more, there is house price information on the software. A simple calculation is basically pretty close.

As for Wang Qiang, he knew this set even more clearly. He calculated the precise number by dividing three by five and divided by two.

Until it was over, Li Yang looked at her gentle expression and said with a smile: "You finally have your own house, are you happy?"

"Well, I'm happy. My biggest dream is to settle down here and have a place of my own. My husband and I had no hope of achieving this goal due to our low salary income. Fortunately, you...Mr. Li."

"Seeing you happy makes me happy too."

Li Yang looked at her infatuated eyes and kissed her for a while more happily before letting go of her. Then he put her on the small bench in front with a smile, and then stood up again. The three women around him held their hands. The bench moved with him and came to the last pair.

After sitting down, he leaned on Li Yang's right leg and put his legs in brown stockings on Li Yang's left leg.

"Don't be nervous honey, tell me your wish."

Li Yang spoke with a smile on his lips.

"My, our wish is to find me a good job with a relaxed, high-income and stable income, and then we also want a mobility scooter worth about 300,000 yuan."

Hearing Li Yang's words, the husband of the big white-legged wife spoke nervously. Li Yang raised his eyebrows: "It's so simple. It seems that you want a good enough job. So, Wang Qiang, do you have any?" A suitable position that can satisfy him?”

"There is a state-owned enterprise that is suitable for him. If you are satisfied, he will be able to take up the job soon."

Wang Qiang on the side smiled and said: "You don't need to bother me, I can handle it for him directly."

"Oh, that's it. That's okay. In that case, I've fulfilled your wish."

Li Yang chuckled and nodded. The couple immediately looked at each other and nodded happily. Then the husband looked at Wang Qiang nervously. Wang Qiang smiled and made a phone call. After a while, the husband received the call. He I hurriedly clicked to answer, but what I received was a message informing me to report to work tomorrow.

Upon receiving the news, the couple was extremely happy

Wang Qiang saw the two of them drinking tea. He smiled and took out a bag of tea leaves from one side and handed it over. The two husbands hurriedly thanked them and each grabbed some tea leaves and put them in their cups. They watched the couple in black tight jeans and the couple in yellow shirts choose a car together. , looking relaxed.

After a while, both couples chose cars. Wang Qiang immediately called and asked someone to deliver the two new cars. Then he poured a cup of tea for each of the four of them, and took a pot of tea to brew and drink.

The two couples sat together, drinking tea and chatting with the husband and Wang Qiang, who were alone. The atmosphere was very good.

An hour and a half passed after this chat. Not long after, Wang Qiang's cell phone rang. After answering the phone, he knew that the car had arrived. He immediately waved and asked the smiling couple in black tight jeans and the yellow shirt couple to go to the underground garage. watch cars.

After the five people left, only the wife and Li Yang's two husbands were left in the living room. They each went to the toilet and drank tea for half an hour. The door finally opened, and Wang Qiang and the two couples holding car keys smiled. Walked in from outside with a full face.


At this moment, there was a soft knock on the bedroom door, and everyone turned around and saw that it was Li Yang, his gentle wife and his wife who came out. The faces of the two wives were extremely rosy and their bodies were covered with sweat. The tail of the wife was missing. , the gentle wife’s leg braces also disappeared, and she looked tired at first glance.

"Hey, the car is back. How is it? Are you satisfied?"

Li Yang looked up at the two couples entering the door, his eyes lingering on the legs of his wife in black tight jeans and his wife in a yellow shirt, and asked with a smile on his face.

"Satisfied, very satisfied."

"Yes, the car is very good and meets expectations."

The two husbands holding the car keys suddenly showed bright smiles on their faces, and Li Yang's smile also showed up when he saw this.

He looked at his wife in black tight jeans with a bright smile, strode forward, hugged her in his arms, put her slender legs around her waist, and said with a smile: "Okay, then I'll take her with you They went to play, you guys are drinking tea here."

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