My world double door

Chapter 246 Treasure House Breakthrough! (Please give me a monthly ticket for more updates!)

The extremely spacious treasure house is filled with the brilliance of various treasures, and there are all kinds of magic treasures. The three colors of blue, purple, and green mana interweave into colorful light, illuminating the entire space.

There are glass cabinets lined up on both sides of the straight up and down passage, and each cabinet displays a magic prop. There are breathtakingly beautiful gems, wands with infinite magic power, and magic books that make people want to stop. Every treasure makes people excited and want to own it.

What's amazing is that not only ordinary magic weapons are collected here, but also legendary long-lost magical treasures are preserved here. The Staff of the Lizard King, the Sword of Apocalypse, the Heart of Eternity... each treasure has created a history that shocked the world and made ghosts and gods weep. If a local extraordinary person were to come in, he would be uncontrollably excited.

The magic gallery on the wall is a collection of all the strange magic items in the kingdom. The colorful ink stains of ghosts and gods appear on the paper, and the majestic magic power surges. The magical picture makes people want to praise it loudly.

This is the most famous and most extensive collection of magical treasures in the kingdom. It brings together the best magic masters from around the world and selects them to extremely high standards.

Without going through layers of selection, even super magicians would have difficulty entering this treasure house. But now, Li Yang, who had the opportunity to choose the magic treasure he needed and help him on his way to becoming a magic master in the future, focused his attention on another treasure.

He looked at the beautiful buttocks of the little princess Hera, couldn't help but licked his lips, squatted down, lifted up the little princess's skirt, revealing the delicate and beautiful thighs and buttocks, and suddenly looked at the little princess's legs with twinkling eyes. He hugged his legs and buried his head.

"Oh, what are you doing? Oh, we are here to pick out treasures."

The little princess Hera bent forward as she was hugged, looked behind her in surprise and spoke.

"My little baby, to me, you are the best baby."

Li Yang's voice came from behind, and then he said angrily: "You are going to be my wife anyway, so it doesn't matter who chooses the treasure this time. I will taste my treasure first, and I will choose yours. How about it?"

"Although, but, I am not your wife yet. I, can't, really can't, there, there..."

Little Hera opened her mouth with flushed cheeks, but her attempts to dissuade her were to no avail. Instead, she became softer and softer. She couldn't help but pursed her lips and looked around in panic, then bit her lips and took a deep breath. Bu grabbed Li Yang's shoulders with both hands and began to look around at the treasures.

‘Should I ask for help? ’

The radiance of the magic treasure shone on little Hera's pure body. Hera, who felt her breathing getting heavier and heavier, was a little overwhelmed. The etiquette and shame she had learned for many years made her subconsciously want to escape.

It was simply unimaginable for a dignified princess to be treated like this, but now this man was her fiancé, and she seemed unable to treat him like an ordinary person.

As she struggled with thoughts in her heart, Hera suddenly opened her eyes wide, feeling that the last position was lost. She took a deep breath, then silently bit her lips, closed her eyes and tilted her head back, giving up on calling for help. idea.

She was forced to continue moving her legs and looked at the various treasures in the treasure house absentmindedly, but she couldn't focus on these treasures at all.

Amidst such a strange feeling, she was unconscious for an unknown period of time. Suddenly, Li Yang's cheek came close to her ear, and her eyes opened and then slowly closed, and she slowly gave up her last attempt to ask for help. idea.


"Oh, I'm sorry, my little baby, you know, you are so beautiful and you are my fiancée. I really can't control myself. I will love you well after you marry me."

After a reckless act, Li Yang, who had experienced the fun of a high-level wood magician, apologetically put on the clothes of Hera who was in a daze, and whispered in her ear.

"Knot, is it over?"

Hera was stunned for a moment when she heard Li Yang's voice, and then came back to her senses. She hurriedly asked in a low voice. When she saw Li Yang nodded, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then she fell into disgrace for a while. She waited until Li Yang hugged her. Yan Wenwen comforted her for a while before she got better.

"Anyway, we are already an unmarried couple. It is only natural that you do this. I can understand it. I, I am just shocked by the way you play."

Hera's entire collarbone was rosy. She let Li Yang hold her delicate and beautiful body in his arms, and then looked at him recalling what Li Yang had done to her just now, with shock and confusion still in her eyes. But after looking at Li Yang's handsome face, he still accepted it and spoke slowly and in a low voice.

"Hurry up and choose your baby. You have done it now. You can't do this to me when you go back. I am not happy in the palace. You are already my husband and you have to solve my problems."

Hera's delicate and beautiful cheeks suddenly gained a lot of brilliance, but at the same time she also spoke to Li Yang very rationally, and then looked into Li Yang's eyes with her beautiful eyes: "You are the most talented person in the world, deal with these things It must not be difficult."

"Oh, of course, I will never allow my woman to be wronged."

