My world double door

Chapter 242 Final Showdown

"There are only eight of you entering the competition here. This competition is different from all the previous competitions. In a sense, whether you can win or not means whether you can fight for the glory of the human race."

"No matter how victorious, powerful, or fighting within the race, it is one's own people versus one's own. Only by going out of the race and winning on the battlefield where other races compete for hegemony can we demonstrate our race's divine power."

The arena is divided into seven entrances. Recker led Li Yang and Sheng Li to the entrance of the Lion Kingdom together with Tang Li who came to watch the match. When drums sounded all around, Recker looked at Li Yang and Shengli spoke solemnly.

"A total of three people will stand out in the competition. You two are from the Lion Kingdom together. You may have priority in forming an alliance during the battle."

"Win the game, stand out, and fight for the human race!"

Recker spoke seriously to Li Yang and Sheng Li, and then saw that the time was up and watched the two of them enter together.


After passing through the long and thick passage, the iron gate in front of them was opened with the push of several people. Li Yang and Shengli walked into the passage together, the sun shining on their faces and leaving shadows behind them.

"If you can persist until the end without being eliminated, maybe we can form an alliance."

Stepping onto the extremely wide arena, surrounded by tall walls like city walls, the contestants from the other six countries were like six small black dots in his sight. Shengli touched the hair of the four-winged dragon horse beside him, and raised his head to see the sky. Kuang Kuang couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth, turned to Li Yang and spoke with a chuckle. After saying that, he turned over and mounted the four-winged dragon horse, and suddenly turned into a ray of light and flew into the sky.

"Why is this guy still so narcissistic?"

Li Yang shook his head, looking a little speechless at the holy power flying into the sky to make full use of his perfect knight power. He was a little speechless in his heart, and then his eyes swept over the remaining six people on the field one by one, focusing on On top of the thick-browed young man who entered the third entrance on the left.

Yesterday, I shot and killed a red-haired young man who usually wouldn't even dare to be hit by others. As a result, he became more and more arrogant and domineering, and then developed to the point where he came to the genius rest area of ​​various countries to cause trouble for the sake of excitement. He was also chased by his family's magic master. The perfect warrior who was saved.

"These people who are fed by God are really unreasonable."

Li Yang recalled his burst of energy yesterday and secretly shook his head and sighed. People born with extraordinary talents always have all kinds of conveniences that ordinary people cannot achieve. Unlike him, who works hard to practice in addition to enjoying every day, but he can only reach the same level as them. Level.

When Li Yang sighed in his heart, the remaining people on the field started to move quickly.

When they all understood that this was the last competition, and that there were only eight of them, and the purpose was to select a genius who could represent the human race, there was no need to hesitate at all, so everyone decisively selected someone immediately after entering the competition. There was a duel.


Terrifying sonic booms erupted one after another on the field in an instant. Even though there were two possessors of perfect qualifications, the geniuses from all over the world were not afraid. Whether it was the holy power flying in the air or the perfect warrior, there was someone to choose right away. Challenge and compete with it.

Someone was also looking for him in front of Li Yang.

"The Lion King of the Lion Kingdom?"

A young man with black hair and yellow skin walked up to Li Yang with a stern face: "I'm the son of the dragons of [Holy Dragon Empire], please ask for advice."


There is no need to be polite about this kind of duel. After hearing this, Li Yang looked at the son of the dragons of the [Holy Dragon Empire] who exuded extraordinary aura, and also spoke softly and clasped his fists.


As soon as the words fell, a sound exploded in the air, and the ground shook. The two of them attacked each other together, and the air was shaken by the powerful force, sending out ripples in all directions.

"Chasing Dragon's Fist!"

The son of dragons was covered by the shadow of a green dragon, and he let out a loud roar. Terrible power rose from his body, and with great majesty, he collided with Li Yang's simple punch fiercely.

The moment the two collided, the expression of the young man known as the Son of Dragons changed. He was instantly knocked backwards by the powerful force surging from Li Yang, and his body was hit hard on the ground.

"A formidable opponent indeed."

Li Yang turned his wrist, looked at this warrior whose strength had reached the level of Earthline Warrior, and praised him.

The high-level Perfection warrior who could block his blow indeed deserved his praise.


The son of dragons who walked in front of Li Yang coughed twice, and blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth after being hit by Li Yang, but he gritted his teeth, and powerful energy burst out from his body in an instant, a condensed wave of energy. The green dragon phantom burst out from him crazily, roaring and charging over again the next moment.


