My world double door

Chapter 247 Excellent Effect

[Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] The stronger the minor practitioner, the more benefits the major practitioner will get. This is a characteristic of absorption. So, will there be special effects when encountering special minor practitioners?

[Yin Yang Zhi Miao Jing] The third note: the more special the physique, the better.

Li Yang originally didn't understand what the so-called 'the more special the physique, the better' meant, but now looking at the little princess who had also been promoted to the Super Wood Magician, he seemed to understand.

The son of the intermediate wood element, does this count as a special physique?

In other words, this is simply a special physique.

And this kind of special physical training actually made up for the deep flaws and imperfections in his body in one fell swoop, and brought about majestic vitality, making all his various cultivation levels achieve breakthroughs with this complement.

‘What a good baby! ’

Li Yang couldn't help but think to himself, with a big smile on his face, and then looked at the little princess in his arms with piercing eyes: "Hera, my little baby, you know there are other women with special cultivation talents. ?"

"It seems that only the wife of the magic master Gel in the public domain of the human race is the son of the famous high-level ice element. I have never heard of others."

Hearing Li Yang's words, Hera shook her head slightly. Looking at the man holding her, she felt that it was a lucky thing to meet him. She actually blurted out the super wood magic she had been studying in her sleep. After learning it, I managed to break through to the level of super wood magician in a daze.

"However, Geler's wife is the famous Ice Queen. Her cultivation has long reached the level of Super Magician, Perfect Youth and Eternal Youth. She has also recently broken through to the level of Magic Master. She has been at home for a long time and hardly shows up."

Helaqing opened her red lips, thinking that her fiancé was curious about the special talent of a female elemental son after learning about her identity as an intermediate wood elemental son, so she asked softly.

"Is that so?"

Li Yang nodded suddenly, and then thought of the magician who guarded his shortcomings like a madman, feeling secretly regretful in his heart, and then looked at Hera in his arms with a smile: "We have chosen the treasure, it's time to get out of here, you Do you want me to carry you outside?"

"Oh, that's not possible. The princess's appearance cannot be ruined."

Hearing this, Hera hurriedly broke away from Li Yang's arms, then straightened her appearance, and looked at Li Yang with shame and annoyance: "It's all your fault for doing that kind of thing to others here. Now take a look and see if I have anything on my body." It feels weird somewhere.”

"No, it's very good, my little princess."

Li Yang scratched Hera's little nose with the corner of his mouth raised, and then said with a smile: "Do you want to stay in my mansion tonight?"

"No, if an unmarried princess just lives in her fiancé's house, she will be considered inappropriate. This will be bad for your reputation."

Hera shook her head hurriedly. The good education she received in the palace prevented her from accepting this kind of thing easily. However, seeing Li Yang's aggressive eyes, she struggled for a moment and lowered her head slightly: "But "It's not impossible for the princess to go home with her fiancé, but she must come out before evening."

"Oh, that's great. My big house is looking forward to the arrival of its future mistress."

Li Yang smiled and nodded when he saw this, and spoke softly. After speaking, a blush flashed on Hera's face. Thinking about the way she had been treated just now, she couldn't help but feel shy in her eyes, and then hurriedly Together with Li Yang, he took a step forward and entered the location behind the door where the techniques were transmitted.

As they stepped in, a burst of light from the magic circle flickered under their feet, and their figures disappeared from behind the door. When they reappeared, it was the gate of the 'treasure house' next to the palace.


The tall and majestic door opened, and the sunlight poured in. Li Yang and Hera walked out of the door together. The heavy door closed automatically, and Li Yang's key disappeared from the door.

"The key will be automatically returned to where it should be after use, so don't worry."

Seeing Li Yang looking at the door in surprise, Hera could guess what he was thinking and explained in a low voice with a smile. Li Yang raised his eyebrows and nodded: "This is convenient."

After saying that, he smiled and talked softly with Princess Hera under the dull gaze of the soldiers and walked out of the passage. After leaving the palace, they walked casually to Li Yang's mansion while chatting.

Hera always paid attention to her princess manners on the road, and she always maintained her noble temperament. With gentle steps along the way, the little princess who was not yet sixteen years old stepped into the gate of Li Yang, the Lion King's mansion.

As soon as the two people entered, sound was 100% isolated, and the door containing the power of the magic circle was closed.

Hera's delicate and noble body entered the house and turned around to look at the environment. Just when she was wondering why there were no servants here, her body was picked up from the ground by Li Yang beside her.


Hera snorted and said in a low voice: "I haven't had time to see what your mansion looks like~"

"It's okay, I'll hold you and watch."

Li Yang, who wanted to carefully experience the changes in the [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra], did not pause at all. As he spoke, he took off the clothes that were in the way of Hera and picked her up.

"Ah, this can't be done...oh..."

The delicate princess who has lived in the palace for a long time has never experienced such a rough thing, but at this moment she made a choice involuntarily.

Hera snorted, holding Li Yang's arms tightly with both hands, looking at the environment of Li Yang's mansion with slightly trembling eyes.


