My world double door

3000 monthly tickets for additional updates! More updates at the beginning of the month!

It’s time to update, brothers, a wave of exciting climax is about to come.

And it seems that the number of monthly tickets can really reach 3,000, which is just over 200 short. Brothers, hurry up. If it reaches 3,000 monthly tickets, then we will add another chapter!

Not only today, but next month, if there are 1,000 monthly votes before the 4th, then there will be an update on the 4th together with the 3,000 monthly votes for this month.

If the monthly votes this month reach 3,000, and there are another 1,000 monthly votes before the 4th, then the two additional chapters will be settled on the 4th, and the minimum guarantee will be 10,000 on the 4th, and there is no limit to additional updates!

During the double monthly pass period from the 4th to the 7th, if I can get another thousand monthly passes, I will add another chapter and settle it on the 7th or 8th!

Brother No. 7 is getting married, but updates should be guaranteed.

Brothers, three thousand monthly tickets, a new peak, rush to 1

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