My world double door

Chapter 260 The princess is not clean anymore

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on Elf Princess Ai Xia, casting a layer of golden-red light on her perfect appearance and body. Under this light, the two scars on Ai Xia's neck that were left behind by Li Yang's magic power There is an abrupt feeling in the big characters on top of the perfect body.

【Li Yang】

The noble and perfect elf princess had a human male's name left on her neck. She was not the only one. Turning around, Leslie, the female beast master elf who was also shrouded in the sunset, also had such a name on her neck.

"What kind of power is this? I can't dispel it with my magic power."

Aixia touched the name Li Yang left on her neck, frowned slightly, and felt a little surprised. Then she felt a little relieved when she thought of Li Yang's terrifying power.

Perhaps this is really why he is so scary.

Astonished in her heart, Aisia looked at her uncle Seson beside her, and found that his eyes were focused on the robber who had kissed her forcefully. She could not help but cast her eyes along with him, and saw the burly and majestic man. The figure's heart is somewhat complicated.

She lightly bit her lips, which still seemed to have the aura of invasion from Li Yang. The smell of Li Yang was still lingering in her mouth. She was a little confused as she watched the majestic man in front of her merge into the cavalry regiment of her own race, feeling a little helpless. He leaned on and looked at the female elf Leslie beside him.

From today on, she no longer belongs to her.

And it belongs to this man.

She knew what this meant. Her status as a noble princess would inevitably be lost as her belonging changed, and everything she had earned through hard work in the elves would be gone. This kind of confusion made her unable to help but touch the clear light shining on her neck. name.

"Li Yang..."

As the princess murmured softly, the human cavalry regiment surrounded Li Yang and the Immortal Team and left amid the sharp whistles of the dwarves. The elves looked at the excited dwarves, turned their horses and left silently. , heading towards his clan’s land.

After the elves left, the excited group of dwarves turned around and walked away from here.



Atop the endless wilderness, snorting horses neighed and ran forward, heading towards the Great Wall at a very fast speed.

Horse hooves flew all the way, with the setting sun on our backs, and we finally stepped into the city when the sun was halfway down.

"[Lion Empire] Li Yang, the number one genius of the human race, won the first place in the competition for hegemony among the races, and won a large amount of 'bright grass' and 'gold'. In three months, he will get the Elf Princess Aisia, the Elf Super Beast Tamer Teacher Leslie’s two perfect and beautiful female elves as private property!”

The moment the knights entered the city, the leader Lule shouted loudly, shouting this exciting news over the entire city, which instantly caused the soldiers in the entire city to burst into excitement.

There were not many of them, but everyone knew the purpose and importance of their trip.

[Golden Valley] is just outside their city. Everyone here is very clear about the existence of [Golden Valley]. As the birthplace of the most important strategic resources, every action here is extremely important. Likewise, It will also attract the vague attention of each of them.

From the moment Li Yang and his party appeared in sight, they silently attracted everyone's attention. When they arrived, they became the focus of everyone's attention.

Rule clearly understood the thoughts of these warriors, so he told the excellent combat skills of his clan the moment he arrived. He knew that the warriors who had been here for a long time needed such news to cheer them up.

Sure enough, the moment the news came out, the entire Great Border Wall was boiling with excitement, and the soldiers all roared impassionedly to show their excitement.

"Oh oh oh!!!"

"Ho ho ho!!!"

Li Yang followed Rule into the city with a smile on his face. Hearing the roars from all around, he hugged his fists at the soldiers. Then, amid their more intense shouts, he asked Rule to take out a large amount of 'Bright Grass'. Their large number immediately caused a sensation in the entire border city.

Upon seeing this thing appear, specialized personnel immediately gathered together and brought these magical plants to the special magic array route, making the entire magic array more energy-rich and more lethal to the demons.

Li Yang raised his hand with a smile on his face, and there were cheers and celebrations everywhere.

While everyone was cheering and celebrating, the afterglow filled the sky and it became dark.

"Jiejie~! @~~"

Unpleasant and harsh screams came from the distant horizon, and a magical light immediately rose into the sky above the city, illuminating the area a hundred miles ahead in an instant.

"The demons are coming! Alert! Alert! Alert!"

Accompanying the magical searchlight were the shouts of the immortal beings. The next moment, the shouting warriors immediately changed from celebration to serious warning.

A chilling atmosphere enveloped the entire city.

"So many demons!"

Li Yang looked back towards the outside of the city in astonishment, with a continuous stream of demons reflected in his pupils.

There are those flying in the sky and those running on the ground. The demons flying in the sky cover the sky and the sun, and the demons running on the ground cover the entire earth. Looking at it, they are so densely packed that the whole world and the entire space seem to be filled in an instant. The demon clan.

The whole body is black with faint blue lines, the eyes are either red or blue, and the ferocious fangs are exposed. All kinds of weird bodies, showing bloodthirsty and strong desire for destruction, are crowding in. The demons make people seem to have trypophobia.

