My world double door

Chapter 230 I like them all

More than two hours have passed since I arrived at this room at 7:30 in the morning.

The gentle wife and husband sitting on the sofa looked at the time on their mobile phones. It was already nine forty. The sunshine outside the window was strong at this moment, and through the curtains it made people feel that the sun was shining brightly in the room.

The decorations in the living room are all warm-toned, which makes people feel more comfortable under the sunlight. There are tea cups placed in a circle on the coffee table. The gentle wife and husband picked up his wife's tea cup and blew it slightly, and then carefully carried it to the chair. He fed her a sip from his wife's mouth on the sofa.

The gentle wife frowned and opened her eyes. When she saw the water was served, she opened her mouth and took a sip. After taking two sips, she shook her head. The husband hurriedly put the water cup back on the coffee table. Then he looked at his wife's sore and limp appearance. I was just so tired, and my heart suddenly ached.

"Is he gentle?"

The husband couldn't help but ask his wife, with a trace of worry and concern in his eyes, as well as some disappointment. He hoped that she would be treated gently.

What disappointed him was that Li Yang had promised to treat his wife gently, but now his wife was like this.

What a breach of trust.

"He is very gentle. I don't have to do anything. It's just that he has great physical strength."

To the husband's surprise, the gentle wife shook her head and gave an answer that was different from what he expected. This made him stunned. Then he looked carefully at the expression on his wife's face and found that although her face There is a deep sense of exhaustion, but there is a hidden sense of happiness deep in this exhaustion.

"I want to go to the toilet, please help me go."

A frowning hum from the wife beside him pulled the husband out of his thoughts. He nodded hurriedly, took off his coat, and helped his wife to go to the toilet. When he waited until the door of the bathroom door, his wife also let him continue to help her in. After a while, the husband and wife continued to help each other. Jian didn't care about this, so he helped her in and locked the door.

With Wang Qiang, a big shot in their eyes, sitting in charge, everyone honestly restrained their desire to lie at the door and eavesdrop, and instead sat in their seats and waited silently.

In such waiting, time passed quietly.

Cup after cup of tea was poured on the coffee table, everyone took turns going to the toilet several times, and the sunshine outside the window gradually moved to noon.

When the time came to twelve o'clock at noon, a click of the door finally came from the bedroom door. Li Yang held his two wives lying limply in his hands, walked to the living room with a smile, and raised his eyebrows: " Everyone was drinking tea and chatting so well."

"Isn't this waiting for you? How about Brother Li, are you satisfied?"

Wang Qiang, who was sitting alone at the end of the coffee table, stood up from the single sofa with a smile, looked past the two wives with rosy faces, came to Li Yang, and asked with a smile.

The four husbands on the coffee table and their wives who had been resting for more than two hours also stood up, with smiles on their faces.

Hearing the question of whether they were satisfied, the four husbands felt a little nervous. The gentle wife and tail wife standing aside looked at Li Yang with bright eyes, with deep expectations.

"Satisfied, of course satisfied."

Li Yang looked at everyone's expressions and turned to look at the gentle wife and the tail wife who were standing up. A smile appeared on their faces and they praised each other. Suddenly the two wives smiled happily and the four husbands also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come here, sit down and rest, I'll cook for you."

With a soft smile on her face, the gentle wife took the initiative to leave her husband and go forward to tidy up the three-person sofa at the head of the coffee table. Then she rolled up her sleeves energetically and said with a smile.

The gentle wife's husband saw his wife leaving him to pack things and prepare to cook, and looked at Li Yang with a bright smile on his face.

"Hey, yes, yes, it's dinner time. I'll help cook too."

Standing next to her husband, the wife, who was mainly red and wearing a light blue skirt, also nodded hurriedly and said, crossing her husband's side, smiling and going to make lunch with his gentle wife.


Li Yang chuckled and nodded, then hugged the two women and sat on the sofa at the head of the coffee table. The gentle wife took a cup of warm water and brought it to him, bent sideways and handed it to his mouth: "Drink some." Warm water first, drink two more cups to replenish your water, and I’ll make some tea for you later.”

Li Yang nodded with a smile and opened his mouth. His gentle wife came closer to hold the cup steadily and put her hand on his chin with concern to prevent any water from flowing down. Then she fed him a glass of water and then took two more cups and waited for Li Yang to drink. After finishing, I poured him another cup of water to brew tea and put it in front of me.

"You two should also drink some water."

After serving Li Yang well, the gentle wife poured two cups each for the wife in black tight jeans and the wife in gray short skirt and long bare legs who lay resting on Li Yang's shoulders with squinted eyes. After they finished drinking, she went to peel two more cups. Cut the apple into pieces and serve on a plate.

"Eat some apples before meals to absorb vitamins better."

The sleeves of Gentle Wife's off-white blouse were rolled up to her elbows, revealing her slender white arms. Her slender palms held a plate in one hand and a washed apple piece in the other hand. She walked up to Li Yang and pressed against him. In his mouth, he waited until Li Yang finished eating with a smile and fed him two more pieces. When Li Yang nodded, he put the plate next to the coffee table and fed the two women in his arms each a piece before getting up.

"I'm going to cook. Is there anything you don't like to eat?"

The gentle wife put her hands behind her back, looked sideways at Li Yang, and asked softly. Seeing her beautiful and gentle appearance, Li Yang couldn't help but open his mouth and kiss her lips. The gentle wife did not avoid it, but shyly blocked the others with her hands. On the other hand, after Li Yang finished kissing, he put down his hand and looked at him tenderly.

"I like to eat everything you cook."

Li Yang responded with a bright smile on his face, and his gentle wife nodded with a smile, kissed him on the lips, then turned around and put on a new pair of tight blue jeans, twisting her legs. Went to the kitchen.

The husband of his gentle wife looked at this scene with a smile. In the past, every time there was a big festival at home, or when the elders gathered together, his wife would treat him and other guests with such tenderness, kindness and enthusiasm. Today, he understands that his wife cares about Li Yang like this. .

But even though he wasn't at his own home, it still felt a little uncomfortable because his wife didn't care about him.

The husband of the bare-legged wife in black tight jeans and a gray short skirt was smiling just like her husband. Just watching his wife lying on his arms while Li Yang touched her buttocks with his left and right hands, he wanted to ask her if she was tired or hurt. , but also felt that it was not the right time, and it was a bit painful.

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