My world double door

Chapter 238 Mastery of Reality

real world.

Outside the earth, in the silent universe.

Satellites are rotating around the earth. Farther up in the sky, two space stations, one large and one small, are floating quietly. Some of the people working on the space station are working in them.

"Hey, what is that!"

Suddenly, an astronaut working outside the cabin looked to one side in shock. Following his voice, the camera also turned. A terrifyingly huge ship, with three medium-sized ships flying around it, was surrounded by densely packed small ships. Surrounded by ships, they are wandering in the universe.

The horrific scene was immediately transmitted to the ground. Soon, the site staff received a reply: Please remain in awe and respect.


The space station isn't the only one seeing scary ships in outer space.

Instead, there were five ships in total, evenly distributed throughout the space, silencing all capable countries on the entire planet.

Of course, when Li Yang had demonstrated his presence in the form of 'peace and friendship' in advance, this did not shock them much.

After all, compared to the five ships in outer space, the one parked at the North and South Pole, and the one parked at both ends of the earth's equator, after notifying them and then disappearing invisibly, made them more worried. Stretchy.

While these large warships attracted their attention, no one noticed that there were quietly more 'human beings' appearing in various countries on the earth.

The Haohan Security Company, which is affiliated to the Haohan Xingyu Group, also has a team of a thousand people. They are spread out and responsible for protecting Li Yang's women and relatives in a hidden form.

Li Yang also has a team of fifty people on standby at any time.

Li Yang, who had returned from the magical world, returned to the real world again. He went to his small vault and took out a hundred kilograms of gold. Then with a move in his heart, he came to the magical world again, with a smile on his face. He casually handed the gold he took out to Recker, who was sitting nervously on the chair.

"Mr. Recker, fortunately you have fulfilled your duty. This is a total of ninety-nine and a half kilograms of gold. Plus this piece, it is just enough for one hundred kilograms."

Li Yang smiled and handed the gold in his hand to Rekel, who was smiling in front of him. It could be seen from the smile on Li Yang's face that he was in a good mood. In fact, it was true. He learned about the gold and magic world in the real world. There is no difference between gold and gold, and the confidence in his heart can be said to be greater.

Moreover, the [Space Magic] and space knowledge that I have always wanted to plan were directly obtained under this little one hundred kilograms of gold, and I didn’t even have to look for the [Space Magician Friendship Association] in the future. This of course made him very happy.

"This is really, really great."

Rekel looked at the box of gold that Li Yang brought over with bright eyes. He stretched out his fingers and touched it with a little excitement. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Following a movement in his heart, he transferred the one hundred kilograms. Huang Jin received his space storage bag directly, then looked at Li Yang with a smile on his face, rubbing his palms together.

"Li Yang, with your qualifications, you must have broken through to a super magician, or possessing a super body may not be far away, but gold alone is not enough. The most important thing is to have the [Immortal Cultivation Method]. You must know that a long time ago, gold was just It is regarded as currency and has the same status as current silver coins."

"It was the birth of the [Immortal Cultivation Method] that caused gold to rapidly decrease and become priceless and unmarketable. Nowadays, in addition to gold mines controlled by royal families and princes of various countries, only the Golden Valley in the entire world has an endless supply. The gold output there, the rules of heaven and earth there are different from the outside world, gold can always be produced continuously, and it is the only way for ordinary people in the world to obtain gold."

"However, even if you get gold, without the [Immortal Cultivation Method], it is just a strange metal. Fortunately, the Cultivation Method is not a non-renewable precious resource after all. It can be spread more. As the top of the Lion Kingdom, our Crow family The family is very lucky to have this kind of cultivation method.”

Recker looked at Li Yang with a smile: "Of course, [Immortal Cultivation Method] is also an important factor in whether a person can become a magic master, and anything related to a magic master is of very high value and cannot be easily Spread the word.”

"But Li Yang, you have a very good relationship with our family, and we are very willing to make such a deal with you."

As Recker spoke, he couldn't help but rub his hands, and looked at Li Yang who was looking at him with a smile with bright eyes: "So, if you can give me another 800 kilograms of gold, I am willing to give it to you." I teach you this precious technique that allows people to absorb immortal substances and undergo transformation."

"Eight hundred kilograms is not a small amount, Mr. Recker. My current cultivation level is still shallow, so I am not in a hurry to trade this. I will definitely come to you when I need it in the future."

