My world double door

Chapter 231 Clean Uncle Li Yang’s shoes

In order to have fun today, Wang Qiang can see that he is very well prepared.

Not only were all the conditions for playing, Yunnan Baiyao, and new clothes well prepared, but all kinds of ingredients were also prepared in the kitchen.

There are sea cucumbers, oysters, garlic, starfish, tuna, king crab and so on in the sea.

There are eels, lobsters, crabs, etc. in fresh water.

On land there are sheep kidneys, pork kidneys, cattle whips, donkey whips, beef and so on.

There are also various Chinese herbal supplements such as leeks, spinach and other green vegetables, ginseng, wolfberry and other Chinese herbal supplements.

Fortunately, both the gentle wife and the wife who has taken off her tail are very good at cooking. She asked the four husbands to help choose the dishes and organize the ingredients. After quickly sorting them out, they directed their husbands to help in the kitchen. They control the heat and details of the laborious work, including simmering soup quickly and stir-frying vegetables. The two of them control the kitchen in an orderly manner.

By 1:30 in the afternoon, pots of delicious food were already out of the oven.

"Husband, taste the saltiness of this soup."

The gentle wife scooped up a spoonful of the broth. Holding the spoon in her other hand, she turned around and walked out of the kitchen and spoke softly. The husband, who was busy in the kitchen and was sweating, subconsciously turned his head and saw his wife with a smile on her lips. When I reached Li Yang with the soup, I realized that now his wife is also Li Yang's wife, at least for this year.

"Why are you still eating apples? You're almost done eating."

When the gentle wife arrived at Li Yang's side, she found that Li Yang was half-pressing on his wife in black tight jeans. One hand was kneading the woman's buttocks wrapped in black jeans, and her mouth was intertwined with hers while eating a piece of apple. She immediately pursed her lips. Open your mouth.

"Just this piece, the others have been eaten long ago."

After hearing this, Li Yang put the last bit of apple into the mouth of his wife in black jeans with a smile. Then he turned around and smiled and said to the gentle wife who was bringing the soup. The gentle wife rolled her eyes and put a small spoon in the soup spoon. He took a spoonful and put it to his mouth: "Come and taste it."

"Okay, let me try it."

Li Yang opened his mouth to take the soup from the spoon, and then nodded: "It's just right, don't add any more seasoning."

"Your mouth is full of sweetness, drink some water first and then taste it."

The gentle wife rolled her charming eyes, and then spoke to the tea on the sofa. The bare-legged wife beside Li Yang immediately brought the tea to Li Yang's mouth with a smile: "I'll give my husband some water."

"Okay, okay."

Li Yang smiled and took another sip of water, rinsing his mouth vigorously before swallowing it. Seeing this, his gentle wife was satisfied and took another spoonful and handed it to Li Yang's mouth. After Li Yang finished drinking, he asked him about the taste. After adding a little salt to the answer, I returned to the kitchen with satisfaction.

The husband of the gentle wife turned around after seeing his wife and Li Yang kissing deeply, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and started turning the dishes with a spatula.

"Honey, how do you like this dish?"

His wife, who had taken off her tail, ran up to Li Yang with another spoonful of soup and fed him the soup to taste. Li Yang, who had just lowered his head and kissed his bare-legged wife deeply for a while, raised his head again and took a sip, sipping the taste before speaking softly: "Put a little more salt in."


Tai Wei's wife immediately ran back to the kitchen with a smile and began to adjust the saltiness according to Li Yang's taste.

Since it was their first time cooking for Li Yang, they controlled the salt very low at first. They asked Li Yang twice for each dish to see if it was salty. After adjusting, they stared at the pot to prepare for the final dish.

Seeing that the two wives had stopped asking, Li Yang couldn't help but look down at the long legs of the wife on the left wearing tight black jeans, and the delicate bare legs of the wife on the right. He couldn't help but touch his hands from the curve of his hips to his legs to feel the touch. .

After a moment, he slowly returned to his original position, and then he smiled and kissed his left wife deeply on the lips for a while. After their lips parted, he asked, "What's your name?"

He played for a long time, and then he remembered that he had not asked his wives their names. Although it was fun, but since you were having fun, you had to know the names.

"My name is Fang Xin. My stinky husband just asked her name now."

Fang Xin's left leg wrapped in black tight jeans couldn't help but stretch towards Li Yang, allowing Li Yang's hand on her hip to touch more smoothly, and she spoke with a pouted mouth.

"Weren't you so happy just now? Why bother asking this?"

Li Yang chuckled, pinched her black jeans, and then looked at his bare-legged wife on the right, looking at her delicate face looking at him with a smile: "What's your name?"

"My name is Chen Shujie."

Chen Shujie stretched her legs into Li Yang's arms and touched the knees of Fang Xin's black tight jeans. She stretched her lips to express her dissatisfaction. It was not until Li Yang kissed her lips deeply for a moment that she expressed her satisfaction with a smile.

The two husbands sitting on one side of the table drank tea silently while watching their lovely wife kissing and coquettishly in Li Yang's arms.

After a while, the food was finally ready, and sumptuous lunches were served one after another, filling the table. Li Yang took the two wives who were busy finishing lunch into his arms and rewarded them.

Then he asked their names with a smile and learned that the gentle wife's name was Yi Xiuting and the tail-penetrating wife's name was Liu Yumei. He was immediately very satisfied and asked the two of them to squeeze in on the sofa, and the five of them sat on the three-person sofa to eat together.

