My world double door

Chapter 248 The princess who can’t see you in the daytime

The banquet lasted until evening. Li Yangcai and a group of nobles bid farewell to the king. He held Hera's hand and returned to his mansion openly.

"Welcome back home, madam!"

As Li Yang brought Hera home, bursts of cheers immediately erupted from the field. The servants who had arranged the mansion in advance welcomed Hera's return, which made Hera have a bright smile on her face. Li Yang He picked her up and carried her back to the room without disappearing.

"From now on, I will be your wife, no longer a princess, oh~"

Hera gasped and stroked Li Yang's strong muscles, her eyes gradually blurred: "You are always, always so crazy..."


The wedding room was filled with flowers and candles all night long until dawn.

The next morning, Hera looked at the rising sun and finally fell asleep, but Li Yang came to the quiet room to practice in high spirits.

As a newlywed, he has gained a lot from the [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Jing]. He is unwilling to spend a day and night learning super soul magic, so he did not choose to learn [Soul Crushing] but chose to practice the basic skills [Thunder Body] and [Thunder Magic]. 】

While practicing these two basic skills, he also did not forget the super pure physical combat skill [Mountain Stone] that can greatly increase his physical defense.

Now, with Li Yang's fifth-level extreme gene potion, plus the super early stage of pure physical cultivation, with a strong foundation, the time and efficiency of absorbing thunder elements have been greatly increased, and he no longer has to worry about the physical load.

In this way, he naturally practices the Thunder Technique more diligently.

After practicing like this all day, in the evening, when Princess Hera woke up from her bed, Li Yang just finished practicing. He returned to the room with a smile and pressed the waking princess on top of him again.





Time always flies very fast when you are happy.

After marrying Li Yang and coming to Li Yang's palace, Princess Hera lived a life without seeing the sun for sixteen days.

On the morning of the eighteenth day, she was finally able to get out of bed and see the sun, because Li Yang left.

Under the sun, Princess Hera reluctantly bid farewell to her husband who was going to participate in the race for hegemony. Prince Rule, who was standing next to the space shuttle magic weapon, joked:

"Don't worry, clingy princess. Your husband will be back soon. He only needs to practice at home for a while. Maybe, after you retreat once, your reluctant husband will appear in front of you."

"Oh, Uncle Lule, you must be safe and sound on your journey."

Hera was not angry at her uncle's joke, but spoke with a worried look.

"Okay, our little princess, as the wife of Li Yang Tianjiao, you should trust him even more, right?"

Standing next to Rule were four extraordinary beings with the same profound aura as him. One of the women wearing a hat smiled and reached out to touch Hera's head. She chuckled and said, "Before he comes back, your cultivation and Life will become smoother and smoother.”

When the woman in the hat finished speaking, there seemed to be some inexplicable aura gathering in the sky. Hera suddenly felt much more relaxed, and she couldn't help but feel at ease. She couldn't help but nodded: "Well, thank you, Supreme Wizard Auntie!”

Member of Prince Rule's Immortal Team, Supreme Witch!

"Hahaha, the sun has fully risen. It's time for us to set off. Goodbye, my little princess."

A big man in heavy armor stood aside and laughed. After speaking, he boarded the space with a big man in light armor, a magician in a robe, and a witch with Hera waving goodbye. In a mobile wooden house.

Prince Rule led a pure white horse with wings on its back, covered with a silver knight's armor. He also waved his hand to Hera before being the last one to enter the wooden house. The wooden house then started to take off, and Hera La took one last look at Li Yang sitting by the window and waved goodbye to him.


The next moment, the wooden house cut through the space shuttle area beside the imperial city and disappeared from Hera's eyes.

Hera let out a breath and watched the shuttle cabin disappear from sight. She also picked up her long skirt and got into the carriage beside her, heading back to Li Yang's mansion.


There is a special space in the wooden house.

A monster with healing white light all over its body flew into the house with a gentle smile, bringing light to the wooden house that was traveling through space.

Beside a wooden table, Shengli and Li Yang, who were holding four-winged dragon horses, sat on each side. Their eyes were constantly looking at the house that was much more luxurious than Recker's space carriage, and their eyes couldn't help but look at the flying thing in the middle. The Warcraft, feeling the wisps of healing light entering its body, secretly praised the strength of this team of immortals. It was enough to have such a luxurious space to travel through the wooden house. There was actually such a Warcraft in the wooden house.

While looking at it, he couldn't help but look at the five top transcendent beings in the world, namely, the Sky Knight who had transformed sixteen times, Prince Lule, and his team's unparalleled warrior Ge Liang, who had transformed sixteen times. Six transformations of Lightning Ranger Blue Line, sixteen times of Ruijin Magic Master's Domain, sixteen times of Supreme Wizard Melando

A luxurious and immortal lineup with sixteen professional transformations!

The attitudes of these people were very friendly, and they all smiled back at Li Yang. For both of them, these immortals were also full of curiosity.

A perfect knight who hadn't appeared in years.

One of them was able to defeat even a perfect knight. Everything made these immortals very curious.