Li Yang smiled and spoke to Rekel, who immediately sighed with regret: "That's really regrettable, but being able to reach this first deal with you today is already very satisfying. A happy thing, I think you need to adjust your condition well before the game, and a magic sheep feast full of energy and value may be able to help you."

As Recker spoke, he waved his hand, and a pot of condensed magic sheep soup appeared in the room. Recker smiled and said to Li Yang: "Heat it and you can enjoy it. I'll treat you."

"It's really delicious food, so I would be disrespectful to reject it."

A smile appeared on Li Yang's face, and he put the magic sheep pot on the table into the [Qiankun Bag] with a wave of his hand, then said goodbye to Recker and left.

Recker withdrew the transparent barrier bubble and watched Li Yang leave with a smile on his face. Then he quickly returned to his residence, opened the magic circle, and took out the gold he had just received from Li Yang. He took out a pound-sized piece and held it tightly in his hand.

"Master of Magic."

Recker murmured to himself, his eyes bursting with energy, and then he started to practice the [Immortal Cultivation Method] excitedly.

While Recker was practicing, Li Yang, who returned to the room on the other side, did not make any preparations to participate in the competition as he expected.


Li Yang sat in the room, flipping through the scrolls of space knowledge and various space magics that Recker traded to him.

With his current strong mental power, he could flip through these scrolls of memory faster than ordinary people could flip through books. In a short time, he had memorized a bunch of space magic knowledge scrolls and space magic in his heart.

"I see."

After reading this, the originally mysterious space magic suddenly became traceable, and the mysterious cloak instantly faded away in Li Yang's eyes, and he couldn't help but murmur with a hint of surprise.

Space can be compared to a piece of 'cloth' covering the world that is constantly pulling in all directions and can automatically recover. It allows all kinds of creatures and everything in the world to survive better on the cloth, but it is not the world. .

Space magic is to fold the cloth across the crest of the wave. By performing various operations on the cloth, you can achieve space crossing, space movement, space isolation, etc.

In this world, the only thing that can directly observe and touch this piece of cloth is high energy and spiritual power.

However, without high-strength mental power, even if there are continuous bursts of high-strength energy, it will be difficult to perform detailed operations on the space, because the energy will always subside after the burst. Even if the high-strength energy burst causes the space to fluctuate, it can be Even if it is implemented, there is no way for people to see the space.

If there is no high-strength mental power to observe and contact the space, no matter how much power you have, you will still be at a loss when facing the space like a covered fly.

"I don't know what the spiritual power of the sixth-level genetic evolution is. Judging from the improvement and strengthening of the soul by the fifth-level genetic medicine, the sixth-level genetic evolution may not have weak soul power, but I don't know if they will actively use it."

Li Yang guessed in his heart that the genetic evolvers in the apocalyptic world are undoubtedly weak in the use of the soul, and it is even said to be a completely untouched field. However, human spirit, energy and spirit are integrated, and their bodies have become so strong. It will naturally lead to an increase in soul power.

Of course, when it comes to genes, perhaps the enhancement of certain genes will also have an effect on the promotion of the soul under circumstances that they themselves cannot predict - such as neuro-enhancing potions and brain-strengthening potions.

"However, even if they can't, this knowledge is true. If they can't learn it or use it, then it has nothing to do with me."

Guessing in his mind, Li Yang tapped his fingers, his eyes flashed, and then he waved his hand to put away the piles of space magic secrets and knowledge piled on the table, and his figure disappeared into the air again in an instant.

Each player's room is private. When he comes in, he opens the room's magic circle, so he can boldly use the world door to leave.

What is his purpose in wanting this spatial knowledge? Isn't it just to go to the apocalyptic world to exchange for level six genetic medicine?

Space-related knowledge and corresponding resources were something that had been discussed a long time ago. Now that the most difficult space knowledge was obtained, and the competition would not be held until tomorrow, he naturally couldn't wait to finalize the sixth-level genetic potion first.

This is the power corresponding to the level of magic master in this world, and it is also one of his most important reliance when facing the world of immortal cultivation.


"Whether it can work or not depends on today's wave."

In the real world, Li Yang appeared in Linhai City. He quickly prepared six hundred tons of various food supplies. It took almost an hour to load these supplies into each part of his body. In the storage bag, the figure flashed into the apocalyptic world.

In the inner city, at Bi Yueyue's house, Li Yang's figure flashed in the living room.

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