My world double door

Chapter 243 The First Human Race

"The perfect knight whose cultivation has reached the level of the Earth Knight actually lost!"

Outside the stadium, seeing Shengli fall into a disadvantage due to the collision with Li Yang, and even taking the initiative to admit defeat, the spectators couldn't help but cause a commotion. Many people looked at the figure standing on the field in surprise, feeling in their hearts Secretly shocked.

The existence of the perfect knight and the perfect warrior is almost 100% certain that two of the three human geniuses who represent the human race must be theirs. In their opinion, the remaining people are just competing for the third one. That’s all.

Although Li Yang had defeated Shengli before, that was under the premise that Li Yang had a super extraordinary body and Shengli was still a high-level knight.

Now that Shengli has broken through to the super transcendent level together with the perfect warrior Di En, their strength has greatly increased. Under this situation, no one thinks that Li Yang can continue to defeat such a perfect knight.

The power of the owner of perfect qualifications has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and they naturally think so, but now, Shengli actually gave up in the duel with Li Yang!

Everyone was surprised and doubtful, looking at the figure standing in the field with incredible eyes.

"This guy actually has such great power."

On the exclusive passage of the Lion Kingdom, Recker stood up in surprise when he witnessed this scene, looked at Li Yang in surprise, and immediately thought of the inheritance Li Yang said.

"What kind of inheritance is it that is so mysterious?"

Ignoring the power of the top magic masters from the Seven Kingdoms, he arranged a super forbidden air formation to carry out ultra-long distance space transmission. During the space transmission, even a magician at the peak of his spirit and energy did not notice the space fluctuations at all. .

Now, facing a perfect knight of the same level, he actually has the upper hand. This is incredible.

You know, what is the perfect qualification?

These are the darlings of the entire world, and they are the most terrifying group of extraordinary beings. Except in the era when the Thunder Mage appeared, they have always had perfect qualifications, no matter which kind of extraordinary path they are on, as long as they appear, they will basically dominate the world. .

But now, this Li Yang has actually defeated a perfect aptitude transcendent of the same level. This is incredible.

Just as surprised as him was Di En, another perfect qualification owner standing opposite. As the owner of perfect qualifications, he was the only one who knew how powerful the perfect qualifications were.

In this duel, he only had eyes for Sheng Li, but at this moment, seeing that Sheng Li was actually defeated by Li Yang and even surrendered, he was doubly surprised. He squinted his eyes and looked at the man standing in front of him. , his expression became serious.

"I didn't expect you to be able to defeat him, but the outcome between you and me is still undecided."

Di En was not timid when he saw Shengli admitting defeat, but mobilized the power of the earth to prepare for battle.

"This guy is a freak, what can I do."

Sheng Li awkwardly touched the mane of the four-winged dragon horse and muttered in his mouth. The four-winged dragon horse nodded in agreement and flicked its tail silently.

Even if it was just a mount, it felt the terrifying power from Li Yang's fist in the collision just now, so that now its horse's hooves unnaturally tap the ground to relieve itself after being violently attacked. discomfort.

"It seems like you won't give up until there's a winner."

Li Yang shook his head when he saw Di En's appearance. Then he saw the powerful power of the earth erupting from Di En's body, and his eyes revealed a solemn look.


A sound explosion came from under his feet. Li Yang stepped on the ground, and terrifying power erupted from his body. In an instant, he crossed many distances, carrying a terrifying forward momentum and struck hard at Di En, who had gathered the strong power of the earth. A punch was thrown.


The violent power attacked the strong power of the earth, bringing up a large amount of smoke and dust, and the sky was filled with loess in an instant.

"Conducting all my power underground?"

Li Yang, who was the first to attack, raised his eyebrows, and his eyes narrowed involuntarily when he looked at the yellow mud and smoke in the sky. This attack seemed very powerful, but in fact, he felt the situation with just one attack.

The terrifying power contained in his attack was actually completely guided by the opponent to the ground on which he was stepping. In other words, his attack looked very powerful, but in fact it was no different from punching the ground.

Upon hearing Li Yang's words, Di En, who was enveloped in rich earth energy, flashed a smile at the corner of his mouth. The next moment, the rich power of the earth circulated, and the whole person was instantly enveloped by the power of the earth.

Li Yang frowned, and the next moment he clenched his fists and suddenly moved forward to attack one after another.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Heavy fists poured like raindrops crazily on Dien's Earth Power shield, but the effect was only to make the soil on the field roll like silt, crazily churning endlessly, and shrouded within the Earth Power. The earth's grace was unscathed.

