My world double door

Chapter 249 I’m so sorry (please vote for me every month!)

"The training conditions for Thunder Mages are demanding. Even we and the King don't know where thunder will often fall. However, Thunder Mages are naturally able to sense the occurrence of thunder and then chase it. This is the only thing we can help you with. ”

Prince Lule spoke with a smile on his face and motioned to Li Yang to put things away.

"If that's the case, then I'd rather be respectful than obey."

Li Yang rubbed his hands and put away a table of thunder magic secrets with a smile.

Seeing him putting away the secret book so happily, several immortals nodded silently.

"I hope your future practice will go well."

Seeing Li Yang accept it, Prince Lule nodded with satisfaction, then turned to look at Sheng Li with a relieved face: "As a knight, I like you very much. A born perfect knight is very rare. If you don't mind, , after you come back from the competition among the clans, you can stay with me and guide you in your practice."

"Uh, okay, okay, I'm very willing!"

Hearing that a sky knight who stood at the extreme limit of the extraordinary was willing to take him to practice together, Shengli raised his eyebrows in surprise, then nodded happily and agreed.

"As long as you are willing, I haven't seen such a talented junior knight in many years."

Hearing Shengli's surprised voice, Prince Lule flashed a smile and nodded.

Li Yang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this, and then regained his composure.

Of course, for Shengli, having such a strong person to guide him will definitely allow him to avoid detours and reach the ultimate cultivation level that his qualifications can achieve faster.

But equally, for the royal family, a perfect knight is a rare talent.

There was a sudden pause in the wooden house while he was talking. Rule stood up and opened the door, motioning for them to follow him out.

Li Yang and Shengli stood up from their chairs together, and followed Prince Rule's team out of the wooden house. When they arrived outside, a brand new city appeared in sight.

The thick green-brown city wall is full of desolation, full of coldness and hardness. Each of the strong soldiers is at least a junior warrior. Wearing heavy armor and holding a long sword standing on the city wall, there is one intermediate among every five people. Warriors, there is one high-level warrior among every ten people.

Powerful knights gathered inside the city wall, maintaining a tight military formation at all times. In the air, powerful knights riding Pegasus, griffins, flying wolves, eagles and other mounts gathered to form the Air Knights. On call.

Powerful magic arrays are spread throughout the city walls, on the ground and in the sky, and magic crossbows and magic catapults are spread all over the hands of the warriors.

Behind the warriors are the muscular rangers and the magicians wearing magic hats and holding wands.

Some wizards with various strange witchcraft are scattered throughout the city, sensing changes in the world at any time.

The area where the wooden house arrived was guarded by a powerful magic circle composed of knights, warriors, magicians, rangers, and wizards with extremely profound auras. It was not until they saw Prince Rule's face that they nodded slowly.

Rule did not neglect, and after putting away the space teleportation cabin that had brought them all the way here, he and his team escorted the curious Sheng Li and Li Yang with a solemn expression beside them.

It wasn't until we came out of the closed area surrounded by city walls that the scene in front of us became a little more relaxed, but the people coming and going were all tall warriors, knights, or other professionals.

Everyone is quick on their feet and has clear goals. There are no aimless wanderers, and most of them look very sharp.

Some vendors on the roadside didn't shout, but only spoke after being asked.

The roads were orderly in all directions, and from time to time, columns of soldiers wearing armor and holding spears walked through the streets.

Tension, orderliness, efficiency, and a heavy feeling hit your face as you step into this city.

"Is this an important border town between the human race and other races?"

Li Yang couldn't help but murmur in his mind, thinking of the towering defensive cliff. It seemed that the cliff could not contain the entire human race.

In other words, the [Defensive Cliff] of the Lion Kingdom is also one of the important areas on the human border, because there are barbarians in front of it. However, the barbarians are weak and the Lion Kingdom can easily take over as a country. This leads to an overall relaxed atmosphere on the border.

And here, we are facing three seemingly very powerful races: [Elves], [Dwarves], and [Demons]. There is no such strange danger as [Defense Cliff]. The natural atmosphere in the city is solemn, and the defense power is stretched. Full.

And...most of the people around him had black hair and yellow skin like him. It was obvious that they had arrived in another country when they traveled through the space shuttle cabin.

I just don’t know which country among the seven countries it is.

While Li Yang was pondering his thoughts, Rule had already led them to a house. A Super Perfection Master sitting inside saw Rule and others coming over. He stood up respectfully, and then looked at him carefully with a serious face. After using magic items to verify their identities one by one, he and Sheng Li were each given a waist badge.

Rule took Li Yang and Sheng Li, who had obtained the waist cards, along the way and came to an accommodation room with an extremely rough and simple style. He placed them in the rooms one by one and stayed here.

"You have just arrived in the city. You will rest here for a day. Tomorrow morning, we will take you to the [Golden Valley] to check the situation."