Yi Xiuting's husband looked at his wife who was crowded next to Li Yang with three other wives, and silently looked away. He waited until his wife used chopsticks to feed Li Yang before he began to use chopsticks at Li Yang's greeting.

A sumptuous and delicious lunch was eaten with such joy. In the afternoon, Li Yang and his wives went to the bedroom to take a nap, while the husbands played mahjong in the living room.

It's just that the wives didn't come out until after five o'clock in the afternoon after taking a nap, and all of them looked extremely tired and looked pitiful.

Li Yang smiled and accompanied his wives to participate in the husbands' chess and card games, switching to poker so that more people could play together.

Just playing around, a husband watched his wife being pulled pitifully and unwillingly by Li Yang to the bathroom or bedroom.

After playing cards until half past six, the wives went to make dinner and rest together. After dinner, Li Yang felt that it was almost done, so he said goodbye to them and asked them to go home and have a good rest, and then drove away in Wang Qiang's car.

Yi Xiuting's husband drove his brand new car carefully all the way to his home. Then he looked at his wife with a smile on his face. He wanted to enjoy a warm and stress-free moment with her, but when he saw that she was too tired and didn't want to talk, he stopped. After thinking about it, he took the initiative to put hot water on his wife and watched her go back to the bedroom to sleep after cleaning up.

The husband sat alone in the living room and felt cold, but after a while he looked at the debts that had been paid off and felt relieved. He smiled and played games by himself for a while, then carefully returned to the bedroom and lay down on the bed to rest.

This night, the husbands of the four wives all found that their wives were much colder to them, but after feeling uncomfortable for a while, they felt that they would just get used to it, so they didn't pay too much attention to it and lay quietly on the bed to sleep.




The doorstep of socialite Zhao Mengyi’s house.

"I'll kill this idiot."

"I'm a fool, go to hell, die, why don't you die? Damn it, go to hell, die..."

A middle-aged man in a black suit was beaten violently at the door of Zhao Mengyi by an old man with gray hair. He held a stick in one hand and slapped the middle-aged man's face wildly. The middle-aged man's head was bruised and bleeding until passers-by were beaten. The ambulance came, and the gray-haired old man was led away by the police amidst the curious eyes of the people eating melons around him.

Li Yang's car came back just at this time. He said goodbye to Wang Qiang with a smile and raised his eyebrows at Zhao Mengyi who walked to the villa yard with her arms folded: "What's going on at the door? This is a father beating his son at such an old age." He beat her so mercilessly and scolded her so harshly?"

As he spoke, Li Yang looked at Zhao Mengyi, who had changed into a white dress with bright eyes, and was extremely beautiful. He licked his lips and stepped forward to hug her.

"The guy I provoked before wanted to come find me as soon as he woke up, but as soon as he arrived, his father stopped him and had someone beat him up. Maybe he knew you were my man."

Zhao Mengyi looked at Li Yang who picked her up and walked into the villa with his hands on his butt. A bitter expression appeared on his beautiful face, and his cold and charming temperament was instantly broken: "It was my first time last night. Can I do it today?" …”


As Zhao Mengyi spoke, she was quickly taken to the living room and thrown on the sofa. She looked at Li Yang who was pressing on her immediately, with his delicate face pitifully leaning up against the sofa.



Playing in the real world until the end of June, during these days when Li Yang was playing, the husbands of four beautiful wives, Fang Xin, Liu Yumei, Yi Xiuting, and Chen Shujie, found that their wives who usually didn’t go out often dressed up beautifully every day. Li Yang is staying with Li Yang's husband at home.

And it lasted a whole day, and when I came back, I was so frustrated that I had to go back the next day. Although the couple did not quarrel again, and the conflicts became less and less, their communication with each other also increased. It's slowly getting less and less, and it's a bit unpleasant.

The house suddenly became a lot more deserted.

Until the end of June, their wives did not go out again, but stayed at home with a happy mood for several days. Only then did they realize that Li Yang had temporarily gone out to do errands and left. After that, their lives recovered a lot, and they were no longer stressed. I don’t know how many.

Except that my wife has become a little cold towards them, everything else is fine.

The exquisite and beautiful socialite Zhao Mengyi also stayed at home bitterly for a month. It was not until the beginning of July that she was spotted on various occasions, and many people noticed that she seemed to be welcomed by everyone wherever she went. All the big families He also became very respectful to her.

This left some small families very confused. Especially the rich man Zhao Mengyi provoked was beaten by his own father and was hospitalized for a month before going out. Then he knelt down and apologized to Zhao Mengyi. This huge change in attitude made people confused. Where is it.

Of course, what brought them the biggest shock was the overnight demise of the Cao family, with only one single child surviving. This made many families extremely horrified, and at the same time, some people also wondered what the life of this single child would be like.

But only a few people know that what Cao Qiang faces every day in his life is——

"Qiangzi, clean your Uncle Li Yang's shoes."

Fang Fen was picked up by Li Yang who opened the door and walked into the bedroom. After a few steps, her clothes were disheveled and she turned around to give orders to Cao Qiang.

Cao Qiang looked at his sister and wife who were dragged into the room together, and nodded silently.

Asking for a monthly ticket! Tomorrow's chapter will transition to another world. A new exciting point in another world is coming.

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