"It's really difficult."

Li Yang frowned, and then he remembered what the Recker family had said to him before joining the war. He narrowed his eyes, and the next moment a very penetrating power suddenly condensed in his body.



Li Yang suddenly punched out, and the destructive combat technique, which had the effect of beating a cow across the mountain, hit hard on the power of the earth that enveloped Di'en, but this time the fist containing powerful power seemed to have no force when it landed on the earth. Silent.

The surrounding land was also calm, far less powerful than the previous few punches.

But Li Yang's eyes lit up.

[Destroy] The achievements of combat skills were not transmitted to the earth.

"In that case..."

Li Yang took a deep breath, and the next moment the [Destruction] combat skill was activated again, and he punched Di En, who was wrapped in the power of the earth, with a fierce punch.


The moment Li Yang swung out his fist, the power of the earth surrounding Di En suddenly surged and gathered into a thick bronze fist. Then Di En appeared in front of Li Yang with a solemn face, and a rich and terrifying power gathered in his right fist. The power of the earth came towards Li Yang's fist.


With a muffled sound, Di En took two steps back uncontrollably, but was approached by Li Yang with shining eyes.

【Heavy Cut】!


Two fists were punched in succession using different combat techniques. Di En struggled to mobilize the power of the earth to resist, but he was still knocked back by Li Yang's two attacks, and blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

Especially the mixed attack of [Heavy Slash] and [Destroy] made him fly backwards onto the wall.

"I surrender!"

Seeing another punch from Li Yang, Di En, who fell against the wall, sighed and spoke proactively.


Li Yang's heavy and swift fist stopped in front of his forehead, and the violent wind of the fist blew his hair. Di En breathed a sigh of relief. He handed the gold coins he had to Li Yang and said to Li Yang with a smile: "Congratulations. , won the first place in the human race!"


Li Yang smiled, took the gold coins, then turned around, looked around the tall arena under everyone's gaze, and slowly raised his right hand.

Five gold coins sparkled in the sunlight.

Upon seeing this, Di'en and Shengli raised their right hands, one with two gold coins, the other with one gold coin. When the only important figures from the seven countries around saw this scene, they all focused their attention on them.

"Congratulations to Li Yang, the Lion King of the Lion Kingdom, for winning the title of the strongest genius in the human race!"

"Number one among humans!"

There were loud shouts, and everyone knew that the most important competition between the human nations for hegemony was over.

Compared to tomorrow's event, today's result is undoubtedly more eye-catching, which means that the glory of the human race will be carried by them in the future.

Tang Li, the son of the intermediate wind element in the passage, looked at all this with envy.

"Human race, number one."

Li Yang's lips curled up softly, and he nodded to Di En with a smile. Then he walked towards the passage of [Lion Kingdom] with his head held high under the gaze of pairs of eyes. Recker was extremely enthusiastic and met with many other personnel. With a smile on his face, he and Shengli left the field together.

When the peak showdown comes to an end, there is still one showdown with no winner. They will not go to participate in the competition for hegemony among other races until the end of the competition within the human race. Before that, they still have to live here.

But the corresponding rewards can already be received.

In the process of returning to his residence, Li Yang was like a bright sun shining with sunshine, attracting attention all the way. Of course, since this matter is a confidential event, only some senior officials and contestants from various countries knew about it, and they could only enjoy it when they arrived at the rest area of ​​the genius of the human race. It's like being treated like a star.

At noon that day, the seven countries jointly held a banquet to celebrate the three of them, especially Li Yang. When the banquet was over, Recker called Li Yang over alone with a smile.

"Congratulations, you have won the first place in the human race. Now our beautiful Princess Hera does not have to wait until she reaches adulthood. You can marry her."

After Recker brought Li Yang to the room, his first sentence was about the princess with a smile. Then he saw the slight smile on Li Yang's face and then said: "Choose any one from the kingdom's treasury. You need to go back to the Lion Kingdom to get the reward, but I have already brought the gold. If you win the first place, the total reward you will get is 300 kilograms of gold!"

Recker said, waving his hand, and a pile of gold immediately appeared on the field. After he reluctantly took out the gold, he smiled and rubbed his hands and looked at Li Yang: "Of course, if you are willing, I am still full of gold." I am sincerely willing to exchange this gold with you for anything."

Choose one from the kingdom's treasury, marry the princess, gold.

The ultimate reward of the Human Race Tournament!

"I wonder if Mr. Recker has any secrets or resources related to soul cultivation?"

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