Li Yang looked at the pure eyes of the little princess, and suddenly felt a sense of guilt in his heart - he had to admit that with the improvement of his strength and the change of conditions, he was now doing more and more whatever he wanted.

So much so that when an idea came up in his heart, he actually implemented it regardless of the occasion. This really shouldn't be the case.

But after feeling the changes in his body, his eyes were a little burning - his thunder magic power quietly completed the sixth transformation, reaching the advanced stage, and the improvement rate reached an astonishing 100%. Sixty-nine points!

Moreover, the eighth level of Qi refining cultivation also broke through to the ninth level of Qi refining in one fell swoop, and the extraordinary physical body that began to practice [Thunder Body] also successfully experienced the eighth transformation!

As a super thunderous skill, the [Thunder Body] combined with the magic of thunder brought enough power to his physical transformation, improving it by as much as 89% in one fell swoop!

The terrifying improvement was carried out silently inside the body. Under the restraint and neutralization of the magic power, Princess Hera, who was held in Li Yang's arms, was not aware of it.

Li Yang's heart was full of surprises and speculations - his impulse this time might be the body's spontaneous desire and choice.

He could feel that after communicating with Hera, the senior Perfect Wood Magician, his body seemed to have received the soil moistened by the spring rain, instantly becoming soft and moist, and his vitality increased greatly.

Most of the invisible, hard-to-find and inappropriate places caused by the coexistence of genes, magic power, and mana were eliminated by this nourishment, making him feel completely new.

The coexistence of the three roads brings not only benefits, but also some disadvantages that are usually difficult to detect, such as the passive intrusion and conflict of various energies on the body's initiative. Now, these hidden dangers have all been healed under this vitality - this, This is also the fundamental reason why Li Yang got so many benefits in a short period of time!

His body was spontaneously eager to communicate with this little princess!

Moreover, [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] has made great progress!

"Huh, that's good. I'm sixteen years old this year. The reason why I was able to practice to become a high-level Perfect Wood Master so early is because I am actually a son of elements, a son of intermediate wood elements."

"But the status of women in the royal family is very low. Before breaking through to the level of magic master, there is no difference between super peak magicians and ordinary women, so they are not taken seriously by others. There is a sister in the family who is already married and secretly forces her to I owe a huge debt that I have to repay after my marriage.”

Hera pursed her lips and looked at the man with some worry: "I don't know what to do."

Intermediate wood elemental son?

Li Yang raised his eyebrows, as if he had the answer in his heart, and then he couldn't help but look at the girl in his arms with bright eyes: "Don't worry, you are my wife now. I will definitely take care of these matters myself when I get back outside." Help you deal with it."

"Yes, husband."

Hera nodded and was slightly relieved after hearing Li Yang's words. Then she looked at the treasures in the treasure house and whispered to Li Yang: "There are many things in the treasure house, but the most important things are not here. You go inside, I overheard an elder from the clan chatting, saying that there are only three good things in the treasure house, and they are on the shelf in the center of the deepest part of the treasure house, take a look at what you need."

"Oh? Is it here?"

Hearing Hera's words, Li Yang moved his eyebrows, stepped on his feet, and his figure instantly appeared outside the deepest wall of the treasure house. Then he looked at the three things on the middle shelf and asked with raised eyebrows.

"I don't know. I just listened vaguely, but now I don't have the energy to carefully select for you. I don't know why. I'm so tired now. You can only choose these treasures by yourself."

Hera huddled in Li Yang's arms tiredly and spoke in a low voice. Li Yang patted her shoulder gently after hearing this, and looked at the three extraordinary things on the display shelf with bright eyes.

A long sword, a magic wand, and a pair of boots.

The items were very ordinary and unremarkable, but Li Yang didn't have any goals at first. He compared the three items and finally chose the sword that looked more pleasing to the eye and picked it up.

"You are the one."

Picking up the big sword, Li Yang broke it with all his strength, but what surprised him was that even though he used all his strength, the big sword did not move at all. This made him realize that this sword was indeed extraordinary, that is, He nodded with satisfaction and put it away.

The big sword was placed in the space bag, and he turned around and carried the little princess outside. When he was about to leave, he saw that Hera was almost asleep. He hesitated, poured a bottle of advanced recovery potion into her mouth, and decided to wait. She regained her energy before leaving.

Unexpectedly, after standing and waiting for a while, a super magician's aura suddenly emerged from her body. Li Yang looked at Hera in surprise and then opened her eyes: "Have you made a breakthrough?"

"I don't know what's going on. I feel so relaxed after falling asleep, and I have a breakthrough as soon as I wake up."

Hera nodded, then jumped down from Li Yang's arms as lightly as a swallow, blinked and said.

"Maybe it's because you were too tired before and weren't so happy."

Li Yang thought about the wonderful use of [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra], and he was thoughtful in his heart, but he spoke with a smile on his face.

I don’t know why, even though there is a double monthly pass event, I still received a single and an odd number of monthly passes? Did everyone get the things mentioned in the activity normally? A lottery or something?

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