My world double door

Chapter 237 Can I do it now?

"In the end, after several days of competition to open the valley, the team with the most gold that exits will become the first among all races, and will receive half of the gold harvested by all other races!"

"If a race is robbed and cannot produce any gold, then that race will take half of the first place gold from its own race to fill the vacancy."

"Or, agree to any of the first place's requests."

"This valley is called the Golden Valley."

Recker looked at Li Yang and Shengli with a smile on his face: "How are you? Are you excited? But if you want to participate in such a grand event, the premise is to stand out from the competition with players from other countries and become a member of the entire world." One of the three strongest people in the human race."

"Only in this way will you be qualified to represent the human race to participate in such a grand event. By then, if you can successfully walk out of the Golden Valley, each of you will receive at least 10,000 kilograms of gold!"

"This ten thousand kilograms of gold is enough for you to take a long step on the path of the Supreme Mage, and you can even reach the peak of the Supreme Mage in one fell swoop."

"At that time, my Crow family, well, I am willing to use [Immortal Cultivation Method] or anything to trade gold with you. No matter what you want, we can talk about it."

Recker rubbed his hands and looked at the two of them with a smile on his face, and then spoke in a low voice: "Of course, it's too early to say this now. I very much hope that you can win the battle tomorrow."

"No one can beat me at my level."

A smile appeared on Shengli's face, and he proudly touched the head of the four-winged dragon horse next to him. He glanced sideways at Li Yang who was sitting next to him, then turned around and took his dragon horse back to the room first.

"The final reward is actually gold. This is exciting thing."

Li Yang spoke with a strange look in his eyes, and then turned and left with Recker's smiling expression. Finally, Tang Li shook his head with a sigh in his eyes, saluted respectfully to the direct members of the Crow family, and then turned and left.

Seeing the three people leaving, Rekel picked up the tea cup with a smile and took a sip of tea, then stood up and prepared to leave. As soon as he stood up, he heard footsteps in front of him, and Li Yang, who had just left, walked back.

"What's wrong, Li Yang, do you have something to say?"

Seeing Li Yang coming back, Recker raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then asked in confusion.

"That's not true. I just have something to ask Mr. Recker."

A smile appeared on Li Yang's face: "I don't know, do you want gold now?"

"What's the meaning?"

Recker was stunned for a moment, and then asked Li Yang with surprise in his eyes, and paused in getting up.

"I mean, I have a way to get gold now."

A bright smile appeared on Li Yang's face: "As long as you want."


"Are you serious?"

Recker pointed his finger, and in an instant a transparent light shield rose from the field, covering the two of them directly. Recker looked at Li Yang solemnly and asked solemnly.

"I'm not a joker."

Li Yang shrugged his shoulders and said calmly: "As long as you can give me what I want, I can get you gold at any time!"

"what do you want?"

Recker rubbed his fingers, couldn't help but sit on the table, and looked at Li Yang closely.

"Before that, I would like to ask how much gold you need?"

Li Yang smiled and asked instead of answering.

"If possible, three thousand pounds would be best."

Recker looked Li Yang up and down, spoke in a solemn voice, and then saw Li Yang raise his eyebrows and added: "Of course, this is for me and my son, Redel's brother Leo, to break through together. To meet the needs of the Master of Magic.”

"In fact, I only need another hundred kilograms to successfully reach the level of a magic master. If you are willing to trade one hundred kilograms of gold with me, I think I can meet most of your requirements."

Recker looked at Li Yang with shining eyes, making no secret of his needs and expectations.

"Then, what if I want space magic or [space gems]?"

Li Yang's eyes flashed, and then he said: "Or other things related to space."

Recker blinked, then waved his palm, and a pile of scrolls appeared in front of Li Yang and were piled on the table: "These are space magic and space-related knowledge, are they enough?"

Li Yang was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously picked up a scroll and read it.

[The place where any object exists and moves (finite or infinite) is space...]

[...Space is the carrier of the world, but the world is not just space...]

[... Space and matter are not related. Matter exists in space, but space is not in contact with matter. Only with strong spiritual power and strong energy can we capture the fluctuations of space. At this time, let the spirit When power comes into contact with space, you can feel the real existence of space]


Li Yang took the scroll back, looked down at the pile of scrolls below, then looked up at Rekel in front of him, and nodded silently: "That's enough, that's enough."

