My world double door

Chapter 245 Princess Hera, choosing treasures from the treasure house

Under the sunlight, the Lion Kingdom's royal capital space shuttle stop area, that is, the neat buildings on the edge of the royal city, were cast with a layer of light.

Under the sun, the king with a big beard stood in the first place. Next to him was Prince Lule. Behind him was the beautiful princess and the little princess Hera in a yellow and white skirt. Behind him were a group of important ministers in court uniforms according to their status. Different ones stood.

The carriage coming across the space stopped in front of everyone. When Li Yang and Recker, with smiling faces, and Perfect Knight Shengli, Intermediate Magician Tangli, and Red-haired Ranger Brown stepped out of the carriage, Instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Welcome our human race's number one genius, Li Yang, and the three geniuses who fought for the kingdom to return home!"

A bright smile appeared on the bearded king's face. He stretched out his right hand and shouted loudly. Loud cheers and celebrations immediately sounded behind him. Li Yang looked at Recker in confusion.

[After I salute, follow me and salute. Just say that you have met the king, prince, princess, princess, and ministers. I have not received any prior notice that the king will bring his ministers to see us. It may be that it coincides with the court meeting. The king He was so happy that he brought all the ministers to greet us. 】

Rekel immediately sent a message to Li Yang and the three Shengli people around him. Then he quickly walked to the front and bowed with a smile: "Rekel met His Majesty the King, met His Majesty the Prince, met the Princess, the Little Princess and the Dear ministers!"

"Li Yang has met His Majesty the King, His Majesty the Prince, the Princess, the little princess and all the ministers."

Li Yang also went over to salute, and the holy force beside him pulled the four-winged dragon horse to salute with him, as did Tang Li and Brown.

"Okay, okay, I heard the day before yesterday that the Lion King of my Lion Kingdom won the first place in the peak competition. He will go to participate in the competition for hegemony among the races as the first genius of the human race, and the Holy Power of the Perfect Knight is also the same Be a finalist and become the second among the only three geniuses to fight on behalf of the human race!"

"There are only three people who can replace the human race in the battle, and our Lion Kingdom has two. Yesterday, I heard that our warrior Tangli won the second place in the Seven Kingdoms Hegemony, and Brown also got the fifth place. I, the king I feel really relieved!”

The bearded king has the usual handsome appearance of the orthodox royal family. At this moment, when he saw the few people in front of him receiving the gift, he couldn't help but blush. After finishing speaking, he clapped his hands: "In this case, the reward you deserve cannot be less, let alone later. ”

"Come on, present the key to the treasure house of my kingdom, and let Li Yang Tianjiao go to the treasure house to choose a treasure."

After the bearded kingdom finished speaking, a waiter came up to him seriously holding a treasure box. Li Yang raised his eyebrows and opened the treasure box. A golden key the size of a football automatically flew out and landed in front of him. Li Yang was secretly surprised - the key was so big.

"Princess Hera, stand in front and let our Li Yang Tianjiao take a good look at his little wife. We will choose a date to hold the wedding. In the future, Li Yang Tianjiao will be my royal family member and share the glory of my royal family!"

The bearded kingdom watched with a smile as Li Yang took the key, then waved again and spoke in a loud voice. The little beauty Princess Hera standing behind him took a deep breath, softly agreed, nodded and walked in front of the king. , took a deep breath and looked at Li Yang standing in front of him.

Li Yang looked with some surprise at the little princess Hera who walked in front of him. His eyes first fell on her delicate ankles, then moved up to her calves, then to her beautiful skirt, and then to her small and plump breasts. Moving up from the shoulder where a small section of delicate collarbone is exposed to the delicate neck, finally the eyes move from the small lips to the delicate bridge of the nose, and then move up to the pair of beautiful eyes, and the entire delicate, small and beautiful cheeks follow appear in sight.

"You will become husband and wife soon. This time, Princess Hera will take Mr. Li Yang to the Kingdom's treasury. You two should spend more time together in the past two days and get to know each other well. We will hold a wedding the day after tomorrow!"

The king looked at Li Yang and fixed his eyes on Hera. He laughed with satisfaction on his face. After he finished speaking, he spoke again: "I and the ministers have a court meeting to attend, so I won't spend much time with you, you young people." Just do it yourself.”

"Farewell to His Majesty the King!"

Rekel spoke hurriedly, and Li Yang also came back to his senses and saluted the king. After the salute was over, he watched the king who nodded with satisfaction and left from sight with his ministers.

"Hey, I'm leaving now. I'll see you again when you participate in the competition among the clans for hegemony."

Seeing the king leaving, Sheng Li couldn't help but look at Li Yang with schadenfreude, glanced at the beautiful little princess standing in front of him, turned around and rode away on horseback.

"Brother Li Yang, we are leaving first."

Tang Li and Brown also came to say goodbye to Li Yang one by one. Naturally, they admired the most talented person in the human race, who they had fought with before, and they left one after another after Li Yang nodded to them with a smile.

"Raedel is still in the house and has not left. If anything happens, come to the Crow family to see us at any time."

Recker blinked at Li Yang: "Now, I won't delay your date with Princess Hera. I'll see Princess Hera later."

"See you later, Mr. Recker."

