My world double door

Chapter 239 Booking Level 6 Gene Potion

The three newly arrived ladies were sitting side by side on the sofa watching entertainment information in yoga pants, their white and tender skin reflecting the soft light under the sunlight.

Bi Yueyue was basking in the sun lazily in a miniskirt, and the golden sunlight cast a halo on her body.

Chang Yanyan is devoted to the manufacturing of some technological products. As a woman, Chang Yanyan likes these things very much. This is a very special situation.

However, when Li Yang's figure appeared, there was an intelligent prompt in the room immediately, and several women immediately turned their attention to him no matter what they were doing.

"Oh, hubby~"

Bi Yueyue, who was lying on the recliner wearing a miniskirt, immediately took off the leggings inside the miniskirt and waited for Li Yang to fuck her with blurred eyes. However, she didn't expect that Li Yang picked her up and played with her for a while but didn't fuck her. She was suddenly confused. He raised his eyes and looked at Li Yang.

"Go, contact General Song in the base city, and tell him that I have brought him what he wants, and I want to discuss with him the cooperation on the sixth-level genetic medicine."

Li Yang spoke to Bi Yueyue, who was as obedient as a kitten, with a smile on his face, and his voice made the women in the room suddenly shake.

"Level 6 genetic medicine."

The three newly arrived ladies looked with wide eyes at Li Yang, who was holding the delicate and beautiful Bi Yueyue in his arms, with expressions of disbelief and joy.

Obviously, no matter what, they never thought that in the new place they found, there would be someone who could directly contact the general of Base City, and it seemed that he would be injected with the genetic medicine in the sixth episode.

What is level six genetic medicine?

That is the real master of this world!

So much so that the three ladies who were made to look resentful last time looked at Bi Yueyue who was held in Li Yang's arms and looked a little jealous. How could they not know that this woman actually didn't even have a good life like them before? , and even knew that when she was following the man whose photo was now hung on the wall with her, she had to follow him out in person to seek a living outside the base city.

The high debt in the inner city makes them have to travel for a long time even if they just buy a small house. Unlike before, when they had men, they could occasionally go to work at home and enjoy life without thinking about anything.

But now, because this woman who was originally at the bottom of the inner city relied on Li Yang, not only did the small house she originally bought have been greatly expanded, but she was also injected with genetic medicine and became a fifth-level person who was separated from the civilian class. Genetic Evolver.

Since then, they have lived a comfortable life with no debt, no need to work and still have income. Isn't this what they dream of?

And now, the man she was lucky enough to meet actually wants to be upgraded to a sixth-level genetic evolver. A woman who was originally the lowest level citizen in the inner city base city is about to become the top evolver in the world. How can this not happen? Makes people jealous!

"Master, do you want to buy a level 6 gene potion and become a level 6 gene evolver?"

Chang Yanyan on the side also spoke in disbelief, her expression full of joy.

Bi Yueyue, who was still being held in his arms, also looked at him with excitement: "Husband, are you telling the truth about contacting General Song to conduct a level-6 genetic medicine transaction?"

"Of course it's true. As for when to become a sixth-level genetic evolver, it depends on when the general in the base city prepares things for us."

When Li Yang heard what the two said, he raised his lips with a smile. The eyes of the women suddenly shone with excitement. He looked at the excited women with a smile and stretched out his right hand to scratch Chang Yanyan in the air. Yanyan understood immediately, and hurriedly and excitedly took off her obstructive pants, ran over and placed her buttocks in Li Yang's palm, then turned back and looked at him with moist eyes.

"Okay, I'll contact General Song right now."

When Bi Yueyue heard Li Yang's confirmation, she took a deep breath. Then, with a blushing face, she contacted the private channel of Song Tianyuan, General Song, who had added her contact information before, and told him that her husband wanted to trade level 6 genetic medicine with him. told him.

After hearing the information here, Song Tianyuan over there responded quickly, and Bi Yueyue immediately replied to Li Yang: "Hubby, Song Tianyuan, General Song said that he can see you at any time, but I want to, can, can You can’t love me first and then go.”

Bi Yueyue's face was flushed with excitement as she spoke, and she rubbed her white and tender legs on Li Yang's waist.

"There's really nothing we can do against you. Since you think so, let's get rid of you first."

Seeing that the little slave girl Chang Yanyan was like this, Li Yang was moisturized. He couldn't help but chuckle and spoke in a helpless tone. After speaking, Yueyue smiled happily and hurriedly crossed her legs, letting Li Yang put them wherever he wanted. She opened her mouth and kissed him fiercely.

Chang Yanyan followed, sticking close to Bi Yueyue and waiting behind Bi Yueyue.

The three ladies couldn't help but rub their legs together.


Three hours later, Li Yang took Bi Yueyue, who had finally faded away from the flushing, put on new clothes and boarded a private car to the central building of the base city.

