My world double door

Chapter 261 You, scolding me? (More updates at the end of the month, please vote for me!)

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A bright silver chariot shuttled through the air and stopped at the area where the powerful men of the Seven Kingdoms were stationed. Li Yang and the others got off the chariot, and the accompanying knights also got off the chariot.

"After all, the number of demons this time is relatively large, which is different from the past, so we also need to report it to the Seven Kingdoms."

The knights explained to Li Yang and the others. Then the team leader collected the chariot and led the team of knights around him to pay a solemn military salute to Li Yang and the others: "Frontier soldiers will always remember your contribution."

Li Yang and the other three looked back at them and returned the same salute. Then they shook their heads and sighed. They hurriedly went to various countries to inform the demons about the invasion, and then walked outside together.

The strong men guarding the place of teleportation knew that they had returned triumphantly from the competition among the various tribes in the [Golden Valley], and they all saluted them with admiration.

"The journey of this competition is over, what are your plans next?"

On the way, Di En, who came from another kingdom, looked around, and then looked at Li Yang and Sheng Li who had been getting along with each other for these days, and couldn't help but speak softly.

"I plan to cultivate to the peak of immortality as quickly as possible, and then go to the border to guard the defense line with those soldiers."

Shengli held the four-winged dragon horse, with determination in his eyes: "Blood and fire, courage and fighting are the romance of men!"

"What about you, Di En, what are your plans?"

After Sheng Li finished speaking, he looked at Di En and asked back with a smile.

"I have the same idea as you. I think that after we break through to the peak of immortality together, we can go to the border to guard together."

Di En's face was full of smiles, and Shengli's eyes lit up: "Really, that would be great. Maybe we can also sign a team contract like our seniors did and form our own team!"

In this competition, although the immortal teams of the two tribes did not take many shots, the deep majesty they carried deeply affected the Holy Power... It made him feel cool, and he felt a sense of yearning in his heart. meaning.

"What about you, Li Yang, what are your plans?"

After the two of them finished talking to each other, Shengli couldn't help but look at Li Yang and asked uncontrollably.

"First break through to the peak level of immortal combat power, and then get the elf princess and super beast master Leslie back from the elves. As for the rest, we will talk about it later."

A smile flashed across Li Yang's lips and he spoke softly.

"Um, did you get it wrong? The Elf Princess and the two of them are subject to the bet. You only need to wait three months to bring them back and become your private property. But if you want to break through to the peak of immortality, this It will take at least several decades of practice.”

Hearing Li Yang's words, Shengli and Di'en were stunned, and then Shengli asked in surprise.

"It's not the other way around. What I'm talking about is the combat power of the immortal peak level. Which one is faster and which one is slower will be revealed when the time comes."

Li Yang spoke with a smile and moved his eyes after speaking: "Why don't we make a bet to see who can achieve the immortal peak level of combat power first? Whoever wins, if a combat team is established in the future, whoever it is will be the captain, and the others will have to listen to whoever it is. how?"

"Well, I won't bet."

Shengli was stunned for a moment, then pursed his lips: "Unless you bet with me that you can transform at the peak level of immortality faster than Elf Princess Aisia and the others, I won't agree."

"What do you think, Dean?"

After Sheng Li finished speaking, he looked at Di En again and said with joy, "It would be great if we let this guy obey our orders."

"Oh, in that case, I'll bet on it too."

Di En's lips twitched for a moment when he heard this, and then he couldn't help but look at Li Yang with burning eyes.

"Okay, it's a deal."

Li Yang curled his lips, then smiled: "I'm happy to accompany you."

"That's great, see you in three months!"

The eyes of Sheng Li and Di En both lit up, and then they said goodbye to Li Yang with a smile, looked at each other, left the place with joy, and walked in different directions with Li Yang.

"What I want to return to is not the King's City of the Lion King, but another important city. If the two of us don't get along, I will go to the capital to find you in three months. Don't forget your promise today!"

Shengli's high-spirited voice came from the front. Li Yang raised his eyebrows and watched them leave with a smile.

"What's wrong with betting with me? Bet on this."

Li Yang looked at the time. There were still twelve hours before the thirty-five days officially ended. By then, all seven bottles of sixth-level genetic medicine would be in his hands.

It may only take one day to break through the peak of immortal combat power.

"Elf Princess..."

Recalling the fragrant lips of Elf Princess Aysia that he tasted at the exit of [Golden Valley], Li Yang couldn't help but licked his lips, full of anticipation in his heart.

The reason why he was willing to wait for three months was probably because he was waiting for his strength to improve.

After all, Aisia is an elf princess, with such a noble status, and the opponent has so much immortal-level combat power. If he acts rashly, who knows what will happen.

Even if the other party breaks the contract, there is nothing he can do.

But when he himself possesses the peak immortal combat power...

Li Yang is looking forward to the power of the sixth-level genetic medicine.

I am even more looking forward to what will happen after getting the sixth-level gene potion...

"Immortal soul, thunder magic..."