"Please wait for a moment, Mr. Recker."

After speaking, Li Yang shook the scroll in his hand again: "Before that, can I put this scroll away?"

"Of course, it's just a basic space knowledge scroll that introduces space."

Recker had a smile on his face, then waved his hand and put away all the piles of scrolls on the table, then looked at Li Yang with twinkling eyes: "So, where are you going to get the gold for me?"

"Do you still remember the inheritance in me?"

Hearing that he could put away the scroll, Li Yang put the scroll into the [Qiankun Bag] with a bright smile on his face, and then said to him with a smile: "Actually, I also have the ability to cross domains. .”


Recker raised his eyebrows and sat back on the chair with his palms together, his two thumbs colliding with each other, and he couldn't help but said: "So, can you leave from here and come back later?"

"Yes, but although I can use it, I don't understand the principle or what's going on."

Li Yang nodded, then sighed and shook his head, pointing to the Qiankun Bag with a smile: "This is why I want to ask you for space knowledge."

"That's a really special inheritance... Do you know a place with a lot of gold?"

Recker nodded in admiration, and then asked with twinkling eyes. Li Yang smiled when he heard this: "Of course, but I'm not sure whether there is any difference... Otherwise, you can use magic to transform this place first. Completely hide it, let me go get some first and take a look?"

"Oh? Can you still use the physical body to travel back and forth many times without relying on a magic weapon?"

Recker's eyes shone brightly, and he looked at Li Yang with keen eyes, and then nodded and said: "Okay, of course."

After saying that, Recker pointed his finger again, and a more powerful circle enveloped the two people's figures, and then looked at Li Yang with a hint of eyes.

"Now, even a magician like me can't see everything here. If you are not worried about a magician looking at this place, you can take action."

As Recker spoke, he looked at Li Yang with sparkling eyes. Li Yang looked around, then nodded slowly: "In that case, Mr. Recker, I'm going."

Li Yang's voice fell, and the next moment, his figure disappeared from the spot. Recker's eyes immediately widened and he stood up from the chair in surprise.

"Has the forbidden air magic circle failed? He can really travel through space here!"

Recker couldn't help but stretch out his fingers and wave them in the air. He instantly felt the existence of a powerful magic circle deeply imprinted on every part of the space. His eyes couldn't help but open wide, and then he looked at Li Yang. Where he disappeared, his eyes were filled with solemnity and he slowly sat down.

"It seems that the inheritance of this special inheritor is even more special than what we imagined."

Recker murmured to himself, crossing his fingers together again, and his two thumbs collided together.

After he looked at it for just a moment, Li Yang, who had disappeared, reappeared from the sky, holding a finger-sized gold bar in his hand and placing it on the table with a smile: "Mr. Recker, take a look. Is this piece of gold normal gold?”

“What an amazing legacy.”

Recker looked at the soundless appearance, not even a trace of fluctuation in the space, and the damn forbidden air magic circle showed no reaction at all. He couldn't help but rub his thumbs together and started to admire, and then turned his eyes in front of him. The gold nugget placed on the table by Li Yang.

He just glanced at it and nodded slowly: "This is no different from ordinary gold. I am very happy to have the opportunity to do such a transaction with you."

"You are flattering, Mr. Recker. Compared to your amazing magical attainments, my inheritance is nothing more than this."

When Li Yang heard this, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face, and then he said with a smile: "In that case, can you let me choose some space magic, and then I can bring you the gold I promised you?"

"Oh, these are all yours."

After hearing what Li Yang said, Recker came back from the shock and took out all the scrolls he had just recovered with a wave of his hand. Then with a bright smile, he secretly activated the forbidden air magic array. He said, "Why choose?"

"If that's the case, then I'd rather be respectful than obey."

When Li Yang saw this, a smile appeared on his lips, and then he put all these scrolls into the [Qiankun Bag] with a smile, and then disappeared from the tea room again with a movement of his body.

Recker silently looked at the magic circle built with heavy money from the seven countries as if he was blind. He pursed his lips and stared at the place where Li Yang disappeared in front of him with his eyes open.

"There are loopholes in human defense!"

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