My world double door

Chapter 234 Want it

[Combat robots*38,000; service operation robots*50,000; maintenance robots*3,000; all robots are equipped with additional stealth and simulated bionic functions]

[Large air combat platform*9 ships; Medium auxiliary combat platform*27 ships; Small mobile platform*20,000 ships]

[Floating cannons*3,000; concussion bombs*500,000 rounds; burst bombs*500,000 rounds; impact bombs*500,000 rounds; armor-piercing bombs*500,000 rounds; a total of ordinary missiles*1 million rounds; other types of ammunition consumed in total* 2 million rounds]

[Ordinary robot production lines*10; ammunition production lines*100; precision component production lines*20; robot customization factories*2]

[Adaptive level comprehensive intelligent center*5; Super life service manager*20]

[Large mobile storage warehouse*10]

[Dear Mr. Li Yang, all your customized products have been successfully produced and will be delivered to you at any time]

"Oh~oh~ dear, why do you suddenly want to buy so many fifth-tier products? These products that have been eliminated long ago have no use except that they are numerous and large."

On the sofa in the living room, Bi Yueyue's beautiful body sank into the soft cushions of the sofa, panting and making a difficult sound to Li Yang. It was obvious that Li Yang suddenly came to trade these things, most of which had already been withdrawn from the first-line products. Feeling puzzled.

"I have my own uses. All I want is enough and big enough. Only in this way can I achieve my goal."

Li Yang had a mysterious smile on his face, and then tightened her smooth shoulders tightly.

"That's it. It's really big and there are so many."

Bi Yueyue opened her eyes, and after a moment, she suddenly relaxed and collapsed on the sofa.


Waves of pure spiritual power from heaven and earth surged in from all directions. Li Yang squinted his eyes comfortably, and used his exercises to refine the sudden surge of spiritual power. The magic power at the eighth level of Qi refining in his body improved again.


Breathing a comfortable breath, Li Yang patted the buttocks of Chang Yanyan, who was already tired and sleeping on the sofa. Chang Yanyan woke up from her sleep and hurriedly turned over and sat upright, making herself comfortable. Li Yang sat down in her naked arms.

Li Yang's body is very heavy, but under the influence of his personal magnetic field, unless he loses consciousness, he will not feel too much weight no matter where he sits, so even if Chang Yanyan is only a fourth-level genetic evolver , and also felt that the weight of the owner in his arms was just right. After Li Yang sat down, he hurriedly put a stick on him.

Li Yang reached out and took a cup of tea from the home service robot. He took a pleasant sip of tea and looked at the tired Bi Yueyue with some dissatisfaction.

Compared to the peak level five evolver, who also possesses extraordinary strength, Bi Yueyue, who only took a bottle of level five genetic evolution potion, is obviously not a match.

"Let these companies send everything over and store it in the warehouse."

Li Yang spoke to Bi Yueyue in a low voice. Bi Yueyue looked at Li Yang, whose brows were full of dissatisfaction, nodded, then bit her lip and contacted the merchant where Li Yang ordered these goods. He stood up and came to Li Yang, facing him and sitting in his arms.

She stretched her legs to the sofa, put her arms around Li Yang's arms, and kissed Li Yang passionately. At the same time, she said while kissing: "There are three women with level 4 genetic evolution in the inner city for a long time." She has lost contact with her husband, cannot pay off various debts and is declared bankrupt. One minute she has nowhere to go, and if she does not have a home in three hours, she will be evicted from the inner city.”

"I feel like I can't satisfy you. How about you take them into your home so that you can be satisfied."

During the passionate kiss, Bi Yueyue spoke softly. As she spoke, she saw Li Yang cast a curious look. She immediately waved her hand, and the images of three women appeared in Li Yang's retina. Each of them was tall and thin. A beautiful woman with perky breasts and plump and voluptuous legs.

"Oh? Who are they? How did they become bankrupt? Are they willing to come over as long as I take them in?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows curiously and asked with gleaming eyes.

The reason why his cultivation of immortality has been able to advance by leaps and bounds is that, besides his own foundation being too high, the most important thing is that there are so many minor practitioners.

Among the minors, the ones who have made the greatest contribution are undoubtedly the women in the apocalyptic world. Each of them has much more strength than ordinary women, allowing him to gain a lot every time.

But again, the gap is still too big, so that he cannot perform it well, otherwise, the progress of cultivating immortality will definitely be faster.

But he couldn't let Bi Yueyue keep taking level five genetic medicine like him, so he could only wait.

But... it would be different if there were a few more women. Li Yang immediately became interested after hearing the information Bi Yueyue said about these three women.

It seemed like I saw a cultivation accelerator.

"Do you still remember the three level four genetic evolvers who came to rob me in mechas when I was buying the genetic potion that night?"