The extraordinary power of this world flashed in his heart. Li Yang felt the magic power in his body and walked towards the [Lion Kingdom] office in a happy mood. He had to go to the Royal City first, and then return to Black Rock City to deal with other matters. .

He has not yet surrendered the earthly dragon left behind by the demon soul inheritor. He happened to go back to love and care for the princess of the kingdom, and then took her to [Cabro City] to pick up the noble lady Karin and help Xiaoka by the way. Lin can deal with the once hostile family, and life is simply wonderful.

Of course, you have to go to the apocalyptic world early tomorrow morning to get the sixth-level genetic medicine and take it. Only when you are strong can you feel at ease.

Thinking of this, Li Yang couldn't help but walk on the road with a chuckle, stretching comfortably.

But suddenly, a strong magic wave struck from the front. He narrowed his eyes and dodged slightly, instantly avoiding the magic attack.


A flame knife containing explosive power exploded instantly after landing. In an instant, rubble flew into the air, and was carried by the explosion energy and flew in all directions.

"come here."

As the flame knife attack landed, there was also a voice full of undoubted air. Li Yang squinted his eyes and looked up, but saw two arrogant long-faced magicians in robes in a brightly lit restaurant next to the street in front of him. looked at him.

"What are you looking at? I asked you to come over!"

Seeing Li Yang looking up, the other long-faced man frowned. In an instant, the magic wand in his hand burst into magical light. He looked at Li Yang and said, "You thing with no eyes, I asked you to come here, so why don't you get over here."

"Are you here, talking to me?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows, pointed at his nose, looked around, and chuckled a little ridiculously: "Things without eyes? Tell me to get over? Are you scolding me?"

Hearing Li Yang's slightly ridiculous voice, the two magicians upstairs who were illuminated by lighted oil lamps raised their brows and their eyes became cold.

"Grudges, rubbish, in need of education."

The magician on the right immediately released the high-level wind magic in his hand, with a slight expression on his face: "Bitch, I want you to know how to treat people from superior families!"


As soon as the magician finished speaking, the cold light wind blade in his hand flew out, instantly creating a ripple on the ground. A flash of surprise suddenly flashed in his eyes: "You can still dodge it."

As soon as the voice fell, I suddenly felt someone tapping me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw that Li Yang had appeared behind them at some point.

As soon as their eyes focused, they saw two fingers suddenly enlarged in their sight at a speed that was beyond the ability to react.

Until, my eyes were in severe pain.


A shrill scream suddenly rang out from the restaurant. Li Yang casually threw away the four eyeballs in his hand, looked at his empty eyes, covered his eyes, blood flowed from the gaps in his palms, and wailed miserably. The two magicians shook their heads regretfully. Shaking his head: "But now it seems that you don't have eyes."

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The two magicians lay on the ground twitching and wailing. The screams attracted the attention of passers-by who had already focused their attention because of the sudden magic attack. They shifted their gazes to them, looking at them with a smile. He looked at Li Yang, who was squatting on the spot, with surprise and suspicion.

"Bold, whoever dares to hurt my adopted magician will die!"

A roar came from the restaurant, followed by the strong aura brought by two super magicians.

"scold me?"

Li Yang turned a deaf ear to the sounds in the restaurant behind him. He just wiped the blood from his hands on the two wailing magicians, and then punched them hard in the mouth with his fists.


Two masses of blood mist were ejected from their mouths along with their teeth that turned into powder. The teeth, tongues and throat tissues were shattered together. The two magicians who had holes dug out in their eyes were unable to send out a single sound. He could only gasp wildly, fell to the ground and twitched.

"It seems that you are more uneducated than me. No, if I educate you, you will change your habit of swearing. That's great."

Li Yang said with a smile, and then looked around: "What's left?"


After Li Yang finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows and suddenly flew out with a kick. Under the violent surge of power, their bodies instantly turned into a ball of soft flesh and rolled into the restaurant where the sound of shouting and cursing could be heard.

"Looking for death, you dare to hurt the magician of the Gullah family, you are so brave!"

"Heirs of Gele are here, where are the wild dogs that dare to kill people wantonly!"

"You dare to be so arrogant in front of the children of Gele, you are a rotten pig and dog who doesn't want to live!"

"You have disturbed Young Master Lia's elegant mood. If you don't immediately die to apologize, do you want to wipe out the entire clan!"

Continuous angry shouts came from the mouths of four different super transcendent beings. Li Yang raised his eyebrows and squinted at the hall where the shouts and curses came from.

"The border soldiers faced the demons so fearlessly, and they are the ones protecting you trash?"

Li Yang snorted lightly, and the next moment his body suddenly moved, and he rushed into the living room in an instant.


In the luxurious hall, three fat men with excited faces sat on the stage. Each of them was surrounded by various women, holding a piece of paper in their hands and looking at it.

Luxurious decorations, fine wines, all kinds of delicious food and luxuriously dressed and flattering people filled the hall. When Li Yang appeared, he was greeted by shouts and curses.

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