As soon as he arrived at the gate, Song Tianyuan, General Song, took the initiative to greet him with a big smile on his face, and then warmly welcomed him into a conference room.

"General Song, I wonder how many level six genetic medicines we can produce?"

After arriving in the conference room, Li Yang smiled broadly and asked Song Tianyuan straight to the point. He waved his palm while speaking, and a piece of paper with only one-third of the basic space knowledge of the magical world appeared in his hand: "I But I brought you space knowledge that you are very interested in."

"As you know, level 6 genetic medicine is extremely precious. Each bottle of level 6 genetic medicine must be produced immediately when there is a need. However, the space knowledge you provided is very precious. I think we can let the scientific research office fully invest. Only It will take thirty-five days for your potion to be perfectly made."

General Song looked at the half page of paper that suddenly appeared when Li Yang waved his hand with bright eyes, and couldn't help but speak in a low voice.

"Is that so? Then I can pay half of the deposit first, ask for seven bottles of sixth-level genetic medicine, and continue to mount the same-level promotion effects of the abilities I already have."

Li Yang chuckled and nodded, then raised the paper in his hand: "The content on this paper is given to you as a gift. In addition, General Song, the transaction between us is based on mutual needs and wishes. , I think you don’t want the space knowledge I gave you to be false or deleted, for the same reason."

"I don't want the genetic medicine I'm ordering to have any loopholes or backdoors. What do you think?"

Li Yang spoke with a smile on his face, and Song Tianyuan naturally nodded: "Of course not. The sixth-level genetic medicine is the highest technological crystallization in the world. There is no chance of a slight error in something with such precision. Every step must be precise. Be extremely careful, even in normal production, not to mention any loopholes or backdoors, so you will definitely get the most perfect result!"

"If that's the case, that would be a real joy."

A smile appeared on Li Yang's face, and he stood up and followed Song Tianyuan's leadership to a warehouse to take down 700 tons of materials. However, the space information was only given to the broken page of basic space knowledge in his hand. .

"Thirty-five days later, seven bottles of genetic medicine will be successfully prepared, waiting for your arrival!"

Seeing that Li Yang once again used space technology to take out so many things, Song Tianyuan across from him had a bright smile on his face, patted his chest and said.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it!"

Li Yang smiled on his face, and then turned around and left with Bi Yueyue, who was wearing exquisite clothes and always had a bright smile on his face.

Song Tianyuan watched them leave, then turned around with a glint in his eyes.

"My friends from the cutting-edge research laboratory, how are you? The most precise instrument in the world, at such a close distance, and you personally took action. Did you detect anything from the two consecutive spatial changes?"

Following Song Tianyuan's voice, the walls on both sides of the conference room became transparent, and the rooms around the warehouse became transparent. Several staff members wearing research clothes appeared. Facing Song Tianyuan's question, everyone shook their heads in silence.

"It seems that it is really the fundamental difference in the underlying foundation."

More than a dozen people with strong auras appeared from the fork in the road, and their eyes fell on the paper in the hand of Song Tianyuan, who was a little disappointed.

"Try your best to leave enough controllable backdoors for his level 6 gene potion."

"We must get the space technology in his hands, no matter the cost."



In the magical world, the players live in the room.

After confirming the sixth-level gene potion, he and Bi Yueyue returned home and fucked the three ladies for another two hours. Li Yang returned here again with a smile on his face.

"Thirty-five days is not a long time."

Li Yang whispered, then thought about what the demon soul's power had just tested, and smiled playfully.

"These guys who control the world in the apocalypse are really dishonest. There are so many people hiding around me. Fortunately, I was prepared."

Li Yang chuckled lightly, then frowned and muttered: "I didn't expect that in the apocalyptic world, there would be something that can isolate the detection of spiritual power."

The last time he went to trade, he also used spiritual power to detect, but he did not detect anything strange. This time, his spiritual power training transformed into the power of the demon soul, and he also broke through to the realm of super soul mage, but suddenly the detection came out, the only explanation was that there was something special about the building materials in that place.

I just don’t know... do those genetic evolvers know about this?

Li Yang whispered in his heart and looked at the sky outside. It was already afternoon. Then he looked at the magic goat soup that Recker gave him. He warmed up the soup with great satisfaction and drank it comfortably.

"No matter what he does, can he stop my super demon soul?"

Li Yang felt extremely comfortable after eating a whole demon goat. He suddenly felt the surging magic power flowing through his body. He couldn't help but feel at ease. While the demon goat meat was still effective, he got up and went to the practice room near his residence to start practicing the exercises.


A trace of electric arc flashed, Li Yang silently absorbed the thunder element, and practiced [Thunder Body], which was most likely an important technique for his physical extraordinary breakthrough to the super extraordinary level.

This practice has reached dusk.

"Hey, all the guys who came to perform circus, come out and show me, let me see which monkeys each country has sent!"

Asking for monthly ticket

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