"All the geniuses of the demon race are dead. The other infected races are nothing. The key is the true demon. The existence of every true demon is equivalent to perfect qualifications. The demon race will inevitably launch crazy revenge on our human race."

Rule looked at the dense crowd of demons emerging at the end of his sight, with a solemn expression and a face full of determination: "You have collected so many 'bright grass' and you should be rewarded, but this time the demons are so powerful that even though the morale of the soldiers is... It will be difficult to resist even if it is greatly improved by us, so our team will stay here to help with defense.”

"If you have anything you want, you can tell me. I'll satisfy you first, and we'll talk about the rest after the demon siege is over and we return to the royal city of [Lion Kingdom]."

Rule squinted at the surging demons in front of him, and said hurriedly to Li Yang: "You three still have plenty of room for improvement. This kind of battle should not be the time for you to participate now. Wait a moment." There will be warriors driving space equipment to send you back to the public domain of the human race, and then contact the Kingdom's office in the public domain, and you can reach the Kingdom by taking their space shuttle magic device!"

"If you want any reward, tell us as soon as possible."

Lu Le spoke urgently, Li Yang's eyes moved slightly, and then he immediately said: "I want [Immortal Cultivation Method] and something related to beast control."

"for you."

After hearing this, Rule sent a message to Li Yang without hesitation. Li Yang felt a chill in his head, and then two more messages appeared in his mind: [Immortal Cultivation Method] [Psychic Knowledge]

"I need some spiritual practice experience."

Shengli also spoke in a low voice, and Lule gave him a ball of brilliance without hesitation. At the same time, Di En on the other side also asked for something. A warrior at the peak of immortality also gave his practice experience without reservation. passed on to them.

For geniuses like them who are born with perfect qualifications, they hardly need any material resources. Compared with resources, what they need is actually these knowledge resources. For them, these can save some training time and experience. More precious than material resources.

After the three people's needs were simply satisfied, Rule immediately asked people to take them away from the city wall, and they immediately stayed on the city wall to prepare.

"Fortunately, I took the lead in replenishing so many 'bright grass'."

Rule looked at the abundant 'bright grass' that had been replenished on the immortal demon-killing magic array on the city wall, and felt lucky in his heart.

Li Yang, who was led away from the city wall, glanced at them, blinked, turned around silently, and followed the knight who led them to the space teleportation point. After verifying his identity, he quickly stepped onto a space moving chariot. Then the chariot started, taking them into the air quickly.

"Jiejiejie~~~ @!"

Bursts of piercing and weird roars came from behind, accompanied by violent vibrations caused by strong magic.

However, as the chariot rose into the air, and then stepped into the space shuttle, these sounds were also submerged in the space shuttle, and silence returned to the chariot in a moment.

The rest of the battle has nothing to do with them.

"Do these demons often attack the city in large numbers like this?"

On the way back, Li Yang tapped his knees with his fingers, looked up at the knight in the chariot, and couldn't help but ask.

"An attack of this scale is still very rare. After all, our city has been defended by the immortal magic circle that has been deployed for many years. We naturally have a huge advantage. People from the Seven Kingdoms can arrive at any time for reinforcements, unless they start a clan war. , otherwise don’t expect to get any favors.”

Hearing Li Yang's words, the knights around him shook their heads slowly and said, and then a smile appeared on their faces: "You have killed so many talented demons this time. You must have made some demon groups furious. The fact that so many demons are being dispatched is definitely not a battle of all clans, otherwise these would not be the only demons that come."

only these……

Li Yang thought about the densely packed demons outside the city wall, and then looked at the knights who didn't look worried. He couldn't help but secretly sigh, these border warriors really have a broad tolerance threshold.

‘I didn’t expect that this seemingly peaceful world would have such a big crisis hidden behind it. ’

Li Yang secretly whispered in his heart, but after thinking about it, he felt relieved - ever since he entered this world, he felt that the atmosphere between the extraordinary people here was very harmonious and relaxed.

If it is a closed resource world, with the consumption of resources, the atmosphere between extraordinary people should be very tense. Even ordinary people who want to step into the extraordinary will not have the opportunity, and the geniuses will not be like this. Be taken seriously.

The occurrence of this situation can only prove that there are more urgent things in front of them than resource constraints, and they need a steady stream of extraordinary people - demons.

Thinking of this, Li Yang suddenly felt enlightened. Then he looked at the silent Sheng Li and Di En in the chariot, nodded to the knights, then closed his eyes and said no more.

Another thing came to his mind - thirty-five days have passed, and the level 6 gene potion he ordered in the apocalyptic world should be ready.

‘Just in time, I picked up the potion on the way back this time. ’

Li Yang thought to himself, looking forward to what kind of transformation the extreme level six genetic medicine would bring to him.

Then he thought about the perfect and beautiful elf princess Aisia, who looked like a work of art, and the female beast master Leslie, with her back leaning against the wooden wall of the chariot, and another smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.


The shuttle space shuttle escorted by the knights was obviously much slower than Rule's luxurious wooden house.

It obviously felt like it took twice as long to slowly arrive at the location.

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