"I heard that you have a special inheritance. Is it related to Thunder Mage?"

On the way to the public domain of the human race, Prince Lule couldn't help but look at Li Yang curiously and asked: "I have long felt the breath of thunder magic from you. Do you have the talent to practice thunder magic? Today, you have already practiced it. At the level of a high-level Perfect Thunder Mage, is this why you can defeat a perfect knight of the same level?"

Following Prince Rule's words, the rest of the people on the field also looked at Li Yang with exploratory expressions. Their expressions were self-evident, and they obviously felt the thunderous magic aura in Li Yang.

"What, you are the Thunder Mage!"

After Prince Lule finished speaking, Sheng Li, who was sitting on the side, couldn't help but speak in astonishment. Then he looked at Li Yang who was sitting calmly next to him in shock, and then said with relief: "Yes, except for Thunder Mage, Who can defeat a perfect knight of the same level?"

"In this way, my failure can be understood."

As Sheng Li said this, he couldn't help but brush the mane of the four-winged dragon horse beside him. He let out a light breath and looked at Li Yang with relief in his eyes.


The four-winged dragon horse also snorted, looking at Li Yang with a strange look in his eyes.

It seems that losing to a Thunder Mage is a matter of course.

After all, their perfect qualifications have never defeated the Thunder Mage since ancient times, so their failure is understandable.

Li Yang glanced at them, pursed his lips, and then looked at the immortals who were looking at him with bright eyes. He knew that with their strength, they could not be fooled, so he had to smile unnaturally: "The seniors are right, I am indeed a Thunder Mage."

During the period after his marriage to the little princess Hera, he worked hard day and night, and his cultivation also improved by leaps and bounds, and his thunder magic power directly reached an advanced and perfect level of cultivation.

In addition, the immortal cultivation in the body has also broken through to the ninth level of Qi refining and reached the tenth level of Qi refining. The body and soul have become more abundant. The progress of [Thunder Body] is getting deeper and deeper, and [Mountain Stone] has been successfully cultivated in one fell swoop. .

However, in the continuous day and night for half a month, Hera's outrageous benefit to him has also weakened, and now it has reached a stable level, which makes Li Yang secretly feel pity and at the same time he can't help but feel sad in his heart. He made plans to try to understand the super thunder magic.

As the saying goes, anything good as good as Lin Feng will destroy it. His current aura is dazzling enough. Before he reaches a higher level of strength, he does not want to reveal his uniqueness too much.

Judging from the importance the world attaches to Thunder Mage, it will definitely pay a lot of attention to Thunder Mage. If he exposes Thunder Mage again under such a halo situation, what kind of waves may it cause. If too many people pay attention to his words, it will be inconvenient for him to move. At that time, the gains outweigh the losses.

I just didn't expect that these people would see through it today.

But if you think about it carefully, it's normal. As the world's top extraordinary beings, their strength can echo the golden elixir of the world of immortality.

In comparison, when the powerful Jin Dan can see his body so clearly, these magic master-level powers should not even be able to tell that he possesses thunder magic power.

And... the thunder magic power will be exposed sooner or later anyway, and it will be seen when it is seen, and he cannot hide it for the rest of his life.

After thinking about this, the smile on Li Yang's face became much more natural.

He wouldn't be able to smile stiffly for too long in front of five golden elixir-level extraordinary beings...

"Although I am only eight hundred and fifty-seven years old, I have traveled across the mainland with my team and met some other Thunder Mages. However, most of them are trapped in the cultivation level of junior and intermediate Thunder Mages, and few of them can break through to the advanced level. And he has also practiced to become a high-level Perfect Thunder Master."

Hearing Li Yang's words, Prince Lule showed a smile on his face, and said in admiration: "You are able to practice the magic of thunder, become a thunder mage, and practice all the way to this level. You have great potential. Practice hard, we are optimistic about you!"

"This is a [Thunder Stone] that we obtained when we were wandering. It was originally stored in His Majesty the King's private treasury, but after seeing that you have thunder magic, the King directly decided to give this stone to you. "

Prince Rule said, with a smile on his face, he took out a palm-sized purple spar from his luxurious space ring and handed it to Li Yang, who was a little stunned: "This spar contains vigorous thunder elements. I hope it can It will be helpful to your practice.”

"We have also collected some secret books on Thunder Mage's practice, including those collected by the king. I hope they can be of help to you."

Rule said, waved his hand again, took out a bunch of secret books and handed them to Li Yang with a smile: "Of course, if you can understand the super thunder magic by yourself, and then break through to the super thunder mage, that would be the best, but everything cannot be done. It’s forcing, isn’t it?”

"No, this, this is so embarrassing."

Li Yang came back to his senses from the words 'only eight hundred and fifty-seven years old', holding the purple gem tightly, looking at a pile of thunder magic secrets, and couldn't help but say.

"Just high-level perfection or a super Thunder Mage is of no use. The world needs an immortal Thunder Mage. Not just us, many people are eager for the emergence of an immortal Thunder Mage."

Rule looked at Li Yang with a smile and said meaningfully: "This little help is nothing."

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