Li Yang stepped forward, and his figure instantly exceeded eighty times the speed of sound. On the ground, his powerful body could explode at a flying speed that far exceeded the force of the magnetic field. Although the opponent attacked first, he was the last to attack. He punched the opponent's attacking fist, followed by another serious punch without talking nonsense, knocking him out completely.

The magic circle on the field fluctuated, and then it was teleported out of the playing field.

"Seven left."

After dealing with the opponent, Li Yang took back the gold coins on the opponent's chest with one move. He looked around the field and saw a magician holding a staff looking towards him.


The moment Li Yang looked over, the magician immediately lit his staff. In an instant, hundreds of his bodies appeared densely on the field. Following these bodies, they used magic together and attacked Li Yang.


Li Yang then glanced at the many clones that were completely empty in his magnetic field induction. His eyes were firmly fixed on the magician's body who quietly moved to the other side invisibly. He saw that the other person cast another spell. The figure turned into an afterimage and dodged away in an instant, then appeared opposite the opponent as if teleporting, and punched the opponent's body hard.


A terrible sonic boom was formed in an instant. Li Yang's fist hit the air and burst the air. The magician's pupils shrank when his face was thrust out. The next moment, he disappeared from the place before Li Yang's fist came. When he reappeared, he was already at another distance. The sun appears far away.

But as soon as his body appeared, two red lights containing terrifying energy spanned a great distance and attacked him the moment he appeared.


Two red lights appeared on the field, and Li Yang's eyes erupted with intense heat vision. He used his powerful sixth sense to locate the location where the mage would appear after he moved, and took the lead before he appeared, with accurate prediction. The powerful heat vision attacked the magician's body instantly, and the magician had no time to react. Fortunately, passive protective magic emerged from his body.


A magic shield rose from the magician's body. With this moment of obstruction, the magician was able to move to other places instantly with sufficient reaction time.


A powerful heat vision cut across Li Yang's eyes. The magician waved the wand in his hand, and a powerful water magic was released from his staff and hit Li Yang's heat vision accurately.


A sharp pain hit, and the magician's body was instantly teleported outside the field by the magic circle. He was slightly stunned, and then looked at Li Yang, whose eyes burst out with red light, shaking his head secretly, and shook his head with some pity. Hold your own super protective magic weapon.

He had misjudged just now. Although the water magic restrained Li Yang's heat vision, it was unable to block it at all under his powerful energy. The heat vision not only penetrated his water magic, but also hit Li Yang in an instant. Hitting him caused him to teleport directly out of the arena.

"What a terrible guy."

Seeing Li Yang's figure holding his head high in the arena, the magician muttered to himself, and then silently rested cross-legged.

"Five left."

Li Yang's eyes swept across the field, looking at the last two battle groups on the field. When he was thinking about where to start, he saw three consecutive magic circle fluctuations coming from the field. A practitioner was fighting with the Holy Power in the air, and on the ground. The two players who faced off against the perfect warrior both eliminated their opponents in an instant.

"There are only two left now."

Li Yang touched the two gold coins in his hand and the one that belonged to him hanging on his chest, and looked at the remaining two with a chuckle.

"I guess there's no need to keep competing, right?"

Li Yang looked at the only two remaining extraordinary people with perfect qualifications, smiled softly and spoke, but as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the holy power driving the dragon and horse in the form of rainbow light and rushed towards him.

"The strongest among the human race must be born. The outcome of the battle has not yet been determined. Let me see how strong you are!"

Shengli roared, and his body suddenly erupted with bright white light. The powerful power of the sky exploded and merged with the four-winged dragon horse neighing under his crotch. He attacked Li Yang fiercely with terrifying power.

"This guy."

Li Yang narrowed his eyes, clenched his fists, and the terrifying physical power exploded. In an instant, his body broke through the air and attacked the holy power fiercely.


A violent explosion came from between the two fists colliding. Under the terrifying power, Sheng Li took ten steps back unnaturally, looking at Li Yang in shock, who only took half a step back.

"Your power is so terrifying."

A hint of disbelief flashed across Shengli's expression, but the next moment more intense energy burst out from his body. He stared at Li Yang for a long time, and then sighed helplessly.

"Forget it, there is still a gap between me and you. If we continue to fight, we will lose."

After Shengli finished speaking, he threw a piece of gold coin on his body to Li Yang, and then silently stepped aside, turning to look at the perfect warrior in front of him.

"Di En also wants to ask for advice."

Di'en, who was standing opposite, witnessed the collision between Li Yang and Shengli. When he saw Shengli riding a mount and carrying the power descending from the sky, he was no match for Li Yang. He suddenly narrowed his eyes. The powerful power of the earth Wrap around the body.

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