"The rules in the border town are strict. Your cultivation level is still low. Don't walk in and out at will. Otherwise, if you accidentally enter any management area, you may be arrested."

Rule warned them a few words, and then pointed to the room opposite: "We are in the room opposite. If you need anything, just come to us in time."

"Understood, senior."

Li Yang nodded and spoke, watching Rule lead his immortal team to the large suite in front to rest. He then turned around and briefly observed the room with only simple beds and sinks. Fortunately, there was a hard and A spacious training room.

There was nothing else to do, and he had to wait until tomorrow morning to go to the stadium. Li Yang hesitated and decided to take advantage of this time to master the super magic of [Soul Crushing].

As soon as he thought of this, Li Yang immediately sat cross-legged in the quiet room and began to practice. Although [Soul Crushing] is a super magic, he had already practiced [Soul Fall], [Soul Uplift] and [Soul Holy Thunder] before this. There are three super soul magics, so there is not much difficulty in practicing them.

As the day and night passed, he successfully mastered this super soul magic of pure merit. It was not until dawn the next day that he opened his eyes, exhaled, moved his waist, and felt the relay of the soul. Holy thunder, far-reaching, and the saw that reappeared after the white light of heaven nodded silently.

[Soul Grinding] The successful cultivation was not in vain for his time investment of one day and one night.

Immediately after walking out of the quiet room, I came into the room and found three lunch boxes placed at the door. When I opened it, I saw that they were all foods that contained extremely high energy but were very simple in preparation. I guess they were borderland characteristics. Li Yang picked it up and ate it all, and found that it tasted pretty good.

After eating, he happened to find that the door of the opposite room was open, and Prince Lule filed out with his team. At this moment, the door of the Shengli room next to Li Yang's room also opened, and the Shengli holding the four-winged dragon horse also followed. He walked out of it.

At the same time, a strange immortal team and the familiar perfect warrior Di En came out of the other two rooms.

It seems that while Li Yang was practicing, Di En also arrived with his team.

"You came out just in time. The sun has risen. We can go to the stadium and take a look."

Seeing everyone walking out as the sun rose, Rule showed a smile on his face: "Brother Blayuan, how about we act together."

"Two immortal squads are naturally safer than one immortal squad, and we have no objection."

Rule asked a handsome male magician. He responded with a smile, then nodded to Di En and brought him to his side.

Di En looked at Shengli and Li Yang, and nodded to them all. When he looked at Li Yang, he seemed to sense that his strength had improved again, and there was a flash of color in his expression.

Li Yang smiled upon seeing this and didn't say much. He smiled and followed the two immortal teams that had gathered together. Seeing that they were chatting happily, he casually looked at the surrounding environment.

Everyone walked out of their residence and came to the solemn and heavy city outside. They followed two immortal teams to a main hall to report. Not long after, a team of thousands of knights was dispatched. Their lowest cultivation level actually reached the level of senior knights. Degree!

"With the recent turmoil in the outside world, the genius of the human race cannot afford to lose anything. Please let us follow you together."

The leader and deputy leader of the knights are also Sky Knights, but their cultivation is much weaker than Rule and the others. When they met Li Yang and Shengli Dien, they spoke solemnly to Rule and the others.

"Thank you, thank you for your hard work!"

Hearing the words of the leader of the Knights, Rule and others raised their eyebrows, as if they had remembered something, and their expressions became much more solemn. They agreed without hesitation, and then looked at Li Yang and the others and said solemnly: "After we go out, No matter what happens, you three should never leave our side, do you understand?"

Seeing everyone's dignified looks, Li Yang and the other three naturally nodded slowly without asking any questions. Rule nodded after seeing this, then discussed with the knights, and brought out two white horses for Li Yang and the ground. Enqi got on, and then led them out of the city under the sharp gazes of many warriors.

The white horse is very fast and easy to control. Although Li Yang and Di En are not knights, they quickly adapted to the white horse's active cooperation. They followed the team on the white horse and quickly headed out of the city. Rush across the vast land.

Everyone here can fly, but no one mentioned it. Instead, they always rode horses on the ground and moved forward at a fast speed.

It was not until noon that the team slowly stopped outside a huge valley.

"That's the entrance to the Golden Valley. Surrounded by these mountains is the Golden Valley."

Lule and the magic monk named Bui Yuan pointed to the towering green mountains in front of them and the eye-like entrance formed between the two huge peaks. They spoke to Li Yang and the others. Just after they finished speaking, their eyes suddenly He raised his head and looked into the distance.

After only a moment, Li Yang raised his gaze and saw an elf cavalry regiment riding green horses appearing in his field of vision.

"The elves are here too, what a coincidence."

Another update, I’m so awesome! ! ! Asking for a monthly ticket! !

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