My world double door

Chapter 235 News

Five hours passed, and it was dark in the apocalyptic world.

Li Yang left the white and tender bodies of the three ladies with a smile. He looked at the three people lying together and resting tiredly. He felt satisfied with his magic power and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Five hours have passed, and the mana in his body has become more refined. According to this progress, it won't be long before he can break through the eighth level of Qi refining.

"What a wonderful world."

Li Yang looked at the world that was on the verge of collapse due to problems of racial reproduction and material mutation, and expressed his admiration.

This world is really good. First, the genetic potion technology and weapons provided huge help when he started, and now they can help the world of cultivating immortals, which will have extreme development in the future. He likes it more and more.

To improve the realm of cultivating immortals, you should first look at your own qualifications, secondly, look at your skills, thirdly, look at the environment, and fourthly, look at resources.

His qualifications are not even accurate for Jindan Zhenren, and his skills are also good skills from a sect that looks very awesome. Resources... Aren't these powerful female genetic evolvers all resources.

In addition, what is cultivated in cultivating immortals is the essence, energy, and spirit. The essence can be roughly thought of as the physical essence, the qi can be roughly thought of as the energy in the body, and the spirit can be roughly thought of as the soul.

Now his soul power has broken through to the super level, the limit of the fifth level of the physical body plus the perfection level of the advanced transcendent. Only the Qi aspect is empty for the level of cultivating immortals, but the three parts of Jing, Qi and Shen are one. When the Jing and Shen are high enough, Under such circumstances, when he cultivates Qi, he will naturally be driven by the two and practice better.

Under such conditions, it is reasonable to have such a fast cultivation speed - of course, this is inseparable from the help of the fifth-level genetic medicine in this world, so he has to praise this world that makes him feel very good.

Although, the indigenous people don't think so.

"The end of the world."

Li Yang smiled at the corners of his mouth, thinking about the time when his strength had improved to the point where he was the strongest in the world and could control it.

By then, he may not be able to be a 'savior'.

"Stay well here. As long as you are fucked well by me, it will not be a problem to give you level 5 genetic potions to become level 5 genetic evolvers in the future."

Li Yang looked at the three pitiful ladies who turned back to look at him, with a smile on his lips, and then nodded to Bi Yueyue. In the eyes of the women, the eyes of the three ladies shone brightly. After asking, the figure disappeared into the air.


Magical world, Lion King City.

Li Yang's figure quietly appeared in the mansion. He checked around and found nothing unusual. He couldn't help but stretched with satisfaction. He went to find Redel again and was told to leave for [Human Public Service] tomorrow morning. After participating in the competition in the territory, he returned to the mansion.

"Space magic."

Li Yang rubbed his nails with his palms, feeling the powerful genetic power in his body, and a divine light flashed in his eyes.

He was not very interested in the results of the Human Race Tournament. After all, he had not made much use of the [Super Protective Magic Weapon], which was extremely precious to this world, and the [Space Movement Scroll], which had not been disclosed to the public so far.

For him who has the gate to the world, it seems that it is difficult to encounter any decent moments of crisis.

What's more, now that I know that the ultimate purpose of the selection competition is to compete with foreign races, I have no interest at all.

After all, since it is an external competition, the purpose of the final selection is likely to be to fight for the race. Even if there is something particularly useful, it may not be effective for him.

Of course, despite this, the pendant in the shape of a small lion's head was still carried by him because it was a [Super Protective Magic Weapon], and the three [Space Movement Scrolls] were also carried by him.

There was also the Earthly Dragon that was sealed outside the defensive cliff. He also kept thinking about it, but now that he was in the royal city, he couldn't bring it back for the time being.

After all, he has now broken through to the level of Super Demonic Soul Mage, and is still a Thunder Demonic Soul Mage, and he already has the strength to subdue the Earthly Dragon.

The last time he fought with the perfect knight, the opponent's mount impressed Li Yang so much that he was now very itchy to own a mount.

What's more, that Earthly Dragon is quite handsome.

But having said that, he is very interested in the race competition after the human race competition. After all, it depends on whether he can obtain space-related knowledge.

As the genetic potion was upgraded, he became more and more aware of the power of genetic evolution and looked forward to the effects of the sixth-level genetic potion, the most advanced potion in the apocalyptic world.

As for having obtained a lot of space-related knowledge and magic, will the general let him get what he wants in the apocalyptic world...

Li Yang felt the power of his soul, and calmly began to deepen his proficiency in the two super soul magics he had learned.

Tomorrow morning he was going to participate in the Human Race Competition. Instead of learning the third super soul magic, he chose to deepen the two super soul magics he had already mastered to avoid missing out due to too long delay in learning new magic. time.