The little princess Hera was obviously obedient. Her father asked her to accompany Li Yang to get familiar with him, so she stayed with Li Yang all day.

It was not until the evening that the gentleman Mr. Li Yang personally sent the little princess Hera back to the palace in a private carriage. Then Mr. Li Yang rode under the watch of the little princess Hera and the queen who came to greet her. The carriage went back alone.

After returning to the mansion, Li Yang came to the quiet room and felt the immortal cultivation in his body that had made great progress in the ninth level of Qi refining. He also felt the magic power of thunder that was moving towards the perfect cultivation of a senior magician. The body becomes more rounded, the power of the soul is complete, condensed and clear, and the eyes are bright.

"Sure enough, practicing dual cultivation with someone with a special physique is of great benefit!"

The time in the treasure house was the dear little princess's first time, so Li Yang benefited a lot, but the subsequent effect today was also extremely amazing. The little princess he fucked didn't even touch the ground with her back feet after he picked her up. Can't bear to leave her.

If he continues to practice this day, his cultivation will improve greatly!

"Special physique..."

Li Yang's eyes flickered, and he silently understood various mysteries. Until the special features brought by various intermediate wood elemental sons were all in his heart, he happily practiced two more advanced souls and won the title of "King of Lions". Magical practice.

Now that he is a super soul magician, and he has learned so many advanced soul magics before, it is easy to turn around and learn these two advanced soul magics, and he can learn them all successfully in just two hours.

After performing it dozens of times and mastering it, Li Yang learned all the remaining advanced soul magics in one go, and continued to practice until the white fish belly rose from the sky in the early morning, and he had mastered them all.

Later, Li Yang, who was thinking about his marriage to the little princess, did not continue to indulge in cultivation. Instead, he slept for an hour to refresh himself, and then went out to visit the Crow family. Under the warm welcome of Recker, Redel and his son, he passed the Crow family The family purchased many slaves for the family.

Then I asked about the procedures for a wedding, only to learn that weddings in this world are very grand if they are said to be grand, and very simple if they are not grand.

"On the wedding day, the king will hold a banquet, and all the nobles in the city will come. You only need to announce at the banquet that you and Princess Hera are officially married."

Recker explained to Li Yang with a smile. After the explanation, he said with a smile: "My father heard about you and was very fond of you. He asked me to meet you. You can decide when the time is right. Meet my father?"

You have already traded [Soul Forbidden Curse and Obedience] to me, and you still want me to see that you are the father of a magic master?

"I think there will be a chance in the future, but before that, I have to go and accompany Princess Hera."

Li Yang rejected Recker's invitation with a smile, then said goodbye to the winking Reeder, turned around and left the Crow family.

"Li Yang's achievements are definitely beyond the imagination of many people. You have picked up a treasure this time."

Recker looked at Li Yang's leaving figure and sighed softly: "This is the first time I have seen someone with the same level of cultivation who can defeat someone with perfect qualifications!"

"Dad, I'm going to practice."

Leidel rolled his eyes, and after Li Yang left, he quickly returned to his place to continue practicing. He had just broken through to an intermediate magician and obviously had not lost the fun of practicing.

Recker looked at his son, shook his head, and said no more. He returned to his residence, picked up a piece of gold, and slowly absorbed the immortality in it.


The little princess Hera who returned to the palace was picked up by her fiancé at noon, seemingly to get acquainted with her future new house.

Compared with yesterday, the little princess seemed to be walking more briskly this time when pedaling.

She visited Li Yang's house until the evening before being sent to the palace by the gentleman Mr. Li Yang. She reluctantly watched Mr. Li Yang leave before leaving.

After returning to the mansion, Li Yang practiced [Mountain Stone] and [Thunder Body] for a long time, and fell asleep with satisfaction in the early morning.

Early the next morning, Li Yang put on a luxurious outfit and asked the servants to clean and tidy up the house. Then he went out with a smile and went to the palace to participate in the princess's wedding banquet, which had already been prepared.

The wedding banquet is held at noon, but nobles have gathered here since the morning. For the nobles in this world, every banquet is an opportunity for each other to trade, and even the wedding banquet will not be missed.

No, when Li Yang arrived, many families came over with smiles.

Some need him to make connections, some want to get acquainted with this future genius, and some want to make deals with him.

All in all, after his status as the number one genius of his race spread in the aristocratic realm, almost everyone had something to do with him.

Li Yang refused to accept anyone who came, and in just one morning, he signed a large amount of trade orders, and the glass products on the earth suddenly had a way out.

At noon, the king brought Prince Rule, the beautiful princess and the delicate little princess Hera to the stage. The venue fell silent for an instant, and the cheers continued until the kingdom gave a speech.

Under everyone's gaze, Li Yang stepped forward to hold the hand of the little princess Hera and raised it high, announcing that he would marry her.

Amid the cheers and celebrations of the crowd, Hera followed the majestic man with a red face and officially became his wife.

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