Bi Yueyue kissed Li Yang on the lips, then looked at the wedding photo of her and her former husband hanging on the wall, and whispered: "They are the women of these three people, and they have now expressed their willingness to commit themselves. As long as you express your willingness to take them in, they will come, but you must ensure that they cannot be expelled unless they go bankrupt in the future, and that they have a certain status, you cannot bully them, and you must not treat them as slaves."

"Well, if that's the case, then why not give it a try. Anyway, I have expanded your house three times in size, and it can be fully accommodated by three more women."

Li Yang's eyes flickered, he kissed Bi Yueyue's lips and said seriously.

"Then, they must listen to me after they come."

Bi Yueyue raised her head and let the man's lips kiss her slender and white neck. She squinted her eyes and spoke in a low voice. As she spoke, she looked at the wedding photo of herself and her ex-husband hanging on the wall of the living room.

"Okay, it's up to you."

The white and tender neck was constantly soaked, and a man's voice was heard. Bi Yueyue took a deep breath, pursed her lips, and sent some messages.

After a moment, she whispered to the man: "Okay, we can pick them up at the door."

Now that technology is extremely advanced, meeting each other has become extremely fast. Although we have just contacted each other now, within the inner city, the other party can arrive in less than a minute, so it is not too early to go out now.

【Your order has been delivered】

At this moment, news of the arrival of various ordered equipment was displayed in front of him. Li Yang nodded with a smile: "You go pick them up first, and I will send these things away to save space."

After saying that, Li Yang and Bi Yueyue each stood up from the sofa. With a simple move, the clothes were automatically put on. Chang Yanyan also got up quickly and put on her clothes. Then Bi Yueyue tidied up her appearance and looked relaxed and happy. He took Chang Yanyan to the door.

Li Yang smiled and turned around from the living room to the warehouse. He first went to the parking platform outside the warehouse of his residence. When he looked up, he saw nine large combat ships with a large number of small and medium-sized combat aircraft parked inside. They were parked in the air. Each one was parked in the air. It's as huge as a city.

In other words, it's really as big as some small cities.

"These things are only interesting if they are transported back to Earth."

Li Yang looked at the ships in the sky with a smile on his face. The reason why he had nothing to do to buy these weapons and equipment that were seriously outdated in Bi Yueyue's eyes was not because of the role they could play in this world. , but the real world.

Seeing that these equipments had been integrated and transported, Li Yang stepped forward directly and used the World Gate to teleport them all back to the real world.

Then he was about to go back to the warehouse to transport the remaining equipment that did not occupy a large area, but unexpectedly he heard mutterings from the side.

"It's such a waste to spend so much money on so much rags. Are these rags blocking our sunshine?"

Conversations with a hint of jealousy came from around him. With Li Yang's powerful super hearing, he heard clearly almost instantly. When he turned around, he saw the neighbor's wife wearing a floral skirt, revealing her white lotus-rooted arms and smooth calves.

Li Yang looked at the neighbor who was about to go bankrupt, and saw that her delicate and beautiful face was still looking at the door of his house with jealousy and muttering, and a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Although the environment in the apocalyptic world is not as harmonious as the real world, people who live around them still know the situation of some neighbors. Li Yang heard Bi Yueyue say that something seemed to have happened to this neighbor that made it difficult to turn around funds. I think it will go bankrupt in the next two days.

I wonder what will become of this exquisite, stingy and jealous lady if she goes bankrupt.

After thinking this, Li Yang turned around and returned to the warehouse he had expanded at Bi Yueyue's home without paying much attention to it.

When I got inside, I saw densely packed robots all over the line of sight. Li Yang directly covered them with his spiritual power and teleported everything back to earth, including various weapons, equipment and production lines.

By the way, this neighbor’s wife is also a fourth-level genetic evolver, right?

With such an idea flashing through his mind, Li Yang returned to the room with a smile on his face. When he arrived at the living room, he found that Bi Yueyue, who was already dressed freshly, was leading three people in long skirts with a smile, without saying a word. The madam walked in. When they saw Li Yang coming in, they hurriedly raised their heads, and a smile emerged from their haggard expressions.

"Husband, they are here, you go talk to them."

When Bi Yueyue saw Li Yang coming, she opened her mouth with a smile. After that, she elegantly led Chang Yanyan to the sofa in the living room and sat down. She turned around with a smile and looked at Li Yang who walked in front of the three women.

"I've been taking the perfect gene potion since the first potion, and so far I've only been matched with my ex-husband."

Li Yang walked towards the three women and looked at their plump bodies with unscrupulous eyes. It seemed that Li Yang's eyes were too unscrupulous. The first lady spoke hurriedly and nervously and stated her conditions.


Li Yang raised his eyebrows and said something. The lady who spoke was stunned. She was about to wait for Li Yang's further response when he took off her skirt.





Before the three ladies could say anything, Li Yang stripped off their clothes and threw them on another sofa, and then they all pounced on them.


A sound of exclamation came from the sofa opposite. Bi Yueyue pursed her lips, witnessing Li Yang's negotiation techniques.

Asking for monthly ticket

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