Princess Hera also had a calm and shy smile on her face. Recker nodded with a smile, then put away his space frame and winked at Li Yang. Under Li Yang's speechless expression, Turn around and leave.

"I've never heard of you before. Don't you live in the royal city?"

When Recker left, the little princess Hera held her delicate hands tightly in front of her belly, then turned around and took Li Yang to the kingdom's treasure house. On the way, her cheeks were red and she could not help but speak to Li Yang who was staring at her little butt. Find a topic.

"Well, yes Princess Hera, I have been living in [Black Rock City] outside [Defense Cliff]. Things there are difficult to convey here."

Li Yang found that the little princess Hera's butt was so beautiful. Even though the little butt wrapped in the long skirt was wrapped in the skirt, she could imagine how great it would be when the skirt was taken off. He stared at it After watching for a while, he found that the little princess' buttocks tightened as he looked at him, and then he heard questions. Then he looked up at the little princess's face with a smile and responded.

"Oh, outside the defensive cliff, I heard from the servants and princesses in the palace that it is a barbaric land without rules. The people living there are desperadoes and savages. It is full of danger and death, and there are also ferocious barbarians and there Bordering, is that really what it is?”

The little princess Hera's buttocks were burning at first, but now after listening to Li Yang's words, she was involuntarily attracted by the words mentioned in his words, and couldn't help asking worriedly.

"Well, compared to the inside of the [Defensive Cliff], the outside of the [Defensive Cliff] is indeed more turbulent and dangerous, but it is not so scary."

Li Yang chuckled softly when he heard the little princess's words, and then saw the surprise on the little princess Hera's face and spoke again: "Of course, that's what I think."

Since he came to this world, he really hasn't felt any great danger, especially when he was [outside the defensive cliff].

Instead, when he came inside, there were strong men everywhere, which made him feel a little bit in danger.

"Heroes who grow up in danger are not afraid of danger, they all say so."

Hera pursed her lips after listening to Li Yang's words, and then couldn't help but slow down her pace, leading Li Yang into an entrance on the side of the palace. After a few turns, a huge treasure house door appeared in sight: " The kingdom’s treasury has arrived, you don’t need to call me Princess Hera, after all, I, I will be your wife soon.”

After Hera took Li Yang to the entrance of the treasure house, she said the last words a little shyly. After speaking, she looked up at Li Yang with the boldness of a girl.

"Oh, then what should I call you? After all, you are not my wife yet."

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Yang's lips. Seeing the shy look of the little princess, he suddenly whispered: "How about I call you little darling."

"Ah, you can call me baby, okay, anyway, I am your fiancee, you can call me whatever you want."

The little princess Hera was so flustered by Li Yang's words that she was at a loss. Then she grabbed the corner of her skirt and looked at the treasure house in front of her: "Hey, you can go to the treasure house to choose the treasure."

"I have never entered this treasure house, nor have I seen any real treasures. I don't know what kind of treasures are the best in the treasure house. If there is no one else in this treasure house, I would like to ask My little baby comes into the treasure house with me, is it okay?"

Li Yang looked at the soldiers standing solemnly on both sides of the treasure house, then at the closed door of the treasure house, and spoke quietly to Princess Hera.

"No one is allowed to enter the treasure house. Except for my father and those with my father's permission, no one else is allowed to enter. Otherwise, it will be treated as a capital crime."

After hearing what Li Yang said, Hera spoke seriously, and then pursed her lips: "However, today, my father asked me to take you to the treasure house, and he didn't say he wouldn't let me in. I think I should be able to accompany you in. .”

"In this case, that would be the best."

Li Yang chuckled and spoke, then stretched out his hand forward and said politely: "Please, my dear little baby."

Hera nodded with a red face, thinking that they would be husband and wife the day after tomorrow, and then followed Li Yang to the front door.

Li Yang took out the key, and after the soldiers around him confirmed it, he threw the key forward and inserted it into the keyhole. The thick magic door opened automatically, revealing the dark interior of the treasure house. Li Yang and Hera walked in with a smile.

When the two entered, the opened magic door closed. Li Yang, who was standing inside, was wondering why it was so dark inside. Suddenly there was a flash of light from the magic circle under his feet, and Li Yang and Hera disappeared together.

When they appeared again, they had arrived inside a jeweled treasure house.

"Oh, I thought the door was about to open, but I didn't expect it was actually a magic circle teleporting."

The space in front of her suddenly changed. In desperation, Hera couldn't help but hold the palm of her fiancé beside her. After standing still in a panic, she heard Li Yang's surprised voice coming from beside her.

She hurriedly and shyly wanted to let go of her hand, but found that Li Yang had caught him and couldn't take it back. She immediately let him hold her hand and looked into the treasure house in embarrassment: "I haven't come to the treasure house either. , it was suddenly teleported over just now, and it also shocked me."

"It seems this is the real treasure trove."

Li Yang looked around in surprise, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and spoke. After speaking, he lightly sniffed the fragrance of Princess Hera beside him, looked at the vast treasure house on the left and right, and his eyes flashed: "Let's go and see what treasures are there. .”

"OK, all right."

Hera nodded and took the initiative to walk forward. When she came to a treasure display stand and carefully inspected the various treasures on it, Li Yang, who was standing behind her, looked at her butt and flashed his eyes. , suddenly squatted down.

"Oh, what are you doing, oh~"

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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