After spending a whole morning practicing quietly in the mansion, he became somewhat proficient in the two super soul magics. Then Li Yang began to delve into the two intermediate thunder magics of [Thunder Net] and [Thunder Fist].


The electric arc flashed in the field, and the thunder magic power in Li Yang's body was mobilized, slowly sinking into his cultivation.


[Thunder Net] [Thunder Fist] is an intermediate thunder magic after all. With Li Yang's previous experience in advanced thunder magic, especially when he has broken through to the advanced thunder magician level, in just one afternoon, he will Complete mastery of these two skills.

In the evening, Li Yang, who was studying [Thunder Body] and the physical combat skill [Mountain Stone], was invited to a private dinner at the Crow family mansion.

At the private dinner, there were only Redel and Redel's father, a powerful magician with perfect soul and energy.

At the banquet, Redel and his son entertained him with a sumptuous dinner, and then passed on a piece of information to him - a perfect warrior who had reached the level of Earth Line Warrior appeared in one of the participating countries!

"Another one?"

Li Yang was a little surprised after hearing the news: "Isn't it said that perfect qualifications are very rare and difficult to appear? Why do two of them appear in succession?"

"This may be related to something... If you can become a magic master one day, you will be able to clearly understand that although I know about this matter through my father, according to the agreement, I cannot disclose it to the outside world. In short, this may not be a good thing. .”

Li Yang: "..."

Why it may not be a good thing, you can tell me.

You can’t reveal it but tell me... Li Yang silently drank an extra cup of tea.

A flash of worry flashed in Leidel's father's eyes, then dissipated, and then he shook his head and spoke to Li Yang: "The opponent's defense is almost indestructible among its peers, and its power is extremely powerful, and it can mobilize the terrifying power of the earth. He is a very difficult opponent, and you must not be careless."

"[Destroy] This combat skill can directly attack the inside of the enemy's body. Using this combat skill to attack him may be a good way to deal with him, but we are not sure about the specifics. Although his strength is only at the level of a super transcendent. , but almost equal to me, a double-perfect transcendent."

In order to let Li Yang better feel the condition of this perfect warrior, Redel's father said that he actively exuded a powerful super transcendent breath.

Li Yang's eyebrows moved slightly. From this aura, he felt a threat that was far greater than that of the foundation-building monk City Lord Feng Deng in the world of immortal cultivation, but far weaker than that of the golden elixir elder. This made his heart move slightly.

It seems that the target of super extraordinary people is the foundation-building monks.

However, he didn't seem to feel any particular danger.

"I see."

When Li Yang received the news before the war, he did not hesitate, but nodded seriously.

"In fact, the sky knight you defeated has also broken through to the level of the earth knight. Maybe you two will participate in the peak showdown together."

Redel's father looked at Li Yang and whispered another piece of news. Li Yang raised his eyebrows and nodded calmly to express his knowledge. Then, it was not until the end of the banquet that the father and son left the Crow family mansion.

After returning to the mansion, Li Yang did not feel impatient about these changes, nor was he too curious about the mysterious incident that led to the emergence of perfect qualified practitioners one after another in Redel's mouth. He was confident that sooner or later he would be able to I broke through and became a [Magic Master], so I didn’t think too much about it.

Instead, calm down and continue practicing, striving to increase your strength even more.

After practicing until late at night, he successfully used [Thunder Body] and [Mountain Stone], which increased the strength of his physical body again. He stopped practicing, but calmly used a soul cultivation method to help sleep, and entered into a rest. .


The night passed peacefully while resting.

Li Yang slept easily and woke up before dawn. He practiced various exercises as usual, and then set off to the place where the players gathered.

When he arrived, there was already a person there who surprised Li Yang-Raeder's father.

"I will lead the team of contestants in every session, but the sun has not fully risen yet. If you are ready, you probably have to wait here with me for a while?"

Leidel's father, Rekel, had a smile on his face and spoke softly to Li Yang.

"That's natural, Mr. Recker."

Li Yang knew that the time to set off was when the sun rose, and the sun had not yet appeared, so he smiled and nodded, looking at the kingdom princess Hera standing on the wall of the royal fortress in the distance, with calm eyes. stood beside Recker.

Recker looked at him with a smile on his face, and then looked towards the road ahead. After a while, the Holy Power of the Perfect Knight and Tangli, the intermediate son of the wind element, appeared in his sight.

Li Yang's eyes focused on Shengli, and the Shengli who felt his gaze took the initiative to reveal his aura with a smile on his face, causing Li Yang to raise his eyebrows slightly - the other party had indeed broken through to the cultivation level of the Earth Knight.

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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